Top 100 Vance's Quotes

#1. Who could not return from a visit to Jack Vance's world, without feeling that he had been somewhere unique, that he had experienced things unavailable in our mundane world?

Robert Silverberg

Vance's Quotes #1376114
#2. Jack Vance's Lyonesse books are the greatest fairy tale of the twentieth century.

Jack Vance

Vance's Quotes #756313
#3. Understand, my own politics aren't necessarily interchangeable with what any of my characters believe. You could take each of the characters in On the Ropes, and I'd probably be in sympathy with a different one on any given day, depending on what's going on in the world.

James Vance

Vance's Quotes #1208326
#4. But I'm so slow on it because I find it terribly hard writing blind on computers. The computer speaks to me, but it's just so slow, I'm so terribly slow using it.

Jack Vance

Vance's Quotes #866148
#5. You almost wish that Bill and Steve had a genetically engineered love child and, who knows, maybe we should genotype Elon to see if that's what happened.

Ashlee Vance

Vance's Quotes #1194720
#6. There is nothing lower than the poor stealing from the poor. It's hard enough as it is. We sure as hell don't need to make it even harder on each other.

J.D. Vance

Vance's Quotes #1169233
#7. No command of art,
No toil, can help you hear;
Earth's minstrelsy falls clear
But on the listening heart.

John Vance Cheney

Vance's Quotes #1114065
#8. Along with showcasing the Model S, the Tesla stores sold hoodies and hats and had areas in the back where kids would find crayons and Tesla coloring books.

Ashlee Vance

Vance's Quotes #1064125
#9. Trying to understand God's will for anything without reading the Bible is like jumping into the middle of a cricket match without knowing any of the rules and never having watched a game.

Vance C. Kessler

Vance's Quotes #1029538
#10. The best part about living with Mamaw was that I began to understand what made her tick. Until then, I had resented how rarely we traveled to Kentucky after Mamaw Blanton's death. The

J.D. Vance

Vance's Quotes #1028064
#11. You are beaten to earth? Well, well, what's that? Come up with a smiling face, It's nothing against you to fall down flat But to lie there - that's a disgrace.

Edmund Vance Cooke

Vance's Quotes #1018398
#12. believe that hard work pays off, then you work hard; if you think it's hard to get ahead even when you try, then why try at all? Similarly,

J.D. Vance

Vance's Quotes #1013211
#13. God's deepest secrets often miss the wise and prudent and are revealed unto babes. We say, "Children, be like your parents." Jesus said, "Parents, be like your children."

Vance Havner

Vance's Quotes #1010782
#14. I'm like an abused puppy, so desperate for attention that it's almost a surprise when I get belted in the gut.

Talia Vance

Vance's Quotes #963460
#15. The life we've been leading couldn't last forever. It's a wonder it lasted as long as it did.

Jack Vance

Vance's Quotes #962029
#16. When the Lord's white sheep become dirty gray, all black sheep feel more comfortable.

Vance Havner

Vance's Quotes #948884
#17. When God's people are removed from this earth, you might as well try to dam up Niagara Falls with toothpicks as to stem the flood of lawlessness that will engulf mankind. Thank God for the restraining Spirit today!

Vance Havner

Vance's Quotes #934576
#18. Somebody else's ignorance is bliss.

Jack Vance

Vance's Quotes #930928
#19. I do think Bezos has an insatiable desire to be King Bezos," Musk said. "He has a relentless work ethic and wants to kill everything in e-commerce. But he's not the most fun guy, honestly."*

Ashlee Vance

Vance's Quotes #921541
#20. If so men's memories not a monument be,
None shalt thou have. Warm hearts, and not cold stone,
Must mark thy grave, or thou shalt lie, unknown.
Marbles keep not themselves; how then, keep thee?

John Vance Cheney

Vance's Quotes #915435
#21. Brian's voice caught in his throat. "You still want me?" "I want you. I need you. I love you. Come to me." It

Brad Vance

Vance's Quotes #910106
#22. Each day's dawn is a sweet symphony and as long as I hear the music, my dreams will have to die another day.

Eric Vance Walton

Vance's Quotes #909182
#23. At one point, Lucille's agent wanted to have me fired, telling her that my eyes were bigger than hers. When I head this, I told her that if I had her looks and talent, I'd keep me and fire the agent!

Vivian Vance

Vance's Quotes #903478
#24. PayPal staff pioneered techniques in fighting online fraud that have formed the basis of software used by the CIA and FBI to track terrorists and of software used by the world's largest banks to combat crime.

