Top 20 Edward Bellamy Quotes

#1. With a tear for the dark past, turn we then to the dazzling future, and, veiling our eyes, press forward. The long and weary winter of the race is ended. Its summer has begun. Humanity has burst the chrysalis. The heavens are before it.

Edward Bellamy

Edward Bellamy Quotes #72574
#2. Looking Backward was written in the belief that the Golden Age lies before us and not behind us.

Edward Bellamy

Edward Bellamy Quotes #341243
#3. The folly of men not their hard heartedness was the great cause of the world s poverty.

Edward Bellamy

Edward Bellamy Quotes #392574
#4. An American credit card ... is just as good in Europe as American gold used to be.

Edward Bellamy

Edward Bellamy Quotes #636934
#5. Is a man satisfied, merely because he is perfumed himself, to mingle with a malodorous crowd?

Edward Bellamy

Edward Bellamy Quotes #821554
#6. Equal wealth and equal opportunities of culture ... have simply made us all members of one class.

Edward Bellamy

Edward Bellamy Quotes #855118
#7. Hold the period of youth sacred to education, and the period of maturity, when the physical forces begin to flag, equally sacred to ease and agreeable relaxation.

Edward Bellamy

Edward Bellamy Quotes #878064
#8. I first saw the light in the city of Boston in the year 1857.

Edward Bellamy

Edward Bellamy Quotes #1049581
#9. And in heaven's name, who are the public enemies?" exclaimed Dr. Leete. "Are they France, England Germany or hunger, cold and nakedness?

Edward Bellamy

Edward Bellamy Quotes #1107389
#10. The primal principle of democracy is the worth and dignity of the individual.

Edward Bellamy

Edward Bellamy Quotes #1128119
#11. Badly off as the men ... were in your day, they were more fortunate than their mothers and wives.

Edward Bellamy

Edward Bellamy Quotes #1182987
#12. Your system was liable to periodical convulsions ... business crises at intervals of five to ten years, which wrecked the industries of the nation.

Edward Bellamy

Edward Bellamy Quotes #1198641
#13. The effect of change in surroundings is like that of lapse of time in making the past seem remote.

Edward Bellamy

Edward Bellamy Quotes #1465890
#14. Competition, which is the instinct of selfishness, is another word for dissipation of energy, while combination is the secret of efficient production.

Edward Bellamy

Edward Bellamy Quotes #1490332
#15. Caligula wished that the Roman people had but one neck that he might cut it off, and as I read this letter I am afraid that for a moment I was capable of wishing the same thing concerning the laboring class of America.

Edward Bellamy

Edward Bellamy Quotes #1518397
#16. No republic can long exist unless a substantial equality in the wealth of citizens prevails.

Edward Bellamy

Edward Bellamy Quotes #1550279
#17. Buying and selling is essentially antisocial.

Edward Bellamy

Edward Bellamy Quotes #1572402
#18. If bread is the first necessity of life, recreation is a close second.

Edward Bellamy

Edward Bellamy Quotes #1596572
#19. This mystery of use without consumption, of warmth without combustion, seems like magic, but was merely an ingenious application of the art now happily lost but carried to great perfection by your ancestors, of shifting the burden of one's support on the shoulders of others.

Edward Bellamy

Edward Bellamy Quotes #1680044
#20. The nation guarantees the nurture, education, and comfortable maintenance of every citizen from the cradle to the grave.

Edward Bellamy

Edward Bellamy Quotes #1876376

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