Top 100 Weiner Quotes
#1. It is with great disappointment that I call on Representative Anthony Weiner to resign. The behavior he has exhibited is indefensible and Representative Weiner's continued service in Congress is untenable.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
#2. Matt Weiner is very perceptive; there's something about the rhythms and the way people speak that is very authentic to the actor. But there are qualities that are dissimilar. The characters on 'Mad Men' are struggling with pretty profound unhappiness, but I can tell you this is a happy bunch.
Aaron Staton
#3. I hate when people use this term, but Matt Weiner is a genius.
Randee Heller
#4. As Mark Weiner puts it, whether you gain 50 pounds or lose 50 pounds, whether you have a sex change operation for that matter, that it doesn't matter, that there is some part of ourselves that we cannot escape.
Todd Solondz
#6. There is one thing Anthony Weiner and I agree on: there are a lot of smart, hard-working people in the financial industry.
Elizabeth Warren
#7. I don't usually watch a lot of TV, but 'Mad Men' changed my perspective. I admire Matthew Weiner who came up with the idea and wrote such a great TV series, and the broadcasting company for being bold enough to air such a series.
Park Chan-wook
#8. Anthony Weiner and his wife, Huma, have given birth to a baby boy. He posted a photo of the new baby on Twitter, but people are afraid to open it.
Jay Leno
#9. Weiner, T.: Legacy of Ashes (The history of CIA).
#10. Why are we here?", Douglas cried, as poop came out his weiner in a long thin strip, it was weiner-poop, which is the grossest poop of all.
Leopold Butters Stotch
#11. This sordid affair has become an unacceptable distraction for Representative Weiner, his family, his constituents and the House - and for the good of all, he should step aside and address those things that should be most important - his and his family's well-being.
Debbie Wasserman Schultz
#12. Thoughts and prayers go out to Michael Weiner's family. A great leader and man. Going to be missed.
Joba Chamberlain
#13. Matt Weiner is an amazing writer. He's one of the best, greatest writers that's ever written for television, or just written.
Jared Harris
#14. Imagine if Isobel comes out with a weiner though." Jack added wistfully, with a look on his face full of genuine wonder and confusion.
Lucy Louise
#15. Sad to hear news about Michael Weiner, deepest condolences to his loved ones. His sacrifices as head of players union will not be forgotten.
Jose Bautista
#16. Congressmember Weiner has shown just a pattern of reckless behavior, an inability to tell the truth, and what New Yorkers deserve is a mayor with a record of delivering for them, of vision, and a level of maturity and responsibility.
Christine Quinn
#17. These days, young people watch TV on smartphones and computers. Young people with an actual TV set are harder to find than a picture of Anthony Weiner with his clothes on.
Craig Ferguson
#18. I can carry a tune with a three-note range. Once I'm out of that range, I'm in trouble.
Jennifer Weiner
#19. He was arguably the best-qualified FBI director since J. Edgar Hoover; he thought Clinton was the most talented politician since Richard Nixon. That made their mutual contempt all the more tragic. It undermined the FBI and ultimately damaged the United States.
Tim Weiner
#20. There is a primacy of each individual object. And we'll see! That's the whole point of making sculpture, to present a question in a physical form to people.
Lawrence Weiner
#22. Who knows where the talent goes? Sometimes it goes where the money is. Sometimes I think writers are really interested in the glory.
Matthew Weiner
#23. It is this kind of resourcefulness, I think, that explains how this hardy band of Vikings managed to survive more than one thousand years on an island that is about as hospitable to human habitation as the planet Pluto - if Pluto were a planet, that is, which it's not.
Eric Weiner
#24. We need to a new word to describe Swiss happiness.
Eric Weiner
#25. I think it's a waste of time to worry about the motives of why people are supportive of things. I think we should look at the thing itself. And if they're supportive of something that's sexist or racist, then it's a bad thing, but it's not because they're supportive of it that it's a bad thing.
Lawrence Weiner
#26. I wonder if novels work for women because they give us a safe place to talk about our ish.
Jennifer Weiner
#27. Long as people can still surprise you, it means you're not dead.
Jennifer Weiner
#28. If you write thrillers or mysteries or horror fiction or quote-unquote speculative fiction, men might read you, and the 'Times' might notice you.
Jennifer Weiner
#29. Humans, even nomadic ones, need a sense of home. Home need not be one place or any place at all, but every home has two essential elements: a sense of community and, even more important, a history.
Eric Weiner
#31. Haydn, Beethoven, Mozart, none of them were born in Vienna. They all moved there. It became a magnet, but what made it magnetized in the first place? There has to be a seed there. In the case of Vienna of about 1780, it was this deep-seated love of music.
Eric Weiner
#32. I am announcing my resignation from Congress so my colleagues can get back to work, my neighbors can choose a new representative and most importantly that my wife and I can continue to heal from the damage I have caused.
