Top 8 Tsunoda Aggretsuko Quotes

#1. [I]f thou loiter when thou shouldst labour, thou wilt lose the crown. O fall to work then speedily and seriously, and bless God that thou hast yet time to do it; and though that which is past cannot be recalled, yet redeem the time now by doubling thy diligence (260).

Richard Baxter

Tsunoda Aggretsuko Quotes #118634
#2. I felt leap within me pride that I was colored; and I began to form wild dreams of bringing glory and honor to the Negro race.

James Weldon Johnson

Tsunoda Aggretsuko Quotes #168081
#3. Never argue Greek legends with a Greek...

Kate Walker

Tsunoda Aggretsuko Quotes #195312
#4. People will say that it's some kind of evasion, but I would never want to have a kid for me. I'd want to have the child for the child's sake, if that makes sense.

Jeremy Northam

Tsunoda Aggretsuko Quotes #258180
#5. He was the point dog, sent in to check for hostiles. His orders were simple. Bite everything. If it screamed, it was hostile.

Eoin Colfer

Tsunoda Aggretsuko Quotes #506966
#6. Revenge of the Giant Grill Man.

Joan Bauer

Tsunoda Aggretsuko Quotes #800012
#7. I gave up lots of things I love doing: writing, and business, and playing the piano and so on.

William Hague

Tsunoda Aggretsuko Quotes #1029265
#8. The first rule of Bi Club is that you can talk about Bi Club all you want, because most people won't believe it's real anyway.

Lindsay King-Miller

Tsunoda Aggretsuko Quotes #1063975

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