Top 19 Walking Encyclopedia Quotes

#1. Real intelligence is a creative use of knowledge, not merely an accumulation of facts. The slow thinker who can finally come up with an idea of his own is more important to the world than a walking encyclopedia who hasn't learned how to use this information productively.

Susan Winebrenner

Walking Encyclopedia Quotes #572516
#2. There was an omnivorous intellect that won him the family sobriquet of Walking Encyclopedia.

Eric Liu

Walking Encyclopedia Quotes #203880
#3. Don't try to lawyer me out of common sense.

Jean-Louis Gassee

Walking Encyclopedia Quotes #1778367
#4. Peace is the whole truth that wishes to enrapture humanity. War is the whole falsehood that wants to capture humanity. Peace begins in the soul and ends in the heart. War begins in the mind and ends in the body.

Sri Chinmoy

Walking Encyclopedia Quotes #1761357
#5. Wise people build their lives around what is eternal and squeeze in what is temporary. Not the other way around.

John Ortberg

Walking Encyclopedia Quotes #1387162
#6. I wasn't this nervous playing golf when I was drinking. It's the first tournament I've won on the PGA Tour in a sober manner, so it's a great feeling knowing I can do it sober. I don't think two years ago I could have pulled this off.

John Daly

Walking Encyclopedia Quotes #1351419
#7. I applied for a scholarship to Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia. I knew I was good enough, but they turned me down. And it took me about six months to realize it was because I was black. I never really got over that jolt of racism at the time.

Nina Simone

Walking Encyclopedia Quotes #1326125
#8. Many writers were picked on as children. Why? Because they were weird from the get-go. They were often to be found at the back of the class smelling erasers, or talking to caterpillars, or walking down the street with an encyclopedia balanced on their head.

Heather O'Neill

Walking Encyclopedia Quotes #1170962
#9. I think it's love.'
'I'm serious.'
'And your support for this is ... ?'
'A feeling.'
'You need more than that.

Doug Dorst

Walking Encyclopedia Quotes #1084691
#10. You must see her pucker when she's a dragon."
"This pucker can light your ass on fire, missy.

Adrienne Woods

Walking Encyclopedia Quotes #1062568
#11. It is easier to kill someone to save your own life than it is to hurt someone to save theirs.

Diana Gabaldon

Walking Encyclopedia Quotes #1003852
#12. Princess, there's no one I'd rather hang out with more than you. You know that.

Jillian Dodd

Walking Encyclopedia Quotes #970321
#13. US common stock has yielded a higher return than bonds. However, price earnings ratios are much higher than they were for much of the 20th century, so it


Walking Encyclopedia Quotes #942622
#14. Worse still, he doesn't know how to follow the piper anymore because it's a path Tom has lost faith in.
And the piper knows it. Tom can see it in his father's eyes now. And the more he stares, the clearer it becomes.

Melina Marchetta

Walking Encyclopedia Quotes #919026
#15. Gabriel scowled at me. "And by OK, I'm sure you mean, 'Oh, my love, whatever will I do if you come to harm?' " he said dryly. "No, it's just that I'm so used to people coming after me, it's kind of a refreshing change of pace.

Molly Harper

Walking Encyclopedia Quotes #709912
#16. The kind of friend who helps you remember which way is up. And who reminds you that sometimes that's the only direction you can go.

Nina Lane

Walking Encyclopedia Quotes #575769
#17. I love working with Scorsese. He's not only a brilliant director and is great working with actors, but he's also a walking human film encyclopedia. It's fun to talk about movies with him.

Steve Buscemi

Walking Encyclopedia Quotes #471358
#18. [Dada is] perfectly kindhearted malice, alongside exact photography the only legitimate pictorial form of communication and balance in shared experience.

Raoul Hausmann

Walking Encyclopedia Quotes #419815
#19. The whole world awake and wild with joy.

Emily Bronte

Walking Encyclopedia Quotes #76908

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