Top 100 When You Stop Quotes

#1. You stop growing when you stop listening.

Frederick Lenz

When You Stop Quotes #1479867
#2. Enjoy the moment, because that is all you have. You never are going to arrive someplace else. You are in a constant state of living in this moment, and that is the only arrival there is. In fact, you will arrive when you stop trying to get someplace else.

Wayne Dyer

When You Stop Quotes #1036377
#3. The dirty little secret of biological psychiatry is that every single drug in the psychopharmacopoeia is palliative. That is, all of them are symptom suppressors, and when you stop taking them you're back at square one.

Sally Brampton

When You Stop Quotes #1047300
#4. It's amazing how drastically your life can change when you stop accepting shit you hate.

Steve Maraboli

When You Stop Quotes #1049083
#5. Lessons of Life: When you stop yearning, When you stop aspiring. You stop living.

Shekhar Kapur

When You Stop Quotes #1055296
#6. In the words of Madame Leota in the film The Haunted Mansion, 'You try, you fail, you try, you fail, but the only true failure is when you stop trying

Carrie Hope Fletcher

When You Stop Quotes #1057534
#7. I would prefer to be a little nervous, because when you stop being nervous is kind of when you stop caring.

Conor Oberst

When You Stop Quotes #1065747
#8. Why refer to the prosperity gospel phenomenon as a "parallel, post-biblical Christianity"? When you stop to look inside these churches, you hear Christian-like things and you see Christian-like activities.

Grant Retief

When You Stop Quotes #1077390
#9. It's only when you stop trying to affect the outcome of your life that you're truly defeated. What will come will come. It's how we deal with the shit in between that shapes us." Ash

Sherrilyn Kenyon

When You Stop Quotes #1080518
#10. Worrying is worthless. When you stop focusing on what has already happened and what may never happen, then you'll be in the present moment. Then you'll begin to experience joy in life.

Brian Weiss

When You Stop Quotes #1133928
#11. When you stop putting yourself on the line, and you don't touch your own heart, how do you expect to touch other people?

Tori Amos

When You Stop Quotes #1152848
#12. Life is a wonderful adventure, a beautiful dream. But when you stop to analyse its inner workings, it looses its magic

Bangambiki Habyarimana

When You Stop Quotes #1154860
#13. True self confidence happens when you stop blaming others for not seeing what you love about yourself. Not everyone has the same list of needs.

Shannon L. Alder

When You Stop Quotes #1156115
#14. How do you deal with meditating when you stop breathing? The trick is to meditate just a little higher and you won't even know that you're not breathing.

Frederick Lenz

When You Stop Quotes #1164385
#15. From the age of 6, when I won my first race in skiing, I was on the national ski teams, really until Olympics in '72, so I always had a lot of discipline and commitment to achieve as much as I could in good way. Competitiveness doesn't stop when you stop skiing.

Ivana Trump

When You Stop Quotes #1172702
#16. But how far do you go for love? How much of your life do you give up for a single person? And how much do you let yourself change? When you stop being yourself, who will you become?

Katie Kacvinsky

When You Stop Quotes #1181007
#17. When you stop having dreams and ideals - well, you might as well stop altogether.

Marian Anderson

When You Stop Quotes #1189840
#18. But if your story is about the inner workings of competitive quilting, you'd better make it short and extra witty. People drift off when you stop talking about stuff that isn't, well, them. The

Scott Adams

When You Stop Quotes #1192987
#19. The perfect way is without difficulty, for it avoids picking and choosing. Only when you stop liking and disliking will all be clearly understood. Be not concerned with right or wrong, for the conflict between right and wrong is the sickness of the mind.


When You Stop Quotes #1196729
#20. When you stop your thoughts, you stop the world.

Frederick Lenz

When You Stop Quotes #1197008
#21. Sometimes you care and love people but they didn't realize it. they realize it, when you stop caring or loving them but then, everything is meaningless

Qasim Habib

When You Stop Quotes #1223858
#22. When you stop playing for a while, people tend to forget about you.

Alexandra Kosteniuk

When You Stop Quotes #1229860
#23. When you stop a dictator, there are always risks. But there are greater risks in not stopping a dictator.

Margaret Thatcher

When You Stop Quotes #1236978
#24. When you stop existing and you start truly living, each moment of the day comes alive with the wonder and synchronicity.

