Top 64 Variable In Quotes

#1. Time was the only variable in every equation of power and oppression
how long before the pot boiled over.

Chris Abani

Variable In Quotes #855019
#2. You are the variable in every equation, Mademoiselle.

Sharon Cameron

Variable In Quotes #927701
#3. I am highly variable in my devotion. From a doctrinal point of view or a dogmatic point of view or a strictly Catholic adherent point of view, I'm first to say that I talk a good game, but I don't know how good I am about it in practice.

Stephen Colbert

Variable In Quotes #936089
#4. Whether you're conducting phone interviews or simply need to hear yourself think, privacy is an extremely important variable in the writing life.

Sage Cohen

Variable In Quotes #1190574
#5. Gravity is one variable in a lot of scientific processes. If you can remove gravity or minimize its effect, then you can understand the other processes that are going on.

Laurel Clark

Variable In Quotes #1338955
#6. The attitude of unconditional self-acceptance is probably the most important variable in their long-term recovery.

Albert Ellis

Variable In Quotes #1455005
#7. Creativity is the crucial variable in the process of turning knowledge into value

John Kao

Variable In Quotes #1537240
#8. The principles of pleasure are not firm and stable. They are different in all mankind, and variable in every particular with such a diversity that there is no man more different from
another than from himself at different times.

Blaise Pascal

Variable In Quotes #1681353
#9. A pack of five dogs, as variable in size and shape as humans, trotted in a veering path toward the two men; they sniffed and growled and nipped at one another, then broke into a lope down the street, with the smallest mutt in the lead.

Victor Robert Lee

Variable In Quotes #708807
#10. In [chess], where the pieces have different and "bizarre" motions, with various and variable values, what is only complex, is mistaken (a not unusual error) for what is profound

Edgar Allan Poe

Variable In Quotes #1334264
#11. My research, even before 1972, moved in directions beyond those cited for the Nobel Memorial Prize. Most of it, in one way or another, deals with information as an economic variable, both as to its production and as to its use.

Kenneth Joseph Arrow

Variable In Quotes #817220
#12. Daddy says that, in a dilemma, it is helpful to change any variable, then reexamine the problem.

Robert A. Heinlein

Variable In Quotes #1315043
#13. A function of a variable quantity is an analytic expression composed in any way whatsoever of the variable quantity and numbers or constant quantities.

Leonhard Euler

Variable In Quotes #1307217
#14. Quantum mechanics extends this relativity in a radical way: all variable aspects of an object exist only in relation to other objects. It is only in interactions that nature draws the world.

Carlo Rovelli

Variable In Quotes #1271536
#15. The universe is not a rigid and immutable edifice where independent matter is housed in independent space and time; it is on the contrary an amorphous continuum, without any fixed architecture, plastic and variable, constantly subject to change and distortion.

Lincoln Barnett

Variable In Quotes #1200675
#16. Karmic progression implies that we are kind of alliterating steps to life. There's alliteration, a kind of rhythmic structure. Once we're in time and space, the variable structures are somewhat limited.

Frederick Lenz

Variable In Quotes #1155175
#17. In time his slender personality faded, the scene that he had evoked endured. In all the variable years that followed she never saw the like of it again.

E. M. Forster

Variable In Quotes #1072436
#18. Other words used in variable meanings, in most cases more or less dishonestly, are: class, totalitarian, science, progressive, reactionary, bourgeois, equality. Now

George Orwell

Variable In Quotes #1058862
#19. Many words are in a state of mutation, the pronunciation being unsettled even in the best society, a result that must often arise where language is as variable and undetermined as the English.

James F. Cooper

Variable In Quotes #1036931
#20. But nothing in life was set in stone and nothing in life is promised us. Not happiness, not joy, not love. Everything was variable and mutable and inconstant.

Faith Hunter

Variable In Quotes #1021104
#21. In the abstract world of American economists, equations run both ways; they believe that by changing the sign of a variable from plus to minus or from minus to plus or the price and quantity of x or y, the direction of historical movement can be reversed.

Robert Gilpin

Variable In Quotes #1021085
#22. An event is a stretch of time, and time, according to physicists, is a continuous variable-an inexorable cosmic flow, in Newton's world, or a fourth dimension in a seamless hyperspace, in Einstein's. But the human mind carves this fabric into the discrete swatches we call events.

