Top 54 Your Earrings Quotes

#1. Matching your hat to your shoe to your bag, or your necklace to your earrings, has a tendency to look dated. Mixing up your accessories adds interest to an outfit, and can make you look much more modern and polished.

Stacy London

Your Earrings Quotes #1060014
#2. When I am actually willing to marry you, I will wear your earrings. Don't wait for it, Thief.

Megan Whalen Turner

Your Earrings Quotes #838864
#3. The sun beasts the shit out of a dirty road called Raton Pass where the closest thing to a pair of matching earring is a guy named Carl who punches you in the head with his fist.

Amelia Gray

Your Earrings Quotes #320313
#4. When I was little, I went to the Sahara desert and met an older woman with beautiful earrings that came all the way down to her stomach. She told me, 'For us Tuareg, jewelry is not meant for decoration. It absorbs negative energy that comes your way.' So think twice when you buy a vintage ring!

Sofia Boutella

Your Earrings Quotes #1857673
#5. The funny thing is that my husband couldn't be sweeter. He looks like this bad boy. He's got tattoos and earrings and a mohawk, but when you talk to him and he's around you, he's such a gentleman. He holds doors for ladies. He pulls out chairs. He cooks. He cleans.

Malin Akerman

Your Earrings Quotes #333198
#6. It is true that in France, women put on less things. If they have a necklace, they don't put on earrings; if they have nail polish, they don't put on all their rings and all their bracelets.

Ines De La Fressange

Your Earrings Quotes #356600
#7. But I'll never be one of those women who feel that they always have to wear earrings and aren't properly dressed without them.

Jennifer Garner

Your Earrings Quotes #373547
#8. Do you or do you not like wearing earrings in your mouth that will one day smell like your ex-boyfriend's dick?

Carrie Fisher

Your Earrings Quotes #387682
#9. Throughout the years, many Christian women have told me of their great respect for the bravery and courage evident in my work, perhaps even gesturing to their own Isis earrings or a Nile River Goddess pendants.

Carol P. Christ

Your Earrings Quotes #412344
#10. And each stroke of his tongue ripped off skin after successive skin, all the skins of a life in the world, and left behind a nascent patina of shining hairs. My earrings turned back to water and trickled down my shoulders; I shrugged the drops off my beautiful fur.

Angela Carter

Your Earrings Quotes #455292
#11. Women had little security other than jewelry, so even the poorest among us sported gold chains, earrings, and rings as their insurance.

Yangsze Choo

Your Earrings Quotes #475045
#12. You'd better. Otherwise Stryker and I will feast on your innards, bathe in your blood and I will use your eyes as earrings. (Zephyra)
You know, with imagery like that, you should write for Hallmark. (Jericho)

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Your Earrings Quotes #489701
#13. As I get older, I use less jewelry - necklace or earrings each morning, not both; my clothes are getting more basic - fewer colours and simpler cuts; and my make-up is stripped back to basics.

Tracy Chevalier

Your Earrings Quotes #489788
#14. I'm never quite sure how far to go with praising young kids because the next thing you will see him probably driving a Mercedes and he'll have his socks over his knees and four earrings in and a Walt Disney hat.

Paul Lambert

Your Earrings Quotes #497587
#15. 'Lost Boys' is one of my all-time faves. I just thought it would be great to be a vampire. I remember this movie called 'Once Bitten,' which is about an '80s sort of power girl who became a vampire and was really, like, sexy. Hair like she was from 'Dallas,' shoulder pads, big earrings.

Lena Headey

Your Earrings Quotes #499249
#16. I can't tell you how many times I've gone to present at the Golden Globes, come home, whipped the dress off and read to my daughter wearing gazillion-dollar earrings. That's how it goes in my house, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Kate Beckinsale

Your Earrings Quotes #506425
#17. Earrings are like orgasms. You can never have too many."
" I never thought about it quite that way."
Well, you're a man. " She gave his knee a friendly pat.

