Top 100 Words That Quotes
#1. Let me speak to your boss I said. Six magic words that roil deep in the bowels of anymore collecting a paycheck on a biweekly basis. It's like winking at a leprechaun: he has to give up his pot of gold, and yet no one knows why.
Walter Mosley
#2. Always" and "never" are not words that have much meaning in literary study. For one thing, as soon as something seems to always be true, some wise guy will come along and write something to prove that it's not.
Thomas C. Foster
#3. We have needed to define ourselves by reclaiming the words that define us. They have used language as weapons. When we open ourselves to what they say and how they say it, our narrow prejudices evaporate and we are nourished and armed.
Selma James
#4. Well, I would hardly say I do write as yet. But I write because I like words. I suppose if I liked stone I might carve. I like words. I like reading. I notice particular words. That sets me off.
A.S. Byatt
#5. You are the earth that I will stand upon.
You are the words that I will sing.
Ed Sheeran
#6. All of the guys love to take serious topics and go for it; we're not writing a whole lot of love songs. With 'Sacrificed Sons,' we had some sensitivity there about how we'd present it. I remember there was a lot of discussion about the kind of words that would be used and how direct we wanted to be.
Jordan Rudess
#7. Five words that were the hardest words I would ever have to say,
Five pillars of my faith that couldn't save him that day.
Five rivers, the Panj Aab, that didn't flow through his veins.
Five minutes that changed our world forever.
Ruth Ahmed
#8. I shouldn't need to remind you that it was words that created the universe and The Word that now holds it together. While your man was simply reading one little book, something not unlike Genesis was stirring in his skull, and you didn't think to stop it?
Geoffrey Wood
#9. The Enlightened one has told you in never-to-be-forgotten words that this little span of life is but a passing shadow, a fleeting thing.
Mahatma Gandhi
#10. I love you in a language that I don't fully understand. In words that I haven't found enough courage to forklift out of my chest.
Rudy Francisco
#11. Like a wombat in a cornfield." Jo
"Beg pardon?" Cadegan
"You're not the only one who can throw together random words that make no sense and use them in a sentence like they do." Jo
Sherrilyn Kenyon
#12. If you see me alone with my pen don't get to close to me. I'm writing words that will someday set me free.
Delano Johnson
#13. Being pregnant was very much like falling in love. You are so open. You are so overjoyed. There's no words that can express having a baby growing inside of you so, of course, you want to scream it out and tell everyone.
Beyonce Knowles
#14. It's a familiar experience to poets, that arrival of a phrase laden with more sense than we can immediately discern, a cluster of words that seems to know, as it were, more than we do.
Mark Doty
#15. It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life." ... "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." JOHN 6:63, 68 (NKJV)
Andrew Murray
#16. The ministry of Christianity is the ministry of the Spirit. It is the Spirit of God that inhabits the words, that speaks to the spirit of another and reveals Christ in and through him.
John G. Lake
#17. Most of the time, the words that were not written were the ones you needed the most.
Jodi Picoult
#18. Words that come from the heart are never spoken, they get caught in the throat and can only be read in ones's eyes.
Jose Saramago
#19. Sick I am of idle words, past all reconciling, Words that weary and perplex and pander and conceal, Wake the sounds that cannot lie, for all their sweet beguiling; The language one need fathom not, but only hear and feel.
George Du Maurier
#20. Parents, choose your words wisely, carefully, thoughtfully. In the same way that violence begets violence and anger begets anger, kindness begets kindness and peace begets peace. Sow words of peace, words that build, words that show respect and belief and support.
L.R. Knost
#21. I love doing my surreal sing-along that had words that no one could follow.
Steve Martin
#22. On my heart in beautiful calligraphy You've written words that only You and I can know. Their secret You promised to reveal one day but now I see You were only teasing.
#23. There is no sickness worse for me than words that to be kind must lie.
#24. Quote words that affirm all men and women are your brothers and sisters.
#25. Poetry is thoughts that breath and words that burn.
Thomas Grey
#26. Chaos does not mean total disorder. Chaos means a multiplicity of possibilities. Chaos is from the ancient Greek words that means a thing that is birthed from the void. And it was about that which is possible, not about disorder.
