Top 7 Unsharing Folder Quotes

#1. He has showered his kindness on us, along with all wisdom and understanding. - Ephesians 1:8

Gary Chapman

Unsharing Folder Quotes #279981
#2. Probably all babies, having recently been nothing, have a tenuous hold on life.

Maxine Hong Kingston

Unsharing Folder Quotes #830180
#3. Shakespeare brings us to know ourselves. Dante, with his dissection of all others, bids us to know one another.

Matthew Pearl

Unsharing Folder Quotes #1076661
#4. Do not say, 'I am only a boy'; for you shall go to all to whom I send you, and you shall speak whatever I command you. Do not be afraid of them, for I am with you to deliver you, says the Lord.


Unsharing Folder Quotes #1125643
#5. You can "listen to your heart" as long as you remember that it has an I.Q. of zero.

Ken Doggett

Unsharing Folder Quotes #1582088
#6. I say, 'Don't lose your heart, Rube.'
And very clearly, without moving, my brother answers me.
He says, 'I'm not tryin' to lose it, Cam. I'm tryin' to find it.

Markus Zusak

Unsharing Folder Quotes #1793872
#7. Let him be great, and love shall follow him. Nothing is more deeply punished than the neglect of the affinities by which alone society should be formed, and the insane levity of choosing associates by others eyes.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Unsharing Folder Quotes #1813512

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