Top 100 Wanton'd Quotes

#1. How oft, - be witness, Guardian of our days! ... The sky besprinkled o'er with rainbow hues, As if angelic wings had wanton'd there; ...

Robert Montgomery

Wanton'd Quotes #921672
#2. The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds", says Mrs. Phillips. "Our members will not be allowed to wear, or buy, ant hats with feathers, and they must devote themselves to the cause of protecting the birds and discouraging their wanton destruction.

Helen Humphreys

Wanton'd Quotes #1092554
#3. His cock was rock-hard against her thigh. Her legs fell open in wanton invitation. "Please," she begged.

Claire Thompson

Wanton'd Quotes #1123330
#4. My prophecy is but half his journey yet,
For yonder walls, that pertly front your town,
Yon towers, whose wanton tops do buss the clouds,
Must kiss their own feet.

William Shakespeare

Wanton'd Quotes #1082593
#5. To love love and not its meaning, hardens the heart in monstrous ways ... (The Rape Of The Swan)
Footnote : A form of self-edification, infatuation, lust and the epitome of hedonism.

Archibald MacLeish

Wanton'd Quotes #1074686
#6. Capricious, wanton, bold, and brutal Lust Is meanly selfish; when resisted, cruel; And, like the blast of Pestilential Winds, Taints the sweet bloom of Nature's fairest forms.

John Milton

Wanton'd Quotes #1064969
#7. If you can allow colour to breathe, to occupy its own space, to play its own game in its unstable way, it's wanton behaviour, so to speak. It is promiscuous like nothing.

Bridget Riley

Wanton'd Quotes #1034734
#8. Innate in nearly every artistic nature is a wanton, treacherous penchant for accepting injustice when it creates beauty and showing sympathy for and paying homage to aristocratic privilege.

Thomas Mann

Wanton'd Quotes #1012373
#9. War is never lenient but where it is wanton; where men are compelled to fight in self-defence, they must hate and avenge. This may be bad, but it is human nature; it is the clay as it came from the hands of the Potter.

Thomas B. Macaulay

Wanton'd Quotes #969203
#10. I find that by some unfortunate chance I continue to want you, you jade-eyed sorceress with your wanton gold body and your calculating little mind!

Rosemary Rogers

Wanton'd Quotes #948374
#11. Dear God, this was awful. She's been kidnapped by a repressed part of her subconscious, her body taken over by a wanton nympho with no dignity who was sexually aroused by bad behaviour.

Shannon McKenna

Wanton'd Quotes #929903
#12. All my life I have been surrounded by things I'd rather not know too much about, so I have come to feel that truth made naked without purpose is really a wanton.

John Wyndham

Wanton'd Quotes #914692
#13. I am your handiwork made flesh. You took beauty and created hideousness, and out of this monstrosity your child will be born ... . I am the meaning of your deeds. I am the meaning of your so-called love; your destructive, selfish, wanton love ... your love looks just like hatred.

Salman Rushdie

Wanton'd Quotes #902403
#14. As love is full of unbefitting strains,
All wanton as a child, skipping and vain,
Form'd by the eye and therefore, like the eye,
Full of strange shapes, of habits and of forms,
Varying in subjects as the eye doth roll
To every varied object in his glance

William Shakespeare

Wanton'd Quotes #899045
#15. If you feed them, if you feed the children, three square meals a day during the school year, how can you expect them to feed themselves in the summer? Wanton little waifs and serfs dependent on the State. Pure and simple.

Rush Limbaugh

Wanton'd Quotes #892589
#16. Doesn't God also want you to love the partner you are with? You can't help who you fall in love with, Mum. Be it a man or woman. I just happen to love the same sex as me. That doesn't make me a dreadful person.

Zadie Wanton

Wanton'd Quotes #874157
#17. Full many wanton babes have I,
Which must be stilled with lullaby.

George Gascoigne

Wanton'd Quotes #865652
#18. Her curvy hips and small waist, her perfectly sized breasts and round ass are imploring me to corrupt every inch of her. Her decadent body was built to be fucked in the most scandalous and wanton ways imaginable and I'm just the man to do it.