Steve Maraboli

When You Stop Quotes #1239102
#25. We start off thinking the whole world is about us," Lucy said. "Once you learn how little it cares about you, that's when you stop taking things personal.

Edward W. Robertson

When You Stop Quotes #1245470
#26. When you stop hoping you start settling.

Valorie Burton

When You Stop Quotes #1263496
#27. Once You keep Aside the Emotional side Of yours,
Is when You stop using the phrase "This was a BAD PHASE" of life..

Sujit Lalwani

When You Stop Quotes #1270052
#28. Always live your life with one dream to fulfill. No matter how many of your dreams you have realized in the past, always have a dream to go. Because when you stop dreaming, life becomes a mundane existence.

Sara Henderson

When You Stop Quotes #1271656
#29. When you stop trying to find the right man and start becoming the right woman, the right man will find his way to you.


When You Stop Quotes #1271694
#30. Because when you stop worrying about what anyone else things, life gets a whole lot easier".

April WIlliams

When You Stop Quotes #1296086
#31. Oh, how wonderful and rich and
strange life can be when you stop playing out the roles that your parents and their friends wrote out
for you.

John Cheever

When You Stop Quotes #1296492
#32. Fame is a very unnatural human condition. When you stop to realize that Abraham Lincoln was probably never seen by more than 400 people in a single evening, and that I can enter over 40 million homes in a single evening due to the power of television, you have to admit the situation is not normal.

Chevy Chase

When You Stop Quotes #1305349
#33. When you stop and look at so much of the kind of activism that has been triggered, the Tea Party and the like, as a result of Obama's efforts - TARP, the stimulus package, and now the health care reform - there is a lot of sense this government is changing.

Juan Williams

When You Stop Quotes #1308409
#34. The only failure in writing is when you stop doing it. Then you fail yourself.

Natalie Goldberg

When You Stop Quotes #1308762
#35. When you stop viewing chaos as an end state to be avoided and start viewing it as the beginning and ongoing default state of most things in life then that becomes something that is either terrifying or incredibly liberating.

Christian Cook

When You Stop Quotes #1314267
#36. When you stop drinking, you have to deal with this marvelous personality that started you drinking in the first place.

Jimmy Breslin

When You Stop Quotes #1323509
#37. You have more fun and enjoy more financial success when you stop trying to get what you want and start helping other people get what they want.

Spencer Johnson

When You Stop Quotes #1340536
#38. Many people have stopped growing. When you stop growing, you stop living. Many have stopped living and now just bide their time before it becomes official.

Tony Curl

When You Stop Quotes #1340688
#39. Archie! Trying to figure out a woman is just like punching yourself in the head -- It feels good when you stop!! (Jughead Jones)

Vic Bloom

When You Stop Quotes #1345255
#40. You sell more when you stop selling.

David Meerman Scott

When You Stop Quotes #1346159
#41. When you stop inventing reality then you see things as they really are.

Ben Okri

When You Stop Quotes #1353305
#42. There's always hope, Apostolos. Of all men, you know that. It's only when you stop trying to affect the outcome of your life that you're truly defeated. What will come will come. It's how we deal with the shit in between that shapes us. (Savitar)

Sherrilyn Kenyon

When You Stop Quotes #1359377
#43. It's only a sure defeat when you stop trying.

Ann Aguirre

When You Stop Quotes #1365056
#44. It was the former ballet star Robert Helpmann who famously observed the problem with dancing naked: when you stop on the music, not all parts of your anatomy stop at the same time.

Alastair Macaulay

When You Stop Quotes #1375285
#45. You can only give yourself a chance to find right things when you stop chasing wrong things.

Auliq Ice

When You Stop Quotes #1376979
#46. Test everything that can be tested. As soon as you think you know something, that's when you stop questioning it. Understanding kills curiosity. Understanding kills progress.

Josh Hanagarne

When You Stop Quotes #1383549
#47. When you stop being nervous is when you should retire. I'm always a little nervous for anything I do because when complacency sets in, that's when I feel it's time to move on to something else.

Chris Jericho

When You Stop Quotes #1389110
#48. Life just turns deliciously quirky when you stop resisting yourself and, instead, honor the intuition that tugs at you like a puppy on a leash in the park. Follow the magic and magic starts to follow you.

