Top 18 Wyvern Quotes

#1. So let me get this straight
May's a virgin, lesbian, doppleganger, wyvern's mate?

Katie MacAlister

Wyvern Quotes #1019937
#2. It seemed off that anyone could live behind such a high hedge of thorns, and he began to think it would be no great surprize to discover that Mr. Wyvern had been asleep for a hundred years or so. 'Well, I shall not mind that so much,' he thought, 'so long as I am not expected to kiss him.

Susanna Clarke

Wyvern Quotes #1253772
#3. My car has wyvern giblets on the inside and fairy douche on the outside, I deserve the big shower!

S.L.J. Shortt

Wyvern Quotes #1269143
#4. I've always said that I want to play a neo-femme action star, and I kind of got to do that in this movie-of-the-week called "Wyvern," where I got to shoot a gun and be a little bad-ass, but I'd like to do that even further. I'm dorky myself. I'll play "Zelda" for 10 hours.

Tinsel Korey

Wyvern Quotes #1378298
#5. Fly, Abraxos," she breathed.
Abraxos sucked in a great breath, tucked his wings in tight, and fell off the side of the post.
He liked to do that - just tumble off as though he'd been struck dead.
Her wyvern, it seemed, had a wicked sense of humor.

Sarah J. Maas

Wyvern Quotes #1497535
#6. I bet his mother was a wyvern.

Tamora Pierce

Wyvern Quotes #1663373
#7. Manon told herself it was for an alliance. Told herself it was for show.
But all she could see was the unconditional love in that dying wyvern's eyes as she unbuckled her harness, stood from the saddle, and leapt off Abraxos.

Sarah J. Maas

Wyvern Quotes #37825
#8. When I visit someplace new my favorite thing to do is eat...and walk, preferable to a place where I can eat some more.

Jessica Fechtor

Wyvern Quotes #1726277
#9. I listen to instrumental jazz and bluegrass, but aside from my AM workout, I have no rituals.

David B. Coe

Wyvern Quotes #1610852
#10. I won't put myself in a position where I'm vulnerable.

Patricia Cornwell

Wyvern Quotes #1602005
#11. A writer should remember that about his muse there is a great deal of the Siren. He should view his mental offspring as relentlessly as a Spartan father - if it is not perfectly sound, let it be cast out.

F.L. Lucas

Wyvern Quotes #1585333
#12. Today we tell girls to grow up to be or do whatever they want. But the cultural pressure to become a mother remains very strong; rare is she who doesn't at least occasionally succumb to the nagging fear that if she remains childless, she'll live to regret it.

Kate Bolick

Wyvern Quotes #1056387
#13. As president, my father will take on the bold and worthy fights. He will be unafraid to set lofty goals, and he will be relentless in his determination to achieve them.

Ivanka Trump

Wyvern Quotes #873221
#14. The Old Man ain't afraid of hell

James Thurber

Wyvern Quotes #725520
#15. I often cannot believe the things I do.

Dave Eggers

Wyvern Quotes #558372
#16. We want to tell our fans to love who you are. You're yourself, so you shouldn't change it.

Perrie Edwards

Wyvern Quotes #306723
#17. When I was coming out of college, storytelling was very much something you did with pencil and paper, so the technological platform versatility, I think, is really valuable.

Nancy Gibbs

Wyvern Quotes #158610
#18. Chris wracked his brain for the right solution.
A show of loyalty.

Ellen Connor

Wyvern Quotes #68253

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