Top 70 Truth Events Quotes

#1. Our head is designed to broaden our capability of analyzing facts, events and draw the right conclusions

Sunday Adelaja

Truth Events Quotes #1058216
#2. My step-dad's rendition of events was uncontested even by me and therefore, it became our truth. Truth I'd never be able to prove or change; truth that protected him from suspicion and penalty. Truth that I now knew was a lie.

J.M. Northup

Truth Events Quotes #1288219
#3. What a wonderful time to be young. You will see events in your lifetime that will test your courage and extend your faith. If you will face the sunlight of truth, the shadows of discouragement and sin and error will fall behind you. You must never give up!

Boyd K. Packer

Truth Events Quotes #1284690
#4. Sometimes you think you know more than you really do - people, events, things that are true and things that are not. Sometimes you think you know yourself. But then, surprise, it is someone else who shows you what is really there, like the truth a photograph shows.

Patricia MacLachlan

Truth Events Quotes #1222814
#5. I make a distinction between true and real. I think that the story is true, it's just not real. That's what a parable is. It takes things that we all know are real, and it takes life events that actually happen, and it weaves them into a fiction that allows truth to actually be embedded.

William P. Young

Truth Events Quotes #1173635
#6. An Idea is nothing but Information, It won't do us any harm until we accept it as perception of truth in our mind, which in time will potentially evolve and construct major events in history.

Djayawarman Alamprabu

Truth Events Quotes #1117532
#7. What was at all events not permanently hidden from him was a truth much less invidious about his years of darkness. It was the strange scheme of things again: the years of darkness had been needed to render possible the years of light.

Henry James

Truth Events Quotes #1107814
#8. Events are transient, feelings are momentary, perception is optional and internalization is life long.

Debasish Mridha

Truth Events Quotes #1077358
#9. Truth happens to an idea. It becomes true, is made true by events. Its verity is in fact an event, a process: the process namely of its verifying itself, its veri-fication. Its validity is the process of its valid-ation.

William James

Truth Events Quotes #1072213
#10. As the saying goes, truth is stranger than fiction. But only when the reality has not been subsumed by foamy legends and fantasies that radiate outward from the actual event.

Brock Yates

Truth Events Quotes #1296224
#11. Nothing happens for a week. I don't mean this figuratively like there is a shortage of significant events. I mean that no things occur. Total stasis. It's sort of heavenly, to tell you the truth

John Green

Truth Events Quotes #957849
#12. Now in the light of past and present events the bitter truth must be spoken. We feared too little and we hoped too much. We underestimated the bestiality of the enemy; we overestimtaed the humanity, the wisdom, the sense of justice of our friends.

Chaim Weizmann

Truth Events Quotes #948622
#13. It's odd, though, what makes you think about the truth. It's so rarely involved in the events of your life. I quit thinking about the truth for a time then. Its finer points seems impossible to find among the facts.

Richard Ford

Truth Events Quotes #897856
#14. I'm thinking about past events. I'm interested in recall, exact recall, of what was said, who said it and to whom. I want to know the truth, undistorted by time and revision and wishes and regrets.

Dana Spiotta

Truth Events Quotes #879201
#15. We can drift along with general opinion and tradition, or we can throw ourselves upon the guidance of the soul within and steer courageously toward truth ... We have a choice in every event and every limitation and ... to choose is to create.

Helen Keller

Truth Events Quotes #868943
#16. All the great novels, all the great films, all the great dramas are fictions that actually tell us the truth about us or about human nature or about human situations without being tied into the minutia of documentary events. Otherwise we might as well just make documentaries.

Jeremy Northam

Truth Events Quotes #843555
#17. The dignity of history consists in reciting events with truth and accuracy, and in presenting human agents and their actions in an interesting and instructive form. The first element in history, therefore, is truthfulness; and this truthfulness must be displayed in a concrete form.

Daniel Webster

Truth Events Quotes #839589
#18. Of all studies, the most delightful and the most useful is biography. The seeds of great events lie near the surface; historians delve too deep for them. No history was ever true. Lives I have read which, if they were not, had the appearance, the interest, and the utility of truth.

Walter Savage Landor

Truth Events Quotes #830371
#19. A writer inevitably - and less directly this applies to all the arts - about contemporary events, and his impulse is to tell what he believes to be truth. But no government, no big organisation, will pay for the truth.

George Orwell

Truth Events Quotes #1536852
#20. Coincidence, Jim, is just a word superstitious people use to describe complex events that in truth are the mathematically inevitable consequences of a primary cause. - Michael quoting Mr. Spock

Dean Koontz

Truth Events Quotes #1871458
#21. Let me know what I am able and trust that behind all events no matter how painful there is a reason from which truth can come.

Caroline Myss

Truth Events Quotes #1868694
#22. Does truth lie in the everyday events, the daily incidents, in the pettiness and vulgarity most people's lives are compounded of, or does the truth have its abode in the dream it is given us to dream to flee our sad human condition?

