Top 9 Suborbital Flight Quotes

#1. For the industry we're starting now, for suborbital flight, there is no destination, so the spacecraft you go up in has to be large and spacious. That's why SpaceShipTwo is much bigger than SpaceShipOne: It needs to be because you want those six people to be floating around and enjoying themselves.

Burt Rutan

Suborbital Flight Quotes #40242
#2. You could go so wrong with a 'Planet of the Apes' reboot; you could make it melodramatic, you could make it campy, you could fall into so many traps with it.

Andy Serkis

Suborbital Flight Quotes #12867
#3. More often than not, Jesus comes to us incognito.

Ian Morgan Cron

Suborbital Flight Quotes #468415
#4. The heel of my white kidskin boot ripped a six-inch gash in the hem of my skirt as I whipped around the corner.

Rysa Walker

Suborbital Flight Quotes #555114
#5. And from, you know, small ideas, bigger ideas emerge. So we're starting with suborbital space flights and we'll then go into orbital space flights and, you know, maybe one day we'll send people on a one-way voyage into the depths of space as per the science fiction trips.

Richard Branson

Suborbital Flight Quotes #662594
#6. The Humane Society of America thinks Michael Vick should have a dog. I think whoever's in charge there should have a lobotomy.

Andrew Vachss

Suborbital Flight Quotes #864995
#7. My father was king of the guidebooks and our holidays were always planned, taking us from a great gallery to an ace cafe to a beautiful view. And as an actor, I loathe improvisation because there's no structure and no one knows what's going on.

Olivia Williams

Suborbital Flight Quotes #944599
#8. I'd never known it was possible to love as he did - with complete devotion yet devoid of promises.

Ann Aguirre

Suborbital Flight Quotes #1337255
#9. I think the difference is not in the man, but how many stand behind him. I think that change will truly come when their combined fists are bigger than a single mighty one.

Meljean Brook

Suborbital Flight Quotes #1733104

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