Top 100 True Is True Quotes

#1. We all behave as though what we think is true, is true.

Mark Thomas

True Is True Quotes #262740
#2. I just find the evangelical church too, well, restrictive. But the School of Practical Philosophy is nonconfrontational. We believe there are many forms of Scripture. What is true is true and will never change, whether it's in the Bible or in Shakespeare. It's about oneness.

Hugh Jackman

True Is True Quotes #407489
#3. a God-centered view of truth demands that we affirm that all truth is God's truth. That which is true is true because God said it, created it, or decreed it.

Keith A. Mathison

True Is True Quotes #528501
#4. It is no proof of a man's understanding to be able to affirm whatever he pleases; but to be able to discern that what is true is true, and that what is false is false, this is the mark and character of intelligence.

Emanuel Swedenborg

True Is True Quotes #624401
#5. What is true, is true only for one time and only for one place.

T. S. Eliot

True Is True Quotes #936043
#6. A truthmaker is an entity in virtue of which the proposition it makes true is true. And it is a necessary condition of being a truthmaker (though not a sufficient one) that a truthmaker necessitates the proposition it makes true.

Gonzalo Rodriguez-Pereyra

True Is True Quotes #975183
#7. The whole point to American journalism is what ought to be true is true.

Gore Vidal

True Is True Quotes #1111642
#8. What is true is true, and what is false is false ...

Emanuel Swedenborg

True Is True Quotes #1578924
#9. Whatever you believe is true is true even if it is not true

Saji Ijiyemi

True Is True Quotes #1741108
#10. Sometimes writing is like talking to a stranger who's exactly like yourself in every possible way, only to realize that this stranger is as boring as shit.

Chuck Klosterman

True Is True Quotes #19
#11. I'll tell you something that's completely true - you can, as a man, obtain everything you want with the truth. If you lie, first of all you've got to be a very good lying actor, which is tres difficile. And it's going to give you poison inside the body.

Jean Reno

True Is True Quotes #200
#12. But true love is a durable fire, In the mind ever burning, Never sick, never old, never dead, From itself never turning.

Walter Raleigh

True Is True Quotes #219
#13. All you can be is you. Your true self shines with more beauty than your mind can ever know.

Sasha Martin

True Is True Quotes #589
#14. 'Planet Earth' was such an extraordinary series and the 'Making Of' ... is fascinating: the creatures and stories behind the camera are just as fascinating as those in front. It's a bit of a dream come true to be a part of the team in some small way.

Dan Stevens

True Is True Quotes #823
#15. The foundation stone of all philosophy is self-knowledge and being true to thy self. A person must address an inner necessity in order to realize the fundamental truth about oneself, seek self-improvement, and gain knowledge through experience.

Kilroy J. Oldster

True Is True Quotes #1053
#16. I am doing things that are true to me. The only thing I have a problem with is being labeled.

Johnny Depp

True Is True Quotes #1170
#17. Each Fable is inspired by some true stories which doesn't have an happy ending, unlike the Fable.

Neetesh Dixit

True Is True Quotes #1595
#18. Philosopher and author Dr. Wayne Dyer calls the ego "edge god out." It is the process of disconnecting with the creative, true force of the universe. It is the process of making you separate from it, others, nature, and the universe.

Emily Maroutian

True Is True Quotes #1829
#19. True independence is an illusion; no one matures in a vacuum. We have heroes, we see villains, and ultimately we try to walk the path that's our own, through an ideological valley whose landmarks have already been described and claimed by others.

Nicolas Wilson

True Is True Quotes #1833
#20. True, we might never have arrived, but the fact is we did. If only people thought a little more about it, they would see that life is not worth worrying about so much.

Mikhail Lermontov

True Is True Quotes #1932
#21. Some people will say that words like scum and rotten are wrong for Objective Journalism
which is true, but they miss the point. It was the built-in blind spots of the Objective rules and dogma that allowed Nixon to slither into the White House in the first place.

Hunter S. Thompson

True Is True Quotes #1954
#22. Being real is being true to you.

David W. Earle

True Is True Quotes #1957
#23. Nonfear is the basis of true happiness, and if you can offer nonfear to someone, you are giving that person the best kind of gift.

Thich Nhat Hanh

True Is True Quotes #2080
#24. Perhaps the only true dignity of man is his capacity to despise himself.

George Santayana

True Is True Quotes #2354
#25. Getting up in the morning and loving what you do is a dream come true.

Elie Tahari

True Is True Quotes #2412
#26. In the true man there is a child concealed who wants to play.