Ashlee Vance

Vance's Quotes #889176
#25. Are there any good guys on 'Prison Break?' I suppose there might be. I can't honestly say whether I'm a good guy or a bad guy or I'm a good guy in wolf's clothing or sheep's clothing.

Chris Vance

Vance's Quotes #885366
#26. The alternative to discipline is disaster. VANCE HAVNER

Donald S. Whitney

Vance's Quotes #881425
#27. You can't tell a millionaire's son from a billionaire's.

Vance Packard

Vance's Quotes #1729623
#28. Redder than a turkey's rump in poke berry time.

Vance Randolph

Vance's Quotes #1482375
#29. Furthermore, unlike Man's other great good friend the horse, the cat is no sweating serf of Man. The only labor she condescends to perform is to catch mice and rats, and that's fun.

Vance Packard

Vance's Quotes #1686216
#30. When you're in a slump, it's almost as if you look out at the field and it's one big glove.

Vance Law

Vance's Quotes #1685910
#31. It's about a culture that increasingly encourages social decay instead of counteracting it.

J.D. Vance

Vance's Quotes #1678122
#32. What's a Mennonite?" Vance asked. "Amish with blenders.

Christopher Moore

Vance's Quotes #1646859
#33. I'm not sure I can name a kind of story that wouldn't work in comics form. It's words and images, and we've been telling all kinds of stories with that combination since theatre was invented thousands of years ago.

James Vance

Vance's Quotes #1641815
#34. Harvard pediatricians have studied the effect that childhood trauma has on the mind. In addition to later negative health consequences, the doctors found that constant stress can actually change the chemistry of a child's brain. Stress, after

J.D. Vance

Vance's Quotes #1621239
#35. God's Word is its own best argument.

Vance Havner

Vance's Quotes #1556735
#36. were her kids. But the drugs and the late-night fighting revealed troubles that too many hillbilly transplants knew too well. Confronted with such a realization of her own family's struggle, Mamaw

J.D. Vance

Vance's Quotes #1551800
#37. Progress is a farce because man's head and hand have created wonders that stun the imagination, but his heart does not keep step and his morals undo all that his mind has wrought.

Vance Havner

Vance's Quotes #1520288
#38. The devil's not fighting churches today, he's joining churches.

Vance Havner

Vance's Quotes #1503913
#39. Too many are willing to sit at God's table, but not work in his field.

Vance Havner

Vance's Quotes #1484353
#40. It's so much easier to be ignored when no one's noticed you to begin with.

Talia Vance

Vance's Quotes #1245935
#41. Mamaw and Papaw ensured that I knew the basic rules of fighting: You never start a fight; you always end the fight if someone else starts it; and even though you never start a fight, it's maybe okay to start one if a man insults your family. This last rule was unspoken but clear.

J.D. Vance

Vance's Quotes #1461058
#42. It's hard to put a dollar value on that advice. It's the kind of thing that continues to pay dividends. But make no mistake: The advice had tangible economic value.

J.D. Vance

Vance's Quotes #1452135
#43. Most of the notable turn out to be the not-able. God's greatest truths still belong to babes.

Vance Havner

Vance's Quotes #1366733
#44. Give me the Black Death over a Victorian prude any day. At least the dying screw like it's their last day on earth.

R.E. Vance

Vance's Quotes #1351701
#45. You have to listen to adversaries and keep looking for that point beyond which it's against their interests to keep on disagreeing or fighting.

Cyrus Vance

Vance's Quotes #1346448
#46. It is one of the ironies of the ministry that the very man who works in God's name is often hardest put to find time for God. The parents of Jesus lost Him at church, and they were not the last ones to lose Him there.

Vance Havner

Vance's Quotes #1344180
#47. Death is the heritage of life; a man's vitality is like air in a bladder. Poinct this bubble and away, away, away, flees life, like the color of fading dream.

Jack Vance

Vance's Quotes #1309872
#48. If there were no fools,' said Circumbright, 'either among us or among them, we could co-inhabit the earth.
there's the flaw in any compromise negotiation - the fact of fools, both among the Teleks and the common men.

Jack Vance

Vance's Quotes #1309415
#49. The music pot is broad. It's just unfortunate that the record companies cry the blues as frequently as they do.

Vance Gilbert

Vance's Quotes #1277177
#50. It's hard to be optimistic when you have a misty optic.

Vance Havner

Vance's Quotes #1271485
#51. The couple had lunch the next day and then went to the White Cube, a modern art gallery, and then back to Musk's hotel room. Musk told Riley, a virgin, that he wanted to show her his rockets. "I was skeptical, but he did actually show me rocket videos,

Ashlee Vance

Vance's Quotes #1266544
#52. He's hands-on to a degree that would make Hugh Hefner feel inadequate.

