Top 100 So Few Quotes

#1. Aim for the top. There is plenty of room there. There are so few at the top it is almost lonely there.

Samuel Insull

So Few Quotes #1436933
#2. (After death.) So few people who come across, possess awareness of any kind. All they bring along with them are worthless values. All they desire is continuation of what they had in life no matter how misguided or degraded ... Will those people ever progress, even with our help?

Richard Matheson

So Few Quotes #976941
#3. I find so many things to fear and so few to hope ...

Dorothy Osborne

So Few Quotes #981443
#4. I'm loyal to my friends, but I have so few now.I force myself to see people when they're here. Or when I'm here. I don't live in England that much now in the sense that I spend time in factories. I'm such a factory man now. This is really what I enjoy doing.

Manolo Blahnik

So Few Quotes #990748
#5. I have seen so few films in which the sex felt really respected by the filmmaker. Hollywood too often shies away from it or makes adolescent jokes about it ... Sex is only connected to the negative because people are scared of it.

John Cameron Mitchell

So Few Quotes #995553
#6. There were a thousand ways to imagine someone unhappy and so few ways to imagine someone contented.

Anna Quindlen

So Few Quotes #1002576
#7. There's so few people in this town with a conscience.

Blake Edwards

So Few Quotes #1007790
#8. The older I grow the more sharply I mistrust words. So few of them have any meaning left. It is impossible to write one sentence in which every word has the bareness and hardness of bones, the reality of the skeleton.

Storm Jameson

So Few Quotes #1010079
#9. There are so many wizards of the computer, stock market, test tube, and spectator sport, but so few of the art of life.

Mantak Chia

So Few Quotes #1018987
#10. The military hospital is the most cheerful of militaty buildings because there are so few uniforms inside.

Alfred Jarry

So Few Quotes #1019137
#11. Questions of absolute good and evil are much better not opened to public debate these days, when so few people are sure of their absolutes

Sidney Howard

So Few Quotes #1023090
#12. Words can be like weapons of destruction: It takes so much effort, and the cooperation of so many people, to build something - and so little effort of so few to tear it down.

Deborah Tannen

So Few Quotes #1026919
#13. There are so few true villains, just other screwed-up people who pass the damage on.

Laurell K. Hamilton

So Few Quotes #1027945
#14. So few men are really worth knowing, that it seems a shameful waste to let an anthropoid prejudice stand in the way of free association with one who is.

H.L. Mencken

So Few Quotes #1038444
#15. We have so many words for states of the mind, and so few for states of the body.

Jeanne Moreau

So Few Quotes #1070408
#16. How do you forget something? You just walk away from it, those who are still alive. There are so few clearings in our hearts and minds, so few places where something can't grow on top of whatever happened to us before, and this is love too.

Daniel Handler

So Few Quotes #1071083
#17. He's fine. He's fine,' he kept saying as the baby became ever more cranky and bewildered; screaming in terror if she tried to put him down.
'Why should he be unhappy?' she wanted to say. 'He has had so few days in this world. Why should the unhappiness start here?

Anne Enright

So Few Quotes #1071297
#18. A safe harbor. In the turmoil of her life, she'd known so few of them.

Jennifer Ashley

So Few Quotes #1078853
#19. I didn't really know that much about the Maoists, but I just knew that they seemed to be so few and yet they painted themselves green and stood in front of the police waiting to get picked off.

John Lennon

So Few Quotes #1082711
#20. The world has plenty of noise, Julian, but not many voices. And because there are so few, each one matters ... That's my argument. The simple fact that we need people who remind us of the darkness.

Thomas H. Cook

So Few Quotes #1084450
#21. Why do we do so few when we can do so much?

Gabrielle Dubois

So Few Quotes #1089297
#22. Good is the enemy of great. That's why so few things become great.

James C. Collins

So Few Quotes #1091488
#23. There are not so many murders in this township, I think to myself, and not so few policemen, that a killing should be treated like an old woman who has lost her cat.

Jonny Steinberg

So Few Quotes #1104252
#24. There are still so few female directors. There are far fewer writers than we'd like to see.

Nina Jacobson

So Few Quotes #1114100
#25. I don't like the fact that there are so few women in rap.

