Top 100 Silk's Quotes

#1. This unlikely story begins on a sea that was a blue dream, as colorful as blue-silk stockings, and beneath a sky as blue as the irises of children's eyes.

F Scott Fitzgerald

Silk's Quotes #854591
#2. Going back into the negative past to find happiness is like trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear

Sydney Banks

Silk's Quotes #1141675
#3. It's hard to get up at 6am when you're wearing silk pyjamas.

Marvin Hagler

Silk's Quotes #1107170
#4. His cream-colored three-piece suit, gray silk tie, and sky blue shirt. He's wearing

Kristen Callihan

Silk's Quotes #1082127
#5. I do not think a pilgrimage is a proper pilgrimage if you are also using it as an excuse to visit your favourite aunt, or buy silk cheaply to re-sell," she murmured sombrely. "That's just business dressed up in orange robes.

Claire North

Silk's Quotes #1081386
#6. When the beaded curtain parts with a sound like rain, it is Marco who enters the fortune-teller's chamber, and Isobel immediately flips her veil from her face, the impossibly thin black silk floating back over her head like mist.

Erin Morgenstern

Silk's Quotes #1081339
#7. A whirlwind tour, I think, with each day starting in a different city, you wearing a different silk dress, tasting food the likes of which you cannot even imagine and learning how to weave your word-spells in all the world's languages.

Lisa Mantchev

Silk's Quotes #1078222
#8. Did a sense of shame ever reside in our Republican toadies? You can't stop people who are never embarrassed by themselves. Will's readiness to turn a sow's ear into a silk purse can be cited as world class sycophancy.

Norman Mailer

Silk's Quotes #1069416
#9. It's as if the fasion designers decided that once a woman hit a certain weight, she'd have no need for business suits, for skirts and blazers, for anything except glorified sweatsuits, and they tried to apologize for dressing us like overaged Teletubbies by silk-screening daisies on the tops.

Jennifer Weiner

Silk's Quotes #1001823
#10. Every problem must find it's owner before we can ever offer a solution

Danny Silk

Silk's Quotes #954819
#11. I pulled word after word from my core, like silk for a spider's web, spinning a make-believe life. That's why we read fiction, isn't it? To remind us that whatever we suffer, we're not the only ones? - Minka (The Storyteller)

Jodi Picoult

Silk's Quotes #914658
#12. I must admit that I haven't heard of the Duchess of Erat before."
"You're a fortunate man," Wolf said.
"She's a great beauty," the man said admiringly.
"And has a temper to match," Wolf told him.
"I noticed that," the guard said.
"We noticed you noticing," Silk told him slyly.

David Eddings

Silk's Quotes #911230
#13. It's like the spiders are sharing an ancient secret with me, and that's why I'm going to spend the rest of my life studying spider silk.

Cheryl Hayashi

Silk's Quotes #871707
#14. Out of the sky, the birds, the parrots, the bells, silk, cloth, and drums, out of Sundays dancing, children's words and love words, out of love for the little fists of children, I will build a world, my world with round shoulders.

Aime Cesaire

Silk's Quotes #1164650
#15. The best way to make a silk purse from a sow's ear is to begin with a silk sow. The same is true of money.

Norman Ralph Augustine

Silk's Quotes #846408
#16. And who among the company at Monseigneur's reception in that seventeen hundred and eightieth year of our Lord, could possibly doubt, that a system rooted in a frizzled hangman, powdered, gold-laced, pumped, and white-silk stockinged, would see the very stars out!

Charles Dickens

Silk's Quotes #837354
#17. My perspective is hard because I look at wardrobe from very much a guy's perspective. You look at my closet and I have pairs of black jeans and five button-downs, but one's silk, one's cotton. They all are slightly different, so that's my perspective.

Erin Wasson

Silk's Quotes #830809
#18. When I started in the business years ago, people would always say, 'You better get as much work as you can now, because once you get over 40, it's over.'

Anna Silk

Silk's Quotes #827369
#19. A woman on the verge of moral downfall ought to be well dressed. Claire's particular transgression was gartered to her thigh, a paper hidden by yards of silk. She walked through the empty alley, confident in one comforting truth: no one dared ask a lady what her skirts concealed...

Gina Conkle

Silk's Quotes #811065
#20. The clock chimed five. It sounded almost celebratory as they stood there, hands clasped between them like the meeting of continents. Colton's mouth was soft and warm, sunlight on silk. Danny was swallowing light. It dived down inside of him until he imagined it bursting out of every pore.

