Top 62 Suggest Any Quotes
#1. Can you suggest any suitable aspersions to spread abroad about Mrs. Thatcher? It is idle to suggest she has unnatural relations with Mrs. Barbara Castle; what is needed is something socially lower: that she eats asparagus with knife and fork, or serves instant mash potatoes.
Sylvia Townsend Warner
#2. Most students don't trust their own insights and questions when they are reading a biblical assignment. They expect that there must be a point, a right reading that they're missing, and that they don't have the authority to suggest any other interpretation.
Timothy Beal
#3. I will give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel; and in like manner I will not give to a woman a pessary to produce abortion.
#4. Holmes," I cried, "this is impossible." "Admirable!" he said. "A most illuminating remark. It IS impossible as I state it, and therefore I must in some respect have stated it wrong. Yet you saw for yourself. Can you suggest any fallacy?
Arthur Conan Doyle
#5. I'll alight upon words because I think they suggest any number of things.
#6. You know my present way of life. Can you suggest any additions to it, in the way of crime, that will reasonably insure my going to some other place.
Mark Twain
#7. If any one phrase could gather its (religion's) universal message, that phrase would be, - All is not vanity in this Universe, whatever the appearances may suggest.
William James
#8. I often suggest that my students ask themselves the simple question: Do I know how to live? Do I know how to eat? How much to sleep? How to take care of my body? How to relate to other people? ... Life is the real teacher, and the curriculum is all set up. The question is: are there any students?
Larry Rosenberg
#9. if all you have to offer are criticisms on the people making the decisions, without being able to offer any better decisions yourself, then I suggest you reserve your judgement.
Luke Smitherd
#10. You have to create the space for the possibility of people speaking as they do. If writing is supposed to lead us in any way or educate or suggest other ways of being, it can't do so by simply reflecting what's considered to be realistic.
Lynne Tillman
#11. It is almost impossible to imagine that any one could be so insensible to the high morality of Mr. Mill's character as to suggest to him any course of conduct that was not entirely upright and consistent.
Millicent Fawcett
#12. The big problem of any young person's life is to have models to suggest possibilities. Nietzsche says, 'Man is the sick animal.' Man is the animal that doesn't know what to do with itself. The mind has many possibilities, but we can live no more than one life. What are we going to do with ourselves?
Joseph Campbell
#13. In any civilized society the most important task is achieving a proper balance between freedom and order. In wartime, reason and history both suggest that this balance shifts in favor ... of the government's ability to deal with conditions that threaten the national well-being.
William Rehnquist
#14. I respectfully suggest the propriety of having stationed at the arsenal a full company of U. S. troops, that they may be made available in any emergency, from fire, insurrection, or any thing else.
Thomas L. Smith
#15. Leaning forward, Cinder spoke very clearly. "I have a computer in my brain," she said. "So while I'm not going to tell you that I am the smartest or, by any means, the most experienced person in this room, I would suggest that no one use my youth to believe that I am also ignorant.
Marissa Meyer
#16. I would certainly never suggest that any lesbian should be ashamed of her sexual preference.
Evan Hunter
#17. I'm not sure whether or not any love matches are made in heaven, but some do suggest heaven had a hand in the introductions.
Josephine Humphreys
#18. I condemn all statements - made in sincerity or jest - that threaten or suggest the use of violence against the president of the United States or any other public official. Such rhetoric cannot and will not be tolerated.
Paul Broun
#19. It is false to suggest that Thomas Jefferson or any other Founding Father believed in a legal barrier to God in the public square.
Newt Gingrich
#20. I have had nothing to do in any way, shape or form with the mailing of these anthrax letters, and it is extremely wrong for anyone to contend or suggest that I have.
Steven Hatfill
#21. We are living in 1937, and our universities, I suggest, are not half-way out of the fifteenth century. We have made hardly any changes in our conception of university organization, education, graduation, for a century - for several centuries.
#22. It may affront the military-minded person to suggest a regime that does not maintain any military secrets.