Ashlee Vance

Vance's Quotes #135300
#53. I remember the first time Bill Fichtner and I had a scene together. I've seen him in a few movies, from 'Armageddon' to 'The Perfect Storm' and 'Contact,' and suddenly he's on a bunk bed and I'm on a bunk bed and we're doing this scene together. That was a real 'pinch me' moment.

Chris Vance

Vance's Quotes #304456
#54. The old adage says that it's better to be lucky than good. Apparently having the right network is better than both. At

J.D. Vance

Vance's Quotes #296163
#55. It used to be called the Lord's Day, now it is the weekend and if we group all holidays on weekends the devil will have scored another move against Sunday worship.

Vance Havner

Vance's Quotes #256438
#56. I've never heard anyone else called "the nicest person in the world." For Gail, it's an entirely deserved title.

J.D. Vance

Vance's Quotes #236021
#57. Musk's vision, and, of late, execution seem to combine the best of Henry Ford and John D. Rockefeller. With

Ashlee Vance

Vance's Quotes #231326
#58. site's lead writer, dug into the histories

Ashlee Vance

Vance's Quotes #207650
#59. When we first talked about the touch-screen, the guys came back and said, 'There's nothing like that in the automotive supply chain,'" Musk said. "I said, 'I know. That's because it's never been put in a fucking car before.

Ashlee Vance

Vance's Quotes #198699
#60. This flattery has been rather slow in coming. I think all of sudden late in life now I'm getting some credit for what I've done. Which is gratifying, but it's kind of a little late.

Jack Vance

Vance's Quotes #172762
#61. Twango's hospitality, though largely symbolic, does him credit.

Jack Vance

Vance's Quotes #170863
#62. A lot of students just don't understand what's out there," she told me, shaking her head. "You have the kids who plan on being baseball players but don't even play on the high school team because the coach is mean to them.

J.D. Vance

Vance's Quotes #167168
#63. The secret, so Shimrod knew, was never to accept the fairies' terms, but always to close the deal on one's own stipulations, otherwise the bargain was sure to turn sour.

Jack Vance

Vance's Quotes #137901
#64. Rocky shook his head. "The dude is a closet case. I saw it. He wants it, but he's never had it. His gayginity is intact. And I mean it. Never again. I'm going to find a nice homo and settle down.

Brad Vance

Vance's Quotes #136272
#65. What do you think you're doing?" ... "What does it look like, Blake? I'm obviously having wild sex on a cement bench with my best friend's boyfriend fifteen feet from a yard full of people.

Talia Vance

Vance's Quotes #310062
#66. The real test of your Christianity is not how pious you look at the Lord's table on Sunday, but how you act at the breakfast table at home. If it takes two cups of coffee to make you fit to live with, you had better go to the mourner's bench.

Vance Havner

Vance's Quotes #129875
#67. It seems to limit you; when you're working in an office, you're a creature in a small cell under somebody's supervision and surveillance.

Jack Vance

Vance's Quotes #115768
#68. I've done a lot of theater, and I know that it's a different audience each time who doesn't know the story, and we have to tell it.

Courtney B. Vance

Vance's Quotes #113574
#69. Who's taking care of you?" "Them, for now," said Julie, indicating Robie and Vance. "Is she in protective

David Baldacci

Vance's Quotes #72128
#70. He does what he wants, and he is relentless about it. It's Elon's world, and the rest of us live in it.

Ashlee Vance

Vance's Quotes #71564
#71. I would say to today's young minister, 'Be not afraid to give much time to solitary walks and meditation'.

Vance Havner

Vance's Quotes #43179
#72. I don't consider myself an action hero, at all. My domestic life is the same as anyone else's.

Chris Vance

Vance's Quotes #41981
#73. You always enter God's hospital as a charity patient. You can't pay your way.

Vance Havner

Vance's Quotes #34667
#74. When the Lord's sheep are a dirty grey, all black sheep are more

Vance Havner

Vance's Quotes #21669
#75. But now he could rest. Now he'd arrived, in Jamie's arms, now he was home at last.

Brad Vance

Vance's Quotes #21364
#76. I really honestly can't see myself as a lawyer. It's pretty much safe to say I'll never become one.

Vance Joy

Vance's Quotes #7151
#77. You're just like, "I like doing this - it's something I have a lot of passion for." You happen to do it, you enjoy songwriting, and eventually if you're writing enough songs, then you fall into it.

Vance Joy

Vance's Quotes #530563
#78. Vance Havner wrote about the soul's need for rest: "If you don't come apart for a while, you will come apart in a while.

