Top 17 Swordswoman Quotes

#1. Not for the first time she reflected that there were many drawbacks to being a swordswoman, not least of which was that men didn't take you seriously until you'd actually killed them, by which time it didn't really matter anyway.

Terry Pratchett

Swordswoman Quotes #1605144
#2. Kate Daniels, deadly swordswoman and rescuer of hungry orphans. Come in. Wash your hands.

Ilona Andrews

Swordswoman Quotes #680788
#3. There's no more to Holden Caulfield. Read the book again. It's all there. Holden Caulfield is only a frozen moment in time.

J.D. Salinger

Swordswoman Quotes #1866920
#4. I ended up comparing any girl I was ever with to you. I was never going to find you in any of them was I, AJ? Because there will never be another you.

Jaimie Roberts

Swordswoman Quotes #1846426
#5. I was born the year the Troubles began, in 1968. That world of violence was all I knew - people murdered, maimed, kneecapped, bombed. I don't remember a time without a major atrocity of some kind every week.

Adrian McKinty

Swordswoman Quotes #1791314
#6. He pushed her in. And then he pulled her out. All her life, Lydia would remember one thing. All his life, Nath would remember another.

Celeste Ng

Swordswoman Quotes #1641933
#7. Nothing limits you like not knowing your limitations.

Tom Hayes

Swordswoman Quotes #1587482
#8. I think I could eat one of Bellamy's veal pies.

William Pitt

Swordswoman Quotes #1532623
#9. The way to attain the virtue of mercy lies in our constant awareness of being encompassed by mercy.

Dietrich Von Hildebrand

Swordswoman Quotes #1510056
#10. The first progressive step for a mind overwhelmed by the strangeness of things is to realize that this feeling of strangeness is shared with all men and that human reality, in its entirety, suffers from the distance which separates it from the rest of the universe.

Albert Camus

Swordswoman Quotes #1494362
#11. Limitless opportunities abound, governed only by your focus on achieving them.

Steven Redhead

Swordswoman Quotes #1234958
#12. CUSTOMER: You know that film, Coraline?
BOOKSELLER: Yes, indeed.
CUSTOMER: My daughter loves it. Are they going to make it into a book?

Jen Campbell

Swordswoman Quotes #1130957
#13. In 1989, SimCity introduced an entirely new brand of game play.

Nolan Bushnell

Swordswoman Quotes #982370
#14. I've always wanted to make movies.

Fred Durst

Swordswoman Quotes #915080
#15. The most valuable lesson anyone learns in life should be learned as early as possible. That you don't have to live in the reality someone else had invented. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. Ever.

Penelope Douglas

Swordswoman Quotes #721937
#16. I paint the fog - I think of its fresh moistness - its stillness - its mystery.

Douglas Lockwood

Swordswoman Quotes #420872
#17. There's no ideology, only people. And

Peter Tieryas

Swordswoman Quotes #73093

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