Top 50 Smile At The World Quotes

#1. It always seems to be the bloody perverts who seem happiest of all. Smile at the world as if there's never anything gnawing away at their bloody consciences.

Arnaldur Indridason

Smile At The World Quotes #454904
#2. He glanced over at her, wondering if she had considered any of this. There was a peaceful smile on her face, her hair blowing in the wind. She seemed to have not a trouble in the world.

Mike Wells

Smile At The World Quotes #1305660
#3. She stares at me, a tiny smile flitting across her lips, and the affection on her face makes me feel like the richest man in the world.

C.J. Redwine

Smile At The World Quotes #860289
#4. She'd missed the way he walked, the way he shoved his hands into his pockets when he was nervous, the way his dark hair fell into his mismatched eyes. The way a smile would flicker across his face before he committed to it, the way he looked at her like she was the only person in the world.

Kate Lattey

Smile At The World Quotes #890869
#5. Edmund felt despair eating away at his victory. "Why is the world like this?" He shivered. "Why does it feel so cold, so hard?"
A smile flickered on John's face, one that was neither happy nor sad. "What would be the worth of goodness, in a world that always rewarded it?

Matthew Jobin

Smile At The World Quotes #917451
#6. This rootless shifting east and west
I can't suppress a smile myself
but how else can I make
the whole world my home.
If any of my old friends
come around asking
say I'm down at the river
by the Second Fushimi Bridge.


Smile At The World Quotes #933121
#7. A poor attitude does not do the body any favours. Smile and the world will smile back at you.

Maurice Duffy

Smile At The World Quotes #1083705
#8. One day private ringer you're going to smile at something I say and the world will break in half.

Rick Yancey

Smile At The World Quotes #1096903
#9. There are so many beautiful things that are a part of the world, and I've always looked at life that way; I've always tried to put on a smile and a brave front, not just for my kids but in my own life and all the difficulties that I've gone through.

Gloria Estefan

Smile At The World Quotes #1115909
#10. Let's make lists of all the things that make us smile and tick them off, one at a time. The world will carry on without you and me when we're gone. Let it carry on without us, today.


Smile At The World Quotes #1116520
#11. Over the years, I learned to smile or laugh when I was supposed to. I kept my true self hidden; I did not need to unleash my pain on the world around me. Instead, I taught myself to ignore it. I did not realize that the pain was eating away at my soul.

J.D. Stroube

Smile At The World Quotes #1129596
#12. I love what I'm doing. And the world is so mad at everybody. If I do something to make people smile, I'm going to say, I got you. For that moment, if it don't last, I made you forget about the other thing you might have been thinking about.

Buddy Guy

Smile At The World Quotes #1139473
#13. Think about how much better this world would be if people would just smile at each other more often ... You don't have to talk; you don't have to agree on anything; all you have to do is smile! Smiling breaks barriers; it eases tension, and it's the first step to making a new friend.

Tom Giaquinto

Smile At The World Quotes #1152242
#14. Putting a smile on a child's face can change the world, Maybe not the whole world but at least their world!

Richard M. Knittle Jr.

Smile At The World Quotes #840203
#15. I have a passion to make a difference in the world. And that difference can be just making the fans at my show leave with a smile on their faces and feeling uplifted.

Michael Franti

Smile At The World Quotes #1335122
#16. Her white skin and those dark brown eyes and the way she always smiled at the world - always, it seemed - as if her face had been designed that way. The smile never went away.

Tim O'Brien

Smile At The World Quotes #1392888
#17. At least we both know how shitty the world is. You wearing a
beard as a mask to disguise it. I wearing my tired smile. I
don't see how you do it. One hundred thousand university
students marching with you. Toward
A necessity which is not love but is a name.

Jack Spicer

Smile At The World Quotes #1466330
#18. A smile is so sexy, yet so warm. When someone genuinely smiles at you, it's the greatest feeling in the world.

Mandy Moore

Smile At The World Quotes #1475897
#19. I like to smile at the men who look mean so they know I believe in their better selves. That makes a difference in the world. This is how you might be able to reform a possible rapist without ever going to psychology school.

Aimee Bender

Smile At The World Quotes #1536307
#20. Smile your best smile at everyone you see. Think about all the things you have to be thankful for ... and smile. The world will smile with you.

Frank Bettger

Smile At The World Quotes #1539007
#21. I don't mind a little Sturm und Drang. When I was doing 'Riding in Cars With Boys,' I wouldn't smile at anybody, because my character, Bev, was angry at the world. I'm the opposite. Inside my head I'd be like, God, I'll explain to you at the end of shooting that I'm not this person.

Drew Barrymore

Smile At The World Quotes #1548008
#22. I smiled, knowing that Elizabeth, even in the worst of her humours, was far better suited to my own disposition. She would scold me, quarrel with me, torment me, tease me and laugh at me as often as may be.
I was the happiest man in the world.

Mary Street

Smile At The World Quotes #1673143
#23. And she couldn't help but smile at the irony of the fact that the baddest boy in school could somehow always make her feel like the world was good.

Priscilla Glenn

Smile At The World Quotes #1782351
#24. So why isn't the world overrun with evil spirits?"
Moira stared at her, a half-smile on her face. "Who says it isn't?

Allison Brennan

Smile At The World Quotes #1792820
#25. Remember even though the outside world might be raining, if you keep on smiling the sun will soon show its face and smile back at you.

Anna Lee

Smile At The World Quotes #1825538
#26. Always smile back at little children. To ignore them is to destroy their belief that the world is good.