Jok Church
#27. I love words very much. I've always loved to talk, and I've always love words - the words that rest in your mouth, what words mean and how you taste them and so on. And for me the spoken word can be used almost as a gesture.
Martha Graham
#28. Sometimes it has been of great moment while the fight is going on, to disseminate words that pronounce the enemies' captain to be dead, or to have been conquered by another part of the army. Many times this has given victory to him who used it.
Niccolo Machiavelli
#29. The last thing abandoned by a party is its phraseology, because among political parties, as elsewhere, the vulgar make the language, and the vulgar abandon more easily the ideas that have been instilled into it than the words that it has learnt.
Alexis De Tocqueville
#30. What I take from writers I like is their economy - the ability to use language to very effective ends. The ability to have somebody read something and see it, or for somebody to paint an entire landscape of visual imagery with just sheets of words - that's magical.
Mos Def
#31. If you don't give power to the words that people throw at you to hurt you, they don't hurt you anymore. And you actually have power over those people.
Stephen Colbert
#32. The words that bore the deathless verse of Homer from bard to a group of fascinated hearers, and with whose fading sounds the poems passed beyond recall, are fixed on the printed page in a hundred tongues. They carry to a million eyes what once could reach but a hundred ears.
Nicholas Murray Butler
#33. THIRD WATCHER Let her speak. Don't interrupt. She knows words that mermaids taught her ... I'm falling asleep in order to hear her ... Go on, sister, go on ... My heart aches because I wasn't you when you dreamed at the seashore ...
Fernando Pessoa
#34. Muslims have different meanings for the same words that we use. They are so convinced of the "truth" of Islam that they do not perceive Jihad/terrorism, or dhimmitude as violence.
Ali Sina
#35. Words that do not match deeds are not important.
Che Guevara
#36. They were words that came out of nothing, but they seemed to him somehow significant. He muttered them over again.
Yasunari Kawabata
#37. How do I speak Spanish? Not too well. Paz taught me a few words that, if people weren't nice to me, I could tell them a few things. I got to study with [chef] Thomas Keller, who we all love as a guy and Jim had a relationship with him at [his restaurant] the French Laundry.
Adam Sandler
#38. INITIATIVE, AGGRESSION, AIR DISCIPLINE, and TEAM WORK are words that MEAN something in Air Fighting.
Adolph Malan
#39. Growing up on the border there, we were always frustrated with people's pronunciations of towns in Michigan, and people mispronouncing Illinois. There are all these Native American words that no one really knows how to pronounce.
Sufjan Stevens
#40. My mother worked for the social services all her life. She always said that in the middle of all the crap, in the thick of it all, you always had a sunny story turning up. Which makes it all worthwhile.' The next words that come are smiling. 'You're my sunny story, Britt-Marie.
Fredrik Backman
#41. The words that come out of our mouths do not vanish but are perpetually stored in infinite space, and they will come back to us in due time.
Elif Shafak
#42. I am no longer a shuddering speck of existence, alone in the darkness;
I belong to them and they to me; we all share the same fear and the same life ... I could bury my face in them, in these voices, these words that have saved me and will stand by me.
Erich Maria Remarque
#43. I hear something in her words that's right, but it's hard to believe her right now.
Veronica Roth
#44. It is still because of our self-image that we tend to forget answers that may jeopardize our future at crucial moments, or to communicate words that offend who we love the most when we believe we don't deserve the love of another person.
Robin Sacredfire
#45. Ah, ah, no buts. You've just returned to us and it is too soon to express whatever doubts you undoubtedly have with that most cowardly of words, that qualifier of qualifiers, but.
Frank Beddor
#46. I just want you guys to see it also. To see what type of words that are said toward me, and towards us as professional athletes. Everybody thinks it is a bed of roses and it's not.
LeBron James
#47. We have all sorts of words that could describe us. But we get to choose which ones are most important.
Jennifer E. Smith
#48. A conversation with her is a special pleasure because there are no words that are not preceded by thoughts.
Irin Carmon
#49. What I want are words that reflect my heart, not my cleverness.
Hugh Prather
#50. Like "love," "hope" is one of those ridiculously disproportional words that by all rights should be a lot longer.