Albert Einstein
#23. The Strait of Hormuz is an international waterway, and it is not helpful for any nation to suggest that it would attempt to restrict traffic through the strait.
John C. Stennis
#24. Naturism offers a way of being that dares to suggest that who we are without any additions or covering up is all we need to be.
Philip Carr-Gomm
#25. I have a computer in my brain,' she said.'So while I'm not going to tell you that I am the smartest or, by any means, the most experienced person in this room, I would suggest that no one use my youth to believe that I am ignorant.' Cinder
Marissa Meyer
#26. One thing you might suggest to a young band is don't get involved in any kind of long-term contract because everything changes on a bimonthly basis: The way people hear music and access it, the way it is distributed.
Eddie Vedder
#27. However, I don't by any means suggest that I'm always playing myself.
Frank Langella
#28. Pick up any history book, and I suggest you begin with studying the 20th century, and you will find that a large part of the history of our species has all the characteristics we would normally associate with a nightmare or an insane hallucination.
Eckhart Tolle
#29. Psychologists suggest that we must reach back at least three generations to look for clues whenever we begin untangling the emotional legacy of any one family's history.
Elizabeth Gilbert
#30. Objects in a park suggest static repose rather than any ongoing dialectic. Parks are finished landscapes for finished art .
Robert Smithson
#31. There is an old story about the boy at Eton who committed suicide. The other boys in his house were gathered together and asked if any of them could suggest a reason for the tragedy. After a long silence a small boy in the front put up his hand: 'Could it have been the food, sir?
Auberon Waugh
#32. I have learned nothing in twenty years that would suggest that evil people can be rapidly influenced by any means other than raw power. They do not respond, at least in the short run, to either gentle kindness or any form of spiritual persuasion with which I am familiar.
M. Scott Peck
#33. Write out the story - rapidly, fluently, and not too critically - following the second or narrative-order synopsis. Change incidents and plot whenever the developing process seems to suggest such change, never being bound by any previous design.
H.P. Lovecraft
#34. Muslims, who have a completely different value system, come to the West, then they should accept that there are certain basic values in the West intrinsic to our culture. Just as I wouldn't suggest that any Westerner walk down the streets of Saudi Arabia in a bikini.
John Cleese
#35. This Miss Wooster that I knew married a man named Spenser. Was she any relation?"
"She is my Aunt Agatha," I replied, and I spoke with a good deal of bitterness, trying to suggest by my manner that he was exactly the sort of man, in my opinion, who would know my Aunt Agatha.
P.G. Wodehouse
#36. Rule #1: No cut or compromise should be suggested by ANY member of the community. This includes the music coalition, music educators, and the music supervisor.
Suggest a cut or compromise, and you become responsible for the decision.
John Benham
#37. There is no more strategic issue for a company, or any organization, than its ultimate purpose. For those who think business exists to make a profit, I suggest they think again. Business makes a profit to exist. Surely it must exist for some higher, nobler purpose than that.
Ray Anderson
#38. You either believe in Europe at any price: in other words we have to be in Europe at any price because you can't survive without it, or you don't. If you don't it tends to suggest there is a price which you are not willing to pay.
Liam Fox
#39. Empowertising not only builds on the idea that any choice is a feminist choice if a self-labeled feminist deems it so, but takes it a little bit further to suggest that being female is in itself something that deserves celebration.
Andi Zeisler
#40. Dex:
Now, without any more jerking off from you, I suggest you get packing as fast as you can. I'll help. Where are your bras and underwear?
Karina Halle
#41. I can't really attribute my success onscreen to any formula and suggest you "do this or that" to make it as an actor.
Ice Cube
#42. If you come any closer Dal'las I will be forced to tie you to our bedja until we are done with our discussion." "Hmm, I've been meaning to suggest a little rope play in our sex life," she practically purred, truly finding the idea exciting.
