Top 100 To Government Quotes

#1. There are cases where government-to-government aid actually has worked. Look at the eradication of smallpox and the near eradication of polio. But these are really top down solutions that require government-to-government support and aid.

Jacqueline Novogratz

To Government Quotes #19283
#2. Some boast of being friends to government; I am a friend to righteous government, to a government founded upon the principles of reason and justice; but I glory in publicly avowing my eternal enmity to tyranny.

John Hancock

To Government Quotes #36054
#3. According to government auditors, the stimulus money is being held up because there aren't enough government workers to oversee the spending. So follow me, in other words, government workers who aren't there are needed to spend money we don't have to create jobs that don't exist.

Jay Leno

To Government Quotes #40438
#4. Freedom and Liberty cannot exist without Individual Responsibilty. Failure to exercise Individual Responsibilty forfeits your right to self-governance and delivers it to Government which, through force, will set the parameters of your life.

Brian Wilson

To Government Quotes #45293
#5. On one of the most personal matters of our lives, our health care, President Obama would turn decision making over to government bureaucrats. He forced through Obama-care and I will repeal it.

Mitt Romney

To Government Quotes #67180
#6. Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.

P. J. O'Rourke

To Government Quotes #109221
#7. Obama, startled that components of government behave as interest groups, seems utterly unfamiliar with public choice theory. It demystifies and de-romanticizes politics by applying economic analysis - how incentives influence behavior - to government.

George Will

To Government Quotes #128148
#8. I do not intend to dispute in any way the need for defence cuts and the need for government spending cuts in general. I do not share a not in my backyard approach to government spending reductions.

Stephen Harper

To Government Quotes #192224
#9. I think Syria is often covered by phone. You have to talk to activists. You have to try to read the tea leaves. You have to talk to government officials. It's remote-control reporting in a way.

Anthony Shadid

To Government Quotes #193651
#10. I am opposed to abortion and to government funding of abortions. We should not spend state funds on abortions because so many people believe abortion is wrong.

William J. Clinton

To Government Quotes #244434
#11. given them information in the past, they've turned it over to government authorities, and the information

Scott Pratt

To Government Quotes #256842
#12. U.S. foreign policy is akin to government-sponsored terrorism these day. It was not a mistake that there was a huge security stand down on September 11 last year. I am SOLO. I will continue to disrupt at the highest levels.

Gary McKinnon

To Government Quotes #289568
#13. No law can give power to private persons; every law transfers power from private persons to government.

Isabel Paterson

To Government Quotes #318536
#14. At the foundation of our civil liberties lies the principle that denies to government officials an exceptional position before the law and which subjects them to the same rules of conduct that are commands to the citizen.

Louis D. Brandeis

To Government Quotes #320108
#15. In Argentina, urban poverty plummeted from 54.7 percent in 2003 to 6.5 percent in 2011, according to government data collected by the U.N.

Naomi Klein

To Government Quotes #336734
#16. A passport, as I'm sure you know, is a document that one shows to government officials whenever one reaches a border between two countries, so that the official can learn who you are, where you were born, and how you look when photographed unflatteringly.

Lemony Snicket

To Government Quotes #387546
#17. The vast majority of us don't want to face the fact that we're in the middle of a sweeping social revolution. In sex. In spiritual values. In opposition to wars no one wants. In opposition to government big-brotherhood. In civil rights. In basic human goals. They're all facets of a general upheaval.

Johnny Carson

To Government Quotes #414339
#18. I found the offer of a knighthood something that I couldn't possibly accept. I found it to be somehow squalid, a knighthood. There's a relationship to government about knights.

Harold Pinter

To Government Quotes #433903
#19. Loyalty to country ALWAYS. Loyalty to government, when it deserves it.

Mark Twain

To Government Quotes #444882
#20. I don't think that it's up to government to dictate what people should wear.

Richard Dawkins

To Government Quotes #480672
#21. The pathological degree to which former Vice President Dick Cheney operated in secrecy led to government abuses that we'll probably spend years learning about.

Timothy Noah

To Government Quotes #484481
#22. I want to offer particular congratulations to Andrea Leadsom on her stunning achievement. She is now well placed to win and replace the absurd gloom in some quarters with a positive, confident and optimistic approach, not just to Europe, but to government all round.

Boris Johnson

To Government Quotes #528975
#23. Local authorities keep an eye on proceedings. The Saigon Protestant Church in Ho Chi Minh City, for instance, one of the biggest in the country, has to submit a list of its event schedules, financial records and appointments of Church leaders to government officials for their prior approval.

Insight Guides

To Government Quotes #581973
#24. Remain close to government and away from politics. It means deal more with the authorities. And less with individuals.

