Top 100 Mandy Hale Quotes

#1. But at night, once I had taken off my makeup and my defenses were down and my mind started to wander, it seemed rather than new love sitting down at the table of my life to join me, old love managed to find its way back in ...

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #92312

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #114590
#3. My point is this: When you live in shackles to other people's opinions and moods and judgments, it is the equivalent of becoming a human streamer.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #153903
#4. She screws up - a lot. She stumbles and she falls. She gets it wrong as often as she gets it right. But she never gives up the fight.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #201797
#5. What now seems wrong, unfair, and ridiculous will all make sense later.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #204675
#6. The only thing we single ladies need to be rescued from is the notion that we need to be rescued.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #249057
#7. To live, to TRULY live, we must be willing to RISK. To be nothing in order to find everything. To leap before we look.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #270807
#8. Figure out what makes you laugh, and do more of it. Figure out what makes you cry, and do less of it.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #273997
#9. When life brings you full circle, pay attention. There's a lesson there.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #356459
#10. Even most churches don't really know what to do with their singles. They teach classes on "preparing for marriage," "waiting for marriage," and "praying for marriage," but what about just honoring exactly who you are in this moment instead of always prepping for the next phase of life?

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #398136
#11. Celebrate the people in your life who are there because they love you for no other reason than because you are YOU.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #430468
#12. The more you go with the flow of life and surrender the outcome to God, and the less you seek constant clarity, the more you will find that fabulous things start to show up in your life.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #478482
#13. There is never a moment when God is not in control. Relax! He's got you covered.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #484881
#14. Timing is everything. What good is finding the RIGHT thing if it's the WRONG time?

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #485687
#15. Throw down her expectations, throw up her hands, and enjoy the ride. Because it's not going to turn out the way she thought it would. It's going to turn out so much better.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #493774
#16. You are FAR too fabulous to cling to someone or something that doesn't fit you, doesn't want you, or doesn't belong to you. While you're clinging to the WRONG thing, you're letting the RIGHT thing slip right through your fingers!

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #496615
#17. When you refuse to settle for less than the best ... the best tends to track you down.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #509697
#18. It's not selfish to love yourself, take care of yourself, and make your happiness a priority. It's necessary.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #521712
#19. Loneliness is designed to help you discover who you are ... and to stop looking outside yourself for your worth.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #544196
#20. Don't pour a lifetime of effort into a seasonal relationship. Not everyone from the pilot belongs in the finale.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #622306
#21. You can't truly heal from a loss until you allow yourself to really FEEL the loss.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #657556
#22. Realize that if a door closed, it's because what was behind it wasn't meant for you.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #665462
#23. You're beautiful, just the way you are. Shine on. And dare anyone to turn off the lights.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #700495
#24. Sit your affections, your heart and your precious time out on the doorstep without so much as making him ring the doorbell first, and he'll treat you like a doormat. Make him work a little to get next to you, and he won't stop til you're his.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #709371
#25. It's a lot harder to get someone OUT of your life than it is to let them IN, so please ... be selective.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #710028
#26. Our friends have a way of reminding us of how fabulous we are when the rest of the world has forgotten.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #730786
#27. Life is too short for constant struggle and pain. LET IT GO and move on to the beauty and light.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #785091
#28. Allow yourself to hope, to believe and to trust again. Don't let a few bad memories stop you from having a good life!

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #795182
#29. You will evolve past certain people. Let yourself.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #805755
#30. Stop inviting people who don't celebrate you to your party! It's YOUR life - you have the right to be exclusive.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #818023
#31. There also seems to be a lack of things to talk about among singles and takens. The common ground between us seems to shrink smaller and smaller with each passing year.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #853468
#32. If a man WANTS to be with you, he will make his actions clear. There won't be any questions, murkiness, cloudiness, or fear.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #868263
#33. You can love them, forgive them, want good things for them ... but still move on without them.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #876673
#34. When something or someone is no longer bringing you up, but pulling you down - it's time to let go. When something or someone is no longer adding to your life, but subtracting from it - it's time to let go.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #882389
#35. The less you respond to rude, critical, argumentative people ... the more peaceful your life will become.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #883762
#36. The things we don't stress tend to turn out best. Trust and let go.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #885834
#37. Was I always your option ... while you were my choice?

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #894163
#38. Change starts with YOU. When you step up, you invite others to step up, too.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #929773
#39. Be a bit of a challenge; not because you're playing games but because you realize you're worth the extra effort.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #950843
#40. Sometimes it takes a heartbreak to shake us awake & help us see we are worth so much more than we're settling for.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1000831
#41. Some steps need to be taken alone. It's the only way to really figure out where you need to go and who you need to be.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1006309
#42. Learn from your failure's; do not prevent misfortune from teaching you.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1053147
#43. Love is a beautiful, wonderful, and even sacred thing, but until it arrives, shouldn't we give ourselves permission to thrive?

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1057732
#44. It can seem as if the single season of life is going to drag on forever and ever.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1070858
#45. The person you're meant to be with will never have to be chased, begged or given an ultimatum

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1072729
#46. The solitude, bravery, and uncertain path of the modern-day single woman is something to be applauded as bold and courageous and unique, not lauded as sad or pathetic or weak. As

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1092675
#47. Single ladies, we are not Damsels in Distress ... we are Divas that Impress!

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1098678
#48. Single is a choice, just like Married is.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1109503
#49. Don't waste words on people who deserve your silence. Sometimes the most powerful thing you can say is nothing at all.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1126582
#50. Happy is still Happy, with or without the Ever After.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1129196
#51. Until you get comfortable with being alone, you'll never know if you're choosing someone out of love or loneliness.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1133514
#52. Here's a glorious thought: You don't have to settle. Ever. In life, in love, in your career ... ANYWHERE!