Ella Dominguez

Wanton'd Quotes #850406
#19. We ought never to sport with pain and distress in any of our amusements, or treat even the meanest insect with wanton cruelty.

Hugh Blair

Wanton'd Quotes #841698
#20. At that moment, noticing that his embroidered handkerchief was revealing part of its coloured edging, he thrust it back into his pocket with a startled glance, like a prudish but not innocent woman concealing bodily charms which in her excessive modesty she sees as wanton.

Marcel Proust

Wanton'd Quotes #835507
#21. The tongue of slander is too prompt with wanton malice to wound the stranger.


Wanton'd Quotes #829866
#22. How much longer is the world willing to endure this spectacle of wanton cruelty?

Bertrand Russell

Wanton'd Quotes #797709
#23. You must in your music be wavering like the wind; sometimes wanton, sometimes drooping, sometimes grave and staid, otherwhile effeminate; and the more variety you show, the better shall you please.

Thomas Morley

Wanton'd Quotes #774794
#24. O lust, thou infernal fire, whose fuel is gluttony; whose flame is pride, whose sparkles are wanton words; whose smoke is infamy; whose ashes are uncleanness; whose end is hell.

Francis Quarles

Wanton'd Quotes #768580
#25. Job moans that it is wanton cruelty that suffering people, brutalized or in mourning, should have to relive their horrors in dreams. In fact, why should any of us, in seeking rest, be met with nightmares?

Jennifer Michael Hecht

Wanton'd Quotes #743016
#26. Shy maids are my favorite sort. Aside from wanton ones.

George R R Martin

Wanton'd Quotes #738086
#27. I always prefer socializing at night-it is implicitly more wanton

Lionel Shriver

Wanton'd Quotes #1283527
#28. Sheer male interest filled his gaze which was entirely focused on her. She'd never before felt so female, so utterly desirable, so wanton.

Jo Grafford

Wanton'd Quotes #1545861
#29. The racist dog policemen must withdraw immediately from our communities, cease their wanton murder and brutality and torture of black people, or face the wrath of the armed people.

Huey Newton

Wanton'd Quotes #1473473
#30. The lust of dominion innovates so imperceptibly that we become complete despots before our wanton abuse of power is perceived; the tyranny first exercised in the nursery is exhibited in various shapes and degrees in every stage of our existence.

Johann Georg Ritter Von Zimmermann

Wanton'd Quotes #1470016
#31. They call me "a teacher, a fomenter of violence." I would say point blank, "That is a lie. I'm not for wanton violence, I'm for justice.

Malcolm X

Wanton'd Quotes #1453821
#32. It's not a question of whether you will hurt, or of how much you will hurt; it's a question of what you will do, and how well you will do it, while pain has her wanton way with you.

Daniel James Brown

Wanton'd Quotes #1451412
#33. Men fantasize about wanton women, but when they meet one, they're paralyzed by fear.

Greg Iles

Wanton'd Quotes #1405532
#34. Elias was so close that she could not even draw a breath before his lips were on hers. ... She could not deny that she wanted him with all her heart, in wanton ways and practical ways, day and night. Almost losing him was far scarier than the life-threatening situations she had faced on her own.

Evelyn Pryce

Wanton'd Quotes #1401729
#35. As flies to wanton boys, are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport.

William Shakespeare

Wanton'd Quotes #1377003
#36. In the midst of wanton aggression, we still call upon the Arab inhabitants of the State of Israel to return to the ways of peace and play their part in the development of the State, with full and equal citizenship and due representation in its bodies and institutions - provisional or permanent.

David Ben-Gurion

Wanton'd Quotes #1355032
#37. The grim lioness follows the wolf, the wolf himself the goat, the wanton goat the flowering clover, and Corydon follows you, Alexis. Each is led by his liking.


Wanton'd Quotes #1340451
#38. Such wanton, wild, and usual slips/ As are companions noted and most known/ To youth and liberty.

William Shakespeare

Wanton'd Quotes #1326798
#39. No amount of culture or civilization can subdue or hide the wanton violence in man.

Kiran Nagarkar

Wanton'd Quotes #1291791
#40. If a man should wanton walk with crime ... he shall find in death no great deliverance.


