Top 100 Work For Yourself Quotes

#1. You make the work for yourself first and the next line is the people you trust, and you know that they're going to tell you what they feel. They let you know if you're dishing bullshit or if it's real.

Robert Longo

Work For Yourself Quotes #25031
#2. Once you decide to work for yourself, you never go back to work for somebody else.

Alan Sugar

Work For Yourself Quotes #182673
#3. Mathematics is being lazy. Mathematics is letting the principles do the work for you so that you do not have to do the work for yourself

George Polya

Work For Yourself Quotes #301971
#4. You never work for someone else. The truth is someone is paying you to work for yourself.

Paul J. Meyer

Work For Yourself Quotes #538100
#5. Make sure you would work for yourself.

Eric Schmidt

Work For Yourself Quotes #717107
#6. You have to do that kind of work for yourself. If you do it for other people, you end up wanting them to acknowledge it and to be grateful and to give you credit. If you do it for yourself, you don't expect other people to react in a particular way.

Gretchen Rubin

Work For Yourself Quotes #763888
#7. The diiference is that in the private sector you work for yourself, and as Prime Minister I work for every single Haitian - inside Haiti and outside - and for all those who love Haiti as well.

Laurent Lamothe

Work For Yourself Quotes #806463
#8. When you work for someone else, it's called an "attitude problem"; when you work for yourself, it's called integrity.

K.S. Augustin

Work For Yourself Quotes #988002
#9. Reconsider your life and see how you can make things work for yourself

Sunday Adelaja

Work For Yourself Quotes #1116994
#10. Better to work for yourself alone. You do as you like and follow your own ideas, you admire yourself and please yourself: isn't that the main thing? And then the public is so stupid. Besides, who reads? And what do they read? And what do they admire?

Gustave Flaubert

Work For Yourself Quotes #1228671
#11. Use your special gifts to create work for yourself.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Work For Yourself Quotes #1364014
#12. What the hell do you want to work for somebody else for? Work for yourself!

George Gershwin

Work For Yourself Quotes #1454462
#13. It's very strange to go from being completely secluded and doing your own work for yourself, to having an audience - and having an audience that's aware of what you do and expects you to do things that they like. It can make things difficult.

Jhonen Vasquez

Work For Yourself Quotes #1568875
#14. Now make your idea grow. Think about it. Tie the idea to related ideas. Read anything you can find that is in any way akin to your idea. Investigate all angles. Then, when the time is ripe, put it to work for yourself, your job, your future.

David J. Schwartz

Work For Yourself Quotes #1687970
#15. A voice came out of the darkness.
'Don't make it so wide. It's not a grave. You're making work for yourself.

Robert Harris

Work For Yourself Quotes #1873298
#16. Be willing to work for nothing in things you think are stupid. Make work for yourself. Make your own luck. Don't complain. Hopefully, the work will find you if you are ready.

Jenna Fischer

Work For Yourself Quotes #1877771
#17. Pleasures flit by - they are only for yourself; work leaves a mark of long-lasting joy, work is for others.

Dmitri Mendeleev

Work For Yourself Quotes #12501
#18. I know some people find the idea of soul mates romantic, or comforting, but to me believing in soul mates means absolving yourself of any responsibility for your own happiness. If a relationship doesn't work out
whoops! It wasn't meant to be. Fuck meant to be.

Anna Jarzab

Work For Yourself Quotes #14602
#19. Whatever you want to do, do with full passion and work really hard towards it. Don't look anywhere else. There will be a few distractions, but if you can be true to yourself, you will be successful for sure.

Virat Kohli

Work For Yourself Quotes #16493
#20. Love won't come through unless the heart is open. To work with an open heart is to love or care for something or someone more than you do for yourself. This is the first step to the divine love that we all are looking for.

Harold Klemp

Work For Yourself Quotes #22517
#21. Believe in yourself.. in all you can do.. and for you, the deals will start to work in your favor. You need to be open to such deals, and they will come, I assure you.

Ivana Trump

Work For Yourself Quotes #24252
#22. When you finish a thing you ought to be able to say to yourself: 'There, I am willing to stand for that piece of work. It is not pretty well done; it is done as well as I can do it; done to a complete finish. I will stand for that. I am willing to be judged by it.'