Cheryl James

So Few Quotes #1118720
#26. Salutations and congratulations upon the victory of Bardia! If I may debase a golden phrase, "never has so much been surrendered by so many to so few". The

Winston S. Churchill

So Few Quotes #1127616
#27. There were so few black men who were successful and who successfully conveyed black male fear - how America can make you feel crazy, and how America can create interesting levels of contradiction.

Hilton Als

So Few Quotes #1138447
#28. Faithfulness, faith, all of the words that so few people live, you must live. Only then are you worthy of immortality.

Frederick Lenz

So Few Quotes #1139563
#29. The headmaster explained. Books were considered precious. The school had so few that the teachers did not want to risk the children damaging them. I wondered how a book could impart knowledge if it was locked up, but kept that thought to myself.

John Wood

So Few Quotes #1140354
#30. Never have so many left so much to so few.

Leonard Ravenhill

So Few Quotes #1143110
#31. Thinking is the hardest work anyone can do, which is probably the reason why we have so few thinkers.

Thomas S. Monson

So Few Quotes #1150960
#32. He suddenly felt dismayed at how little he had seen of her the last two years; he had so few opportunities to press her hands in his to stop them from trembling.

Milan Kundera

So Few Quotes #1158917
#33. And what good is a voice when so few will listen?

Stacey Jay

So Few Quotes #1161682
#34. The reason why so few marriages are happy is because young ladies spend their time in making nets, not in making cages.

Jonathan Swift

So Few Quotes #1162776
#35. Although her hearing was excellent, she had that gift of temporary deafness that is granted to so few.

Tom Holt

So Few Quotes #1163163
#36. As few subjects are more interesting to society, so few have been more frequently written upon than the education of youth.

Oliver Goldsmith

So Few Quotes #1164345
#37. Love is terribly sincere and great. I suppose that is why so many people are afraid of it, and so few can live up to it. - Bliss Carman to Gladys Baldwin, 1915 (age 52)

Jeanette Lynes

So Few Quotes #1165652
#38. Never in the annals of software engineering was so much owed by so many to so few lines of code

Martin Fowler

So Few Quotes #1169935
#39. I started so slowly and had so few followers and then it kind of sort of snowballed. I still feel an intimacy on Twitter, which I think a lot of us do. It feels intimate, doesn't it? I love it. I never thought I would.

Jennifer Ehle

So Few Quotes #1181029
#40. There are so few guys who do action and do it well. Even fewer who are African-American. Even fewer who have classical-theater training. So a cat like me coming in, I'm bringing all of that to an action movie.

Wesley Snipes

So Few Quotes #1183253
#41. Count it one of the highest virtues upon earth to educate faithfully the children of others, which so few, and scarcely any, do by their own.

Martin Luther

So Few Quotes #1183963
#42. Yes," thought Elizabeth, "a summer with so few balls would be miserable indeed for a girl who thinks of little else.

Seth Grahame-Smith

So Few Quotes #1185475
#43. In Canada, we have so much land, so much space, and so few people.

Philippe Falardeau

So Few Quotes #1188286
#44. So few want to be rebels anymore.

Ray Bradbury

So Few Quotes #1191949
#45. There are so few strong roles for women, especially young women. And Veronica is very serious but also very likable. She's a lone wolf, and it appeals to people that she isn't rich and doesn't have a lot of friends. No posse. She's just like you, like most of us.

Kristen Bell

So Few Quotes #1192249
#46. Thinking is hard; that's why so few do it.

John C. Maxwell

So Few Quotes #1200236
#47. Everything we would ever need to become rich and powerful and sophisticated is within our reach. The major reason that so few take advantage of all that we have is simply, neglect.

Jim Rohn

So Few Quotes #1209225
#48. Or worse, he could be born perfect, and then, through some error she would never perceive, grow up and destroy someone else's life
for there are thousands of ways to destroy someone's life, Sara knew, but to improve someone's life, there are so few, so few!

Dara Horn

So Few Quotes #1209311
#49. It is a severe rebuke upon us, that God makes us so many allowances, and we make so few to our neighbour.

William Penn

So Few Quotes #1220196
#50. Because so few people make an actual long term commitment to what they're building, the ones that do have a huge advantage.

Sam Altman

So Few Quotes #1231497
#51. With age, gone are the forevers of youth. Gone is the willingness to procrastinate, delay, to play the waiting game. Now each day is a treasure beyond compare ... because there are so few such diadems left.

