Top 100 You Can Not Quotes

#1. You can not retain a true and clear vision of wealth if you are constantly turning your attention to opposing pictures, whether they be external or imaginary.

Wallace D. Wattles

You Can Not Quotes #14376
#2. Being a true friend is giving of the one thing you can NOT get back; Time

Angel Dust

You Can Not Quotes #1866861
#3. Love is not a word or an idea or even a place to go to or a thing to strive for. It is not something to grasp and smother and mold and change. It cannot be orchestrated, played, controlled or manipulated. You can not cup it tenderly in your open hand or wish it into being through fervent prayer.

Vanessa G. Foster

You Can Not Quotes #1835565
#4. You can not take down the master's house with the master's tools
Audre Lorde

Audre Lorde

You Can Not Quotes #1820452
#5. You can not go on forever stealing what you need without regard to those who come after.

Frank Herbert

You Can Not Quotes #1812825
#6. You can not lead a battle if you think you look silly on a horse.

Napoleon Bonaparte

You Can Not Quotes #1809090
#7. If you wil not face a problem you can not fix a problem!!!!

Wendell Maurice King

You Can Not Quotes #1798157
#8. Once you get involved with bloodsport litigation, you can not only get drunk on your own greed but start to believe your own lies.

Jello Biafra

You Can Not Quotes #1789967
#9. If you can not master your language you must be it's slave.

Jenny Weber

You Can Not Quotes #1776435
#10. You can not live at all if you do not learn to adapt yourself to your life as it happens to be.

Eleanor Roosevelt

You Can Not Quotes #1775783
#11. Not one Republican president has balanced the budget in 34 years. You can not trust Republicans with your money.

Howard Dean

You Can Not Quotes #1769389
#12. The sweetest victory is that won when everyone counted you out because they believe you can not make it.


You Can Not Quotes #1762401
#13. You can not figure out love without figuring out death, too, but the effort it takes can knock the wind out of you. Love is the first cousin of death, they're acquainted with each other, they go to the same family reunions.

Charles Baxter

You Can Not Quotes #1759606
#14. If you do not like anything, alter it. If you can not change it, adjust your mindset. Will not complain.

Maya Angelou

You Can Not Quotes #1752374
#15. Yeah, I just don't break. I don't. And there's only one person I know who's a better non-breaker than me, and that's Will Forte from 'SNL.' You can not make that guy break. I'll break eventually - Will Forte will never break.

Oscar Nunez

You Can Not Quotes #1752297
#16. There is nothing on earth that you can not have once you have mentally accepted the fact that you can have it.

Robert Collier

You Can Not Quotes #1748072
#17. As a European filmmaker, you can not make a genre film seriously. You can only make a parody.

Michael Haneke

You Can Not Quotes #1739561
#18. Don't ever get so big or important that you can not hear and listen to every other person.

John Coltrane

You Can Not Quotes #1735507
#19. You can not have an argument with a fully conscious person.

Eckhart Tolle

You Can Not Quotes #1723349
#20. By self-analysis you can not change your character, but you may change your mentality.

Anton Corbijn

You Can Not Quotes #1721621
#21. You can chase a bird from your porch, but you can not take away its ability to fly.

Dr. Myles Munroe

You Can Not Quotes #1706486
#22. You can not change the past but you can change the future.

Immortal Technique

You Can Not Quotes #1697085
#23. You can not choose your calling. Your calling chooses you.

Shannon L. Alder

You Can Not Quotes #1671833
#24. Where you are not respected inhabit not that country,
You can not earn, have friends and get knowledge truly.
[8] 1.8 Chanakya

Munindra Misra

You Can Not Quotes #1666283
#25. If you can not arrive in daylight, then stand off well clear, and wait until dawn. After all, that's one of the things God made boats for- to wait in.

Tristan Jones

You Can Not Quotes #1659338
#26. People say you can't have peace without a war, but on the contrary they say they don't support war. You can not, ever achieve happiness from focusing on suffering, you have to change your perspective. World peace starts with Inner peace.

