Top 42 Too Sheltered Quotes

#1. I'm beginning to think I've led a much too sheltered life.

Diana Wynne Jones

Too Sheltered Quotes #839992
#2. The headmaster [ ... ] pledged that, provided he behaved himself, he would be duly sheltered and cared for by the state for the rest of his days. It did not occur to any of the boys, nor their fathers, that all this would perhaps not really be free.

Hermann Hesse

Too Sheltered Quotes #532413
#3. In a letter from Bath to her sister, Cassandra, one senses her frustration at her sheltered existence, Tuesday, 12 May 1801. Another stupid party ... with six people to look on, and talk nonsense to each other.

Jane Austen

Too Sheltered Quotes #398473
#4. Believe me, fair lady, you may call yourself fortunate in having in this castle of yours sheltered my person, which is such that if I do not myself praise it, it is because of what is commonly said, that self-praise debaseth;

Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra

Too Sheltered Quotes #410885
#5. I was raised in a super-sheltered atmosphere where we didn't watch anything besides Trinity Broadcasting Network - which was called TBN - or the Fox News channel.

Katy Perry

Too Sheltered Quotes #414881
#6. University is sheltered from the business world and they think they should not have any connection with the businesses because maybe the business is dirty or not very good.

Maurice Levy

Too Sheltered Quotes #465578
#7. Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers, but to be fearless in facing them. Let me not beg for the stilling of my pain, but for the heart to conquer it." - Rabindranath Tagore

Jonathan Paul Isaacs

Too Sheltered Quotes #479381
#8. Their laughter seemed to have turned into low whispering now. It never ceases to amaze me, the things they find interesting, amusing or unusual. I can only assume they've led very sheltered lives.

Gail Honeyman

Too Sheltered Quotes #482245
#9. We are little flames, inadequately sheltered by thin walls from the tempest of dissolution and insensibility in which we flicker and often are all but extinguished.

Erich Maria Remarque

Too Sheltered Quotes #507143
#10. This house sheltered us, we spoke, we loved within those walls. That was yesterday. To-day we pass on, we see it no more, and we are different, changed in some infinitesimal way. We can never be quite the same again.

Daphne Du Maurier

Too Sheltered Quotes #510897
#11. I wasn't sheltered or spoiled. All the money I made, I made myself.

Steve Aoki

Too Sheltered Quotes #524102
#12. I guard my existence, sheltered by distance. Hidden and masked I parade, everyone oblivious to the grand charade.

Tina J. Richardson

Too Sheltered Quotes #394849
#13. I think that unless you grew up in New York or Chicago or Los Angeles, you're sheltered.

Jordana Brewster

Too Sheltered Quotes #550427
#14. During the last 100 years, the House of Lords has never contributed one iota to popular liberties or popular freedom, or done anything to advance the common weal; but during that time it has protected every abuse and sheltered every privilege.

Joseph Chamberlain

Too Sheltered Quotes #568860
#15. I was pretty sheltered growing up. I just started getting into heavier music with the Tooth & Nail/Solid State era, which really kind of brought this whole thing to life for me, so I am really thankful for that label.

Matty Mullins

Too Sheltered Quotes #585424
#16. Shoot, I must have lived such a doggoned sheltered life as a normal, independent American up there in the Last Frontier, schooled with only public education and a lowly state university degree, because obviously I haven't learned enough to dismiss common sense.

Sarah Palin

Too Sheltered Quotes #588818
#17. The inability to live in the present lies in the fear of leaving the sheltered position of anticipation or memory, and so of admitting that this is the only life that one is ever likely (heavenly intervention aside) to live.

Alain De Botton

Too Sheltered Quotes #612735
#18. Too often what are called "educated" people are simply people who have been sheltered from reality for years in ivy-covered buildings. Those whose whole careers have been spent in ivy-covered buildings, insulated by tenure, can remain adolescents on into their golden retirement years.

Thomas Sowell

Too Sheltered Quotes #731618
#19. Most Christians are sheltered within their own groups and are too busy arguing with other Christians to notice the sad state of Christianity in a broader sense.

Mark Driscoll

Too Sheltered Quotes #816000
#20. Who can ever affirm, or deny that the houses which have sheltered us as children, or as adults, and our predecessors too, do not have embedded in their walls, one with the dust and cobwebs, one with the overlay of fresh wallpaper and paint, the imprint of what-has-been, the suffering, the joy?

Daphne Du Maurier

Too Sheltered Quotes #834112
#21. Goodbye, fin,' I say. And I wish I was going with him, to some warm sheltered hideaway in the hills, wish that I, too, could lie down beside the dog, feel his unbroken heartbeat, smell the dust in his fur.
There's only hours. I steel my courage.