Joe L. Wheeler

So Few Quotes #1242503
#52. Never have so many given so much for so long for so little for so few for so seldom.

Neil Simon

So Few Quotes #1246507
#53. It is. And yet so few really are free. Nearly all people live in prisons of their own making, regardless of their faith, creed, sex or race.

Ted Dekker

So Few Quotes #1246778
#54. So few people know what they're capable of.

Sue Monk Kidd

So Few Quotes #1252046
#55. So much importance pressed into so few words. It was just like Jacin.

Marissa Meyer

So Few Quotes #1261262
#56. The world hadn't ever had so many moving parts or so few labels.

William Gibson

So Few Quotes #1280528
#57. One of the reasons it can be so hard to find a good mentor these days is that so few people have been mentored.

Jeff Goins

So Few Quotes #1283945
#58. We live vicariously through stories, because our own lives provide so few opportunities for high-stakes adventure and noble sacrifice.

Sarah Cross

So Few Quotes #1286228
#59. I think I might miss you, too. So few things left in this world to terrorize me and look pretty while doing it. Now get out of here and enjoy your eternity." He glanced calculatingly at the gate once again, and I raised my hand in warning. "I can drain faster than you can run.

Kiersten White

So Few Quotes #1290314
#60. So few people who do porn for so many years make it when matriculating back into the real world. The recidivism rate for porn performers rivals that among career criminals for the same basic reason. It's all they know.

Tyler Knight

So Few Quotes #1296320
#61. I have really done so few bad things that they have to keep harping on the old ones [.]

L.M. Montgomery

So Few Quotes #1298733
#62. I have diligently disciplined my life to search out life's gifts in the very places where society mistakenly says life stores its scraps. And I am constantly amazed that in the treasure trove that surrounds me, I stand in the company of so few.

Craig D. Lounsbrough

So Few Quotes #1299795
#63. Nice guys are easy to spot because they're so few and far between, like roses in a field of weeds.

C.M. Stunich

So Few Quotes #1301532
#64. Ten years was not enough. Stone should
not crumble after just a decade of neglect. The filth should not have piled up so quickly - not with so few inhabitants, most of whom were incapacitated. It was as if Elantris were intent on dying, a city committing suicide.

Brandon Sanderson

So Few Quotes #1308951
#65. Such pedantic apotheosis is reached by so few, and when parishioners are left without their guiding star, we can only desperately cling to the last intimations of a passing titan.

Michelle Franklin

So Few Quotes #1310784
#66. There are so few years to just be a child.

Pamela Druckerman

So Few Quotes #1314444
#67. It is remarkable that among all the preachers there are so few moral teachers. The prophets are employed in excusing the ways of men.

Henry David Thoreau

So Few Quotes #1324552
#68. The beginning, the laying down of the fundamentals, was always the worst part, which he supposed was why so few people did it.

Lev Grossman

So Few Quotes #1326849
#69. Someone would have to keep his wits, and he had assumed automatically that since Fezzik had so few, he would find retaining them not all that difficult.

William Goldman

So Few Quotes #1328525
#70. I find the fact that so few people buy albums to be strangely emancipating. There's absolutely no reason for 99% of musicians making albums to think about actually selling albums. So as a musician you can just make an album for the love of making albums.


So Few Quotes #1338510
#71. Why is it that so few "pretty people" without checkered pasts are used mightily in the Scriptures? Because the Bible is primarily about God's grace, not about human cleanliness.

Matt Chandler

So Few Quotes #1339428
#72. Being a female director become as professional as your male colleagues and forget the whole question about being female. You are female anyway and it is going to work in your favor. The scope of female professional superiority can be understood by so few men that mostly they do not miss it.

Pirjo Honkasalo

So Few Quotes #1344523
#73. Life is seductive, yet so few allow themselves to be seduced.


So Few Quotes #1363140
#74. The tragedy is that so many have ambition and so few have ability.

William Feather

So Few Quotes #1365864
#75. It's fundamentally unfair to have so much of the tax relief go to so few. And it is a 10-year tax plan rather than one, as mine, focused on the next two years, which in my opinion is the critical time to jumpstart the economy.

Bob Graham

So Few Quotes #1367478
#76. There are so few directors who are musical who appreciate music.