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1160059
#53. Pick your battles. You don't have to show up to every arguement you're invited to.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1165326
#54. You don't always need a plan. Sometimes you just need to breathe, trust, let go and see what happens.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1209260
#55. When you live in the present, the past is forgotten & the future takes care of itself.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1271306
#56. God can turn your biggest flaws into your biggest cause.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1277719
#57. Don't wait until you're faced with someone's absence to acknowledge the importance of their presence. Love them now. Realize that the flaws, irritations, bad habits, and imperfections are all a part of what makes them, and you, unique, special, and rare to this universe.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1282404
#58. Sometimes a "mistake" can end up being the best decision you ever make.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1285841
#59. Hope for love, pray for love, wish for love, dream for love ... but don't put your life on hold waiting for love

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1286836
#60. Strong women don't play victim, don't make themselves look pitiful, & don't point fingers. They stand & they deal.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1310096
#61. She has to have four arms, four legs, four eyes, two hearts, and double the love. There is nothing "single" about a single mom.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1338274
#62. When you are your own best friend, you don't endlessly seek out relationships, friendships, and validation from the wrong sources because you realize that the only approval and validation you need is your own.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1339215
#63. Happiness begins with you. Not with your relationship, your friends, or your job. but with you.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1345331
#64. You are here for a reason. There is nothing accidental about you. There is a specific purpose, assignment, and mission on earth that only you can fulfill. Never doubt your specialness.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1358469
#65. Your lives are on two separate tracks and it seems as though there's simply no going back. And as much as you love her and cherish the memories you've shared together, you know in your heart that the friendship has run its course.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1361669
#66. Better to put your heart on the line, risk everything, and walk away with nothing than play it safe. Love is a lot of things, but "safe" isn't one of them.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1363901
#67. If you don't love yourself, you'll always be chasing after people who don't love you either.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1370987
#68. No matter how attractive a person's potential may be, you have to date their reality.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1376543
#69. Happiness doesn't have to be chased ... it merely has to be chosen.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1404697

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1404869
#71. Your thoughts are like a magnet; they determine what you attract. So if you want to live in abundance, stop focusing on what you lack!

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1437963
#72. Stand strong in your worth and don't let anyone talk you out of it.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1465496
#73. Red flags are moments of hesitation that determine our destination.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1487380
#74. You will never gain anyone's approval by begging for it. When you stand confident in your own worth, respect follows.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1496338
#75. Self-love, self-respect, self-approval, and self-worth do not equal self-ish.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1517722
#76. When you stop blooming where you've been planted, it's time to put down new roots.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1554986
#77. Mean girls go far in high school. Kind women go far in LIFE.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1583142
#78. Some relationships just don't work out, no matter how bad both parties might want them to. Sometimes time, distance, and circumstances get in the way. And sometimes we have a purpose for our lives that couldn't be fulfilled inside the bounds of that relationship.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1585094
#79. Take care of someone else. Be there for someone else. Bless someone else. A happy life is about GIVING more than you TAKE.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1596036
#80. The right one for you will move mountains to be with you - he won't hide behind them.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1597590
#81. She has moments of panic when she wonders if her Prince Charming got lost somewhere or decided to settle for another less complicated, less stubborn, less independent princess.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1599563
#82. The WHY of letting it go is quite simple: You have to let go of what is NOT meant for you in order to receive what IS. So now I ask you: What are YOU willing to let go of today,

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1618121

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1651683
#84. If you're still waiting for it, it mean you're not yet ready for it ... whatever "it" is ... so stop looking at waiting as a punishment and start looking at it as preparation!

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1661879
#85. Two things you will never have to chase: True friends & true love.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1697521
#86. You cannot ask someone to like you or love you more than you like or love yourself. YOU have to set the standard.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1734771
#87. You have a destiny and a purpose that no one else on this earth can fulfill ... and you have traveled a unique journey that has equipped you along the way with the tools you need to carry it out.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1744439
#88. My journey, however, has followed a far less predictable story: stalled chapters, unexpected plot twists, and dozens of rewrites that have left the ending more than a little uncertain.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1751513
#89. Sometimes you have to move on without certain people. If they're meant to be in your life, they'll catch up.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1762707
#90. If they want to be in your life, they'll find a way to be in your life. Otherwise they'll find excuses.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1764218
#91. Happily Single is also the precursor to Happily Taken. You simply can't have one without the other.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1806063
#92. Perhaps sometimes in life, no matter how much you want to, you can't grow into the person you are meant to be while you're standing in the shade or the sunlight of someone else.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1806660
#93. Here's a little secret that's going to save you a LOT of unnecessary grief in life. Are you ready? Your worth is not tied to any person.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1820684
#94. The wonderful, beautiful thing that happens when you rid yourself of the things that don't see your worth? You make space in your life for all the glorious things you deserve.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1824948
#95. Not everything in life has to be about finding "The One." Sometimes a girl just wants to have fun.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1828293
#96. Because sometimes, even when you see someone headed for a collision, all you can do is step out of the way and let it happen, hoping there will be something left to salvage after the wreckage is cleared.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1837090
#97. We have to release our plans to realize God's greater purpose

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1837306
#98. You've gotta love yourself enough to look INSIDE you & not BESIDE you for your joy, confidence, & self worth.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1844109
#99. A girl who truly knows herself is a girl that everybody else wants to know.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1857591
#100. The only keeper of your happiness is you. Stop giving people the power to control your smile, your worth and your attitude.

Mandy Hale

Mandy Hale Quotes #1868868

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