Top 46 They Say I Have Changed Quotes

#1. You promised you wouldn't tell her," she says, pointing at me. "What happened to protecting her?"
"I changed my mind," I say.
Tris laughs, harshly,"That's what you told him, that he would be protecting me? That's a pretty skillful manipulation. Well done.

Veronica Roth

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #366998
#2. Not a word of my writing has ever been changed by another person's hands, and I don't think many screenwriters can say that.

Brian K. Vaughan

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #270460
#3. Only different people change the world," Granny used to say. "No one normal has ever changed a crapping thing.

Fredrik Backman

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #274293
#4. When people say 'you've changed' there's a 95% chance that you just stopped acting the way they wanted you to.


They Say I Have Changed Quotes #286918
#5. I meet so many people that just sort of say, "I want to thank you for your music. It really helped me" or "It changed my life."

Paul McCartney

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #309825
#6. And why is our music called world music? I think people are being polite. What they want to say is that it's third world music. Like they use to call us under developed countries, now it has changed to developing countries, it's much more polite.

Miriam Makeba

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #322416
#7. Studying Mahler changed many things in my tastes as a composer. Mahler & Berg are my favourite composers even today, as opposed to Hindemith, say, a Krenek and Milhaud whom I liked when I was young but cooled towards rapidly.

Dmitri Shostakovich

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #330517
#8. I always say, I'm certain I changed 'Watchmen' less than the Coen brothers changed 'No Country for Old Men.' I'm certain of it. But you don't hear the Cormac McCarthy fans, like, up in arms about it. They should be. It's like an amazing Pulitzer Prize-winning book.

Zack Snyder

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #338913
#9. When I turned 25, something changed in me. I see children in my future 100%. Soon. I started thinking I want my kids to look back and say, 'Wasn't Mummy amazing?' I've really started thinking about what I'm leaving for them.

Jessie J.

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #346466
#10. I'm always careful to say that I changed everything I found.

Claes Oldenburg

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #346992
#11. I have seen ups and downs. I am 10 films old. People say I have changed. But, I don't sense any change in myself. If I had to change, I would have changed in my second or third film.

Rohit Shetty

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #348666
#12. I would say that it's quadruple what I've had when I've won major championships in the past. I've gotten faxes and phone calls from all over the world. It's been overwhelming. It's really changed my opinion of humanity.

Greg Norman

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #358680
#13. People always say change takes time. It's true, but really it's people who change people, and then those people have to decide if they really want to stay the new people that they're changed into.

Kiese Laymon

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #261187
#14. I suppose in the end it's almost too easy to look back and say what you should have done, how you might have changed things. What's harder - what's much, much harder - is to accept what you actually did do.

Peter Hook

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #372813
#15. Battles can alter history. He did not sound pleased with it. The trouble is, sometimes you cannot say how history will be changed until it is too late.

Robert Jordan

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #405984
#16. We came when a lot of other Asian people came, after the law changed." "I remember that," I say. And I do, more or less. I remember Kennedy talking about the need for it - calling the old system of racist quotas intolerable - though it was Johnson who finally signed it.

Kathleen Rooney

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #475730
#17. [Sweets Edison] was one of the greatest stylists in Jazz of all time. And on top of that, when you listen to him, you say 'yes, that's Sweets' and you automatically smile. This is really unique. He changed the way how to play this instrument.

Clark Terry

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #493529
#18. I don't know whether computers are improving the style of play, I know they are changing it. Chess has become a different game, one could say that computers have changed the world of chess. That is pretty clear.

Vladimir Kramnik

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #555149
#19. My hair and makeup people and stylists have changed over the years, but they all know sometimes I want to do Marilyn, and on another day I want to do Jackie O. Though sometimes I look back and have to say, "Wow! What were we thinking there?"

Jennifer Lopez

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #785345
#20. They say Casanova made love to over 10,000 women. Do you think it changed him? It probably aged him a little bit. But I doubt that it changed him. If it had changed him, he would have stopped somewhere along the line and done something a little different.

Frederick Lenz

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #975631
#21. People say, 'You have inspired me, you've given me courage ... ' They've gone so far as to say, 'You've changed my life!' And I would come back and say to my husband, 'I can't understand it - what kind of poor little life did she have if I had to come and change it?'

Iris Apfel

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #1029830
#22. Sailors have an expression about the weather: they say the weather is a great bluffer. I guess the same is true of our human society - things can look dark, then a break shows in the clouds, and all is changed.

E.B. White

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #1165153
#23. In my life I have had various health threats: polio, seizures, a brain aneurysm. None of these things has really changed me much, although it is hard to say for sure. These are events that are part of my life. They make me who I am. I am thankful for them. They are scary.