Friedrich Nietzsche

True Is True Quotes #2462
#27. I would say I don't like people who are really into themselves or are very materialistic. Just always talking themselves up. Not being real is the pet peeve. Be true to yourself.

Austin Stowell

True Is True Quotes #3184
#28. I fear no fate(for you are my fate,my sweet)i want no world(for beautiful you are my world,my true) and it's you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you here is the deepest secret nobody knows

E. E. Cummings

True Is True Quotes #3236
#29. The only way to find true happiness is to risk being completely cut open.

Chuck Palahniuk

True Is True Quotes #3540
#30. The man who recognizes the truth of any human relation and neglects the duty involved is not a true man.... A man may be aware of the highest truths of many things, and yet not be a true man, inasmuch as the essentials of manhood are not his aim: he has not come into the flower of his own being.

George MacDonald

True Is True Quotes #4037
#31. What you're about to read is based on true events. It will make you laugh. It will make you cry. And it will break your heart. Don't say I didn't warn you.

Melissa M. Futrell

True Is True Quotes #4066
#32. One of the most frightening things about your true nerd, for may people, is not that he's socially inept - because everybody's been there - but rather his complete lack of embarrassment about it.

Neal Stephenson

True Is True Quotes #4170
#33. Self-reliance is the only road to true freedom, and being one's own person is its ultimate reward

Patricia Sampson

True Is True Quotes #4351
#34. I would prefer to have gum on my face than own up to the fact that I accidentally got gum on my face. And of course one sentence out of every ten that comes from my mouth is probably not one hundred percent true.

Alicia Thompson

True Is True Quotes #4422
#35. It's true that humanity has seen a succession of crises, wars and atrocities, but this negative side is offset by advances in technology and cultural exchanges.

Abbe Pierre

True Is True Quotes #4591
#36. A great safeguard is the entire faith, the true faith, in which neither anything whatever can be added by anyone nor anything taken away; for, unless faith be one, it is not the faith.

Pope Leo I

True Is True Quotes #4639
#37. I'm quite sure that all true professional artists, of every description, in all walks of life, whether their craft is painting, music, sculpture, medicine or anything, have one primary concern - mankind.

Chico Hamilton

True Is True Quotes #4750
#38. The Jeep is the only true American sports car.

Enzo Ferrari

True Is True Quotes #4752
#39. True up-bringing is restricted to two types of welfare; the welfare of the body and that of the mind.

Ameen Rihani

True Is True Quotes #4797
#40. Some people think that the truth can be hidden with a little cover-up and decoration. But as time goes by, what is true is revealed, and what is fake fades away.

Ismail Haniyeh

True Is True Quotes #5257
#41. Half of this story is true and the other half might very well have happened.

William Pene Du Bois

True Is True Quotes #5362
#42. It is true that I have had heartache and tragedy in my life. These are things none of us avoids. Suffering is the price of being alive.

Judy Collins

True Is True Quotes #5533
#43. The destination was not really the point. The true desire was to get away - to go, as he concluded, 'anywhere! anywhere! so long as it is out of the world!

Alain De Botton

True Is True Quotes #5630
#44. To believe in what you don't know is as true as to believe in what you do know as long as life is an illusion.

Sorin Cerin

True Is True Quotes #5702
#45. The true antidote to greed is contentment. If you have a strong sense of contentment, it doesn't matter whether you obtain the object of your desire or not. Either way, you are still content.

Bill Vaughan

True Is True Quotes #5776
#46. The proof of true repentance is immediate restitution.

Mike Murdock

True Is True Quotes #6127
#47. Unlearning is the choice, conscious or unconscious, of any real artist. And it is the true sign of maturity.

Madeleine L'Engle

True Is True Quotes #6171
#48. The duty of the people is to tend to their own affairs.
The duty of government is to help them do it.
This is the pasta of politics.
The inspired leader, the true prince, no matter how great, can only be sauce upon the pasta.

Robert Crichton

True Is True Quotes #6273
#49. We do not want to be told what we know. We do not want to call things by their names, although we're willing to call one another bad ones. We call meanness nobility and hatred honor. The way to make yourself a hero is to make me out a scoundrel. You won't admit that either, but it's true.

Thomas Wolfe

True Is True Quotes #6333
#50. The first step to finding a God-written love story is handing the pen to the true Author of romance.

Leslie Ludy

True Is True Quotes #6454
#51. One can feel the urge, the need to give, coming from within him. He is such a pure and true person. It's my deepest, most heartfelt conviction that Michael Jackson is a good person, a fine young man with an incredible burden - responsibility - to carry on his shoulders.