Wang Jianlin

To Government Quotes #584433
#25. It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few and to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity.

Hillary Clinton

To Government Quotes #586258
#26. The media is comparable to government-probably passes government in raw power.

Matt Drudge

To Government Quotes #656797
#27. Ensuring the access of all citizens to government information and to essential information for human development is a must for every democratic society.

Koichiro Matsuura

To Government Quotes #671053
#28. State companies winning deals because of government-to- government interaction has become a rule rather than an exception. This will increase competition for multinational companies in acquiring oil and gas assets.

Arjuna Mahendran

To Government Quotes #678680
#29. A neighbor is a far better and cheaper alternative to government services.

Jennifer Pahlka

To Government Quotes #734978
#30. For too long, we've attached some mythic notion to government solutions, and yet, 40 years after we began the War on Poverty, poverty still abounds.

Rand Paul

To Government Quotes #751252
#31. When it comes to government policy, can we please stop using words like "architect"? Telling people what to do is not a skilled profession.

David Burge

To Government Quotes #758160
#32. We are not in the regime of Aurangzeb. We are in the regime of rule of law. When rule of law is concerned, it applies to government, it applies to Supreme Court, it applies to everybody.

Veerappa Moily

To Government Quotes #761790
#33. Every tax, however, is to the person who pays it a badge, not of slavery but of liberty. It denotes that he is a subject to government, indeed, but that, as he has some property, he cannot himself be the property of a master.

Adam Smith

To Government Quotes #833459
#34. Property is in its nature timid and seeks protection, and nothing is more gratifying to government than to become a protector.

John C. Calhoun

To Government Quotes #839461
#35. That he survived, and indeed returned to government, was one of man's occasional triumphs over medicine.

Barbara W. Tuchman

To Government Quotes #843222
#36. Conservatives ... are so opposed to government regulations that they are skeptical of anyone who identifies a problem that requires regulatory solutions - and they are inherently accepting of those who downplay such problems.

Joseph J. Romm

To Government Quotes #850389
#37. All governments are ordained by God, but none compare to government by God, theocracy.

William R. Bowen

To Government Quotes #894043
#38. What the Idaho Health Freedom Act says is that the citizens of our state won't be subject to another federal mandate or turn over another part of their life to government control.

Butch Otter

To Government Quotes #901400
#39. The Global Poverty Project's mission is to stand up for the world's poorest people. We fight for the full funding of Millennium Development Goals and advocate meaningful change to government and corporate policies that block progress and entrench injustice.

Hugh Evans

To Government Quotes #902162
#40. As a digital technology writer, I have had more than one former student and colleague tell me about digital switchers they have serviced through which calls and data are diverted to government servers or the big data algorithms they've written to be used on our e-mails by intelligence agencies.

Douglas Rushkoff

To Government Quotes #913060
#41. My gut tells me and continues to tell me that the Conservative party is on a road back to government.

Peter MacKay

To Government Quotes #926030
#42. We are persuaded that good Christians will always be good citizens, and that where righteousness prevails among individuals the Nation will be great and happy. Thus while just government protects all in their religious rights, true religion affords to government it's surest support.

George Washington

To Government Quotes #964630
#43. I think we need more young people; we need to elect young people to government. We need to give them a chance, in the media, in politics, in democracy.

Mikhail Gorbachev

To Government Quotes #982682
#44. We supported the contras. We're not against all opposition to government, or all paramilitary operations.

Chris Matthews

To Government Quotes #1019124
#45. Through a blog, an ordinary citizen such as myself can use the Internet, this thing invented by Albert Gore, to talk from my house to the U.S. capital and to make use of my right to point out to government officials and to the media when they are wrong.

John Jay Hooker

To Government Quotes #1039001
#46. People can also change the timing of when they earn and receive their income in response to government policies.

Arthur Laffer

To Government Quotes #1044058
#47. Small business people have gotten us out of nearly all modern recessions - not by waiting for others to fix things or turning to government, but rather by applying leadership, inventiveness, creativity and originality.

Oliver DeMille

To Government Quotes #1062787
#48. Citizens are equal to government. They should be at the same height as government. Citizens have to know that the government is at their service, the government is the servant of people. But citizens know it's not like this. This is the theory, but in reality it's the other way.

Manuela Carmena

To Government Quotes #1065540
#49. The basic problem of the Christians in this country in the last eighty years or so, in regard to society and in regard to government, is that they have seen things in bits and pieces instead of totals.

Francis A. Schaeffer

To Government Quotes #1089213
#50. Anarchism is a theory of political science and is opposed to government in the political sense.