Pam Brown

Smile At The World Quotes #1872752
#27. I wish there could be an international peace
conference of booksellers, for (you will smile at this) my own
conviction is that the future happiness of the world depends in no
small measure on them and on the librarians.

Christopher Morley

Smile At The World Quotes #415128
#28. Nathaniel Strider could never love. He's obviously discovered early on that girls' hearts were vulnerable and all a lad needed was a penetrating gaze and a disarming smile and the world was at his feet.

Tess Oliver

Smile At The World Quotes #6655
#29. Curiouser and curiouser, he says. I smile at the reference. Carroll was totally a witch. The secrets of our world are written into that book.

Danielle Ellison

Smile At The World Quotes #19578
#30. The world is like a mirror; if you smile at it, it smiles at you. I love to smile, and so in general, I definitely receive smiles in return.

Peace Pilgrim

Smile At The World Quotes #33898
#31. I swallowed my own smile. I shouldn't be thinking this was fun at all; it was serious business. But I couldn't help it, if you couldn't look at the world when it fell apart around you and see the funny shit, you would end up hating everyone and everything.

Shannon Mayer

Smile At The World Quotes #36349
#32. I know William," Kaldar said. "He's married to my cousin, Cerise, who is more like my baby sister. If her life and happiness were at stake, William would burn the world just to see her smile. Jack is a changeling like William. He would move the earth and the moon to protect his brother. "So

Ilona Andrews

Smile At The World Quotes #98478
#33. I gazed into her beautiful green eyes and her fear melted. A shy smile tugged at her lips and at my heart. Fuck me and the rest of the world, I was in love.

Katie McGarry

Smile At The World Quotes #115741
#34. Be kind. Be kind to others, be kind to animals, be kind to yourself. Smile at the mailman, pet your dog, buy yourself an ice cream cone. Spreading kindness in this world is the noblest thing a person can do.

Shenita Etwaroo

Smile At The World Quotes #162376
#35. I walk the beach to smile at other people
and their busy children, trying to find
another way to save the world.

Thomas Dukes

Smile At The World Quotes #211353
#36. I think Operation Smile is in more than 22 countries, mostly Third World. It just happened that my schedule opened up at the time they were heading to Vietnam.

Roma Downey

Smile At The World Quotes #231374
#37. The world is like a mirror; frown at it, and it frowns at you. Smile and it smiles, too.

Herbert Samuel, 1st Viscount Samuel

Smile At The World Quotes #289413
#38. 'I froze. Like an idiot I froze. He was staring right at me. ( ... ) He wore an innocent and mesmerizing smile directed right at me. I did my best to ignore it but having a gorgeously naked man staring at me like I was the only girl in the world was impossible to brush off.

Shawn Kirsten Maravel

Smile At The World Quotes #301744
#39. I looked down at the Nightside, spread out before me like the most seductive whore in the world. Promising everything and anytthing, her wide smile and inviting eyes hiding the cold calculation in her heart.

Simon R. Green

Smile At The World Quotes #791200
#40. I would have jumped out and run after you.'
Is there a Henry in the world who could be insensible to such a declaration? Henry Tilney at least was not. With a yet sweeter smile, he said every thing that need be said ...

Jane Austen

Smile At The World Quotes #417722
#41. In the moment when we are able to smile, to look at ourselves with compassion, our world begins to change.

Nhat Hanh

Smile At The World Quotes #429733
#42. Every day, I take steps to resolve all my karmic ties, live with intention, smile and laugh often, express my love, and act on what brings me fulfillment. Why wait until we have one foot in the grave to suddenly become spiritual, forgiving, and at peace with the world?

Alaric Hutchinson

Smile At The World Quotes #430243
#43. We may not have done anything but when we are relaxed, when we are peaceful, when we are able to smile and not to be violent in the way we look at the system, at that moment there is a change already in the world.

Nhat Hanh

Smile At The World Quotes #465372
#44. When she smiles at you, you will feel like the whole world in yours. If you really love her; else her smile wouldn't matter.

Rahul Rawat

Smile At The World Quotes #504501
#45. Women should not be so mean to end up their life at the kitchen after they get married. they should take part in everything that is happening around the world.women's part of society and also part of world. enjoy your life and smile.

Sarajevo Sara

Smile At The World Quotes #529083
#46. I want to be magic. I want to touch the heart of the world and make it smile. I want to be a friend of elves and live in a tree. Or under a hill. I want to marry a moonbeam and hear the stars sing. I don't want to pretend at magic anymore. I want to be magic.

Charles De Lint

Smile At The World Quotes #567639
#47. But a guy didn't have to be a charmer with the right girl. No, the right girl made him say the right things, feel like he could stand on top of the world. The right girl laughed at his jokes and met his eyes with a smile that said he could do no wrong.

Susan May Warren

Smile At The World Quotes #739082
#48. In her smile, Idris sees how little of the world he has known, even at thirty-five years of age, its savageness, its cruelty, its boundless brutality.

Khaled Hosseini

Smile At The World Quotes #761205
#49. Peace in every home, every street, every village, every country - this is my dream. Education for every boy and every girl in the world. To sit down on a chair and read my books with all my friends at school is my right. To see each and every human being with a smile of happiness is my wish.

Malala Yousafzai

Smile At The World Quotes #766532
#50. I wasn't part of the world that cringed at such things. And with a smile, I realized that I was of that dark ilk that makes others cringe. Slowly and with great pleasure, I laughed.

Anne Rice

Smile At The World Quotes #779599

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