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Quotes By Famous Authors: [I]

Ian Bannen

Michael O'Sullivan was my great friend. But I don't ever remember telling him that. The words that are spoken at a funeral are spoken too ...

Inge Ignatia De Waard

Knowledge is key, without knowledge, leadership, and action plans that fit the actual challenges, all of our businesses and organizations are lost. By providing training, ...

Ilya Ehrenburg

It is difficult to uproot fully grown plants; they become diseased and often perish. In Russia now they practise winter transplanting: a tree is dug ...

Indu Muralidharan

Sweet as the past may be, it best remains pressed between the pages of memory, savoured for a moment or two on quiet Sunday afternoons.

Ion Keith-Falconer

I have but one candle of life to burn, and I would rather burn it out in a land filled with darkness than in a ...

Ikujiro Nonaka

Without real exchange, you can't create knowledge.

Ian Hamilton

Thank you, but I have never had a large capacity for grief. I prefer looking ahead to looking back. Swimming to Hong Kong limited my ...

Ida B. Wells

The South resented giving the Afro-American his freedom, the ballot box and the Civil Rights Law.

Isabel Vincent

The secret is treating family like guests and guests like family.

Ilene Beckerman

When I was your age ... I wish I'd known that I already had everything I needed within myself to be happy, instead of looking ...

Ian Shoales

I don't like people who speak French in public places. This includes the French.

Indiana Evans

When you do a remake, there's a lot of pressure because people always love the original.

I. J. Good

When discussing complex systems like brains and other societies, it is easy to oversimplify: I call this Occam's lobotomy.

Ichiro Ozawa

We need to strengthen Asian diplomacy.

Ian Colquhoun

At the back of my mind I wanted to be a journalist when I grew up since I didn't seem to be getting any better ...


Don't worry please please how many times do I have to say itthere's no way not to be who you are and where.

Irshad Kaukab

When you are at the top then is only one way to go and thats Down

Ian G. Barbour

Doubt frees us from illusions of having captured God in a creed; it calls into question every religious symbol.

Ismet Ozel

Though my voice is eager to tune to marches,toady to wine and city...


Question: You're 21-years-old, a young adult writing mature adult literary fiction. Imaj: Yes, I feel creativity is an ageless thing.


The 6 elements of life are to laugh, give, share, enjoy, care, and live a strong and full life.

Ian Ballard

To regret anything is to regret myself.For if I plucked out these painful pieces, I'd be someone else, living another life.

Ira Gershwin

I'd like to add her initial to my monogram...

Ina Claire

I guess one gets the face one deserves.

Immanuel Kant

Every man is to be respected as an absolute end in himself; and it is a crime against the dignity that belongs to him as ...

Ivan Misner

Networking is not about hunting. It is about farming. It's about cultivating relationships. Don't engage in 'premature solicitation'. You'll be a better networker if you ...

Immortal Technique

I wasn't always a revolutionary, I used to live life like a criminal even though I was going through high school or college, or the ...

Isabella Beeton

The kitchen is the great laboratory of the household, and much of the 'weal and woe' as far as regards bodily health, depends on the ...

Irene Ziegler

As that great philosopher, Mary Poppins, once said, 'A spoonful of sugar makes the feminism go down.

Iris Krasnow

The Buddhists say that you have to think about your own death every single day. It makes you more humble to know this day is ...


Facts you can bend. Memories are much stronger things.

Isaac Goldberg

The greatest tribute one can give to a writer is that it is simply enough to read him.

Indigo Bloome

Either way, what has happened, has happened, what will be, will be. I just don't know how it will end, or whether i will survive ...


No one will ever be the servant of the Son without serving the Mother.

Isabella Modra

When there is nothing else, there is always faith to cling onto.

Igor Ivanov

The resolution has made a real threat of war go away and opens the way for further work in the interests of a political- diplomatic ...

Irina Sopas

And in the end... Not even that old familiar sensation of emptiness. Just a hint of helplessness, a frustration for a lost time from a ...

Ignaz Semmelweis

Semmelweis reflex: The tendency to reject new evidence or new knowledge because it contradicts established norms, beliefs or paradigms

Ibraheem Hamdi

You shall learn that reality is a cover, that imagination is our true essence. That a blur is more beautiful than what it hides, that ...

Ian Williams

I think when I began, I played distortion more than the guitar. The results of my strumming. Now I play the twang of the string, ...

Isaac Jogues

My confidence is placed in God who does not need our help for accomplishing his designs. Our single endeavor should be to give ourselves to ...

Irving Babbitt

The democratic idealist is prone to make light of the whole question of standards and leadership because of his unbounded faith in the plain people.

Irene Adler

Brainy is the new sexy.

ISV Foundation Committee On Translation

Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will work for kings, not unimportant people.

Isabelle Richards

Seriously, Chase, I think when you broke up with her, something snapped. Thank God you don't have any bunnies because they'd be in a boiling ...

Iza Calzado

I love him Ginny ... and in love, there is no fear.

Ilsa Madden-Mills

Somedays will eat you alive. They're promises you make to fool yourself into believing everything will turn out right in the end.

Inmate Of The Glasgow Royal Asylum

Lunacy, like the rain, falls upon the evil and the good, and although it must forever remain a fearful misfortune, yet there may be no ...

Ian F. Haney-Lopez

We have learned to see racism in the spittle-laced epithets of the angry bigot. We must also learn to see racism in the coded racial ...

Ian Caldwell

That was the recipe of our relationship, I think. We gave each other what we never expected to find.

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