Tara Sim

Silk's Quotes #809579
#21. I grew up in the age of polyester. When I got to touch real silk, cotton and velvet, the feel of nonsynthetic fabrics blew me away. I know it's important how clothing looks, but it's equally important how it feels on your skin.

Colleen Atwood

Silk's Quotes #796597
#22. Here in America either it's Faunia Farley or it's Monica Lewinsky! The luxury of these lives disquieted so by the inappropriate comportment of Clinton and Silk!

Philip Roth

Silk's Quotes #782105
#23. I'm always drawn to strong female leads, so that's what drew me to 'Lost Girl.' I was a 'Buffy' fan and watched it with friends every week. I was also a big fan of 'Alias' when that was on - they both had strong female leads, and that's what draws me in the most.

Anna Silk

Silk's Quotes #748245
#24. I thought you said you were the one in charge!" Ce'Nedra exclaimed.
I lied." Silk said. "It's a vice I have.

David Eddings

Silk's Quotes #721763
#25. If you put a real leaf and a silk leaf side by side, you'll see something of the difference between Homer's poetry and anyone else's. There seem to be real leaves still alive in the 'Iliad,' real animals, real people, real light attending everything.

Alice Oswald

Silk's Quotes #693859
#26. One does one's best" - Silk

David Eddings

Silk's Quotes #1378372
#27. When death comes, she said, all that matters is this: to be next to one another. My mother was wearing a silk dress, and as she pressed her fingers into his, all of my father's adventures and hard living melted away. He knew that he had met the woman he would love until he couldn't love anymore.

Hannah Tinti

Silk's Quotes #1538845
#28. I wouldn't call it a retail store. It's a place where culture and commerce intersect. It's more like the Silk Road-a sense of exploration mixed with the exchange of things and ideas.

Ron Pompei

Silk's Quotes #1526470
#29. in the end
it is words
poetry. sunsets
someone's deep blue
silk voice.
mountain scents.
someone's smile.
eyes. that we have
no defenses against.

Sanober Khan

Silk's Quotes #1518177
#30. While Martha's skins fell off her tomatoes like a silk slip off a supermodel, our skins got caught in the deep folds and stuck stubbornly. It was like trying to peel leather pants off of a sweaty, hairy, fat guy.

Josh Kilmer-Purcell

Silk's Quotes #1517628
#31. From cane reeds, sugar. From a worm's cocoon, silk. Be patient if you can, and from sour grapes will come something sweet.


Silk's Quotes #1504510
#32. When you get pregnant, you start reading pregnancy books. Everything has been pretty textbook. It's amazing how they can say, 'This week, this might happen,' and it kind of does. I had typical nausea the first trimester, which was no fun. And extreme tiredness.

Anna Silk

Silk's Quotes #1489640
#33. We waste days like mad blackbirds and pray for alcoholic nights
our silk-sick human smiles wrap around us like somebody else's confetti

Charles Bukowski

Silk's Quotes #1476163
#34. He, the young man carbuncular, arrives,
A small house agent's clerk, with one bold stare,
One of the low on whom assurance sits
As a silk hat on a Bradford millionaire.

T. S. Eliot

Silk's Quotes #1470389
#35. It's as empty as a merchant's soul. Sorry, Kheldar, it's just an old expression." "That's all right, Beldin," Silk forgave him grandly. "These little slips of the tongue are common in the very elderly.

David Eddings

Silk's Quotes #1469087
#36. With a bad script and even the best cast, the most you can hope for is to turn a sow's ear into a silk purse.

John Rhys-Davies

Silk's Quotes #1439944
#37. Carding's robe, for example, had become a silk and lace convection of overpoweringly expensive tastelessness, and gave him the appearance of a big red jelly draped with antimacassars.
'It suits me, don't you think?

Terry Pratchett

Silk's Quotes #1380814
#38. Clothes should be practical. I like the concept of easy wear. I think [86-year-old] actress Emmanuelle Riva was extremely chic. She's super stylish. At the Cesars, she was wearing this beautiful red silk dress. I don't know whose it was.

Christophe Lemaitre

Silk's Quotes #1378467
#39. I love the French language ... it's a delightful language, especially to curse with. It's like whopping your ass with silk.

Oscar Wilde

Silk's Quotes #669052
#40. The boy turns to his parents and for an instant in the twilight he looks like his namesake, like Jeevan's brother. He comes to them, the moment already passed, and Jeevan lifts him into his arms to kiss the silk of his hair. Always these memories, barely submerged.