Jim Butcher
#51. What makes revolutionary thought unique is its clarity and dignity, and its clear grasp of freedom and justice: simple, clear words that are understood without the need for any help from elite writers or thinkers.
Nawal El Saadawi
#52. His regret was cold and offered no comfort. Filled up with words that he wished he had spoken and the faces he wished he had spoken them to.
Matthew FitzSimmons
#53. I know what it's like to be growing up, called 'deaf and mute' and 'deaf and dumb.' They're words that are very degrading and demeaning to people who are deaf and hard of hearing. It's almost ... it's almost libelous, if you want to say that.
Marlee Matlin
#54. I am not myself.
My thoughts are tangled in words that are not my own.
Tahereh Mafi
#56. Imagination, curiosity, passion, creativity these are the words that move me!
Samuel Colbran
#57. Open the door, my princess dear, Open the door to thy true love here! And mind the words that thou and I said By the fountain cool, in the greenwood shade.
Jacob Grimm
#58. Everybody listens to me with a focus on my words. This is a mistake. The words are the vehicle to deliver an idea. Always listen to the idea, it's more valid then any words that I can use.
Richard Diaz
#59. The whole day was like that. I wish I could do it justice as I'm writing about it. I feel like I could use all of the words that I have in my head 100 times each and never be able to tell exactly what it was like.
#60. All of us, in words that contradict each other, express at bottom the same exalted impulse. What sets us against one another is not our aims - they all come to the same thing - but our methods, which are the fruit of our varied reasoning.
Antoine De Saint-Exupery
#61. But you see, there is
a graveyard in my mouth
filled with words that
have died on my lips.
Emily Palermo
#62. I don't much believe in the idea of characters. I write with words, that is all. Whether those words are put in the mouth of this or that character does not matter to me.
Guillermo Cabrera Infante
#63. Cadus spoke the local Greek better than I did; they stretch the vowels here, and round them off, so that words that look the same on the written page sound as if they are spoken by a goat with catarrh.
M.C. Scott
#65. If you and I really, truly wanted to change the world, we'd invent more words that started with x.
David Levithan
#66. I enjoy those small chats you have when people come up and talk to you about your work. It only involves a few seconds of effort to be nice to those people, and I am very grateful for the kind words that people have taken the trouble to express to me in person.
Helena Bonham Carter
#67. You talked to me, but you didn't. I could see you having these two-sided conversations. The things you wanted to say to me. And the words that actually came out.
Gayle Forman
#68. American Gods is about 200,000 words long, and I'm sure there are words that are simply in there 'cause I like them. I know I couldn't justify each and every one of them.
Neil Gaiman
#69. They were very sweet words. Words that soothed the gaping hurt in her soul. But the devil was good when it comes to dealing with damaged souls.
Stylo Fantome
#70. Books are merely translations of our emotions into words that allow us to connect on an almost blood transfusion level.
Ksenia Anske
#71. Evoke at painful junctures, when discouragement threatens to raise its head, the image of a vast cretinous mouth, red blubber and slobbering, in solitary confinement, extruding indefatigably, with a noise of wet kisses and washing in a tub, the words that obstruct it.
Samuel Beckett
#72. To declare in St John's words that Jesus and the Father are one is to claim that Jesus's dependence on the Other is not self-estrangement but self-ful lment. At the core of his identity ..lies nothing but unconditional love.
Terry Eagleton
#73. Just as my heart sinks every time I hear her harsh words, that's how her heart sank when she realised there was no more love between us.
Anne Frank
#74. Simple words can be given powerful meanings. Wit and wisdom are simple words that speak to truth.
Jim Boyd
#75. You may be wonderful with words, but your best writing comprises of the words that had been said to you by somebody else and had engraved on your memory forever...
Gaurav Sharma
#76. He has an idea. For wood. Or Styron does. Something about boxcars." "Boxcars?" "A mess of them at the old yard." "That's good news. That's real good news." He smiled, and she braced herself for the three words that she knew would follow. "The Lord provides," he said. She felt
Rae Meadows
#77. I think about how nobody knows how long they have in the world. And how we only get a certain number of words to say and share. I'd hate for the last words that come out of my mouth to be mean ones. I don't want to waste my words" -Emma
Natalie Lloyd
#78. Even monsters need a person who truly wants to listen - to hear - so that someday we might find the words that are more than boxes.