Steven T. Byington

To Government Quotes #1094100
#51. The people are what matter to government, and a government should aim to give all the people under its jurisdiction the best possible life.

Frances Perkins

To Government Quotes #1097288
#52. Take Hispanic voters. They favor Democrats because they like the party's programs, from health care reform to government spending on education. It's not because the Republicans don't have a big enough Office of Hispanic Outreach.

Gail Collins

To Government Quotes #1104540
#53. When I first met Tony Blair in 1996, he was open and idealistic, keen to bring a breath of fresh air to government. But something happened - was it just the arrogance of power? - that narrowed Labour's vision from purposeful reform and investment, to peevish and petulant pragmatism.

Rory Bremner

To Government Quotes #1127288
#54. When you have a country that's been accustomed to government spending at a certain level, it is really hard to ratchet it back.

Mike Lee

To Government Quotes #1139786
#55. If any individual who objects to government policy can take it in their own hands to publicly disclose classified information, then we will never be able to keep our people safe or conduct foreign policy.

Barack Obama

To Government Quotes #1159371
#56. The easy way to make money is to get special political privilege. From the beginning of time, business has cozied up to government and gotten restrictions on competition and subsidies and stuff.

Charles Koch

To Government Quotes #1171318
#57. There cannot any one moral rule be proposed whereof a man may not justly demand a reason. Every man has a property in his own person. This nobody has any right to but himself. The people cannot delegate to government the power to do anything which would be unlawful for them to do themselves.

John Locke

To Government Quotes #1198087
#58. Lincoln's reference to government of the people, by the people, for the people is a generally satisfactory definition of democracy. I say generally because when it comes to fair and workable details, democracy fails to completely meet the criteria enunciated by Lincoln by a rather wide margin.

George Aiken

To Government Quotes #1245297
#59. Few consider how much we are indebted to government, because few can represent how wretched mankind would be without it.

Francis Atterbury

To Government Quotes #1249487
#60. Ultimately, if people lose their willingness to recognize that there are times in our history when legality becomes distinct from morality, we aren't just ceding control of our rights to government, but our agency in determining our futures.

Edward Snowden

To Government Quotes #1256303
#61. Relegating conservation to government is like relegating virtue to the Sabbath. Turns over to professionals what should be daily work of amateurs .

Aldo Leopold

To Government Quotes #1304859
#62. We need to manage holistically, embracing all of our science and traditional knowledge - all sources of knowledge. We can do that from the household to government to international relations.

Allan Savory

To Government Quotes #1326474
#63. The American citizen must be made aware that today a relatively small group of people is proclaiming its purposes to be the will of the People. That elitist approach to government must be repudiated.

William E. Simon

To Government Quotes #1399329
#64. The solution to government surveillance is to encrypt everything,

Eric Schmidt

To Government Quotes #1419591
#65. It isn't possible to give government just a little control over the economy and our lives. Once we cede that power to government, it uses the power to take more from us. That's why every year the government controls more of our lives.

Harry Browne

To Government Quotes #1423464
#66. A market economy is to economics what democracy is to government: a decent, if flawed, choice among many bad alternatives.

Charles Wheelan

To Government Quotes #1427913
#67. The answer to growing complexity in the social sphere is renewed efforts at participation by each one of us, or else a progressive decline of inert and unquestioning masses submitting to government by an elite which will have little regard for the ultimate interest of the common man.

Gordon W. Allport

To Government Quotes #1450868
#68. I think if you open the door to government control of television, then you let in a host of questions about rights.

Michael Moriarty

To Government Quotes #1477097
#69. We have been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite group is superior to government for, by, and of the people. But if no one among us is capable of governing himself, then who among us has the capacity to govern someone else?

Ronald Reagan

To Government Quotes #1481095
#70. Constitutional provisions are not barriers to government misconduct. At best, they can be speed bumps.

Arnold Kling

To Government Quotes #1487179
#71. If taxpayers want to keep more of the money they earn, they must also work to become less dependent on a government check. We look to government too often and to ourselves not enough.

Cal Thomas

To Government Quotes #1488652
#72. I went to government for making these changes. I remember a number of guys among these important figures.

Anatoly Chubais

To Government Quotes #1505145
#73. It is to secure our rights that we resort to government at all.

Thomas Jefferson

To Government Quotes #1514643
#74. Economically, long-term joblessness means fewer dollars for consumption. For deficit control, it means fewer taxpayers contributing to government revenues and tens of billions more spent on unemployment insurance.

Nina Easton

To Government Quotes #1558577
#75. As Americans, we have marched a long way down the soul-destroying road of socialism, atheism, and totalitarianism. It is the price we pay when we turn away from God and turn to government to do everything for us. It is the formula by which nations become enslaved by their own leaders.