Marcel Marceau

True Is True Quotes #6466
#52. You are not to be looked upon as holding the true Catholic faith if you do not teach that the faith of Rome is to be held

Pope Leo XIII

True Is True Quotes #6504
#53. I've found the 90-10 rule to be pretty true: 90 percent of what I come up with and write down is kinda 'eh,' and then somehow, someway, 10 percent of it happens to work out really great in my act.

Hasan Minhaj

True Is True Quotes #6884
#54. This world is not enough, but it will have to do. You can either hold on or let go.

Margaret Atwood

True Is True Quotes #6953
#55. Now man cannot live without some vision of himself. But still less can he live with a vision that is not true to his inner experience and inner feeling.

D.H. Lawrence

True Is True Quotes #7059
#56. Again, it is self-evident that truth exists. For truth exists if anything at all is true, and if anyone denies that truth exists, he concedes that it is true that it does not exist, since if truth does not exist it is then true that it does not exist.

Thomas Aquinas

True Is True Quotes #7249
#57. You know how some people, when they're together, they somehow make you feel more hopeful? Make you feel like the world is not the insane place it really is?

Rebecca Wells

True Is True Quotes #7322
#58. The vision is for the right time, although it takes time, wait for it , it will come true.

Lailah Gifty Akita

True Is True Quotes #7368
#59. There is giving, and there is knowingness. Some have generosity and compassion but no true knowledge. Some have knowledge but no self-sacrifice. When both are present, that person is blessed and prosperous. Such a being is truly incomparable.


True Is True Quotes #7559
#60. In all true faith there is complete committal to God.

Lee Roberson

True Is True Quotes #7582
#61. The idea that Area 51 was this test facility working to move science and technology faster and further than any other nation is true and is one of the great hallmarks of Area 51. There are other areas of the base that are controversial - but they both exist simultaneously - out there in the desert.

Annie Jacobsen

True Is True Quotes #7584
#62. Each material has its specific characteristics which we must understand if we want to use it. This is no less true of steel and concrete.

Ludwig Mies Van Der Rohe

True Is True Quotes #7628
#63. Modern scientific findings harmonize with revelation through the ages. No conflict exists between the gospel and any truth ... All true principles are a part of the gospel of Jesus Christ. There is no principle that we need to fear.

Spencer W. Kimball

True Is True Quotes #7734
#64. [G]enius is a true degenerative psychosis belonging to the group of moral insanity . . .

Cesare Lombroso

True Is True Quotes #7744
#65. Well, is true. I did know. Because if possible to paint fakes that look like that? Las Vegas would be the most beautiful city in the history of earth!

Donna Tartt

True Is True Quotes #7852
#66. So old and persistent did Mother's unhappiness seem that I had never stopped to ask its true cause. Nothing is more acceptable than that which we are born into.

Hisham Matar

True Is True Quotes #7895
#67. Remember what I said. There's always a lot of autobiography in fiction and fiction in autobiography. It has to be that way otherwise they'd be unreadable (except by the author).

Nina Stibbe

True Is True Quotes #7976
#68. Perhaps that is the only way that true love can work, when it is prepared for and embraced without thought, without choice.

Vu Tran

True Is True Quotes #8026
#69. The worst thing about wishes is that sometimes they come true

Stephen King

True Is True Quotes #8104
#70. For the life of the believer, one thing is beautifully and abundantly true: God's chief concern in your suffering is to be with you and be Himself for you. And in the end, what we discover is that this really is enough.

Tullian Tchividjian

True Is True Quotes #8128
#71. Many stories are invented about me - too many stories; almost everyone uses me, and I'd say about 0.01 percent of the gossip is true.

Mario Balotelli

True Is True Quotes #8133
#72. The anarchic is the true divine state of man in the end as in the beginning; but in between it would lead us straight to the devil and his kingdom.

Sri Aurobindo

True Is True Quotes #8215
#73. It is true that I had wanted to die , but that is peculiarly different from regretting having been born. Overwhelmingly, I was enormously glad to have been born, grateful for life, and I couldn't imagine not wanting to pass on life to someone else.

Kay Redfield Jamison

True Is True Quotes #8292
#74. [I]t is the writer's duty to write fiction which promotes virtue, the good, the beautiful, and above all, the true ... It is the writer's duty to hate injustice, to defy the powerful, and to speak for the voiceless. To be ... the severest critics of our own societies.

Edward Abbey

True Is True Quotes #8408
#75. An eye for an eye will only make the world bright. Sorry, Mahatma. This is the absolute and only true form of justice.