Orison Swett Marden

Work For Yourself Quotes #36705
#23. One pattern to help yourself fight the mad dash for the mirage of being done is to think of a good day's work. Look at the progress of the day towards the end and ask yourself: 'Have I done a good day's work?'

David Heinemeier Hansson

Work For Yourself Quotes #38471
#24. Finding a programmer to work with if you don't already know one will be a challenge. Merely judging if a programmer is exceptional vs. competent will be very hard if you are not one yourself. When you do find someone, work together informally for a while to test your compatibility.

Jessica Livingston

Work For Yourself Quotes #51943
#25. You can work for other people and still be a #GIRLBOSS; it's more about a state of mind and knowing yourself well enough to know when you're making decisions for yourself or because the world expects them of you. And guess what? It's okay to do that sometimes, too.

Sophia Amoruso

Work For Yourself Quotes #52228
#26. I think every mother feels that the best place for their child is with their mum, but you want things for yourself, too. So, you're either at work feeling guilty, or you are at home feeling frustrated.

Laura Fraser

Work For Yourself Quotes #54042
#27. If you've gone into a marriage and you haven't been clear about how you're going to handle money, how you want to raise kids, who is going to work or stay home or what have you, then you've set yourself up for failure.

Phil McGraw

Work For Yourself Quotes #60187
#28. The mind must be developed by you alone. There is no way for others to do the work and for you to reap the results. Reading someone else's blueprint of mental progress will not transfer its realizations to you. You have to develop them yourself.

Dalai Lama

Work For Yourself Quotes #65362
#29. The past cannot change what is to come. The work that you do each and every day is the only true way to improve and prepare yourself for what is to come. You cannot change the past, but you can influence the future by what you do today. -

John Wooden

Work For Yourself Quotes #65839
#30. If what you want to do is make artwork for bands, you have to love doing it because there is almost no money in it. In order to start doing it, you just have to put yourself out there, work for bands you love and for as little as possible to start, if not free, that's what I did for years.

John Dyer Baizley

Work For Yourself Quotes #71092
#31. We made the iPod for ourselves, and when you're doing something for yourself, or your best friend or family, you're not going to cheese out. If you don't love something, you're not going to go the extra mile, work the extra weekend, challenge the status quo as much.

Walter Isaacson

Work For Yourself Quotes #73781
#32. I have a general moral: great philosophers may be great, but that is not a reason to follow them. Don't be a follower. Work it out for yourself.

Tim Crane

Work For Yourself Quotes #77206
#33. Work that mobilizes you 24 hours per day and makes you responsible to all of the people in the country is worth propelling yourself through jetlag and uncomfortable news for.

Dmitry Medvedev

Work For Yourself Quotes #85501
#34. Pace yourself in your work and commitments. Nobody is indispensable. And when you get sick, honor your body by giving it the rest and medical attention that it's asking for.

Sue Patton Thoele

Work For Yourself Quotes #101512
#35. You need to fully believe in yourself and your capabilities for others to believe in you. Destiny favours those who believe that things will work out rather than those who give up in despair!

Anuranjita Kumar

Work For Yourself Quotes #114181
#36. Work and live to serve others, to leave the world a little better than you found it and garner for yourself as much peace of mind as you can. This is happiness.

David Sarnoff

Work For Yourself Quotes #119805
#37. All great work is preparing yourself for the accident to happen.

Sidney Lumet

Work For Yourself Quotes #121283
#38. You can't explain grace, anyway, especially when it arrives almost despite yourself. I didn't even ask for it, yet somehow it breached and began to work.

Leif Enger

Work For Yourself Quotes #131372
#39. Bear it in mind that tomorrow must also have its own brand of assignments. Shifting today's work to tomorrow is an inevitable step towards massing up difficult tasks for yourself, whose risk of leading into failure is high.

Israelmore Ayivor

Work For Yourself Quotes #140230
#40. Don't worry. Don't apologize. Don't cower behind the defeated security of there is no 'room for someone like me'. There isn't room for any one of us. It's up to you to make a place for yourself in the world. So get to work.

Cheryl Strayed

Work For Yourself Quotes #142960
#41. I think sometimes soap acting gets an unfair label for being bad and over the top. The lessons I learned there were so valuable. Seeing yourself every day on television, you learned what worked and didn't work, what was bad acting and what wasn't. Memorizing scripts became second nature.