Neil Young

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #1865348
#24. Roman matrons used to say to their sons: 'Come back with your shield or on it.' Later on, this custom declined. So did Rome ... (but not before it created an Empire that changed the world -EM).

Robert A. Heinlein

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #144088
#25. If it's ever fair to say that anything has "changed everything," it's fair to say so about the Internet.

Virginia Heffernan

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #49481
#26. Instead, the polling business gives the patricians an idea of what the mob is thinking, and of how that thinking might be changed or, shall we say, "shaped." It is the essential weapon in the mastery of populism by the elite.

Christopher Hitchens

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #51570
#27. When I was a student almost nobody thought there was any life beyond Earth. Today it's fashionable to say that there is life all over the place, that the universe is teeming with it, but the scientific facts on the ground haven't really changed.

Paul Davies

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #62932
#28. When I was very young, most of my childhood heroes wore capes, flew through the air, or picked up buildings with one arm. They were spectacular and got a lot of attention. But as I grew, my heroes changed, so that now I can honestly say that anyone who does anything to help a child is a hero to me.

Fred Rogers

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #74977
#29. The first real thing was Divine as Jackie Kennedy [in Eat Your Makeup]. His mother found the bloody Jackie Kennedy outfit in the boot of his car and said, 'What is this?" and Divine said, "I am Jackie Kennedy!" His mother just changed the subject; she didn't know what to say.

John Waters

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #78554
#30. Everybody look at you strange, say you changed
Like you work that hard to stay the same.


They Say I Have Changed Quotes #113410
#31. I still love you," Aaron says softly, "I wish I can just turn it off, or that it would have faded away. I wish I could say I'm not the same man I was when you left me, that I've changed. But I am who I am, Caitlin. And all the magic in the world wouldn't change that.

Jackie Kessler

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #115391
#32. The perfectly measured burr of a dispassionate detective had suddenly changed into the explosive boom of a take-no-shit street cop.
Suffice it to say, I froze.

Cleo Coyle

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #116705
#33. I try to go throughout my daily life just as if nothing has changed, but you don't have much anonymity anymore, which feels really good. People come up, and say hi and they enjoy your work.

Adam Lambert

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #118898
#34. No. I was going to say his work changed my life, but that's not right. I don't think a teenager has much of a life to change. I just turned eighteen last month. I guess what I mean is his work changed my heart.

Stephen King

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #127827
#35. I wouldn't say 'Avatar' changed my life, but it definitely changed my career.

Stephen Lang

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #143261
#36. I'm the type of woman you might say is too good. I'll massage a man's feet, have dinner cooked when he gets home. But once they leave, the door is closed, and the locks are changed.

Angie Stone

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #46875
#37. Today they have to be three-dimensional. Technology's changed, the communication, the marketing and advertising community supports beautiful girls that can be articulate and smart. And also Anna Wintour doesn't want to sit next to some girl who can't say two words.

Michael Flutie

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #152218
#38. If you're having a conversation with someone in speech, and it's not being tape-recorded, you can change your opinion, but on the Internet, it's not like that. On the Internet it's almost as if everything you say were being tape-recorded. You can't say, I changed my mind.

Sherry Turkle

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #152590
#39. 'Warm in December, cold in June, you say?'
I don't suppose the water's changed at all.
You and I know enough to know it's warm
Compared with cold, and cold compared with warm.
But all the fun's in how you say a thing.

Robert Frost

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #156818
#40. When I see my staff take a step back because I've lost my cool about something food-related, I say never apologise for your standards. If someone doesn't meet them, then you should explain that and that you want it changed. I want my staff to be like that, too.

Curtis Stone

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #161488
#41. When people tell me nothing has changed, I say come walk in my shoes and I will show you change.

John Lewis

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #173310
#42. Of course it's fun writing about an egomaniac, but I know there are going to be reviewers who've never met me, who don't know anything about me, who are going to say this is autobiography: he's just changed the names of a few people, and the rest is totally as it was.

Michel Faber

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #194168
#43. Ask almost anybody if they think the climate?s changed in the last couple of decades and they will all say ?yes? and give you lots of examples.

James Lovelock

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #198071
#44. We have to say now we think the character of the party has changed so far it will take something very exceptional, something really out of the ordinary line to make us be convinced there's a chance of winning back the party.

Shirley Williams

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #234533
#45. We can still talk to each other," I say. "Nothing's changed." That's the biggest lie I've ever told him, even bigger than the lie about my so-called dead twin Marcella. Until a couple of years ago Josh thought I had a twin sister named Marcella who died of leukemia.

Jenny Han

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #239614
#46. I wouldn't say I've changed my mind. I changed some of my natural habits, some of my natural character.

Kurt Masur

They Say I Have Changed Quotes #248435

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