Alex North

So Few Quotes #1369692
#77. Love : so many people read about it in books and research on it in libraries yet so few discover the real feeling of it!

Avijeet Das

So Few Quotes #1374904
#78. It is true that I miss intelligent companionship, but there are so few with whom I can share the things that mean so much to me that I have learned to contain myself. It is enough that I am surrounded with beauty ...

Jon Krakauer

So Few Quotes #1379353
#79. God chose to introduce Himself to us in the first verse of Genesis as a Creator. And yet so few Christians really understand the power of creativity to influence the culture.

Phil Cooke

So Few Quotes #1380451
#80. So few want to be rebels anymore. And out of those few, most, like myself, scare easily.

Ray Bradbury

So Few Quotes #1391415
#81. For a variety of reasons, my books struck the marketplace like a thunderclap; and one of those reasons was that there were so few alternatives available. Readers who loved Tolkien, and who were not satisfied by Terry Brooks, had nowhere else to turn.

Stephen R. Donaldson

So Few Quotes #1391979
#82. A conversation is a dialogue, not a monologue. That's why there are so few good conversations: due to scarcity, two intelligent talkers seldom meet.

Truman Capote

So Few Quotes #1396539
#83. So few grown women like their lives.

Katharine Graham

So Few Quotes #1398117
#84. I think it is often easier to make progress on mega-ambitious dreams. Since no one else is crazy enough to do it, you have little competition. In fact, there are so few people this crazy that I feel like I know them all by first name.

Larry Page

So Few Quotes #1403241
#85. Terry Kitchen asked me one time why, since I had so few gifts as a husband and father, I had gotten married. And I heard myself say: That's the way the post-war movie goes.

Kurt Vonnegut

So Few Quotes #1405012
#86. The interesting thing is that there are so few important decisions. You don't have to go in the "right" direction. You don't have to enter the "right" business. What you have to do is have made a decision as to what you're going to do and then you just have to figure out how to succeed at it.

Ken Oshman

So Few Quotes #1406056
#87. So few that live have life ...

Emily Dickinson

So Few Quotes #1412762
#88. On the movie side of things, the difficulties come with so few movies being made, and when they are, it seems that it's a marketing game. Story sometimes takes a backseat to that one grand marketing idea.

Jim Rash

So Few Quotes #1415065
#89. Will any man that hath not lost his senses, now stand caviling, and quarrelling, that so few should be saved, instead of making sure of his own salvation? The reason that there are so few is, because they will not be saved upon God's terms.

Richard Baxter

So Few Quotes #1417559
#90. Faith in oneself unlocks those hidden powers that all of us have, but that so few of us use.

Albert J. Beveridge

So Few Quotes #1417620
#91. Warwick Castle, built of the very centuries, cannot be expected to alter with time's 'brief hours and weeks' - at least, with so few of them as fall to one poor mortal's lot. From visit to visit, I find it as unchanged as the multiplication table.

Katharine Lee Bates

So Few Quotes #1424871
#92. Evangelicals are experts at adopting heroes, since their community produces so few with both moral standing and intellectual firepower.

Frank Schaeffer

So Few Quotes #1743458
#93. So many things I'm not, and so few things I am.

Michael Grant

So Few Quotes #1720442
#94. Come walk with me, come walk with me; We were not once so few But Death has stolen our company As sunshine steals the dew - He took them one by one and we Are left the only two. The

Sigrid Vansandt

So Few Quotes #1726464
#95. God has no greater controversy with His people today than this, that with boundless promises to believing prayer, there are so few who actually give themselves unto intercession.

Arthur Tappan Pierson

So Few Quotes #1730879
#96. The rewards are great if one succeeds but the rewards are great only because so few succeed.

Og Mandino

So Few Quotes #1731893
#97. If so few female geniuses are found in history, it is because society denies them any means of expression.

Simone De Beauvoir

So Few Quotes #1733381
#98. The reason so few people are successful is no one has yet found a way for someone to sit down and slide uphill.

W. Clement Stone

So Few Quotes #1766808
#99. So few grow, because so few study.

D.L. Moody

So Few Quotes #1771871
#100. Perhaps punctuality is a quality made even more valuable because it is found in so few people. Punctuality is not usually thought of in our day as a major virtue.

Sterling W. Sill

So Few Quotes #1767806

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