Top 11 Suborbital Quotes

#1. For the industry we're starting now, for suborbital flight, there is no destination, so the spacecraft you go up in has to be large and spacious. That's why SpaceShipTwo is much bigger than SpaceShipOne: It needs to be because you want those six people to be floating around and enjoying themselves.

Burt Rutan

Suborbital Quotes #40242
#2. And from, you know, small ideas, bigger ideas emerge. So we're starting with suborbital space flights and we'll then go into orbital space flights and, you know, maybe one day we'll send people on a one-way voyage into the depths of space as per the science fiction trips.

Richard Branson

Suborbital Quotes #662594
#3. With any luck, by the time NASA's space probe hits Pluto, you'll be booking a spaceflight with a privately run suborbital airline.

Burt Rutan

Suborbital Quotes #725995
#4. Before the current decade ends, fee-paying passengers will be experiencing suborbital flights aboard privately funded vehicles ... It won't be too long before bright young men and women set their eyes on careers in Earth orbit and say: "I want to work 200 kilometers from home-straight up!"

Arthur C. Clarke

Suborbital Quotes #1464353
#5. no one was impervious to Little Foot losing his mom. Nobody.

Mariana Zapata

Suborbital Quotes #64427
#6. The Luna-Ganymede Race went down in history, and the magnetic sail went down to the fusion thruster. Terranova should never have taken the bet, but it was a matter of pride - and prive loves loss above surrender.

Michael Flynn

Suborbital Quotes #324383
#7. I do believe that Israel is covenant land. That's very controversial, but I read the Bible literally, and I believe that God gave them that land, all the way back to Deuteronomy.

James Dobson

Suborbital Quotes #391631
#8. And knowing what happens on average is a good place to start. By so doing, we insulate ourselves from the tendency to build our thinking - our daily decisions, our laws, our governance - on exceptions and anomalies rather than on reality

Steven D. Levitt

Suborbital Quotes #779327
#9. A company doesn't have to compete with Amazon. A company can instead innovate in sectors Amazon doesn't presently care about.

J.A. Konrath

Suborbital Quotes #785954
#10. The morning sun on her white hair and pale face made her seem almost translucent. She'd been a beautiful woman in her day, with wide eyes, high cheekbones, and a long, thin nose. Sometimes you could still catch sight of that beauty, and it was like looking through enchanted glass.

Sarah Addison Allen

Suborbital Quotes #793474
#11. I am only satisfied insofar as I feel 'Broadway Boogie Woogie' is a definite progress, but even about this picture I am not quite satisfied. There is still too much of the old in it.

Piet Mondrian

Suborbital Quotes #810069

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