Top 30 Smile Bigger Than Quotes

#1. I smile, bigger than I'm sure I ever have before, and his lips are on mine, and if this isn't the best kind of chemistry, I don't know what is.

Laurie Elizabeth Flynn

Smile Bigger Than Quotes #1784430
#2. I will have my publicist pull pictures of the way I look at events so I can see, 'Oh, that cut is not as flattering as I thought,' or 'I should smile bigger,' or 'That positioning is odd.' I learn from it.

Allison Williams

Smile Bigger Than Quotes #911155
#3. We journalists love writing about eccentrics. We hate writing about impenetrable, boring people. It makes us look bad: the duller the interviewee, the duller the prose. If you want to get away with wielding true, malevolent power, be boring.

Jon Ronson

Smile Bigger Than Quotes #1854894
#4. I'd be just another Marvel fan, only with a little bit bigger smile, when I would get the script and be like, Oh, my gosh, Agent Coulson knows that?

Clark Gregg

Smile Bigger Than Quotes #1756361
#5. I am still a victim of chess. It has all the beauty of art - and much more. It cannot be commercialized. Chess is much purer than art in its social position. (On giving up art to play chess)

Marcel Duchamp

Smile Bigger Than Quotes #1750327
#6. Practice smiling for five minutes. Stop trying to meditate. Just smile. Let your smile get bigger and bigger. Oh, you're unhappy, you're miserable, nothing is working in life, it doesn't matter. Smile anyway.

Frederick Lenz

Smile Bigger Than Quotes #1691181
#7. My philosophy is such that I am not going to vote against the oppressed. I have been oppressed, and so I am always going to have avote for the oppressed, regardless of whether that oppressed is black or white or yellow or the people of the Middle East, or what. I have that feeling.

Septima Poinsette Clark

Smile Bigger Than Quotes #1654243
#8. Only the most saintly and delusional among us welcomes all pain as challenge, perceives all loss as harsh blessing.

Scott Jurek

Smile Bigger Than Quotes #1635594
#9. After eyeing her for a moment or two, he said: 'If you let this chance of achieving a respectable alliance slip, you are a bigger fool than I take you for, Hester!' Her eyes came round to his face, a smile quivered for an instant on her lips. 'No, how could that be, Papa?

Georgette Heyer

Smile Bigger Than Quotes #1467202
#10. Art does not exist for politics, or for instruction- it exists primarily for pleasure, or it is nothing.

A.S. Byatt

Smile Bigger Than Quotes #1459793
#11. The grin got bigger. Shadow found himself remembering a PBS show he had seen as a teenager, about chimpanzees. The show claimed that when apes and chimps smile it's only to bare their teeth in a grimace of hate or aggression or terror. When a chimp grins, it's a threat. This grin was one of those.

Neil Gaiman

Smile Bigger Than Quotes #1420645
#12. Between stimulus and response is the freedom to choose.

Viktor E. Frankl

Smile Bigger Than Quotes #1356815
#13. I cup the bead in my hand and smile as I drift toward sleep, wondering what my rainy days are going to look like now. As good as my snowy ones, I think. I'm going to need a bigger umbrella.

Laini Taylor

Smile Bigger Than Quotes #1109652
#14. God's love is not a pampering love. God's love is a perfecting love. God does not get up every day trying to figure how He can plant a bigger smile on your face. God is in the process of growing us and changing us. His love is a transforming love.

James MacDonald

Smile Bigger Than Quotes #1086114
#15. Better once than never, for never too late.

William Shakespeare

Smile Bigger Than Quotes #1058105
#16. I smile at the phone, wishing Reggie could see me.
'You're alright then, luv? No dramas?'
'Not a one.' I reach the kitchen. 'Thanks for thinking about me.'
'Gotta look after my girl. Only one I got.'
My smile gets even bigger.

Bill Condon

Smile Bigger Than Quotes #1021538
#17. Fanatics can justify practically any atrocity to themselves. The more untenable their position becomes, the harder they hold to it, and the worse the things they are willing to do to support it.

Mercedes Lackey

Smile Bigger Than Quotes #899020
#18. It is spectacular. From about five minutes in, when we knew for sure that we were going to have the weather to go, the smile on my face just got bigger and bigger, and I was just beaming through the whole launch. I mean, it is just an amazing ride.

Chris Hadfield

Smile Bigger Than Quotes #831369
#19. Her smile grows bigger and more welcoming and I realize she's misinterpreted my leap across the hall as excitement to see her when all I want is to protect the kissing guys from her, from the whole world.

Jandy Nelson

Smile Bigger Than Quotes #804681
#20. It's cooler you're not reading and, instead, standing close to a hot guy. No truer words were ever spoken. My smile got bigger.

Kristen Ashley

Smile Bigger Than Quotes #775220
#21. Getting accepted or rejected is based on factors for a job is mere for selection and not the result. Life has bigger results awaiting to face! Face it with a smile!

Santosh Avvannavar

Smile Bigger Than Quotes #771522
#22. A smile fought its way through her expression of pain for a moment, and she said, "Yeah, it really kind of was, wasn't it? Was that a Salamander?" "Pretty sure," I said. "They're so much bigger than in those Xanth books.

Jim Butcher

Smile Bigger Than Quotes #664796
#23. Someone told me the smile on my face gets bigger when I play the guitar.

Niall Horan

Smile Bigger Than Quotes #634712
#24. You can't just write and write and put things in a drawer. They wither without the warm sun of someone else's appreciation.

Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Smile Bigger Than Quotes #633600
#25. It's fun to tease people about where fiction and life intersect.

Dorothy Allison

Smile Bigger Than Quotes #545644
#26. Is slavery - owner, victim, profit, and domination - exclusive to the human race? Have blacks, Jews, women and children been the only victims of this atrocity? Have not cows been enslaved? What about pigs, chickens, turkeys, fish, sheep? If they're not enslaved, then what are they? Free?

Gary Yourofsky

Smile Bigger Than Quotes #527117
#27. Look, Miss Victory ... " Percy tried for a smile. "We don't want to interrupt your crazy time. Maybe you can just finish this conversation with yourself and we'll come back later, with, um, some bigger weapons, and possibly some sedatives.

Rick Riordan

Smile Bigger Than Quotes #384957
#28. As writers, we feel things deeper than other people, we hurt more, we love bigger, we cry harder and we smile wider. This is the essence, the fuel, to what we do.

H.D. Gordon

Smile Bigger Than Quotes #175666
#29. When my sixth grade teacher opened the class with subtle praise for the guardsmen shooting four people to death at Kent State, I'd given up arguing with her by that point. But I was very riled up inside and vowed that I would never forget that.

Jello Biafra

Smile Bigger Than Quotes #159984
#30. Taking delight in my family, my time in nature, and in the chance to do work that I find endlessly fascinating and rewarding. My smile grows even bigger when I think about how lucky I am to have such delights be part of my everyday life.

Barbara Fredrickson

Smile Bigger Than Quotes #95584

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