Dylan Bruce

Work For Yourself Quotes #144839
#42. It's important to control yourself because life gets too complicated if you don't, but the impulse is often there for people. Some say society should be more open. That doesn't work either.

Woody Allen

Work For Yourself Quotes #151384
#43. So your first job is to work on yourself. The greatest thing you can do for another human being is to get your own house in order and find your true spiritual heart.

Ram Dass

Work For Yourself Quotes #155747
#44. Performance-wise, you really need to be down in the trenches; you need to do the hard work, for a lot of reasons: To build yourself as a performer, to get a sense of the audience, to work hard and to wonder, 'Do I really want to do this?'

Joan Jett

Work For Yourself Quotes #165370
#45. You don't have to set aside a time for meditation. You can do it while you're driving your car,while you're at work, while you're playing music. Just be aware of yourself, of who you really are,and realize the rest is a projection of your mind.

Robert Adams

Work For Yourself Quotes #171719
#46. Avoidance therapy does not work. One major reason for that is because Avoidance Therapy (diversion, think yourself happy, positive affirmations) is predicated on the validity of 'Failure of Will.' Depression is not a choice.

Northern Adams

Work For Yourself Quotes #178170
#47. The American dream means that you have the chance to work hard, get an education and do great things for yourself, for your kids. The great thing in American is it doesn't matter what your last name is, doesn't matter if you're wealthy.

Bobby Jindal

Work For Yourself Quotes #181493
#48. I complain to one of my fellow servers that I don't understand how she can go so long without food. "Well, I don't understand how you can go so long without a cigarette," she responds in a tone of reproach. Because work is what you do for others; smoking is what you do for yourself.

Barbara Ehrenreich

Work For Yourself Quotes #186910
#49. Don't shut yourself up in a band box because you are a woman, but understand what is going on, and educate yourself to take part in the world's work, for it all affects you and yours.

Louisa May Alcott

Work For Yourself Quotes #201188
#50. Hard work is good for the soul, and it keeps you from feeling sorry for yourself because you don't have time.

Dave Thomas

Work For Yourself Quotes #206842
#51. The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don't wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope.

Barack Obama

Work For Yourself Quotes #219091
#52. You do not write a novel for praise, or thinking of your audience. You write for yourself; you work out between you and your pen the things that intrigue you

Bret Easton Ellis

Work For Yourself Quotes #241121
#53. Why employ intelligent and highly paid ambassadors and then go and do their work for them? You don't buy a canary and sing yourself.

John Keats

Work For Yourself Quotes #246045
#54. have to just go on. It's sort of like a bird flying into a plate glass window. And then you just sort of pick yourself up, shake yourself off, and check for anything broken, and go back to work.

Sally Mann

Work For Yourself Quotes #249867
#55. This world is not for cowards. Do not try to fly. Look not for success or failure. Join yourself to the perfectly unselfish will and work on.

Swami Vivekananda

Work For Yourself Quotes #259080
#56. It's a very weird job to have as a musician, because you spend long periods of time alone and then you have to go work with people for a long period of time and present your music after you've been making it by yourself. It's a very drastic phase.

Angel Deradoorian

Work For Yourself Quotes #270565
#57. With more money, you can take better care of yourself and leverage your passion and higher purpose in the world. Earn more, so you can give more of yourself and put your money to work for causes that make our world a better place.

John Assaraf

Work For Yourself Quotes #276699
#58. My formula for success is just a lot of hard work. It's believing in yourself. It's a pride that I gotta get better at something every time I wake up.

Kevin Ollie

Work For Yourself Quotes #279759
#59. You are not designing for yourself, and shouldn't be. Most people using the Web don't understand (most of) what makes it work and don't want to. Design for those people. There are many more of them than you.

Max Levchin

Work For Yourself Quotes #280655
#60. Let your body work until it is spent, but keep your mind for yourself.

Haruki Murakami

Work For Yourself Quotes #289873
#61. It's important for an artist to realize his own style. Copying or letting yourself be influenced by another's work is good for a start, just don't let yourself get stuck with it. Try to evolve and develop your own. Broadening your knowledge in other mediums is important in acquiring inspiration.