Jorge Amado

Truth Events Quotes #1851660
#23. Among many events in life, failure is a small event, so ignore it and prepare for another one.

Debasish Mridha

Truth Events Quotes #1846504
#24. What dependence can I have on the alleged events of ancient history, when I find such difficulty in ascertaining the truth regarding a matter that has taken place only a few minutes ago, and almost in my own presence!

Walter Raleigh

Truth Events Quotes #1812617
#25. Truth is often a multiplicity of perspectives, and sometimes the more viewpoints and versions of events there are, the closer the reader gets to an overarching truth.

Susan Barker

Truth Events Quotes #1773616
#26. A too often forgotten truth is that you can live through actual events of history and completely miss the underlying reality of what's going. What history misses, the myth clearly expresses. The myth in the hands of a genius give us a clear picture of the inner import of life itself.

Tom Harpur

Truth Events Quotes #1722236
#27. Different events teach us different truths and truth equips us for service.

Matthew John Slick

Truth Events Quotes #1580422
#28. Since history is not an objective reality, but only an imaginative reconstruction of vanished events, the pattern that appears useful and agreeable to one generation is never entirely so to the next.

Carl Lotus Becker

Truth Events Quotes #814185
#29. Fiction is lies; we're writing about people who never existed and events that never happened when we write fiction, whether its science fiction or fantasy or western mystery stories or so-called literary stories. All those things are essentially untrue. But it has to have a truth at the core of it.

George R R Martin

Truth Events Quotes #1528057
#30. The events of human life, whether public or private, are so intimately linked to architecture that most observers can reconstruct nations or individuals in all the truth of their habits from the remains of their monuments or from their domestic relics.

Honore De Balzac

Truth Events Quotes #1477146
#31. There should be no combination of events for which the wit of man cannot conceive an explanation. Simply as a mental exercise, without any assertion that it is true, let me indicate a possible line of thought. It is, I admit, mere imagination; but how often is imagination the mother of truth?


Truth Events Quotes #1476440
#32. A novel must show how the world truly is, how characters genuinely think, how events actually occur. A novel should somehow reveal the true source of our actions.

Kevin Hood

Truth Events Quotes #1448770
#33. There are two histories : official history, lying, and then secret history, where you find the real causes of events.

Honore De Balzac

Truth Events Quotes #1369802
#34. The truth is that not story or life lived goes on without the experiences changing you. For better or worse, life does that. The events that take place make you who you are. Sometimes they take more than you have to give.

Joann Buchanan

Truth Events Quotes #1352166
#35. The truth is that adversity is a part of most days. Whether you are ultimately weakened or strengthened by each event, or the accumulation of events, will depend on you first mastering the ability to Take It On!

Erik Weihenmayer

Truth Events Quotes #1340473
#36. The conflict between the will to deny horrible events and the will to proclaim them aloud is the central dialectic of psychological trauma.

Judith Lewis Herman

Truth Events Quotes #264056
#37. Knowlede is power and Absolute Knowledge is Absolute Power or the Power of Truth, which is constantly shaping events and circumstances to reveal the errors in our beliefs.

Matthew A. Petti

Truth Events Quotes #405519
#38. THE MISCONCEPTION: Your opinions of people and events are based on objective evaluation. THE TRUTH: You translate your physical world into words, and then believe those words.

David McRaney

Truth Events Quotes #373887
#39. My father lied to me! He distorted the events, taking credit, hiding the extent of the brutality and suffering - even Omnius knew it. On the other hand, Serena had told him the truth.

Brian Herbert

Truth Events Quotes #351788
#40. Neither boy ever intended to speak about the events at the cliff that day. But of course their mothers eventually worked the truth out of them. Mothers always do.

John Flanagan

Truth Events Quotes #335584
#41. For it is in the millions of small melodies that the truth of history is always found, for history only matters because of the effects we see or imagine in the lives of the ordinary people who are caught up in, or give shape to, the great events.

Orson Scott Card

Truth Events Quotes #322817
#42. I said once that lies have no rights against truth. I was wrong. In daily life, it's the truth that's disenfranchised. What fits the popular narrative, what makes an observer happy with the consistency of events, is what is believed.

Adrian Lamo

Truth Events Quotes #291764
#43. The figure knew that the coming events would begin with this night. The truth of the prophecy would lay a destiny far greater than any known to Dagmarth. A destiny for one child to embrace. It would bring change to this war and Dagmarth.

Joseph J. Miccolis

Truth Events Quotes #288129
#44. Such are the Splendors and Miseries of memory: it is proud of its ability to keep truthful track of the logical sequence of past events; but when it comes to how we experienced them at the time, memory feels no obligation to truth.

Milan Kundera

Truth Events Quotes #271659
#45. Most often we plan for inconsequential events, but forget to plan for life. So be mindful and let's plan for life.

Debasish Mridha

Truth Events Quotes #427570
#46. Don't you know? There's no such thing as the truth.' Oliver yawned. 'We all walk around trapped in our own subjective consciousness, experiencing the same events through a totally different lens.