Mark Ryan

You Can Not Quotes #1639747
#27. Knowing what you can not do is more important than knowing what you can do. In fact, that's good taste.

A. C. Benson

You Can Not Quotes #1620571
#28. You can not achieve an aim unless you have a method.

W. Edwards Deming

You Can Not Quotes #1620414
#29. You were made for enjoyment, and the world was filled with things which you will enjoy, unless you are too proud to be pleased with them, or too grasping to care for what you can not turn to other account than mere delight.

John Ruskin

You Can Not Quotes #1610890
#30. If you can not get the results you need yourself, then it is time to get help from somewhere else.

Nina Montgomery

You Can Not Quotes #1602787
#31. You cannot put a rope around the neck of an idea: you can not put an idea up against a barracks-square wall and riddle it with bullets: you cannot confine it in the strongest prison cell that your slaves could ever build.

Sean O'Casey

You Can Not Quotes #1592502
#32. In any bad situation you can not let yourself be a victim.

Jack Welch

You Can Not Quotes #1586765
#33. Regardless of who you are~ you can not escape the fact that you are human.

Nina Montgomery

You Can Not Quotes #1582065
#34. I think it's really, really important to mix it up as an actor, to try to get as much kind of varied experience as you can, not only for your own personal growth as an actor but for the audience to keep them guessing about what you're going to do.

Liev Schreiber

You Can Not Quotes #1567737
#35. You can not operate in this room unless you believe that you are Superman, and whatever happens, you're capable of solving the problem.

Gene Kranz

You Can Not Quotes #1528726
#36. I just don't understand how you can not be concerned about your appearance. From time to time I'm vilified as the person who cares about the look of a teapot - and it's not that I believe my taste is superior, I just can not believe that other people don't care.

Stephen Bayley

You Can Not Quotes #1528331
#37. You can not achieve anything if you just sit and complain.Try your best with everything you have.

Stuart Chambers

You Can Not Quotes #1525472
#38. The rules are rather simple to understand: Under democracy you can defend any view, but only defend it. You can not try to realise it through power, violence or weapons.

Poul Henningsen

You Can Not Quotes #1500842
#39. You can do more science on the ground than you can in space for the same amount of money. But there is some science you can not do on the ground.

Helen Sharman

You Can Not Quotes #1431793
#40. When you long you can not achieve anything when you repeatedly have to lose all that you had hoped, you gradually become still.

Lana Del Rey

You Can Not Quotes #1430864
#41. You can not apply mathematics as long as words still becloud reality.

Hermann Weyl

You Can Not Quotes #1430256
#42. Until you think much of a treasure, you can not hold it dear!

Anyaele Sam Chiyson

You Can Not Quotes #1418579
#43. You can not keep shit buried.

Kristen Ashley

You Can Not Quotes #1409855
#44. Life is about growing, learning, and becoming. You can not grow, learn, or become if you can not embrace the changes in your life.

Steve Rizzo

You Can Not Quotes #1380673
#45. You can not lead a child to a place of healing if you do not know the way yourself.

Karyn B. Purvis

You Can Not Quotes #1355132
#46. You can not fix everything. You can not fix most of what's wrong. But you can try. And it is in trying that you learn who you are.

Kirsten Beyer

You Can Not Quotes #1343648
#47. You can not possibly have a broader basis for government than that which includes all the people, with all their rights in their hands, and with an equal power to maintain their rights.

William Lloyd Garrison

You Can Not Quotes #1337698
#48. In law it is good policy to never plead what you need not, lest you oblige yourself to prove what you can not.

Abraham Lincoln

You Can Not Quotes #1325162
#49. Have you ever considered that you shouldn't pray for God to deliver you from your enemies, rather deliver you from yourself so you can not hate them?

Shannon L. Alder

You Can Not Quotes #1319358
#50. I believe that in any initiative, you can't have a flavor of the month. When you believe something is profound in a company, you can not be a logical leader. You have to go to the lunatic fringe. There is no way that logic is what you need to change people.