Arnold Arre

Work For Yourself Quotes #293268
#62. If you aren't willing to put your best work out there, write for yourself. Don't ever publish.

Eliza Green

Work For Yourself Quotes #314715
#63. Everybody must work even if you are not working for money. You must work to actualize yourself.

Sunday Adelaja

Work For Yourself Quotes #324266
#64. You just gotta be yourself. Like be yourself and if it works out for you, grind hard. Don't get lost in it. And have fun.

Kirko Bangz

Work For Yourself Quotes #333485
#65. You can't be different for different's sake, and this doesn't always work, but you have to separate yourself from the normal read. Of course, it has to be truthful. If it's not truthful, don't waste your time.

Brad Pitt

Work For Yourself Quotes #342224
#66. Don't be afraid to fail. You're going to go on a million auditions, and most of them you won't get. It's very easy to think, 'This is not going to work for me,' but keep at it. It's very generic advice, but you have to be willing to keep yourself in the game.

Ike Barinholtz

Work For Yourself Quotes #343378
#67. In the end when you accept yourself for who you are and you work with what you've got, you couldn't be more beautiful because you're confident and everyone notices.

Lily Collins

Work For Yourself Quotes #347039
#68. If you want to create something that's worth doing you have to self-edit from the get-go. You really must be careful and selective with whom you work, you must constantly ask yourself the hard questions about your art, and you must set a nearly unattainable standard for yourself.

John Dyer Baizley

Work For Yourself Quotes #349552
#69. I notice you use 'work' and 'job' interchangeably. oughten to do that. A job's what you force yourself to pay attention to for money. With work, you don't have to force yourself. (Man dining at Claudia Sanders Dinner House)

William Least Heat-Moon

Work For Yourself Quotes #363795
#70. I really enjoy playing solo acoustic. I think it's good for me as a songwriter to stay in touch with what it takes to make a song work by yourself.

Jeff Tweedy

Work For Yourself Quotes #365509
#71. It's the way I study - to understand something by trying to work it out or, in other words, to understand something by creating it. Not creating it one hundred percent, of course; but taking a hint as to which direction to go but not remembering the details. These you work out for yourself.

Richard P. Feynman

Work For Yourself Quotes #370190
#72. It is the satisfaction of doing it for yourself and motivating others to work with you in bringing it about. It is about the fun, innovation, creativity with the rewards being far greater than purely financial.

Richard Branson

Work For Yourself Quotes #372192
#73. Or you graduate law school with glorious visions of the important work you'll do for the Southern Poverty Law Center, but find yourself photocopying briefs in Shreveport.

Kelly Williams Brown

Work For Yourself Quotes #372515
#74. Make a pact with yourself today to not be defined by your past. Sometimes the greatest thing to come out of all your hard work isn't what you get for it, but what you become for it. Shake things up today! Be You ... Be Free ... Share.

Steve Maraboli

Work For Yourself Quotes #381880
#75. If the stuff you're writing is not for yourself, it won't work.

Stephen King

Work For Yourself Quotes #401746
#76. At your most daring moments you believe that what is going on is the ultimate human work the shaping of a soul. The power of life comes from within; go there; pray; meditate. Reach for those luminous places in yourself.

Jean Shinoda Bolen

Work For Yourself Quotes #423325
#77. Making name for yourself requires you not to stop and consider you have done enough but rather continue to move forward

Sunday Adelaja

Work For Yourself Quotes #430533
#78. The moral of the story of the Pilgrims is that if you work hard all your life and behave yourself every minute and take no time out for fun you will break practically even, if you can borrow enough money to pay your taxes.

Will Cuppy

Work For Yourself Quotes #431537
#79. Paradoxically, what keeps the so-called consumer society going is the fact that trying to find yourself through things doesn't work: The ego satisfaction is short-lived and so you keep looking for more, keep buying, keep consuming.

Eckhart Tolle

Work For Yourself Quotes #436783
#80. How you manage yourself between those bright moments, when things aren't going so great, is a measure of how devoted you are to your vocation, and how equipped you are for the weird demands of creative living. Holding yourself together through all the phases of creation is where the real work lies.

Elizabeth Gilbert

Work For Yourself Quotes #447881
#81. Love your sport. Never do it to please someone else; it has to be yours. That is all that will justify the hard work. Compete against yourself, not others, for that is who is truly your best competition.

