Top 26 Uplifting Women Quotes

#1. 'I Won' is not a love song. It's just me uplifting women in general. I'm giving women the power to treat themselves as a trophy - to show that and know it in yourself and be confident - because when they do that, whoever they're with is winning.

Nayvadius Cash

Uplifting Women Quotes #376720
#2. I know - from personal experience - that abiding values and abundant visions are learned in the homes of our people.

Lyndon B. Johnson

Uplifting Women Quotes #931829
#3. The uplift of the women, the awakening of the masses must come first, and then only can any real good come about for the country, for India.

Swami Vivekananda

Uplifting Women Quotes #1850916
#4. We ought to encourage, build and strengthen one another.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Uplifting Women Quotes #1804741
#5. Different among the others
You're at the center of my universe

Patrick Cruz

Uplifting Women Quotes #1714546
#6. She's a lunatic," says Conrad.
"Absolutely insane," says Guntram.
"Either completely fearless or utterly stupid," says Conrad.
"She's going to fit right in," says Guntram.

Emily Lloyd-Jones

Uplifting Women Quotes #1519945
#7. You cannot become great women if you are not also good women. Great women respond generously to their instincts to do good.

James E. Faust

Uplifting Women Quotes #1519916
#8. I'm a very slow reader - I read maybe three or four books a year - so I listen to podcasts and the occasional audiobook, and I watch TED talks.

Jose Gonzalez

Uplifting Women Quotes #1467660
#9. Don't be afraid when you have to pray fervently because of your circumstances. God is wanting to do something great through you!

Stormie O'martian

Uplifting Women Quotes #1346202
#10. Pulp Fiction is a, uh, gritty, urban satire. Pump Friction is a uh-uh, a bunch of uh, dudes and ladies having dirty sex.

Norm MacDonald

Uplifting Women Quotes #1327110
#11. Women in love are pathetic
and I cannot be bothered, for now,
I am back to metaphysics
and my armpits gather hair.

Mie Hansson

Uplifting Women Quotes #1281399
#12. My happiness came from learning my purpose, which is to be honest and to share things that normal people probably wouldn't share, in an effort to support and uplift other women. I love that my journey gives other women hope, letting them see how far God can bring a soul.

Karrine Steffans

Uplifting Women Quotes #1254600
#13. I realized after reading the fourth chapter of St. John's Gospel, that Christ was truly the Divine Saviour he claimed to be, and no one but He could transform and uplift the downtrodden women of India ... Thus my heart was drawn to the religion of Christ.

Pandita Ramabai

Uplifting Women Quotes #1248482
#14. Wherever women are true to their feminine natures and magnify their opportunities for loving service, they are learning to become more like God.

Spencer W. Kimball

Uplifting Women Quotes #974951
#15. With men one could have clever, uplifting conversations, and men understood the work of an artist; but everything else-idle talk, tenderness, playfulness, love, contentment unmarred by thought-did not flourish among men; for that there had to be women and new places and constantly new impressions.

Hermann Hesse

Uplifting Women Quotes #622974
#16. There's only one power in the world great enough to help us rise above the difficult things we face: the power of God.

Stormie O'martian

Uplifting Women Quotes #554924
#17. If some modern-day David Brock wanted to defect from the conservative movement and write a tell-all focused solely on the financial chicanery of the entire right-wing nonprofit/think tank/publishing sphere, I would read the absolute heck out of it.

Alex Pareene

Uplifting Women Quotes #546495
#18. The Almighty LORD is our strong deliver.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Uplifting Women Quotes #494626
#19. You women are daughters of God. You are precious. You are made in the image of our Heavenly Mother.

Spencer W. Kimball

Uplifting Women Quotes #458347
#20. I ask you all so earnestly to open girl's schools in every village and try to uplift them. If the Conditions of women are raised, then their children will, by their noble actions, glorify the name of the Country.

Swami Vivekananda

Uplifting Women Quotes #398939
#21. I find my earliest memories covering the anachronistic features of a previous incarnation. Clear recollections came to me of a distant life, a yogi amidst the Himalayan snows. These glimpses of the past, by some dimensionless link, also afforded me a glimpse of the future.

Paramahansa Yogananda

Uplifting Women Quotes #397412
#22. Don't think too small about what God could do in your life - be prepared for God to do a big thing.

Stormie O'martian

Uplifting Women Quotes #384482
#23. Fender Custom Shop made this nickel plated Stratbelieve it or not, it sounds incredible.

John Mayer

Uplifting Women Quotes #361845
#24. In comparing various authors with one another, I have discovered that some of the gravest and latest writers have transcribed, word for word, from former works, without making acknowledgment.

Pliny The Elder

Uplifting Women Quotes #193904
#25. You are more powerful than you think.

Tim Cook

Uplifting Women Quotes #124597
#26. Nothing is more uplifting than a woman's love and nothing is more dangerous than a woman's hatred.

Oliver Blade

Uplifting Women Quotes #9696

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