Anthony Weiner
#33. Stellar Wind resurrected Cold War tactics with twenty-first-century technology. It let the FBI work with the NSA outside of the limits of the law.
Tim Weiner
#34. Everyone has sorrow. Everyone has obligations. Everyone keeps going. You lean on the people who love you. You do the best you can, and you keep going.
Jennifer Weiner
#36. You've got to make time. It's important. You know how they tell you on planes, in case of an emergency, the adults should put their oxygen masks on first? You're not going to be any good to anyone if you're not taking care of yourself.
Jennifer Weiner
#37. Perhaps love and attention are really the same thing. One can't exist without the other. The British scholar Avner Offer calls attention "the universal currency of well-being." Attentive people, in other words, are happy people.
Eric Weiner
#38. We help other people because we can, or because it makes us feel good, not because we're counting on some future payback. There is a word for this; love.
Eric Weiner
#39. Her anecdotes had a polished quality, like she had read a book on what could possibly make a beautiful girl sound sympathetic and memorized the answers.
Jennifer Weiner
#40. It's just you and the track and the clock. It's the most elemental thing there is-the simplest and the hardest. No everybody is cut out for it.
Jennifer Weiner
#41. You look around the world at geniuses, and they don't appear randomly, they appear in genius clusters. Athens in 50 BC, Florence 1500, Silicon Valley today. This is not a coincidence.
Eric Weiner
#42. If you've ever had somebody try to sell you something - people who can sell, they really are not manipulating you. They are selling themselves.
Matthew Weiner
#43. I've come to learn there is a virtuous cycle to transparency and a very vicious cycle of obfuscation.
Jeff Weiner
#44. Freeh infuriated the White House almost every day for more than seven years. One case among many was the FBI's immense investigation into allegations that China's intelligence services had bought political influence at the White House through illegal campaign contributions.
Tim Weiner
#45. You have to open yourself up to the universe's possibilities.
Jennifer Weiner
#46. If somebody asks if you tweeted your penis and your answer is anything other than "No," you tweeted your penis.
Bill Maher
#47. It's not the crime per se that makes places unhappy. It's the creeping sense of fear that permeates everyone's lives, even those who have never been - and probably never will be - victims of crime.
Eric Weiner
#48. People say I'm not good at writing about men. My dad left when I was 16. Give me a break. I'm doing the best I can.
Jennifer Weiner
#49. Religion is like a knife. If you use it the wrong way you can cut yourself.
Eric Weiner
#50. The creator of Bambi was secretly writing pornographic novels on the side. This single fact tells you everything you need to know about turn-of-the-century Vienna, and why it was the perfect place for Sigmund Freud and his far-fetched theories about the human psyche.
Eric Weiner
#51. (It's a good thing the gho is so handy, because all Bhutanese men are required to wear one during business hours. Bhutan is the only country in the world with a dress code for men.)
Eric Weiner
#52. I am here today to again apologize for the personal mistakes I have made and the embarrassment I have caused. I make this apology to my neighbors and my constituents, but I make it particularly to my wife, Huma.
Anthony Weiner
#53. My major goal is to take my bathrobe off before the kids get home from school.
Matthew Weiner
#54. Now "professional" seems to be whoever you went to school with. It constitutes your nuclear world. And that's the fault of the teachers; it's not the fault of the young artist.
Lawrence Weiner
#55. It's very hard to turn writers against each other, believe it or not.
Matthew Weiner
#56. The truth is, what I learned this year is that life is hard ... Good people die for no reason. Little kids get sick. The people that are supposed to love you end up leaving.
Jennifer Weiner
#57. Being a novelist is hard for anyone - male or female. You don't get to quit your day job.
Jennifer Weiner
#58. New York lost a classic. Carmine was an old school New Yorker.
Anthony Weiner
#59. This thing that I created, this thing I made as a woman, for other women, is worth something. It's worth exactly the same as what a similar thing, built by a man, for men, is worth.
Jennifer Weiner
#60. A confused mind is one that is open to the possibility of change.
Eric Weiner
#61. Data really powers everything that we do.
Jeff Weiner
#62. God is not an exclamation point. He is, at his best, a semicolon, connecting people, and generating what Aldous Huxley called "human grace." Somewhere along the way, we've lost sight of this.
Eric Weiner
#63. Mooo," she said ... "I mean mmmm," she moaned. Louder this time. Goddamn Dr. Seuss is ruining my sex life.
Jennifer Weiner
#64. A former congressman on his sexting habit: I have made terrible mistakes. I have not been honest with myself, my family, my constituents, my friends and supporters and the media.
Anthony Weiner
#65. Stand your ground!" Stheno yelled. "I've got free samples!