Peggy Fleming

Work For Yourself Quotes #462077
#82. Keep encouraging yourself that you are good enough as a workman of God created for every good work one earth prepared for you before the world begun.

Israelmore Ayivor

Work For Yourself Quotes #477490
#83. Don't be in a hurry about finding your work in the world for yourself - you are not old enough to judge for yourself yet; but just look about you in the place you find yourself in, and try to make things a little better and honester there.

Thomas Hughes

Work For Yourself Quotes #483257
#84. The clearer the teacher makes it, the worse it is for you. You must work things out for yourself and make the ideas your own.

William Fogg Osgood

Work For Yourself Quotes #483800
#85. My contract had specified only that I 'should undertake work upon the fossil Arthropoda,' which left me free to roam through hundreds of millions of years. It might as well have said: 'Amuse yourself
for money.

Richard Fortey

Work For Yourself Quotes #487861
#86. The truth is, one can work for another ten years and be playing parts, pushing yourself as hard as you can, and you are still accused of that. You're still tainted with that brush. I'm not called Jude Law, I have three names; I'm called 'Hunk Jude Law'.

Jude Law

Work For Yourself Quotes #491688
#87. Your first problem is relying on someone else's word. Always depend on yourself. No one will work as hard for you as you will.

Behdad Sami

Work For Yourself Quotes #506682
#88. If I'm wrong, and you find yourself in an organization where sucking up is in fact a good way to get ahead, look for a new job. It's not a quality organization after all, no matter how glittering its public reputation may be. Life is too short to work there.

Charles Murray

Work For Yourself Quotes #509408
#89. Distinguish yourself [ ... ] in an age where girls often make themselves too available to boys, by making him work a little for your attention. He'll think he's won a prize when he gets it, and he'll work that much harder to keep it. Boys turn into men and men put a premium on what's hard to get.

Karen Marie Moning

Work For Yourself Quotes #518706
#90. Even if you're in the thick of revising another work, write something new. Something small. It's important to keep telling yourself stories.

Don Roff

Work For Yourself Quotes #520532
#91. Women, I think we can feel like we need to do it all and be it all. What's important is that we do the best we can, and just make time for yourself because when you do make time for yourself, you give back more as a mother; you give back more to your work.

Miranda Kerr

Work For Yourself Quotes #532783
#92. Understanding requires our own observation. Solutions frequently come in the form of mental pictures. The only prescription is to get out and use our eyes to see how things work.

David Sturt

Work For Yourself Quotes #537709
#93. You can go out and get anything you want if you work hard enough for it and believe in yourself.

Dustin Poirier

Work For Yourself Quotes #538163
#94. Bring it up, make amends, forgive yourself. It sounds simple, but don't think for a second that it is easy. Getting free from the tyranny of past mistakes can be hard work, but definitely worth the effort. And the payoff is health, wholeness and inner peace. In other words, you get your life back.

Steve Goodier

Work For Yourself Quotes #543311
#95. You cannot hope for change in others, you can only work toward it in yourself. And that's hard work.

Lisa Unger

Work For Yourself Quotes #548268
#96. Hard work is painful when life is devoid of purpose. But when you live for something greater than yourself and the gratification of your own ego, then hard work becomes a labor of love.

Steve Pavlina

Work For Yourself Quotes #549735
#97. The first demand any work of art makes upon us is surrender. Look. Listen. Receive. Get yourself out of the way. (There is no good asking first whether the work before you deserves such a surrender, for until you have surrendered you cannot possibly find out.)

C.S. Lewis

Work For Yourself Quotes #558072
#98. Time plays no favorites and will pass whether you act or not. Take control of your life. Dare to dream and take risks...Compete! If you aren't willing to work for you goals, don't expect others to! Believe in yourself.


Work For Yourself Quotes #564230
#99. It is better for you to live privately and take care of yourself than it is to neglect your soul even though you could work wonders in the world.

Thomas A Kempis

Work For Yourself Quotes #591644
#100. true that there is much work for all to do in the times ahead. The work you are going to do will be lighter and easier because you are going to connect with your galactic consciousness. You left part of yourself

David K. Miller

Work For Yourself Quotes #610172

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