Nora Roberts

Your Earrings Quotes #512057
#18. Coretta Scott King was all about her pearl earrings. At one point, I'm wearing pearl earrings the size of golf balls. They're enormous! She was bold-she knew that she was the Jackie Kennedy of her community.

Carmen Ejogo

Your Earrings Quotes #547652
#19. You say I'm a demigod. I say I'm a receipt. My dad crafted a pair of earrings for Freya. She married him for a day. She

Rick Riordan

Your Earrings Quotes #553345
#20. So, how long has my mother had this questionable fetish for bisexual Barrayaran admirals? I don't think even the Betans have earrings for that one.

Lois McMaster Bujold

Your Earrings Quotes #568350
#21. Tips like that. Wearing necklaces, knowing how to layer, wearing a statement piece. Don't wear big earrings and a big necklace and a big ring all at the same time. Pick your magic. I have this whole thing: if you look good, you feel good, and if you feel good, you look good.

Molly Sims

Your Earrings Quotes #579591
#22. And anyway, who defines "real life"? Who says "real life" is property ladders and hideous pearl earrings? "Shit-boring tedious life," more like.

Sophie Kinsella

Your Earrings Quotes #610418
#23. Pirates?' Lara gasped. 'But we're not at sea. How can they be pirates?'
Weren't pirates supposed to wear eye-patches, feather earrings and lots of black eye-liner, and say 'arrrrr' a lot? Or was that just Johnny Depp? Lara was confused.

Lola Salt

Your Earrings Quotes #683748
#24. Yeah, the elf looks good in the sun," Jenks smart-mouthed, the pixy currently sitting on the bottom of my hooped earrings and out of the moderate wind. "When you going to put us all out of your misery and boink him?

Kim Harrison

Your Earrings Quotes #1102952
#25. Something old: the dress. Something new: your attitude. Something borrowed: I'm pretty sure you got those earrings from my jewelry box.

Debra Anastasia

Your Earrings Quotes #1642745
#26. I knew to put on my favorite earrings. Sometimes you start with the outside and you get it right. You tend to your spirit through the body.

Anne Lamott

Your Earrings Quotes #1661808
#27. And if I ever see you or your fake ass Chanel earrings around here again, I will shove my very real, very pointy Jimmy Choos up your prissy little ass. Do I make myself clear?

Magan Vernon

Your Earrings Quotes #1708629
#28. I could never be in a cult. For starters, they never accessorize properly. David Koresh had no fashion sense, Jim Jones wore leisure suits, and I don't care how charismatic Osama bin Laden was, an AK-47 and an insulin drip do not take the place of drop earrings or a well-placed brooch.

Joan Rivers

Your Earrings Quotes #1837884
#29. My mother is going to get earrings of my head. Some will be dipped in silver, some will be dipped in gold, and I will hand them out to everyone I know.

D.J. Cotrona

Your Earrings Quotes #149441
#30. I'm still getting used to changing earrings - It still feels really weird to be pushing bits of metal through holes in my earlobes that weren't there a few weeks back, and actually seeing and feeling the holes in my lobes is still a bit freaky.

Mischa Barton

Your Earrings Quotes #20537
#31. It's no fun getting older. I might be wearing beautiful diamond earrings, but they can't take away the pain of losing my hearing.

Cilla Black

Your Earrings Quotes #27653
#32. With short hair you begin to crave pearl necklaces, long earrings, and a variety of sunglasses. Short hair removes obvious femininity and replaces it with style.

Joan Juliet Buck

Your Earrings Quotes #38622
#33. I want a girl with extensions in her hair,
Bamboo earrings, at least two pair,
A Fendi bag and a bad attitude,
That's all I need to get me in a good mood.
She can walk with a switch and talk with street slang,
I love it when a woman ain't scared to do her thing.

LL Cool J

Your Earrings Quotes #40683
#34. If you're going to expend energy being mad about Photoshop, you'll also have to be mad about earrings. No one's ears are that sparkly!

Tina Fey

Your Earrings Quotes #40902
#35. I definitely would say, by sixth grade, I was a professional shoplifter - and not because I wanted to. I'm not going out to shoplift earrings or clothes or shoes like the average teenager. I was shoplifting frozen dinners at a grocery store.