Wanton'd Quotes #682768
#41. The flowers do fade, and wanton fields To wayward winter reckoning yields; A honey tongue, a heart of gall, Is fancy's spring, but sorrow's fall.

Walter Raleigh

Wanton'd Quotes #1277210
#42. Amazing what humans, even ones as wanton as Frank Ache, crave when left alone - other humans.

Harlan Coben

Wanton'd Quotes #1273112
#43. Discipline means protection from one's own wanton interest.

Bill Vaughan

Wanton'd Quotes #1245459
#44. Wanton kittens make sober cats.

Laura Frantz

Wanton'd Quotes #1221936
#45. Everyone knew that bastards were wanton and treacherous by nature, having been born of lust and deceit.

George R R Martin

Wanton'd Quotes #1192941
#46. There was much of the beautiful, much of the wanton, much of the bizarre, something of the terrible, and not a little of that which might have excited disgust.

Edgar Allan Poe

Wanton'd Quotes #1188008
#47. This may account for Americans' overuse of the courts as a means of finding coherence and stability. As other institutions become unusable as mechanisms for the control of wanton information, the courts stand as a final arbiter of truth. For how long, no one knows. I

Neil Postman

Wanton'd Quotes #1186871
#48. Sovereignty cannot be a shield for tyrants to commit wanton murder, or an excuse for the international community to turn a blind eye to slaughter.

Barrack Obama

Wanton'd Quotes #1143394
#49. Fortune, delighting in her cruel task, and playing her wanton game untiringly, is ever shifting her uncertain favours.


Wanton'd Quotes #1140033
#50. Saddam Hussein's mind would have been a unique resource for historical, political and psychological research: a resource that is now forever unavailable to scholars ... In a small way his execution represents a wanton and vandalistic destruction of important research data.

Richard Dawkins

Wanton'd Quotes #1139584
#51. Them that dally nicely with words may quickly make them wanton.

William Shakespeare

Wanton'd Quotes #1125016
#52. War means blind obedience, unthinking stupidity, brutish callousness, wanton destruction, and irresponsible murder.

Alexander Berkman

Wanton'd Quotes #172996
#53. A wanton waste of projectiles.

Mark Twain

Wanton'd Quotes #356950
#54. Tsk, Tsk, Sunshine. I believe I have a wanton wench on my hands. Unfortunately for you, I'm in control here, not you.

Lainie Suzanne

Wanton'd Quotes #337896
#55. It was a struggle to not fall in love with a man who was determined to be decent to her when what she sought was indulgence of her wanton nature.
Her recently discovered, very frustrated wanton nature, damn him.

Grace Burrowes

Wanton'd Quotes #337843
#56. Nupital love maketh mankind; friendly love perfecteth it; but wanton love corrupteth, and embaseth it.

Francis Bacon

Wanton'd Quotes #335198
#57. Nothing like a little wanton destruction to get boys excited, Thorn thought, smiling to himself.

John Flanagan

Wanton'd Quotes #335063
#58. Haste thee, Nymph, and bring with thee Jest, and youthful Jollity, Quips, and Cranks, and wanton Wiles, Nods, and Becks, and wreathed Smiles, Such as hang on Hebe's cheek, And love to live in dimple sleek; Sport that wrinkled Care derides, And Laughter holding both his sides.

John Milton

Wanton'd Quotes #325523
#59. What harm cause not those huge draughts or pictures which wanton youth with chalk or coals draw in each passage, wall or stairs of our great houses, whence a cruel contempt of our natural store is bred in them?

Michel De Montaigne

Wanton'd Quotes #271678
#60. It would be stupid tameness, and unaccountable folly, for whole nations to suffer one unreasonable, ambitious and cruel man, to wanton and riot in their misery.

Jonathan Mayhew

Wanton'd Quotes #267821
#61. You must labour to acquire that great and uncommon talent of hating with good breeding, and loving with prudence; to make no quarrel irreconcilable by silly and unnecessary indications of anger; and no friendship dangerous, in care it breaks, by a wanton, indiscreet, and unreserved confidence.