Emily St. John Mandel

Silk's Quotes #1353651
#41. Powerful people do not try to control other people. They know it doesn't work, and that it's not their job. Their job is to control themselves.

Danny Silk

Silk's Quotes #1350233
#42. Calla readjusted, wrapping the silk around her other thigh instead. "Which one's he again? The pretty one?"
Blue and Gansey exchanged a look. Blue's look said, I'm so, so sorry. Gansey's said, Am I the pretty one?

Maggie Stiefvater

Silk's Quotes #1330335
#43. I was always really drawn to that fantasy world, more than a sci-fi world, in terms of outer space stuff. I think it's so cool.

Anna Silk

Silk's Quotes #1324653
#44. but on this night
the universe is crawling
on skin soft with expectation
and I have untied silk rhymes
lifting the bluebird's cleavage
you might as well have caged it
between your colored doubts

Silva Zanoyan Merjanian

Silk's Quotes #1320513
#45. Alongside getting faith out of a heart that is utterly hostile and unbelieving, making a silk purse out of a sow's ear or getting blood from a turnip is child's play.

John Gerstner

Silk's Quotes #1270279
#46. You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear.

Jonathan Swift

Silk's Quotes #1267210
#47. Mother, of course, takes a lot of exercise, walks and so on. And every morning she puts on a pair of black silk drawers and a sweater and makes indelicate gestures on the lawn. That's called Building the Body Beautiful. She's mad about it.

Nancy Mitford

Silk's Quotes #1257286
#48. His voice as smooth as silk, Grant started into his standard crowd-pleaser: Sinatra's 'My Kind of Town.

Jennifer Lane

Silk's Quotes #1231651
#49. It was like watching a silk worm's death-tender and subtle.

Lisa See

Silk's Quotes #1226388
#50. The beauty of science and the nature of scientific revelations constitute part of the modern theologian's perspective and toolbox.

Joseph Silk

Silk's Quotes #1207871
#51. I always have Giorgio Armani's Luminous Silk Foundation, Bobbi Brown's Jenna lipstick, and my Estee Lauder Double Wear Concealer.

Ella Eyre

Silk's Quotes #132120
#52. Even if one succeeds in making a silk purse out of a sow's ear, there remains the problem of what to do with a one-eared sow.

Dave Hickey

Silk's Quotes #331555
#53. Separation isn't time or distance
it's the bridge between us
finer than silk thread sharper than swords

Nazim Hikmet

Silk's Quotes #328870
#54. Now, temptation had found me, sat beneath the faded wooden awning of an inn on the Silk Road. I cursed my body while I pretended to pray, I cursed it for wanting a man who had probably been sent to kill me.

S.A. Meade

Silk's Quotes #282886
#55. Marriage isn't just a choice. It's choosing the same person a million times.

Danny Silk

Silk's Quotes #268054
#56. If you get a bad script, then you start expending energy trying to make a silk purse of a sow's ear. When the script's as good as those on 'Game of Thrones,' say, I don't think there was a single occasion where any of us thought there was a bad scene.

Charles Dance

Silk's Quotes #224736
#57. One disadvantage of being a hog is that at any moment some blundering fool may try to make a silk purse out of your wife's ear.

J.B. Morton

Silk's Quotes #218006
#58. It's late,' he said again, murmuring, almost crooning now, his voice smoother than silk. 'Sleep, my Bella. Dream happy dreams. You are the only one who has ever touched my heart. It will always be yours. Sleep, my only love.

Stephenie Meyer

Silk's Quotes #206254
#59. In their dreams they touch, they intertwine, it's more like a collision, and that is the end of flying. They fall to earth, fouled parachutists, botched and cindery angels, love streaming out behind them like torn silk. Enemy groundfire comes up to meet them.

Margaret Atwood

Silk's Quotes #194603
#60. I am almost always, when I'm at home in the evening after work, in a silk bathrobe I got from India. Like, I never take off this bathrobe. I have a series of Indian silk bathrobes that I love, and that's what I rock all the time.

Ivanka Trump

Silk's Quotes #194564
#61. Once a guy starts wearing silk pajamas it's hard to get up early.

Eddie Arcaro

Silk's Quotes #164409
#62. Silk and Shadows is something else. Like brilliant. It got under my skin as very, very few books have. It's still under my skin. Mikhal was haunting.

Loretta Chase

Silk's Quotes #153043
#63. It's a sauna in her," Lily complained. She flapped her hands, trying to wave a breeze into the robe Rowan had told her to wear to this afternoon's ritual instead of the silk slip. "What are we making today? Deep-fried witch?