John Ortberg

Vance's Quotes #835108
#79. Musk took to the Mars Society right away and joined its board of directors. He donated another $100,000 to fund a research station in the desert as well. Musk's

Ashlee Vance

Vance's Quotes #777709
#80. A reader is not supposed to be aware that someone's written the story. He's supposed to be completely immersed, submerged in the environment.

Jack Vance

Vance's Quotes #716959
#81. God saved us to make us holy, not happy. Some experiences may not contribute to our happiness, but all can be made to contribute to our holiness. Vance Havner
The destined end of man is not happiness, nor health, but holiness. God's one aim is the production of saints.

Oswald Chambers

Vance's Quotes #685473
#82. When you're surrounded by monsters, there's nothing to stop you from becoming one yourself.

Cady Vance

Vance's Quotes #681554
#83. Oh, a trouble's a ton, or a trouble's an ounce Or a trouble is what you make it, And it isn't the fact that you're hurt that counts, But only how did you take it.

Edmund Vance Cooke

Vance's Quotes #658410
#84. Brian mimicked Roger's serious tone too well. "'Yes, it's an honor to be here and I'm so glad I could share this moment with my father and my gay boyfriend, who's been putting his dick up my ass a couple times a night to ease my stress." "Yeah,

Brad Vance

Vance's Quotes #615499
#85. Here's the bottom line - your life matters to this world and the people in it, and it matters to God.

Vance Brown

Vance's Quotes #587262
#86. I do read books. I suppose it's more or less the same thing, but at least I'm alone and I'm an individual. I can stop anytime I want, which I frequently do.

Jack Vance

Vance's Quotes #584289
#87. Enough solar energy hits the Earth's surface in about an hour to equal a year's worth of worldwide energy consumption from all sources put together.20

Ashlee Vance

Vance's Quotes #581690
#88. One becomes sated with platitudes no less than honey, so that one often breaks another's bones in one's vexation.

Jack Vance

Vance's Quotes #549767
#89. When I pastored a country church, a farmer didn't like the sermons I preached on hell. He said, Preach about the meek and lowly Jesus. I said, That's where I got my information about hell.

Vance Havner

Vance's Quotes #845083
#90. I had to soften him up because, for whatever reason, all the Rock Chicks had an alternate Hot Bunch guy, Indy's was Eddie. Roxie's was Vance. Jules was Luke. Ava's was Lee. Mine was Mace.

Kristen Ashley

Vance's Quotes #514515
#91. Edge will contact you mind- to- mind and let you know what's going on."
"So I should be prepared to hear voices in my head ... other than the usual ones." Vance added the last part with a grin.
Cory gave him a droll stare and said, "Exactly.

Lanie Malone

Vance's Quotes #502962
#92. For all the idealism that propels him through the story, if you read between the lines you may see that at a moment which he considers a defining point in his life as an activist, he's also set the stage for potential ugliness down the road.

James Vance

Vance's Quotes #490887
#93. Who are our basic enemies? This is a secret, unknown even to these basic enemies. - Xaviar Skolcamp, Over-Centennial Fellow of the Institute, indulgently, in response to a journalist's too-searching question

Jack Vance

Vance's Quotes #488030
#94. At twenty-three, Hollman was young, single, and willing to give up any semblance of having a life in favor of working at SpaceX nonstop, and he became Mueller's second in command.

Ashlee Vance

Vance's Quotes #466646
#95. A Model S can recharge 150 miles of range in 20 minutes at one of Tesla's charging stations with DC power pumping straight into the batteries. By comparison, a Nissan Leaf that maxes out at 80 miles of range can take 8 hours to recharge.

Ashlee Vance

Vance's Quotes #406092
#96. Your problem, hon, is that you turn every simple box of a problem into a Rubik's Cube.

Brad Vance

Vance's Quotes #370174
#97. Of all the criminal cases in which Philo Vance participated as unofficial investigator, the most sinister, the most bizarre, the seemingly most incomprehensible, and certainly the most terrifying was the one that followed the famous Greene murders.

S. S. Van Dine

Vance's Quotes #354431
#98. Our efficiency without God's sufficiency is only a deficiency.

Vance Havner

Vance's Quotes #350733
#99. A lot of the album is made of love songs I've written over the past three or four years that have lasted the test of time. It's probably the thing that connects the songs together other than the sound of my vocals.

Vance Joy

Vance's Quotes #345113
#100. Heaven is our true home. This earth is no more your home than was your mother's womb. As we were never designed to stay in the womb, we were also not designed to stay in this world either. Both are temporary places of preparation for something much better.

Vance C. Kessler

Vance's Quotes #312844

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