Top 15 Sunk Cost Quotes

#1. If you were to gather all the minutes wasted on insignificant, immaterial yik yak spent throughout the day and add them up, how much misspent time do you think you'd have? One hour? Two hours? Consider the sunk cost on that. It's unacceptable. One minute wasted is one minute too much.

Ari Gold

Sunk Cost Quotes #67834
#2. The middle of the universe is tonight, is here, And everything behind is a sunk cost.

Marina Keegan

Sunk Cost Quotes #742338
#3. The sunk-cost fallacy keeps people for too long in poor jobs, unhappy marriages, and unpromising research projects.

Daniel Kahneman

Sunk Cost Quotes #1523044
#4. The sunk cost fallacy is most dangerous when we have invested a lot of time, money, energy, or love in something. This investment becomes a reason to carry on, even if we are dealing with a lost cause.

Rolf Dobelli

Sunk Cost Quotes #1564306
#5. Prescription: 'Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes. Take ten pages, twice a day, til end of course.

Diane Setterfield

Sunk Cost Quotes #50079
#6. Allowed him to size them to my long, thin calves

R.K. Lilley

Sunk Cost Quotes #132552
#7. To compose is to remember music that has never been written.

Robert Schumann

Sunk Cost Quotes #194909
#8. The Gnostic only can wake up to the true state of Illumination by understanding and disintegrating dreams.

Samael Aun Weor

Sunk Cost Quotes #289002
#9. The readiest and surest way to get rid of censure, is to correct ourselves.


Sunk Cost Quotes #866753
#10. Whether Canada ends up as o-ne national government or two national governments or several national governments, or some other kind of arrangement is, quite frankly, secondary in my opinion.

Stephen Harper

Sunk Cost Quotes #994341
#11. It suffered and died in translation.

Joanne Greenberg

Sunk Cost Quotes #1046773
#12. as usual, she wasn't able to live in the moment. Maybe that's what grief is: a permanent disconnect from the here and now.

David Foenkinos

Sunk Cost Quotes #1165433
#13. Will there be titty? Sure. Boom! I'm a producer. Where you been all our life, boy? We been lookin for you in Hollywood.

Bill Hicks

Sunk Cost Quotes #1536984
#14. God's justice and God's mercy do not quarrel with each other.

Aiden Wilson Tozer

Sunk Cost Quotes #1627794
#15. The best way to predict your future is to create it

Peter F. Drucker

Sunk Cost Quotes #1800652

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