Natalya Vorobyova

True Is True Quotes #8603
#76. There are interviewers who try to trip up the candidate," says Hanold. "If you make people do intellectual gymnastics, you're not getting their true self. There is no right answer to any question I ask. I want an authentic response." To

Ethan F. Becker

True Is True Quotes #8642
#77. It is by a mathematical point only that we are wise, as the sailor or fugitive slave keeps the polestar in his eye; but that is sufficient guidance for all our life. We may not arrive at our port within a calculable period, but we would preserve the true course.

Henry David Thoreau

True Is True Quotes #8842
#78. But now he knows for certain how true the axiom is, because he himself - his very life - has proven it. The person I was will always be the person I am, he realizes.

Hanya Yanagihara

True Is True Quotes #9530
#79. The conventional wisdom is that people come to the United States, and immigration is so great, and they say, 'America, what a great country.' And a lot of that is true.

James Gray

True Is True Quotes #9654
#80. Sometimes the reader will decide something else than the author's intent; this is certainly true of attempts to empirically decipher reality.

John M. Ford

True Is True Quotes #10084
#81. The thing you can't underestimate is the true fan's intimacy. So Lady Gaga or anybody's true fan, I don't think they're going anywhere. There are people who are into commitment. If they're connecting with an artist, I think they'll be there over the long course.

Alanis Morissette

True Is True Quotes #10197
#82. In the realms of legend and lore, as well as in real life, the triumph of true love is never a sure thing.

Kate Emerson

True Is True Quotes #10234
#83. The Life of true holiness is rooted in the soil of awed adoration

J.I. Packer

True Is True Quotes #10372
#84. He is a true King who has the Freedom to do anything! -RVM


True Is True Quotes #10443
#85. To give pain is the tyranny; to make happy, the true empire of beauty.

Samuel Butler

True Is True Quotes #10473
#86. It's really easy to fall into the trap of believing that what we do is more important than what we are. Of course, it's the opposite that's true: What we are ultimately determines what we do!

Fred Rogers

True Is True Quotes #10709
#87. True obedience is a matter of love, which makes it voluntary, not compelled by fear or force.

Dorothy Day

True Is True Quotes #10755
#88. True faith begins with true repentance for whatever we have been doing that is wrong.

Rick Joyner

True Is True Quotes #10970
#89. The good thing about the truth is it's true, and there's no arguing with the truth. You may not like it, but that doesn't make it any less true.

Kami Garcia

True Is True Quotes #11134
#90. To a true believer, death is but going to church: from the church below to the church above.

Augustus Toplady

True Is True Quotes #11294
#91. Writers spend too much time among dead things. I thought that was profound and actually true, that you're trying to pump life into something that is inanimate. You see what a sort of audacious thing it is to move these sort of imaginary people around in a very stylized and patterned world.

Martin Amis

True Is True Quotes #11422
#92. There's something I believe wholeheartedly: Cynicism is the true refuge of the pseudo-intellectual, .. Cynicism is easy. Joy is an extremely advanced spiritual and intellectual tenet.

Craig Ferguson

True Is True Quotes #11651
#93. The true measure of a real man is that he has the ability to admit when he is wrong, apologize, and make amends to those he wronged

Richard Ashworth

True Is True Quotes #11933
#94. It is a true story, the monster said. Many things that are true feel like a cheat.

Patrick Ness

True Is True Quotes #11985
#95. Words may help you understand something, but experience allows you to know. Never ever trade your own experience for someone else's words about anything that is really important ... like God, for instance, or Love, or what is true about another.

Neale Donald Walsch

True Is True Quotes #11995
#96. Neither the good nor the true is self-realizing, so it is not generally a sufficient explanation of why people believe that X that X is true, or of why people do Y that Y is good.

Raymond Geuss

True Is True Quotes #12211
#97. Whatever is almost true is quite false, and among the most dangerous of errors, because being so near truth, it is more likely to lead astray.

Henry Ward Beecher

True Is True Quotes #12309
#98. There are times when I myself no longer know whether I said and did the things I report or whether I dreamed them up. Anyway, I always dream true. If I lie a bit now and then it is mainly in the interest of truth.

Henry Miller

True Is True Quotes #12362
#99. Life is fullest when we are most true to ourselves.

Gay Hendricks

True Is True Quotes #12450
#100. The knowledge of the Spirit is the true secret of creativity, leadership and happiness. It is spiritual intelligence that makes an ordinary person a genius. When a genius loses his spiritual intelligence, he becomes quite ordinary.

Awdhesh Singh

True Is True Quotes #12477

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