Josephine Angelini

Silk's Quotes #139003
#64. It is the laugh of a man in the grip of fond recall- the sight of a sunset, the firm feel of a woman's breast through a thin silk shirt (not that Barry has, in Henry's estimation, ever felt such a thing), or the packed warmth of beach sand.

Stephen King

Silk's Quotes #351781
#65. I'm not averse to being tied up in silk scarves. I like a man to take charge. There's something very sexy about being submissive.

Eva Longoria

Silk's Quotes #108138
#66. It's fine, Mencheres. Though if you'd told me I was about to meet such a legendary vampire, I would have grabbed the nicer silk drapery to wear instead, she replied, meeting Vlad's coppery green gaze with an arched brow.

Jeaniene Frost

Silk's Quotes #106665
#67. The dowager rose and slipped from her pew. There was the sound of tearing silk as she threw up her arms to embrace her son. Then:
"Oh, Rupert, darling," she exclaimed in tones of theatrical despair, "don't you see? The game's up!

Eva Ibbotson

Silk's Quotes #63958
#68. It's a corset design making me look very, very slim and trim. I call it a corset dress. Very Hollywood glamour with the silk.

Serena Williams

Silk's Quotes #48963
#69. Silk Road to Ruin has all the analysis and it's structured very well. I rely on my notes more and I use direct quotes. But there's nothing like writing about it right away.

Ted Rall

Silk's Quotes #43472
#70. The thing I love watching most is the swirling cotton candy. The contraption for making it is like a flat-bottomed pan. One puts sugar in it, turns the crank, and after a while, a large shimmering ball emerges; it's like cotton - and like silk, too. Indeed, there's nothing lovelier.

Can Xue

Silk's Quotes #43139
#71. On more than one occasion David, in his urge to explore the darker corners of the bookshelves, had found himself wearing strands of spider silk in his face and hair, causing the web's creator to scuttle into a corner and crouch balefully, lost in thoughts of arachnoid revenge.

John Connolly

Silk's Quotes #37640
#72. President Obama is in China now for an economic summit in Beijing. The president wore a traditional purple silk shirt along with Chinese President Xi Jinping and Vladimir Putin. That's after they taught Putin how to put a shirt ON.

Jimmy Fallon

Silk's Quotes #29181
#73. What is the point of fainting into a man's arms if you are not conscious to enjoy it?

Marie Silk

Silk's Quotes #24956
#74. Hey," the cabbie yelled. "How's about a tip?"
"You bet-ski," Evie said, heading toward the old Victorian mansion, her long silk scarf trailing behind her. "Don't kiss strange men in Penn Station.

Libba Bray

Silk's Quotes #5797
#75. Now for the hitch in Jane's character,' he said at last, speaking more calmly than from his look I had expected him to speak. 'The reel of silk has run smoothly enough so far; but I always knew there would come a knot and a puzzle: here it is. Now for vexation, and exasperation, and endless trouble!

Charlotte Bronte

Silk's Quotes #2179
#76. It's my job to manage my heart so that I can respond to you in love and cast out fear in our relationship.

Danny Silk

Silk's Quotes #479829
#77. Who was this criminal mastermind behind Silk Road? Not at all whom you would expect. Ross Ulbricht was the kind of kid any parent would be proud of, an Eagle Scout from Austin, Texas, who had earned a master's degree in science and engineering.

Marc Goodman

Silk's Quotes #644553
#78. As the moon rose before her very eyes, the first beams hit the pond, sending sparkles of light bouncing off the water. "It's beautiful."
"So are you." His voice seemed to brush across her, like soft, smooth silk.

Cat Johnson

Silk's Quotes #633025
#79. Here Carlyle had come, here George Eliot had progressed through the bookshelves. Roland could see her black silk skirts, her velvet trains, sweeping compressed between the Fathers of the Church, and heard her firm foot ring on metal among the German poets.

A.S. Byatt

Silk's Quotes #624867
#80. Lady licking Prim's cheek. My father's laugh. Peeta's father with the cookies. The color of Finnick's eyes. What Cinna could do with a length of silk. Boggs reprogramming the Holo. Rue poised on her toes, arms slightly extended,like a bird about to take flight.

Suzanne Collins

Silk's Quotes #607151
#81. Breaks are good because you need breaks to be more creative. It's hard to come up with that creativity and the stamina for that creativity, all the time.

Anna Silk

Silk's Quotes #576385
#82. She lay there like a beautiful lace covered present for the troll with her sweet hands wrapped up in the red bow of Lilith's red silk thong.

