Top 37 Silver Cloud Quotes

#1. I grew up
where the family of butterflies
the Silver Cloud
is native.

Diane Wakoski

Silver Cloud Quotes #584473
#2. Behind every dark cloud is a silver lining (photo taken by me yesterday afternoon). Just like a cloud is a free spirit ... allow your dreams to be the same and you will become the master of all you desire ...

Stephen Richards

Silver Cloud Quotes #1617393
#3. I commissioned this artist to make these silver tomahawks by hand. Larry Sellers, who plays Cloud Dancing on the show, blessed and cleansed them and all.

Joe Lando

Silver Cloud Quotes #886131
#4. Every cloud has a silver lining because God is the one who paints them.

Matshona Dhliwayo

Silver Cloud Quotes #1044570
#5. Look for the silver lining whenever a cloud appears in the blue.


Silver Cloud Quotes #1053510
#6. When you are losing it can seem like there is a black cloud following you around, but like they say there is a silver lining in every cloud.

Mario Andretti

Silver Cloud Quotes #1179068
#7. The Walker towered over him like a half-built skyscraper with a bad attitude. Its bulbous silver head was home to so many weapons that Nick couldn't even count them. He couldn't even name half of them.

Peter James West

Silver Cloud Quotes #1230829
#8. Every cloud has a silver lining

John Milton

Silver Cloud Quotes #1331989
#9. Love conquers all...
Every cloud has a silver lining...
Faith can move mountains...
Love will always find a way...
Everything happens for a reason...
Where there is life, there is hope.
...Hmph...They gotta tell ya somethin'.

Aileen Wuornos

Silver Cloud Quotes #1420411
#10. Every cloud has a silver lining. The edge of light that shines brightest holds a sliver of hope for a bright today & an even better tomorrow.

Truth Devour

Silver Cloud Quotes #1605731
#11. Behind this dark cloud we call life, with its occasional silver linings, there is a blue sky bright with the everlasting light of that hidden world full of majesty without suffering. It is the domain of the one about whom some of us say, 'God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid.

Brad Keena

Silver Cloud Quotes #805532
#12. DISOBEDIENCE, n. The silver lining to the cloud of servitude.

Ambrose Bierce

Silver Cloud Quotes #1672448
#13. No matter how dark the cloud, there is always a thin, silver lining, and that is what we must look for. The silver lining will come, if not to us then to next generation or the generation after that. And maybe with that generation the lining will no longer be thin.

Wangari Maathai

Silver Cloud Quotes #1723456
#14. Then those silver eyes dimmed, like the sun vanishing behind a cloud, and he crumpled to the ground
- Iron Daughter

Julie Kagawa

Silver Cloud Quotes #1762774
#15. The night became silver again; looking up, it was as if they saw the moon sailing through the clouds instead of the other way around; racing smoothly across the sky, passing puffs and wisps of cloud on either side, and yet never moving from its place.

Susan Cooper

Silver Cloud Quotes #1777677
#16. The soul of the river had entered my soul, And the gathered power of my soul was moving So swiftly, it seemed to be at rest Under cities of cloud and under Spheres of silver and changing worlds Until I saw a flash of trumpets Above the battlements over Time!

Edgar Lee Masters

Silver Cloud Quotes #1791158
#17. Every dark cloud may well have its silver lining, but I have come to learn that every silver lining has its dark consequences.

Tim O'Brien

Silver Cloud Quotes #1813982
#18. It's a truism in technological development that no silver lining comes without its cloud.

Bruce Sterling

Silver Cloud Quotes #1840463
#19. Look for the silver lining in every cloud and those revelations will create the thread to weave the fabric of a renewed and joyous life.

Joy Smith

Silver Cloud Quotes #1873676
#20. Every cloud has a silver lining, if not wait for the rain.

Emma Brynstein

Silver Cloud Quotes #369850
#21. Every cloud doesn't have a silver lining but making time to look at the beauty of clouds can give you peace of mind

C.L. Bennett

Silver Cloud Quotes #22638
#22. Bright side of life, Lauren. You live with a storm cloud, you learn to find the bright side.

Kristen Ashley

Silver Cloud Quotes #96428
#23. Was I deceiv'd, or did a sable cloud Turn forth her silver lining on the night?

John Milton

Silver Cloud Quotes #123384
#24. Still and pale
Thou movest in thy silver veil,
Queen of the night! the filmy shroud
Of many a mild, transparent cloud
Hides, yet adorns thee.

Winthrop Mackworth Praed

Silver Cloud Quotes #139613
#25. Even the darkest cloud had a silver lining; you can either miss it as you run away to a hiding place as darkness approaches you or you can go seeking it, empowered with the ardent desire to find happiness in life.

Maliny Mohan

Silver Cloud Quotes #152900
#26. Just then, down through the last glimmer of twilight, stepping high and free, like a cloud, a moth, a ghost in the shape of a horse - came the Silver Stallion. Wild, beautiful, and free as the wind he came, from one kingdom to another, Thowra

Elyne Mitchell

Silver Cloud Quotes #187742
#27. The clouds are thick as cotton and laced in silver from the sun, and she thinks back to what Oliver said on the plane, the word taking shape in her mind: cumulus. The one cloud that seemed both imaginary and true at the same time.

Jennifer E. Smith

Silver Cloud Quotes #252743
#28. Every cloud has a silver lining. Right. Okay. And, tell me again how a silver lining helps me?

Demetri Martin

Silver Cloud Quotes #275251
#29. See? There's a silver lining in every dark cloud or whatever bullshit they say.

J. Lynn

Silver Cloud Quotes #875792
#30. Every silver lining has a cloud.

Mary Kay Ash

Silver Cloud Quotes #377817
#31. Malum quidem nullum esse sine aliquo bono, Tin noted in the journal he was sporadically keeping then. Every cloud has a silver lining.

Margaret Atwood

Silver Cloud Quotes #442470
#32. Hey listen, I already have a complete list of silver linings. It's the goddamn cloud that's killin me.

John L. Parker Jr.

Silver Cloud Quotes #519131
#33. If the bombs go off the sun will still be shining, because I've heard it said that
every mushroom cloud has a silver lining.

Adam Young Owl

Silver Cloud Quotes #546646
#34. Celia laughs and a curl of her hair falls across her cheek. Marco tentatively moves to brush it off her face, but before his fingers reach her, she pushes herself off the ledge, her silver gown a billowing cloud as she falls onto the pile of jewel-toned cushions.

Erin Morgenstern

Silver Cloud Quotes #623286
#35. Every cloud has a silver lining; little did you know my colors are starting to change.

Jasmine Sandozz

Silver Cloud Quotes #646199
#36. I believe that there's a cloud for every silver lining,' I said.

Jim Butcher

Silver Cloud Quotes #761332
#37. Every cloud has its silver lining but it is sometimes a little difficult to get it to the mint'
-archy the cockroach

Don Marquis

Silver Cloud Quotes #782163

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