Steven Pinker

Variable In Quotes #879258
#23. Because what happens is, as the economy suffers, tax revenues go down. But unlike businesses, where at least your variable costs go down, in government your variable costs go up: unemployment insurance, workmen's compensation, health care benefits, welfare, you name it.

Meg Whitman

Variable In Quotes #1868137
#24. There is no doubt that we cannot do without variable quantities in the sense of the potential infinite. But from this very fact the necessity of the actual infinite can be demonstrated.

Georg Cantor

Variable In Quotes #1340759
#25. We take from the art of the past what we need. The variable posthumous reputations of even the greatest artists and the unpredictable revivals of interest in even the most obscure ones tend to reveal more about those who make revisionist assessments than about those who are being reassessed.

Martin Filler

Variable In Quotes #1378563
#26. Our brain is not cut out for nonlinearities. People think that if, say, two variables are causally linked, then a steady input in one variable should always yield a result in the other one. Our emotional apparatus is designed for linear causality. For

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Variable In Quotes #1379729
#27. And I think
What does it matter
that it is not a linear equation if any variable is raised to a power?
We're all just going to die anyway.

Meg Cabot

Variable In Quotes #1382790
#28. The road conditions are so variable here, there is ice, snow and everything in between. But a podium finish is a definite possibility if we stay smooth and adjust to the slippery conditions.

Ken Block

Variable In Quotes #1409154
#29. You can always create a fraction by putting one variable upstairs and another variable downstairs, but that soes not establish any causal relationship between them, nor does the resulting quotient have any necessary relationship to anything in the real world.

Thomas Sowell

Variable In Quotes #1545245
#30. In every universe, we play out different decisions we've made for whatever reason. What breaks one person at one time can make them strong at another. And one small variable can have devastating consequences. Timing is everything, kid.

Sherrilyn Kenyon

Variable In Quotes #1562024
#31. I believe my judgment has never been clearer. I have seen firsthand their potential, their strength of will, in a way you have not."

"You have loosed a chaotic, unstable variable into the Mosaic. They will destroy everything."

"It is a risk. They also may save everything.

G.S. Jennsen

Variable In Quotes #1671802
#32. Social values in general are incrementally variable: neither safety, diversity, rational articulation, nor morality is categorically a good thing to have more of, without limits. All are subject to diminishing returns, and ultimately negative returns.

Thomas Sowell

Variable In Quotes #1708712
#33. People have always wanted to in some way inhabit the stories that move them. The only real variable is whether technology gives them that opportunity.

Frank Rose

Variable In Quotes #1714278
#34. I think that we've got a huge head start on things that are not easy to do: progressive streaming, to be able to stream in very high quality, even in an environment of highly variable bit rate, and to work on a big variety of devices seamlessly.

Ted Sarandos

Variable In Quotes #1747737
#35. Strategy is important, but trust is the hidden variable. On paper you can have clarity around your objectives, but in a low-trust environment, your strategy won't be executed.

Stephen Covey

Variable In Quotes #1761521
#36. I spent a lot of time with my teams, especially in the East Coast teams, talking about dealing with the elements a lot of time, and a lot of instruction about field position and those kind of things. I like that variable.

Bill Parcells

Variable In Quotes #1784152
#37. The English, although partakers in the most variable and quixotic climate in the world, never become used to its vagaries, but comment upon them with shock and resentment as if all their lives had been spent in the predictable monsoon.

Ruth Rendell

Variable In Quotes #468261
#38. Art does not, like science, set forth a permanent order of nature, the enduring skeleton of law. Two factors primarily determine its works: one is the idea in the mind of the artist, the other is his power of expression; and both these factors are extremely variable.

George Edward Woodberry

Variable In Quotes #16810
#39. In my experience flying search-and-rescue missions, the greatest single variable contributing to successful rescues was the preparedness and expertise of the person(s) in distress.

Tom Gross

Variable In Quotes #25540
#40. Votes in federal elections are cast and counted in a highly decentralized and variable fashion, with no uniform ballots and few national standards.

Thomas E. Mann

Variable In Quotes #60890
#41. In my travels I had encountered all kinds of people whose dignity seemed to have a price
widely variable
and I thought that next time I had better set my price higher than anyone would pay.

Piper Kerman

Variable In Quotes #97223
#42. O woman! in our hours of ease Uncertain, coy, and hard to please, And variable as the shade By the light quivering aspen made; When pain and anguish wring the brow, A ministering angel thou!