Sonya Hartnett

Too Sheltered Quotes #1139826
#22. The representation of the tabernacle arose out of the temple of Solomon as its root, in dependence on the sacred ark, for which there is early testimony, and which in the time of David, and also before it, was sheltered by a tent.

Julius Wellhausen

Too Sheltered Quotes #1877449
#23. Womanists is what black feminists used to call themselves. Very much so. They were not the same thing. And also the relationship with men. Historically, black women have always sheltered their men because they were out there, and they were the ones that were most likely to be killed.

Toni Morrison

Too Sheltered Quotes #185403
#24. The right thing is a luxury for rich and sheltered people. For the rest of us, the only right thing is staying out of trouble and surviving as best we can.

Susan Ee

Too Sheltered Quotes #28821
#25. In the sheltered heart of the clumps last year's foliage still clings to the lower branches, tatters of orange that mutter with the passage of the wind, the talk of old women warning the green generation of what they, too, must come to when the sap runs back.

Jacquetta Hawkes

Too Sheltered Quotes #35337
#26. Between highway sounds I heard waves and thought how the curve of the coastline here had sheltered and nurtured live-born sharks, humans, and migrating whales. Here, at the edge of the continent, time and distance stopped; in the lull between sets of waves I could get a fresh start.

Gretel Ehrlich

Too Sheltered Quotes #50764
#27. Sometimes its not the strength but gentleness that cracks the hardest shells.

Richard Paul Evans

Too Sheltered Quotes #52220
#28. Let's face it: None of us are ever going to get to the place in life where we have no more disappointments. We can't expect to be sheltered from every little thing. Disappointment is a fact of life
one that must be dealt with.

Joyce Meyer

Too Sheltered Quotes #55274
#29. She remembers once handing her father a flower she picked and how in the act of giving she experienced herself as that flower - the sticky stalk resin, the hard green shoots, the sheltered stamens and raw red anthers. She needed him to understand her no less than she needed to remain a mystery.

Glenn Haybittle

Too Sheltered Quotes #81246
#30. I have lived carefully, sheltered myself from the cold winds, eaten moderately of what was in season, drunk fine claret, slept in my own sheets; I shall live long.

Evelyn Waugh

Too Sheltered Quotes #94654
#31. If any group of citizens is uniquely unqualified to tell someone else how to vote, it's those of us who live in the sheltered, privileged arena of celebrity hood ... Trust me, one's view of the world isn't any clearer from the back seat of a limo.

Pat Sajak

Too Sheltered Quotes #99666
#32. Thus bound together, they sheltered the child from the cold, dark night, enveloping him in warmth.

Seth Adam Smith

Too Sheltered Quotes #163414
#33. And there's that one particular harbor
Sheltered from the wind
Where the children play on the shore each day
And all are safe within ...

Jimmy Buffett

Too Sheltered Quotes #385084
#34. Enveloped in Your Light, may I be a beacon to those in search of Light. Sheltered in Your Peace, may I offer shelter to those in need of peace. Embraced by Your Presence, so may I be present to others.

Rami M. Shapiro

Too Sheltered Quotes #207484
#35. A hyperreal henceforth sheltered from the imaginary, and from any distinction between the real and the imaginary, leaving room only for the orbital recurrence of models and for the simulated generation of differences.

Jean Baudrillard

Too Sheltered Quotes #208556
#36. Historians say that revolutions come in a country not when things are at their worst but when they begin to improve, when an entire generation has been well fed, sheltered, and educated so that it feels its strength in a way previous generations, ignorant, ill fed, and unhealthy, did not.

Mark Bowden

Too Sheltered Quotes #236094
#37. Even the most miserable life is better than a sheltered existence in an organized society where everything is calculated and perfected.

Federico Fellini

Too Sheltered Quotes #249212
#38. The funny thing is, all my friends are short. I wasn't aware of tall people till I got to high school. I didn't know they existed. I was sheltered.

Kevin Hart

Too Sheltered Quotes #267341
#39. My parents kept us sheltered from this world of Hollywood. I don't have any great memories of bouncing on Cary Grant's knee or something like that.

Tony Goldwyn

Too Sheltered Quotes #301626
#40. The last remnants of Deanna the child--the idealist, the sheltered elite--had been torn loose by tonight's tragedies, slain with the same bullet that had felled her would-be killer. She had no idea who the new person inhabiting this shell of her old self would become. The realization frightened her.

Leslie Ann Moore

Too Sheltered Quotes #336451
#41. While religious faith is the one species of human ignorance that will not admit of even the possibility of correction, it is still sheltered from criticism in every corner of our culture.

Sam Harris

Too Sheltered Quotes #339491
#42. Several sailors, sheltered behind the curved bottoms of their boats, were watching this battle of the sky and the sea.

Guy De Maupassant

Too Sheltered Quotes #378423

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