Jack Welch

You Can Not Quotes #1312787
#51. If you can not grasp the consciousness-altering experience that real mastery of these disciplines proposes, of what value is your participation?

Mark Twight

You Can Not Quotes #1307482
#52. Although you can not hear my thoughts, Sam, I imagine I'm talking to you. Prayers to the brother who abandoned me. The day after you left Labrador, my honey started flowing. Is my body weeping for your loss?

Barry Webster

You Can Not Quotes #1305772
#53. You can not travel the path until you have become the path itself

Gautama Buddha

You Can Not Quotes #1305160
#54. My philosophy is that you don't motivate players with speeches; you have motivated players that you draft. That's where they come in, and those are the guys that are competitive. You can not teach competitiveness.

Phil Jackson

You Can Not Quotes #1284367
#55. You can not escape death: the end always reach you.

Rachel Ward

You Can Not Quotes #1281451
#56. War is Hell you can NOT refine it!

William Tecumseh Sherman

You Can Not Quotes #1259532
#57. Don't stress over what you can not control. Always remember you can not control other people.


You Can Not Quotes #1255163
#58. When you say something in a wrong group - it will never be right, so you can not say anything wrong, when you don't belong to a group.

Gloria Steinem

You Can Not Quotes #1252269
#59. You can not understand "Scripture" without seeing through the eyes of the Spiritual Master or Advanced Devotees.

Radhanath Swami

You Can Not Quotes #1252258
#60. You can not avoid life or your thoughts you can only make the best of your current situation and move on with a positive mental attitude.

Matthew Donnelly

You Can Not Quotes #1216557
#61. You can not kill what you did not create.


You Can Not Quotes #1212294
#62. You can not libel the dead, I think, you can only console them.

Anne Enright

You Can Not Quotes #1209423
#63. I used to wonder which would be harder: having no one to believe in you or someone who believes in you so much that their love could burn you to the ground. Someone who knows you can give more than you think you can. Not just love. Ferocity.

J. Michael Straczynski

You Can Not Quotes #1205129
#64. When you hear a true story, there is a part of you that responds to it regardless of art, regardless of evidence. Let it be the most obvious fabrication and you will still believe whatever truth is in it, because you can not deny truth no matter how shabbily it is dressed.

Orson Scott Card

You Can Not Quotes #1180163
#65. You can not know but can pray into what lies ahead.

Lailah Gifty Akita

You Can Not Quotes #1157351
#66. You can always lie to others and hide your actions from them ... but you can not fool yourself

Abraham Lincoln

You Can Not Quotes #1155225
#67. If you feel you can not do it, look at me, think and say I can do that too.

Anyaele Sam Chiyson

You Can Not Quotes #1153780
#68. You may impose silence upon me, but you can not prevent me from thinking.

George Sand

You Can Not Quotes #1141101
#69. You can not plan to make a discovery. You do not plan innovation.

W. Edwards Deming

You Can Not Quotes #1140470
#70. You can evade life, but you can not evade Death.

T. S. Eliot

You Can Not Quotes #1135889
#71. You see the bird and you see its flight.
You can not see through its eyes. Therefore, you don't know its plight.

Amaka Imani Nkosazana

You Can Not Quotes #1123684
#72. Leave it as it is. You can not improve on it. You can only mar it. The ages have been at work on it and man can only mar it. What you can do is keep it for your children, your children's children and for all who come after you.

Theodore Roosevelt

You Can Not Quotes #1121826
#73. One of the advantages of having an imaginary boyfriend is that he exists only for you, therefore he can not be stolen. The disadvantage is that you can not introduce him to your friends.

Jessica Zafra

You Can Not Quotes #1120670
#74. I don't think you can recreate anything from the past. You can not do it. If you're going to go out and imitate a Motown sound, you can't do it, it's impossible because of the studios and players involved and the atmosphere.

Elton John

You Can Not Quotes #1113119
#75. When everyone thinks alike, there isn't much thinking taking place. Get out when you can, not when you have to.