Lord Chesterfield

Wanton'd Quotes #208223
#62. In all our quest of greatness, like wanton boys, whose pastime is their care, we follow after bubbles, blown in the air.

John Webster

Wanton'd Quotes #201967
#63. I have ventured, Like little wanton boys that swim on bladders, This many summers in a sea of glory, But far beyond my depth. My high-blown pride At length broke under me, and now has left me, Weary and old with service, to the mercy Of a rude stream that must for ever hide me.

William Shakespeare

Wanton'd Quotes #191302
#64. Bastard children were born from lust and lies, men said; their nature was wanton and treacherous. - Jon Snow

George R R Martin

Wanton'd Quotes #183947
#65. Christian men ought not refrain from the sexual pollutions that surround us because they object to lovemaking; they refrain because they object to the wanton vandalism of it. Our culture is doing to sex what people who chew with their mouths open do to food.

Douglas Wilson

Wanton'd Quotes #406582
#66. Needless, heedless, wanton and deliberate injury of the sort inflicted by Life's picture story is not an essential instrument of responsible journalism.

Abe Fortas

Wanton'd Quotes #160128
#67. Success hath made me wanton.

Ben Jonson

Wanton'd Quotes #159751
#68. Like flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; they kill us for sport.

William Shakespeare

Wanton'd Quotes #154781
#69. I am one of those who hold that poetry is never so blithe as in a wanton and irregular subject.

Michel De Montaigne

Wanton'd Quotes #120645
#70. Milton, of all people, gave the most perfect definition of the state of mind required to play jazz: ' with wanton heed and giddy cunning.' That's how you play jazz.

Paul Desmond

Wanton'd Quotes #94206
#71. It is easy to romanticise, say, tigers or lions and cats. We admire their magnificent beauty, strength and agility. But we would regard their notional human counterparts as wanton psychopaths of the worst kind.

David Pearce

Wanton'd Quotes #86382
#72. Youth must be wanton, youth must be quick, Dance to the candle while lasteth the wick.

Tennessee Williams

Wanton'd Quotes #69523
#73. The wondrous thing about nature, her gift to us, is her wanton promiscuity. She reproduces herself with abandon, with teeming infinite generosity.

Ruth Ozeki

Wanton'd Quotes #62346
#74. All furnished, all in arms;
All plum'd like estridges that with the wind
Bated like eagles having lately bathed;
Glittering in golden coats like images;
As full of spirit as the month of May
And gorgeous as the sun at midsummer;
Wanton as youthful goats, wild as young bulls.

William Shakespeare

Wanton'd Quotes #41686
#75. Spain and southern Italy, in which Catholicism has most deeply implanted its roots, are even now, probably beyond all other countries in Europe, those in which inhumanity to animals is most wanton and unrebuked.

William Edward Hartpole Lecky

Wanton'd Quotes #26778
#76. Nuptial love makes mankind; friendly love perfects it; but wanton love corrupts and debases it.

Francis Bacon

Wanton'd Quotes #1337
#77. Wanton stars galloped neighing like unicorns in blue meadows.

William Faulkner

Wanton'd Quotes #558018
#78. Oh, Liberty! thou goddess heavenly bright!
Profuse of bliss, and pregnant with delight!
Eternal pleasures in thy presence reign,
And smiling plenty leads thy wanton train.

Joseph Addison

Wanton'd Quotes #659258
#79. To say that Romans 7 describes the Christian is to slight the grace of God and to foster wanton behaviour.

Jacobus Arminius

Wanton'd Quotes #651881
#80. I prefer a loose woman to a selfish one and a wanton to a fool.

W. Somerset Maugham

Wanton'd Quotes #648520
#81. Dictators cause the world's worst problems: all the collapsed states, and all the devastated economies. All the vapid cases of corruption, grand theft, and naked plunder of the treasury are caused by dictators, leaving in their wake trails of wanton destruction, horrendous carnage and human debris.

George Ayittey

Wanton'd Quotes #643409
#82. Hot off the presses, today's headlines: The love of your life does not approve of my wanton flapper ways," Evie said in a voice of affected mystery. "Really, Mabesie. You might want to reconsider - he is a bit of a killjoy.