Lolo Jones

Your Earrings Quotes #42890
#36. This is who I am. Accept it or not. The tattoos won't wash off, the earrings will never change. I am who I am and nothing more. I am loyal to a chosen few, I always keep my word and I'll protect you with my life.

Katie McGarry

Your Earrings Quotes #49952
#37. I love maxi dresses, I feel so great when I put on a maxi dress, big earrings and sandals.

Poppy Delevingne

Your Earrings Quotes #51622
#38. After Theda Bara appeared in A Fool There Was, a vampire wave surged over the country. Women appeared in vampire gowns, pendant earrings, and even young girls were attempting to change from frank, open-eyed ingenues to the almond-eyed, carmine-lipped woman of subtlety and mystery.

Mary Pickford

Your Earrings Quotes #73249
#39. I believe I met a girl in the rain, who had lost her mother's earrings. And I killed her. Now I stand here in a time I know nothing about. I watched the death of kings far greater than any man living now. And I am still here.

Rebecca Maizel

Your Earrings Quotes #95769
#40. The first moment I saw him, the night people clamored over each other to step out of his way, I was frightened. The guy with earrings and tattoos and an energy radiating danger. Now-inside and out-all I see is beauty.

Katie McGarry

Your Earrings Quotes #106486
#41. Calling MacKenzie a mean girl is an understatement. She's a cobra with hoop earrings, blond hair extensions, and a spray-on tan.

Rachel Renee Russell

Your Earrings Quotes #125423
#42. Did you work for the money to buy those earrings? Or did your Daddy buy those for you?

Molly Ringwald

Your Earrings Quotes #301069
#43. I'm channelling my 14-year-old self. She's thinking about putting on her big hoop earrings and baggy pants and going to the mall downtown.

Nelly Furtado

Your Earrings Quotes #165627
#44. I don't do earrings.

Kimberly Caldwell

Your Earrings Quotes #166463
#45. Gabriel noticed with satisfaction the way Julia intentionally fingered one of her diamond earrings, as if she understood his revelations and received them gladly. As if she knew he was revealing his love for her through art. His heart swelled.

Sylvain Reynard

Your Earrings Quotes #179789
#46. As you get older, your tastes get simpler. I like a sleek evening dress with a pair of big earrings. That's all.

Ivana Trump

Your Earrings Quotes #192414
#47. I love jewelry - rings, earrings, bracelets, necklaces, you name it.

Sofia Vergara

Your Earrings Quotes #194253
#48. You can always tell what kind of a person a man really thinks you are by the earrings he gives you.

Audrey Hepburn

Your Earrings Quotes #220647
#49. Me carrying a briefcase is like a hotdog wearing earrings.

Sparky Anderson

Your Earrings Quotes #232538
#50. Ah ... romance to me is spontaneity. It's not diamond earrings; it's a bunch of daffodils that's freshly picked from the field.

Kate Winslet

Your Earrings Quotes #238831
#51. Jewellery's not a big thing for me. The only thing I wear is a gold cross on a chain that I got for my 21st birthday. You have to take it off every day for filming, but that's the only time I'm not wearing it. You won't find me in rings, bracelets or earrings.

Jonas Armstrong

Your Earrings Quotes #255852
#52. I would do nearly anything for a laugh, to tell the truth. And I'm a particular favourite with young men with earrings.

Celia Imrie

Your Earrings Quotes #258013
#53. Oh really I was just thinking about how great a gold filigree necklace and teardrop earrings would look on me, and at seventy five ninety nine plus shipping , its a freaking ,steal. But damn , I missed the deal because , oh that's right.. IM FUCKING FROZEN ..

Larissa Ione

Your Earrings Quotes #265549
#54. You can borrow my two-carat diamond stud earrings," Aphrodite said. I stopped and looked back at her. "Huh?" She shrugged. "That's as close to a declaration of love as you're gonna get from me.

P.C. Cast

Your Earrings Quotes #276651

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