Jesse Lauriston Livermore

You Can Not Quotes #1109514
#76. If you intend to go to work there is no better place than right where you are; if you do not intend to go to work, you can not get along anywhere.

Abraham Lincoln

You Can Not Quotes #1104532
#77. You feel that a door will open and you will be summoned, and horrid things will happen to you before they let you go. You can not mark these houses with any homely flavor of living. When they are emptied after occupancy, they have the look of places where the blood has recently been washed away.

John D. MacDonald

You Can Not Quotes #1092235
#78. You can not give up because life is a riddle

Blasio Kajuna

You Can Not Quotes #1084269
#79. You can not make me pick between my roles! That is like making me pick between my children!

Joshua Rush

You Can Not Quotes #1082165
#80. You can not escape a prison if you do not know you're in one.

Vernon Howard

You Can Not Quotes #1066496
#81. Thus, I blush to add, you can not be a philosopher and a good man, though you may be a philosopher and a great one.

George Bernard Shaw

You Can Not Quotes #1046722
#82. If you spend a thing you can not have it.
[Lat., Non tibi illud apparere si sumas potest.]


You Can Not Quotes #1030938
#83. A hunter? You? You can not be a hunter. You are a GIRL. - Perin Ibarra to Faiel, in the Dragon Reborn

Robert Jordan

You Can Not Quotes #1016904
#84. You can not kill that which is already dead.

The Undertaker

You Can Not Quotes #1005901
#85. You can not be a conservative if you're going to keep promoting new programs that you're not going to pay for.

Rand Paul

You Can Not Quotes #999731
#86. How many more tragedies does it take before we do something? How many more children have to die before this country realizes that No Gun Zones create perfect locations for violence? You can not stop criminals and mad men with laws, you can only stop violence with the fear of armed victims.

Alan Gottlieb

You Can Not Quotes #989081
#87. White people, you did not get a receipt for niggas, you can not return us!

Katt Williams

You Can Not Quotes #984894
#88. Let me tell you something: you can not write good fiction about ideas. You can only write good fiction about people.

Theodore Sturgeon

You Can Not Quotes #964487
#89. You can not make yourself whole again by brooding one hundred percent of the time on the darkness of the world. We are the light of the world.

Ivan Van Sertima

You Can Not Quotes #355627
#90. You can not make everybody happy..

Bill Cosby

You Can Not Quotes #258849
#91. You can say no. You can not be the object of ridicule.

Peter Dinklage

You Can Not Quotes #273313
#92. Reality is changing Viena. You can not stop the cycle.

Veronica Purcell

You Can Not Quotes #279342
#93. Besides being the world the kind of sadness that can not be expressed in tears. You can not explain it to anyone. Unable to take any shape, settles quietly in the bottom of the heart as snow during the windless night.

Haruki Murakami

You Can Not Quotes #283428
#94. I tried more than once to tell you, to communicate what I know. You did not or could not listen. You can not show to anyone what he has not seen.

William S. Burroughs

You Can Not Quotes #288791
#95. Whatever you describe to another person is also a revelation of who you are and who you think you are. You can not describe anything without betraying your point of view, your aspirations, your fears, your hopes. Everything.

James Baldwin

You Can Not Quotes #292064
#96. You can not argue with stupid but you can certainly play with it.

Donna Lynn Hope

You Can Not Quotes #317470
#97. Your culture demands that you bring some kind of crisis to your work and therefore you can not bring any unity to it. In order to bring crisis into your work you have to bring it to a state of expectancy. In other words you have to leave your work in the state of mind of being a question.

Milton Resnick

You Can Not Quotes #344120
#98. You can not do what you want to do unless you know the correct technique. The only other way you can learn how to do it is by doing it yourself, which would take twice as long than if you went to school.

Boris Vallejo

You Can Not Quotes #344824
#99. If you can not measure it, you can not improve it.

Lord Kelvin

You Can Not Quotes #346431
#100. Be careful what you can not understand. The blackest shadows smile in the morning", Lyamnay, from "Lyamnay's Shadows

Annarita Faggioni

You Can Not Quotes #440386

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