Tama J. Kieves

When You Stop Quotes #1391246
#49. When you stop doing something, it doesn't mean you are rejecting the previous work. That's the mistake; it's not rejecting it, it's saying, 'I have exploited it enough now and I wish to take a look at another corner.'

David Hockney

When You Stop Quotes #1409461
#50. When you stop giving and offering something to the rest of the world, it's time to turn out the lights.

George Burns

When You Stop Quotes #1413674
#51. Keep on dreaming boy, cause when you stop dreamin' it's time to die.

Shannon Hoon

When You Stop Quotes #1421425
#52. Ah well." Gignomai turned slowly round. "It's not often commented on, but when you stop and think, mercy is the biggest injustice of them all.

K.J. Parker

When You Stop Quotes #1423156
#53. You keep running and one day when you stop running your going to fall, and I'm going to be there to catch you.

Gena Showalter

When You Stop Quotes #1461449
#54. You know you found the right one when you stop looking for more.

Laurel House

When You Stop Quotes #1464893
#55. When you stop to think about it, so many films today where we don't have that kind of contact are films about alienation. About alienated feelings. We are much more alienated from our colleagues nowadays.

Elmer Bernstein

When You Stop Quotes #1637465
#56. When you stop living your life based on what others think of you real life begins. At that moment, you will finally see the door of self acceptance opened.

Shannon L. Alder

When You Stop Quotes #1873602
#57. I don't like to stop. I believe when you stop, you die.

Lil' Wayne

When You Stop Quotes #1836356
#58. I wrote six pilots, none of which ever got picked up. When you stop trying, it then it falls in your lap.

George R R Martin

When You Stop Quotes #1833255
#59. This is life. This is what happens when you stop living in the moment. People grow up. They change, they move on, and you find yourself wishing you had looked up in time to walk with them.

Claire Contreras

When You Stop Quotes #1819534
#60. When you stop chasing your dreams, your dreams start chasing you.

Dez Del Rio

When You Stop Quotes #1809606
#61. Whatever is arising in this moment, whatever condition, is part of the isness of life and therefore accepting it fully makes you an expression of the enormous power of life itself-true intelligence, which only comes when you stop obstructing the power of the present moment.

Eckhart Tolle

When You Stop Quotes #1803890
#62. When you stop doing what insults your Soul, your Journey accelerates and your Life beings to fill with joy.

Sue Fitzmaurice

When You Stop Quotes #1792122
#63. I've had quite a life, when you stop and think about it.

Nancy Reagan

When You Stop Quotes #1789458
#64. Dreams begin when you stop to pick up the penny - you realize the continual effort you must endure to have something worth obtaining.

Bernice Miller

When You Stop Quotes #1774530
#65. Maturity is when you stop complaining and making excuses and start making changes.

Roy Bennett

When You Stop Quotes #1769287
#66. You'll stop hurting when you stop hoping.

Guillaume Musso

When You Stop Quotes #1762800
#67. You get strength and courage, when you stop to look fear in the face.

Eleanor Roosevelt

When You Stop Quotes #1760833
#68. When you stop learning you stop growing.

Ken Blanchard

When You Stop Quotes #1751017
#69. Because when you stop and look around, this life is pretty amazing.

Dr. Seuss

When You Stop Quotes #1748762
#70. If you have only one passion in life - football - and you pursue it to the exclusion of everything else, it becomes very dangerous. When you stop doing this activity it is as though you are dying. The death of that activity is a death in itself.

Eric Cantona

When You Stop Quotes #1745245
#71. When you stop being owned by your emotions you'll stop feeling vulnerable to people. ~ Remiel

Aria J. Wolfe

When You Stop Quotes #1738850
#72. When you stop caring what people think, you lose your capacity for connection. When you're defined by it, you lose our capacity for vulnerability.

Brene Brown

When You Stop Quotes #1732838
#73. That's when you stop being one way and start being another, Ruby said. Not something many people can do, or want to do. In fact, Ruby said, The only people who cross over, cross over because they're on some kind of Mission Impossible.
I could no longer live and stay the way I was, I said.

Tom Spanbauer

When You Stop Quotes #1728923
#74. You'll find success in life when you stop trying to include God in your plans and Instead ask God to include you in His.

