Top 12 Vidhata Movie Quotes

#1. The act of divine worship is the inestimable privilege of man, the only created being who bows in humility and adoration.

Hosea Ballou

Vidhata Movie Quotes #140819
#2. When we can't see a pattern, we fit pieces together until one takes shape, because we have to.

Tana French

Vidhata Movie Quotes #372587
#3. If I am a pawn in someone else's chess game, you better believe I am going to demand an explanation before being shoved at some rook. I'll play my part, damn it, but I want the courtesy of being asked for my consent!

Thomm Quackenbush

Vidhata Movie Quotes #517453
#4. We live in a world of our own creation. We've made our bed, ladies and gentlemen, whether we intended to or not. Now, we get the honor of lying down in it.

Mira Grant

Vidhata Movie Quotes #588513
#5. Keeping a sense of humor about life. My parents divorced when I was 8, and whenever I felt down, my mom would remind me that a sense of humor gets you through just about anything.

Julia Louis-Dreyfus

Vidhata Movie Quotes #595210
#6. take things like playfulness and purposelessness very seriously. . . . This is not meant to be light, but I think I would have somehow encouraged myself to let go a little bit more and hang in there and not pretend to know where this is all going. You don't need to know where it's all going.

Timothy Ferriss

Vidhata Movie Quotes #635825
#7. The word "YouTuber," even though - listen, I love YouTube, and I would never, ever abandon it, but I think when somebody says "Youtuber" it says "Oh, they talk about what they ate that day." That's not me - I do way more than that.

Shane Dawson

Vidhata Movie Quotes #1045600
#8. I made a conscious decision back then that I would rather be the best actress who ever lived than the most famous one.

Sally Kirkland

Vidhata Movie Quotes #1108319
#9. I was listening to you the whole time. I didn't trust you to hang on to the earbud, so I had a mini-microphone sewn into your shirt. It's just under the rolled hem on the neckline." I glanced at it. "I thought it was just another rhinestone.

Janet Evanovich

Vidhata Movie Quotes #1189678
#10. Lydia has never really had friends, but their parents have never known.

Celeste Ng

Vidhata Movie Quotes #1409659
#11. I'm here to score a lot of goals. It's my specialty, that's what I've been brought here to do, and I want to score plenty ; like I did with Barcelona. And here, there's every reason to think I can do it.


Vidhata Movie Quotes #1591396
#12. The world is full of vulgar Purists, who bring discredit on all selection by the silliness of their choice; and this the more, because the very becoming a Purist is commonly indicative of some slight degree of weakness, readiness to be offended, or narrowness of understanding of the ends of things.

John Ruskin

Vidhata Movie Quotes #1770058

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