Abigail Haas

Truth Events Quotes #240583
#47. For a privileged minority, Western democracy provides the leisure, the facilities, and the training to seek the truth lying hidden behind the veil of distortion and misrepresentation, ideology and class interest, through which the events of current history are presented to us.

Noam Chomsky

Truth Events Quotes #208884
#48. This is the way to cultivate courage: First, by standing firm on some conscientious principle, some law of duty. Next, by being faithful to truth and right on small occasions and common events. Third, by trusting in God for help and power.

James Freeman Clarke

Truth Events Quotes #198457
#49. The most important events in every age never reach the history books.

C.S. Lewis

Truth Events Quotes #181429
#50. How many years of fatigue and punishment it takes to learn the simple truth that work, that disagreeable thing, is the only way of not suffering in life, or at all events, of suffering less.

Charles Baudelaire

Truth Events Quotes #132876
#51. In the School of Life events, situations, and the people you have attracted to be part of your personal experiences are synchronized perfectly in order to teach you the lessons that need to be learned. They show you exactly what is needed to be successful in your Life.

Jacqueline Ripstein

Truth Events Quotes #71334
#52. A philosopher is a deep thinker and a meticulous observer of nature and events that reveal the beauty, truth, and meaning of existence.

Debasish Mridha

Truth Events Quotes #53830
#53. Memory is that trick by which we see the awful events of the past loom over the good, like mountains over mouse. We don't recall life as it was. Instead, we remember what was different, frightening, or strange, and we turn our lives into the fun-house mirror images of the truth.

Jamie Kain

Truth Events Quotes #48502
#54. But while we can never predict where events will take us or the unavoidable bills we will have to pay as a consequence, we must confront the ghastly truth of Labour's legacy.

Liam Fox

Truth Events Quotes #553829
#55. So obscure are the greatest events, as some take for granted any hearsay, whatever its source, others turn truth into falsehood, and both errors find encouragement with posterity.


Truth Events Quotes #782298
#56. This morning, you have a choice. You can lay in the dark replaying the awful events of the week, or you can turn the light on and read God's Word-His truth-which is the best thing to do when lies are swarming and painful thoughts are attacking like a bunch of bloodthirsty mosquitoes.

Lysa TerKeurst

Truth Events Quotes #774231
#57. This demonstrates the novel truth - that great events have incalculable consequences.

Victor Hugo

Truth Events Quotes #706054
#58. It is often assumed that science starts from facts and eschews counter-factual theories. Nothing could be further from the truth. What is one of the basic assumptions of the scientific world-view? That the variety of events that surrounds us is held together by a deeper unity.

Paul Feyerabend

Truth Events Quotes #689788
#59. That is the best part of writing: finding the hidden treasures, giving sparkle to worn out events, invigorating the tired soul with imagination, creating some kind of truth with many lies.

Isabel Allende

Truth Events Quotes #661250
#60. It's important to be true to the events, but the most important thing is to get to the essence of the experience. Not to be bogged down in an academic way by a notion of the truth. First of all, the truth is an illusive and spurious concept.

Mike Leigh

Truth Events Quotes #612482
#61. Like many Vatican pronouncements, the official version of events would bear little resemblance to the truth.

Daniel Silva

Truth Events Quotes #566384
#62. Having told the truth for years as a first-rate reporter, Jason Leopold now comes completely clean about himself and also sheds light on his imperiled profession. A riveting account of just how hard the truth can be.

Mark Crispin Miller

Truth Events Quotes #563939
#63. The truth is, everything that has happened in my life ... that I thought was a crushing event at the time, has turned out for the better.

Warren Buffett

Truth Events Quotes #42732
#64. At no time, anywhere, was the population of a country told the truth: facts about events trickled into general consciousness much later, if ever.

Doris Lessing

Truth Events Quotes #522443
#65. Any claims on the truth in my pictures are only to be answered in the sense that a particular event did in fact happen and did take place in the here and now.

Andreas Gursky

Truth Events Quotes #480591
#66. I have come to the realization that history is not a fixed thing, a collection of precise dates, facts and events (even cogent commencement quotes) that add up to a quantifiable, certain, confidently known, truth. It is a mysterious and malleable thing.

Ken Burns

Truth Events Quotes #470612
#67. But the sad truth is that the truth is sad, and that what you want does not matter. A series of unfortunate events can happen to anyone, no matter what they want.

Lemony Snicket

Truth Events Quotes #469379
#68. I'm thinking of how unexpected and yet oddly preordained life can be. Events are upon you in an instant, unforseen and without warning, and often times marked with disappointment and tragedy, but equally often leading to a better understanding of the bittersweet truth of life.

Rob Lowe

Truth Events Quotes #443646
#69. Truth, which is permanent, eludes the historian of events. Truth transcends history.

Mahatma Gandhi

Truth Events Quotes #438757
#70. The truth was, there was no way everything could be the Best. Sometimes, when it came to events and people, it had to be okay to just be.

Sarah Dessen

Truth Events Quotes #433863

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