Top 16 Southern Twang Quotes

#1. I'm very Southern in the way I walk in the world. I love to laugh. I love to eat. I love to hug people. But if somebody makes me mad, my neck may roll. I can be aggressive with a Southern twang.

Katori Hall

Southern Twang Quotes #1681856
#2. I try to bring my mascara everywhere because I'm a blonde and you know blondes have really light eyelashes, you always wanna put more and more on 'til they look like spiders, that's just what I do.

Julianne Hough

Southern Twang Quotes #6960
#3. The key to happiness is not to get more, but to enjoy what we have and to fill the empty frame of our lives instead of enlarging it.

Albert Szent-Gyorgyi

Southern Twang Quotes #23331
#4. If we finished our work, the teacher would say, 'Now don't read ahead.' But sometimes I hid the book I was reading behind my geography book and did read ahead. You can hide a lot behind a geography book.

Beverly Cleary

Southern Twang Quotes #50955
#5. I cook mostly vegetarian vegetable and bean stews. Quinoa salads. I make my mother-in-law's recipe for chicken and barley stew all the time.

Gail Simmons

Southern Twang Quotes #216602
#6. Prevarication, like honesty, is reflexive, and soon becomes a sturdy habit, as reliable as truth.

Norman Mailer

Southern Twang Quotes #335759
#7. How do I look?" Gary asked, posing obscenely.

T.J. Klune

Southern Twang Quotes #443069
#8. Fear is not of the Lord. It is of the Enemy. Do not give in to it.

Lisa Tawn Bergren

Southern Twang Quotes #628324
#9. Let me speak frankly: separate but equal is a fraud. It is the language that tried to push Rosa Parks to the back of the bus. It is the motif that determined that black and white people could not possibly drink from the same water fountain, eat at the same table or use the same toilets.

David Lammy

Southern Twang Quotes #744200
#10. I'm not really a director for hire. You read these scripts and go, 'This is a really great script, but Paul Greengrass would make this so much better than me.' I usually say, 'I know who would be good for this. It's not me.'

Stephen Daldry

Southern Twang Quotes #747493
#11. The songs of the slave represent the sorrows of his heart

Frederick Douglass

Southern Twang Quotes #899828
#12. I am no longer a criminal. I gave up that practice years ago.

Ronald Biggs

Southern Twang Quotes #1061945
#13. You see what you know!

Frank Stella

Southern Twang Quotes #1528221
#14. Don't 'honey' me in that southern-fried twang.

Nora Roberts

Southern Twang Quotes #1557385
#15. I like analyzing human behavior. It's complex. That's what keeps me going.

Julia Stiles

Southern Twang Quotes #1743891
#16. ETHNOLOGY, n. The science that treats of the various tribes of Man, as robbers, thieves, swindlers, dunces, lunatics, idiots and ethnologists.

Ambrose Bierce

Southern Twang Quotes #1818215

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