Bella Swann

Silk's Quotes #576246
#83. She'd spun a web around Maggie's son without his knowing it, without even perhaps her intention. Spider silk was stronger than chain if you happened to be a fly. There

Lisa Unger

Silk's Quotes #574844
#84. I have been doing merch' since I was 15 and in bands when I was a teenager - silk-screening shirts, making the emulsion in my mom's closet I converted into a dark room, through college. That's essentially how us bands survived was selling homemade t-shirts.

Steve Aoki

Silk's Quotes #567400
#85. He's very good at chaining girls. He can make cold steel feel like silk.

Thomm Quackenbush

Silk's Quotes #519761
#86. Already the dream was coming apart, its bright silk strands unwinding into nebulous emotions, little coloured clouds of feeling being dispersed by the movement of my waking-up mind. This is how it's always been with Light Bulb Fragment dreams; by the time I'm fully awake, they're gone.

Steven Hall

Silk's Quotes #508758
#87. here George Eliot had progressed through the bookshelves. Roland saw her black silk skirts, her velvet trains, sweeping compressed between the Fathers of the Church, and heard her firm foot ring on metal among the German poets. Here

A.S. Byatt

Silk's Quotes #493840
#88. You're impossible," she told him.
"Of course I am," he answered. "It's part of my charm.

David Eddings

Silk's Quotes #487356
#89. Just 'cause she's farting through silk doesn't mean she can shit on people who don't have any money.

Katherine Pancol

Silk's Quotes #8
#90. You been going through my undies?" I asked. Bruiser's mouth twitched. " 'Cause all I got with me are the travel undies. The leather, silk, and lace stuff is all in the mountains."
"You got leather undies?" Bruiser asked, intrigued. [ ... ]
I smiled, showing teeth. "Nope.

Faith Hunter

Silk's Quotes #463343
#91. If you think about it, Jesus was this religious genius who grows up on the Silk Road, and so He's getting from the West all these Greek ideas from Plato about body and soul.

Jay Parini

Silk's Quotes #457448
#92. Simultaneously a frantic, high-tech juggernaut and a timeless Asian dream, Bangkok straddles like no other metropolis the boundary between acrid and sweet, soft and hard, sacred and profane. It's a silk buzz saw, a lacquered jackhammer, a steel-belted seduction, a digital prayer.

Tom Robbins

Silk's Quotes #456998
#93. Strong winds buffet the sea oats and tall dune grasses, tossing sand and seabirds where it will, winding my sister's golden hair into sunlit spirals of silk until it becomes the only good memory I have of her
the only memory I allowed myself to keep.

Karen White

Silk's Quotes #444397
#94. For example, Madame Chic's wardrobe for winter consisted of three or four wool skirts, four cashmere sweaters, and three silk blouses. (Madame Chic rarely wore trousers.) She had a uniform of sorts and wore it well.

Jennifer L. Scott

Silk's Quotes #432023
#95. The crushing weight of silence hangs heavy as always. For a moment it's too difficult to breathe, and I wonder if this is how I die. Drowned in this bed of silk, burned by a king's obsession, smothered by open air.

Victoria Aveyard

Silk's Quotes #429154
#96. Yes, it's vulnerable and scary to keep your love on toward someone who has become a perceived threat-you cannot guarantee what he or she is going to do. But you can guarantee your own choice. And you can always choose connection.

Danny Silk

Silk's Quotes #411156
#97. And what's more, he'll go and live with his friend unless his friend is allowed to come in and live with him ... His friend must have a silk cushion just like his and sleep in your room too. Otherwise he will go and sleep in the coal-cellar with his friend

P.L. Travers

Silk's Quotes #406019
#98. [...]They offended Hood,' he stated flatly.
'And How they did that?' Silk enquired.
'They demanded a tithe upon the temple. I demonstrated Hood's tithe.'
'And who are you to judge?' Smokey demanded. The lad's Dark, almost blue-black eyes edged aside to Smokey. 'I am Hood's Sword.

Ian C. Esslemont

Silk's Quotes #395603
#99. The policeman recognized me, but I suppose that's only natural. Silk was going to kill him, but I said no."
"Why?" Beldin asked bluntly.
"We were in the middle of a busy street for one thing. Killing somebody's the sort of thing you ought to do in private, wouldn't you say?

David Eddings

Silk's Quotes #391809
#100. Blonde Queenie, the most beautiful girl ever to don witches' robes, is standing in a silk slip, supervising the mending of a dress on a dressmaker's dummy. Jacob is thunderstruck.

J.K. Rowling

Silk's Quotes #370752

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