Rick Riordan
#68. How do you find happiness in a body like yours ... like mine? How do you find courage to follow anything anywhere if you don't feel like you fit in the world?
Jennifer Weiner
#69. A deep-cover squad tried to infiltrate the far left by posing as politically radicalized Vietnam veterans well supplied with guns and drugs. Four or five of them liked their new lives so much that they never came back.
Tim Weiner
#71. You move forward because thats the way it works; thats the only place you can go.
Jennifer Weiner
#72. I'm not cut out to be a famous person; I can't do my hair and makeup well enough.
Jennifer Weiner
#73. You don't necessarily have to go public to get to the next level.
Jeff Weiner
#74. Perhaps it is not the belief of God that makes us happier but belief in something, anything. How else to explain the fact that the happiest countries in the world--Denmark, Iceland, Switzerland, the Netherlands--are hardly religious at all?
Eric Weiner
#75. Baby, groaned the guy-Ted? Tad?-something like that-and crushed his lips against the side of her neck, shoving her face against the wall of the toilet stall.
Jennifer Weiner
#76. Don't forget that Mozart worked on commission. He almost always would write something if he knew exactly who was paying for it and where it would be performed. So you can't really separate the creation of genius from the appreciation of it.
Eric Weiner
#77. Toward the end of his life, Fred Terman wrote that he had no regrets: "If I had my life to live over again, I would play the same record.
Eric Weiner
#78. You don't get perfect-but I was going to grab this happiness and hold it as tightly as I could. I was going to enjoy it for as long as it lasted.
Jennifer Weiner
#79. As I railed on and on, I became increasingly energied and excited by my own misery and misanthropy until I reached a kind of orgasm of negativity.' ... The Brits don't merely enjoy misery, they get off on it.
Eric Weiner
#80. Cactus finches do more with cactus than Plains Indians did with buffalo. They nest in cactus; they sleep in cactus; they often copulate in cactus; they drink cactus nectar; they eat cactus flowers, cactus pollen, and cactus seeds. In return they pollinate the cactus, like bees.
Jonathan Weiner
#82. I want to live in a world where people are judged by who they are instead of what size they wear.
Jennifer Weiner
#83. He'd been lonely, and I'd been lonely, but if we were together, we'd never have to be lonely again.
Jennifer Weiner
#84. Relationships are such that if one person changes, the relationship changes.
Michele Weiner-Davis
#85. Money matters but less than we think and not in the way that we think. Family is important. So are friends. Envy is toxic. So is excessive thinking. Beaches are optional. Trust is not. Neither is gratitude.
Eric Weiner
#86. When I married him, but, in the ten years since, it seemed like he'd decided that anything that went wrong in his life or anyone else's was the liberals' fault. Ellie considered
Jennifer Weiner
#87. I am trying to be as impartial as possible. As you can tell from the trailers for Mad Men, I am a person who believes that you should know nothing.
Matthew Weiner
#88. The bull's-eyes end up in museums and on library shelves, not the misses. Which, when you think about it, is a shame. It feeds the myth that geniuses get it right the first time, that they don't make mistakes, when, in fact, they make more mistakes than the rest of us.
Eric Weiner
#90. Thai culture, while rare in its distrust of thinking, is not unique. The Inuit frown upon thinking. It indicates someone is either crazy or fiercely stubborn, neither of which is desirable.
Eric Weiner
#91. I don't like futons. They can't commit. I'm a bed! I'm a couch! I'm a bed! I'm a couch!
Jennifer Weiner
#92. It was easy to make good choices when you had a web of people supporting you, not to mention money as a safety net when everyone else in your family did the right thing, went to the right college, held down a job.
Jennifer Weiner
#93. The British academic Richard Schoch, in his book The Secrets of Happiness, put it this way: "Your imagination must, to some extent, be found in a realm beyond reason because it begins with imagining a future reality: the self that you might become.
Eric Weiner
#94. Also, the advice we were given as children when confronted with failure, "forget it and move on," is dead wrong. "Remember it and move on" is the way of the genius. I
Eric Weiner
#95. They say - "they" being the great philosophers, or possibly the cast of Seinfeld - that breaking up is like pushing over a Coke machine. You can't just do it, you have to set the thing in motion, rock it back and forth a few times.
Jennifer Weiner
#96. You have to maintain a culture of transformation and stay true to your values.
Jeff Weiner
#97. Twitter is a kind of verbalization of people yelling at their television sets or gnashing their teeth at the newspaper.
Anthony Weiner
#98. Someone had come in and mopped the floor, and the disinfectant smell was
Jennifer Weiner
#99. They might not love Big Brother, but they knew he was part of the family now.
Tim Weiner
#100. Music is playing. We will, we will rock you. But no one will be rocked here. There will be no revolution. People are too comfortable, and comfort is the revolutionaries' worst enemy.
Eric Weiner
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