Ezra Taft Benson

To Government Quotes #1560048
#76. Strong prejudices in an ill-formed mind are hazardous to government.

Barbara W. Tuchman

To Government Quotes #1583349
#77. We are superior to government and should remain master over it, not the other way around.

Ezra Taft Benson

To Government Quotes #1583494
#78. In my case, there's no revolving door ... I won't be going back to government.

Mary Schapiro

To Government Quotes #1612086
#79. The request of industry to government is as modest as that of Diogenes to Alexander: Get out of my light.

Jeremy Bentham

To Government Quotes #1615795
#80. If you ask any copper why they stick at a job which exposes them to abuse from everyone from petty criminals all the way down to government ministers, they'll say it's the variety.

Ben Aaronovitch

To Government Quotes #1631543
#81. Anything that shifts power from the individual judgment of free citizens to government is a bad thing.

Mark Steyn

To Government Quotes #1640979
#82. And having looked to Government for bread, on the very first scarcity they will turn and bite the hand that fed them.

Edmund Burke

To Government Quotes #1643686
#83. Not everybody goes to government to serve themselves and not their country.

Ruben Blades

To Government Quotes #1659848
#84. Black people cannot look to government to solve their problems.

Shawn Amos

To Government Quotes #1675521
#85. Today, in 2014, Victoria is a better, stronger, more financially secure state than when we came to government four years ago.

Denis Napthine

To Government Quotes #1677293
#86. The Government is a servant and never should be anything but a servant. The moment the people become adjuncts to government, then the law of retribution begins to work, for such a relation is unnatural, immoral, and inhuman.

Henry Ford

To Government Quotes #1707567
#87. We need to be responsible for ourselves; we must create our own republics. Today we hand over our responsibility to the boss, to the company, to government, and then blame them when everything goes wrong.

Tom Hodgkinson

To Government Quotes #1757391
#88. The spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions, that I wish it to be always kept alive. It will often be exercised when wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all. I like a little rebellion now and then. It is like a storm in the atmosphere.

Thomas Jefferson

To Government Quotes #1765719
#89. I had been taught that the separation between religion and politics happened in the Enlightenment. But there were people who tried to create a secular relationship to government 2,000 years ago, and those people were the Jews.

Elaine Pagels

To Government Quotes #1779261
#90. I believe that a guarantee of public access to government information is indispensable in the long run for any democratic society ... if officials make public only what they want citizens to know, then publicity becomes a sham and accountability meaningless.

Sissela Bok

To Government Quotes #1780266
#91. Government-to-government aid rests on socialistic assumptions and promotes socialism and stagnation, whereas private foreign investment rest on capitalist assumptions and promotes private enterprise and maximum economic growth.

Henry Hazlitt

To Government Quotes #1783320
#92. When I came to Congress, I came to bring what I thought was a real-world business perspective to government because, in the business world, I spent over 20 years in the high-tech industry, but it certainly was not unique.

Melissa Bean

To Government Quotes #1788050
#93. So I said good-bye to government, And I gave my reason: That a really good religion Is a form of treason.

Kurt Vonnegut

To Government Quotes #1793037
#94. Americans no longer look to government for economic security; rather, they look to their portfolios.

Bill Owens

To Government Quotes #1798965
#95. There is a profound contrast between the effects of foreign aid and of voluntary private investment: foreign aid goes from government to government. It is therefore almost inevitably statist and socialistic.

Henry Hazlitt

To Government Quotes #1835467
#96. Until the control of the issue of currency and credit is restored to government and recognized as its most conspicuous and sacred responsibility, all talks of the sovereignty of Parliament and of democracy is idle and futile.

William Lyon Mackenzie King

To Government Quotes #1856144
#97. I am a strong believer in grass roots communities, but I also believe government resources, when available, should be equally available to all people.

Liane Holliday Willey

To Government Quotes #81
#98. I feel like giving myself a pat on the back. We can create history tonight. We can bid goodbye to 10 years of (Liberal-Conservative) government which has ground to a halt, and get a new government and a new majority in Denmark.

Helle Thorning-Schmidt

To Government Quotes #103
#99. Anything that grows is, by definition, alive. Washington, D.C. was no exception. As a living organism, the Federal Government's number one job was self-preservation. Any threat to its existence had to be dealt with.

Brad Thor

To Government Quotes #216
#100. America is still a free country - nobody is saying it isn't - but we accept that, in the face of discernible risk, or even imaginable risk, the government has an obligation to step in and save us.

Patrick Bedard

To Government Quotes #257

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