Top 6 Li Cunxin Quotes

#1. Indeed, everything was a shock at the beginning. The wash machines, dryers, dishwashers, garbage disposal machines, juicers, toasters, and yes, the ATM machines. Watching money spilled out of a wall was simply amazing!

Li Cunxin

Li Cunxin Quotes #446593
#2. Every free minute away from dance (my main focus) I was memorizing new English words, either showering, walking or on the toilet. I started reading English books even though I had very limited vocabulary.

Li Cunxin

Li Cunxin Quotes #508665
#3. At 35 years of age, I realized that my ballet career wasn't going to last for ever. As a parent of three young children, I had to start to plan my future after dance even though I dreaded about.

Li Cunxin

Li Cunxin Quotes #544421
#4. Never give up. Don't let good ideas be buried with you. Breathe it. Dream it.
Live it and relentlessly pursue your ideas and ideals.
Without them you cannot achieve anything meaningful in life.

Li Cunxin

Li Cunxin Quotes #1138543
#5. In order to fly, you have to be free.

Li Cunxin

Li Cunxin Quotes #1457459
#6. I was one of two first cultural exchange artists been allowed to go to the West. I knew it was such a rare opportunity and I had to treasure it by giving my utter most to achieve excellence.

Li Cunxin

Li Cunxin Quotes #1507810

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