Rene Denfeld
#79. People may find it more comfortable to listen to us if we equivocate, but in the long run only words that discomfort them are going to change our situation.
Barbara Deming
#80. I suppose that was an example of close attention to detail that is common to writers and artists. It is imperative, whether consciously or not, that one observe the vast as well as the infinitesimal in order to create the image or choose accurate words that ring true.
Elizabeth Winder
#81. There are moments in life when all we can bear is the sense that our friend is near us; our wounds would wince at the touch of consoling words, that would reveal the depths of our pain.
Honore De Balzac
#82. Now begins to rise in me the familiar rhythm; words that have lain dormant now lift, now toss their crests, and fall and rise, and falls again. I am a poet, yes. Surely I am a great poet.
Virginia Woolf
#83. Why is it that people don't know what to say when something bad has happened to someone they know? Maybe because they think there are some magic words that will make everything all right again, only they don't know what the words are.
Ellen Wittlinger
#84. Be careful of what you allow your mind to dwell on. And the words that come out of your mouth.
Lailah Gifty Akita
#85. People never mean to do thingd that are hurtful, yet sometimes it just happens, through an intense moment, through brief rationalization, or by simply speaking words that only belong inside one's head.
Jessica Sorensen
#86. Use familiar words-words that your readers will understand, and not words they will have to look up. No advice is more elementary, and no advice is more difficult to accept. When we feel an impulse to use a marvelously exotic word, let us lie down until the impulse goes away.
James J. Kilpatrick
#87. People, in my long experience, want to talk. They may believe they wish to keep secrets, and they may believe that they are capable of doing so. But the truth is that secrets exist to be revealed; and it is usually very easy to find the combination of words that will cause them to emerge.
J. Robert Lennon
#88. If you don't understand the WORD, you can't speak the WORD; instead, you will speak some words that are powerless against the enemy.
Tiffany Buckner-Kameni
#89. But what it all boils down to is three words that don't mean nearly enough ... I love you.
S.C. Stephens
#90. We say that the words were smooth, caressing, hard, sharp, and so on: all words that refer to body touching. Indeed we can kill or elate with words as body experiences.
Humberto Maturana
#91. I'm ever so sorry,' said Sabetha. If the words THAT WAS A LIE had suddenly sprung up behind her in letters of fire ten feet high, the effect could scarcely have added to her tone of voice.
Scott Lynch
#92. You're clear, Mr. Duke." Grins from both of them. What could Felix possibly be suspected of smuggling, a harmless old thespian like him? It's the words that should concern you, he thinks at them. That's the real danger. Words don't show up on scanners.
Margaret Atwood
#93. I know exactly what he means. I had overheard Poirot talking to my parents. He was using words like "psychosis" and "schizophrenic". Words that people feel they have to whisper, or not repeat at all. The Mental-Illness-That-Must-Not-Be-Named.
Neal Shusterman
#94. Words can launch us. We don't need to be a dean to say words that change everything for someone. Instead, God made it so that ordinary people like you and me can launch each other.
Bob Goff
#95. People are clever, but almost no one ever devises an optimal quip precisely at the needed moment. Therefore, virtually all great one-liners are later inventions - words that people wished they had spouted, but failed to manufacture at the truly opportune instant.
Stephen Jay Gould
#96. Poetry is thoughts that breathe, and words that burn.
Thomas Gray
#97. Mark ran his fingers over the bindings and
whispered words, written long ago, words that
wriggled through the aged leather, trembled
beneath his touch. What lives and loves,
hopes and dreams, deaths and despair
these volumes held.
Ellen Read
#98. What I question is the extent to which any of us truly knows what the facts really are. I mistrust every ideal cherished in western democratic civilization. The words that make others smile and nod in agreement cause me to recoil.
Boyd Rice
#99. The more we use words that in any way imply criticism, the more difficult it is for people to stay connected to the beauty within themselves.
Marshall B. Rosenberg
#100. Holy places are dark places. It is life and strength, not knowledge and words, that we get in them. Holy wisdom is not clear and thin like water, but thick and dark like blood.
C.S. Lewis