Libba Bray

Wanton'd Quotes #641747
#83. The moment Israel could look on a calf of gold, formed by their own hands, and call it a god, they were able to rise up and play and practice all manner of obscenities without reservation. The idol would not rebuke them; it was powerless to convict or to condemn their wanton ways.

James W. Knox

Wanton'd Quotes #632364
#84. And buxom, which means only obedient, is now made, in familiar phrases, to stand for wanton; because in an ancient form of marriage, before the Reformation, the bride promised complaisance and obedience, in these terms: "I will be bonair and buxom in bed and at board.

Samuel Johnson

Wanton'd Quotes #603487
#85. Take heed thou trust not the deceitful lap Of wanton Dalilah; the world's a trap.

Francis Quarles

Wanton'd Quotes #590688
#86. North Korea referred to The Interview as absolutely intolerable and a wanton act of terror. Even more amazing? Not the worst review the movie got.

Tina Fey

Wanton'd Quotes #588215
#87. A little wanton money, which burned out the bottom of his purse.

Thomas More

Wanton'd Quotes #564642
#88. Indeed, I was so afraid to dishonour my friends and family by my indiscreet actions, that I rather chose to be accounted a fool, than to be thought rude or wanton.

Margaret Cavendish

Wanton'd Quotes #562098
#89. On a day - alack the day! -
Love, whose month is ever May,
Spied a blossom passing fair
Playing in the wanton air

William Shakespeare

Wanton'd Quotes #670237
#90. Among the most remarkable features characterizing Zen we find these: spirituality, directness of expression, disregard of form or conventionalism, and frequently an almost wanton delight in going astray from respectability.

D.T. Suzuki

Wanton'd Quotes #530977
#91. I wish I could be a grandmother. It is wanton extravagance to have had a youth with no one to tell of it to when one grows old.

Sylvia Townsend Warner

Wanton'd Quotes #515983
#92. Obedience, fasting, and prayer are laughed at, yet only through them lies the way to real true freedom. I cut off my superfluous and unnecessary desires, I subdue my proud and wanton will and chastise it with obedience, and with God's help I attain freedom of spirit and with it spiritual joy.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Wanton'd Quotes #477235
#93. This was not chivalrously done," said Brienne when they were close enough to see it clearly. "No true knight would condone such wanton butchery.

George R R Martin

Wanton'd Quotes #468397
#94. She sealed his lips with a wanton kiss; 'Though I forgive your breaking your vows to heaven, I expect you to keep your vows to me.

Matthew Gregory Lewis

Wanton'd Quotes #467761
#95. Chuse thy Cloaths by thine own Eyes, not another's. The more plain and simple they are, the better. Neither unshapely, nor fantastical; and for Use and Decency, and not for Pride. 75. If thou art clean and warm, it is sufficient; for more doth but rob the Poor, and please the Wanton.


Wanton'd Quotes #465254
#96. Love, whose month is ever May,
Spied a blossom passing fair,
Playing in the wanton air:
Through the velvet leaves the wind,
All unseen can passage find;
That the lover, sick to death,
Wish'd himself the heaven's breath.

William Shakespeare

Wanton'd Quotes #461014
#97. Fortune, honour, beauty, youth,
Are but blossoms dying;
Wanton pleasures, doting love,
Are but shadows flying.

Thomas Campion

Wanton'd Quotes #450229
#98. Every wanton and causeless restraint of the will of the subject, whether practiced by a monarch, a nobility, or a popular assembly, is a degree of tyranny.

William Blackstone

Wanton'd Quotes #434877
#99. Sometimes goldfinches one by one will drop From low hung branches; little space they stop; But sip, and twitter, and their feathers sleek; Then off at once, as in a wanton freak: Or perhaps, to show their black, and golden wings Pausing upon their yellow flutterings.

John Keats

Wanton'd Quotes #425917
#100. Oh, that anything could feel like this. It was wicked and wanton.
It was wonderful. That Philip, whom she always thought so proper, should know of such things as this. It amazed her.

Laura Lee Guhrke

Wanton'd Quotes #409383

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