Rick Warren

When You Stop Quotes #1714761
#75. Never stop loving while living, when you stop loving, you stop living.

Kemi Sogunle

When You Stop Quotes #1707018
#76. I am, when you stop to think of it, a member of a fairly select group: the final handful of American novelists who learned to read and write before they learned to eat a daily helping of video bullshit.

Stephen King

When You Stop Quotes #1683357
#77. When you stop complaining about others for not helping you and focus on your efforts; there's no stopping you.

Udai Yadla

When You Stop Quotes #1671656
#78. When you stop chasing all the wrong things, you give the right things a chance to catch you.

K. Bromberg

When You Stop Quotes #1649155
#79. Standing still is never a good option. Not in the ring, and not in life ... When you stop moving, you're done.

Georges St-Pierre

When You Stop Quotes #1649093
#80. When you stop searching and you calm down and you put your books away, and you confront yourself and see what you are all about, that will bring about bliss faster than anything you can ever imagine or ever do.

Robert Adams

When You Stop Quotes #1647545
#81. It's when you stop planning every last detail that you discover the fun in life.

Joanne Clancy

When You Stop Quotes #1641674
#82. It is when you stop resisting and choose an attitude of acceptance and positivity that you are able to shift your energetic experience to a higher plane and thereby attract and allow in experiences that are more in alignment with your hopes and dreams.

Susan Barbara Apollon

When You Stop Quotes #1525126
#83. When you stop being very sure about your own truths, then real truths will open wide their doors to you!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

When You Stop Quotes #1482397
#84. When you stop doing things for fun you might as well be dead.

Ernest Hemingway,

When You Stop Quotes #1489496
#85. Netflix and Amazon know when you stop and start a program, whether you wanted the whole thing, all of that.

Rick Smolan

When You Stop Quotes #1490740
#86. You succeed and accomplish and accomplish; the problem is when you stop, you become depressed because you could never do enough.

Dan Hill

When You Stop Quotes #1495885
#87. We practice to learn how to let go, not how to increase our holding on to things. Enlightenment appears when you stop wanting anything.

Ajahn Chah

When You Stop Quotes #1503417
#88. Wisdom is the contant questioning of where you are. And when you stop wanting to know, you're dea. You're walking, but you're dead.

Billy Connolly

When You Stop Quotes #1507123
#89. Life is more fun when you stop caring what other people think.

Blake Mycoskie

When You Stop Quotes #1518084
#90. There's this feeling, when you stop believing it's a show and you're there and this is happening.

Giles Matthey

When You Stop Quotes #1521126
#91. This is what being alive's all about, all those fucked up feelings. You've got to have them; when you stop, watch out.

Irvine Welsh

When You Stop Quotes #1521831
#92. When you stop giving attention to someone that takes you for granted, they will!

April Mae Monterrosa

When You Stop Quotes #1522305
#93. When you stop thinking about yourself all the time, a certain sense of repose overtakes you.

Leonard Cohen

When You Stop Quotes #1522686
#94. Books are something which by the words breaths when you stop writing it stops it's own proccess = breathing..

Deyth Banger

When You Stop Quotes #1522932
#95. feeling of when you think you can never stop laughing and you think if you don't stop, you'll burst in half and that makes you laugh even more, thinking about bursting and then when you stop, you are so tired but it is such a happy tired.

Cecily Anne Paterson

When You Stop Quotes #1591159
#96. Golf is a very serious part of my life, but when you stop having fun at it, that's when it's time to hang it up.

Tiger Woods

When You Stop Quotes #1556238
#97. Old Age- You can tell when you're getting old when you stop taking drugs for fun and start taking them to keep you alive.
-character Jackson Rockenberger (Broken)

J. Matthew Nespoli

When You Stop Quotes #1566046
#98. When you stop admiring yourself
and let the eyes of the heart
open your vision to vast other worlds
then all you do, will become admirable


When You Stop Quotes #1567751
#99. When you stop blooming where you've been planted, it's time to put down new roots.

Mandy Hale

When You Stop Quotes #1554986
#100. Happiness is achieved when you stop waiting for your life to begin and start making the most of the moment you are in.

Germany Kent

When You Stop Quotes #1599906

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