Nia K. Foxx
#43. There is no empirical evidence to suggest that ageing in humans has been modified by any means, nor is there evidence that it is even possible to measure biological age. And nothing has been demonstrated to be true when it comes to anti-ageing medicines.
S. Jay Olshansky
#44. Could slavery suggest a more complete servility than some of these journals exhibit? Is there any dust which their conduct does not lick, and make fouler still with its slime?
Henry David Thoreau
#45. The key to winning, as always, was looking as if you had every right, nay, duty to be where you were. It helped if you could also suggest in every line of your body that no one else had any rights to be doing anything, anywhere, whatsoever.
Terry Pratchett
#46. I can't advise any of the young ones, because I don't know what their background was, but I would suggest that anyone who wants to be famous more than anything - there's a real problem.
Shirley Maclaine
#47. I suggest you all ask your mothers to make you some smiles and keep them in your pockets. If you ever find any one feeling sad or frightened or angry, then you can give them a smile and you will see what a change takes place.
Deepak Menon
#48. If history is any guide at all, it seems to me to suggest that there is a final theory. In this century we have seen a convergence of the arrows of explanation, like the convergence of meridians toward the North Pole.
Steven Weinberg
#49. You cannot afford to suggest to another person, by word of mouth or in writing, or through any act, that which you yourself do not believe.
Napoleon Hill
#50. I don't have any formula for ousting a dictator or building democracy. All I can suggest is to forget about yourself and just think of your people. It's always the people who make things happen.
Corazon Aquino
#51. Experiments suggest that if one particle of Ebola enters a person's bloodstream, it can cause a fatal infection. This may explain why many of the medical workers who came down with Ebola couldn't remember making any mistakes that might have exposed them.
Richard Preston
#52. You can buy turmeric from any supermarket - or get it raw from Asian shops and grate a quarter of an inch of the root into your food. There's evidence to suggest raw turmeric may have greater anti-inflammatory effects, while cooked turmeric offers better DNA protection.
Michael Greger
#53. My job is to suggest and ratify and use any expertise that I might have gained over the 23 years in professional hockey to make our game a better game.
Bobby Hull
#54. The incident does not mean that most Japanese were not appalled by Aum. It does suggest that many young adults viewed their society as so corrupt and hypocritical that any degree of mockery, if not violence against it, was justified.
Robert Jay Lifton
#55. John F. Kennedy says: 'Forgive your enemies, but never forget their names.' I suggest that forgive your enemies and forget their names too! Don't leave any stone in your head; keep only the flowers, only the names of the good men!
Mehmet Murat Ildan
#56. Of course a poem is a two-way street. No poem is any good if it doesn't suggest to the reader things from his own mind and recollection that he will read into it, and will add to what the poet has suggested. But I do think poetry readings are very important.
James Laughlin
#57. Now before we do any digging around in that blond head of yours to find out the truth, I suggest you cool your temper. And I know just where you can do that best."
Jace blinked. "Are you sending me to my room?
Cassandra Clare
#58. Having refuted, then, as well as we could, every notion which might suggest that we were to think of God as in any degree corporeal, we go on to say that, according to strict truth, God is incomprehensible, and incapable of being measured.
#59. Any suggestion that Mexicans are fundamentally different from Americans should be taken as racist on its face; America, after all, is a pluralistic society, and Mexico is hardly the alien civilization that some (really, just Samuel Huntington) would suggest.
David Plotz
#60. Action roles - or any role - should go to the best guy for the job. People obsess about nationality. Hollywood and America might be the hub for pop culture and cinema for the Western world, but that shouldn't suggest that all the roles should go to young American men.
Jai Courtney
#61. Such extreme and perpetual cautiousness of word and manner, such a dread of giving a distinct idea about any body, is apt to suggest suspicions of there being something to conceal.
Jane Austen
#62. I suggest you marry Jorgen Hartman. In fact, I strongly suggest it." Odette looked at Jorgen. He looked back at her. By his wide eyes and open mouth, he had not expected the margrave to say that any more than she had. She
Melanie Dickerson
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