Walter Scott

Variable In Quotes #105430
#43. "The most powerful single idea in mathematics is the notion of a variable."

Alexander Dewdney

Variable In Quotes #159987
#44. There are two sides in this, but they aren't inner planets and outer ones. Belters and everyone else. It's not like that. It's the people who want more violence and the ones who want less. And no matter what other variable you sample out of, you'll find some of both.

James S.A. Corey

Variable In Quotes #186570
#45. A man of variable mind is not one man, but several men in one; he multiplies himself as often as he changes his taste and manners; he is not this minute what he was the last, and will not be the next what he is now; he is his own successor.

Jean De La Bruyere

Variable In Quotes #210497
#46. Finally, the horizon stretched out infinitely before me and I felt utterly content looking at stars from afar and trying to make out all the variable, temporary, extinguished or faded stars. I was nothing in this infinity, but I could finally breathe.

Patrick Modiano

Variable In Quotes #230053
#47. How are we to adjudicate among rival ontologies? Certainly the answer is not provided by the semantical formula "To be is to be the value of a variable"; this formula serves rather, conversely, in testing the conformity of a given remark or doctrine to a prior ontological standard.

Willard Van Orman Quine

Variable In Quotes #274239
#48. Every math curriculum in the world is based on the idea of hand-calculating, and most of what you're teaching is how to calculate. And I think the resistance to this is very variable.

Conrad Wolfram

Variable In Quotes #316831
#49. You can't rationalize suffering - it's indeterminate - the real unknowable variable God substitutes in ...

John Geddes

Variable In Quotes #428826
#50. In recent years, more and more businesses are shifting from the pipeline structure to the platform structure. In this shift, the simple pipeline arrangement is transformed into a complex relationship in which producers, consumers, and the platform itself enter into a variable set of relationships.

Geoffrey G. Parker

Variable In Quotes #468199
#51. It is not human nature which can assign the variable limits necessary to our needs. They are thus unlimited so far as they depend on the individual alone. Irrespective of any external regulatory force, our capacity for feeling is in itself an insatiable and bottomless abyss.

Emile Durkheim

Variable In Quotes #806218
#52. It is critical to bundle all future variable costs of supporting the customer in order to fairly estimate the future contribution.

Bill Gurley

Variable In Quotes #479917
#53. There is not so variable a thing in nature as a lady's head-dress.

Joseph Addison

Variable In Quotes #480511
#54. Our subjective experience of time is highly variable. We all know that days can pass like weeks and months can feel like years, and that the opposite can be just as true: A month or year can zoom by in what feels like no time at all.

Joshua Foer

Variable In Quotes #505522
#55. O, swear not by the moon, the fickle moon, the inconstant moon, that monthly changes in her circle orb, Lest that thy love prove likewise variable

William Shakespeare

Variable In Quotes #507969
#56. pointer is simply a variable that stores the address of something else in the same way as a reference. The

Christian Nagel

Variable In Quotes #521909
#57. We juggle priceless eggs in variable gravity. I am afraid. I will taste fear until I die.

Jerry Pournelle

Variable In Quotes #586669
#58. There is nothing innate, immutable or inevitable about boys or girls doing particularly well or badly in different subjects. Girls in Shanghai outperform western boys in math, the same boys that outshine the girls in the US. The variable factor is the educational system, the society and the parents.

Jamie Le Fay

Variable In Quotes #615180
#59. I'm in favor of free trade, but I think if you had to make a choice between having technological progress versus free trade, you had one or the other, you should always pick technological progress. I think it's an incredibly important variable for creating more prosperity.

Peter Thiel

Variable In Quotes #618602
#60. As the variable capital always stays in the hands of the capitalist in some form or other, it cannot be claimed in any way that it converts itself into revenue for anyone .

Karl Marx

Variable In Quotes #629210
#61. Colour is as variable and evanescent in the form of pigment as in visible nature.

Walter J. Phillips

Variable In Quotes #713144
#62. Body needs variable of time to be able to settle
presence of soul in this three-dimensional space.

Toba Beta

Variable In Quotes #717114
#63. Tap, hold, and release on any word to look it up. Users are presented with a tool bar of available actions for their selection. Each button in the tool bar has variable width except for the search


Variable In Quotes #752624
#64. He acquired the unknowable, variable depths; he could be anyone he wanted to be, and if he didn't like who he became, he could switch again, going in, going out. And who the fuck are you?

Aleksandar Hemon

Variable In Quotes #781622

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