Top 16 Your Scars Are Beautiful Quotes

#1. Your scars are beautiful. It means you survived. It means you're here with me." He kissed my wrist, light as a feather - and changed everything about us. "It's my favorite part of you,

Ilsa Madden-Mills

Your Scars Are Beautiful Quotes #163643
#2. She just keeps kissing my scars. Every scar. She knows about them all. She watched them all appear and heal. Sophie's lips against me make every punch, every kick, every wound, every scar worth it.

Chelsea Fine

Your Scars Are Beautiful Quotes #35363
#3. I have a lot of scars, man. My mother said that a man is not a man unless he has a scar on his face. And what she meant by a scar was some kind of battle that you had to go through, whether it was psychological or physical. To her, a scar was actually beautiful and not something that marred you.

Nick Nolte

Your Scars Are Beautiful Quotes #462766
#4. You know how I feel about your scars. They only make you more beautiful.

Karina Halle

Your Scars Are Beautiful Quotes #695404
#5. If I'd learned anuthing about scars from Graham's novels, it was that they, too, could be beautiful.

Brittainy C. Cherry

Your Scars Are Beautiful Quotes #790245
#6. Being around him felt like being around someone who saw your scars and called them beautiful when you only saw your past mistakes.

Brittainy C. Cherry

Your Scars Are Beautiful Quotes #871367
#7. You know, I've always thought scars were beautiful. Really. They remind me of my Saviour. You know, without scars, Jesus would look like any other man. His scars proved his love for you and me. He became marred and disfigured by choice, because of his love.

J.E.B. Spredemann

Your Scars Are Beautiful Quotes #987679
#8. I'm a woman. That means I break hard. And mend like a motherfucker; all sexy and full of heartbreakingly beautiful scars.

Staceyann Chin

Your Scars Are Beautiful Quotes #1019700
#9. I think that facing your own ugliness ... and trying to change yourself
turning your scars into strengths ... is very strong and beautiful.

Minari Endou

Your Scars Are Beautiful Quotes #1304239
#10. Why won't you look at me?" she murmurs.
He doesn't speak, seemingly at a loss for words.
"It's my scars." It comes out as barely a whisper.
Horror spasms across his face. "What? No," he says, a bit breathless. "You're beautiful. All of you.

Laura Kreitzer

Your Scars Are Beautiful Quotes #1319525
#11. You can't be a rebel without the scars that come with it. Truth is, some days scars are just as ugly as they are beautiful.

Criss Jami

Your Scars Are Beautiful Quotes #1342204
#12. Still, his scars, combined with the serpentine wound now visible without the bandage covering his shoulder, made him all the more dangerous.
He was, to me, terrifyingly beautiful.

Kristen Simmons

Your Scars Are Beautiful Quotes #1423404
#13. He was beautiful in a way that hurt me, but it was the sweetest pain I ever knew, better even than the scars I took on my naming day.

Ann Aguirre

Your Scars Are Beautiful Quotes #1442651
#14. Sometimes I think my scars are beautiful, but then I remember not everyone shares the same love of art.

Piper Payne

Your Scars Are Beautiful Quotes #1616367
#15. Don't ever sell yourself short. Stand tall. Never be ashamed of who you are. You are beautiful, you are loved. You are needed. You are worth it. Promise me you won't forget that. Promise me you won't let your scars define who you are. Let your trials shape you. Let your victories humble you.

Jennifer Nettles

Your Scars Are Beautiful Quotes #1696120
#16. There is something beautiful about all scars of whatever nature. A scar means the hurt is over, the wound is closed and healed, done with.

Harry Crews

Your Scars Are Beautiful Quotes #1756180

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