Top 84 Silence Work Quotes

#1. Individuals bearing witness cannot do the work of social movements, but they can break a corrosive and demoralizing silence.

Ellen Willis

Silence Work Quotes #1108399
#2. There are things that can only happen through you when you are still. Silence is often the most important work you can do.

Martha Beck

Silence Work Quotes #1340517
#3. If you work hard in silence, your success will be the noise.

Riley Mackenzie

Silence Work Quotes #1296040
#4. Silence is like a cradle holding our endeavors and our will; a silent spaciousness sustains us in our work and at the same time connects us to larger worlds that, in the busyness of our daily struggle to achieve, we have not yet investigated. Silence is the soul's break for freedom.

David Whyte

Silence Work Quotes #1291387
#5. For the Order wishes to be secret and to work in silence; for thus it is better secured from the oppression of the ruling powers, and because this secrecy gives a greater zest to the whole.

Adam Weishaupt

Silence Work Quotes #1289426
#6. Of course there had been clues. A bite of the lip. An indrawn breath. Wrinkled brows and shrugged shoulders. A few false starts at conversations about work and balance, but the real alarms should have gone off when all of that faded.
Silence chilled like nothing else.

Zoe York

Silence Work Quotes #1277542
#7. Nothing can compare in beauty, and wonder, and admirableness, and divinity itself, to the silent work in obscure dwellings of faithful women bringing their children to honor and virtue and piety.

Henry Ward Beecher

Silence Work Quotes #1215675
#8. The real "work" of prayer is to become silent and listen to the voice that says good things about me.
To gently push aside and silence the many voices that question my goodness and to trust that I will hear the voice of blessing
that demands real effort.

Henri J.M. Nouwen

Silence Work Quotes #1204499
#9. I work late at night. I'm awake and nobody bothers me. It's quiet and things come and talk to me in the silence.

Diana Gabaldon

Silence Work Quotes #1202167
#10. Gardening gave me a way to work with silence; not "in silence" but "with silence" - it was a silent creativity.

Sara Maitland

Silence Work Quotes #1164205
#11. Into that charm and the gloom and the deep silence Oth moved gravely; and a solemness came on his face as he entered the wood; for to go on quiet feet through the wood was the work of his life, and he came to it as men come to their heart's desire.

Lord Dunsany

Silence Work Quotes #1148607
#12. Bees will not work except in darkness;
Thought will not work except in Silence;
neither will Virtue Work except in secrecy.

Maurice Maeterlinck

Silence Work Quotes #1347910
#13. Police work wouldn't be possible without coffee," Wallander said.
"No work would be possible without coffee."
They pondered the importance of coffee in silence.

Henning Mankell

Silence Work Quotes #1104671
#14. Work hard in silence, and let your success be your noise

Frank Ocean

Silence Work Quotes #1073342
#15. Nowadays silence is looked on as odd and most of my race has forgotten the beauty of meaning much by saying little. Now tongues work all day by themselves with no help from the mind.

Toni Morrison

Silence Work Quotes #1047990
#16. What a mess we are, I thought. But this is usually where any hope of improvement begins, acknowledging the mess. When I am well, I know not to mess with mess right away; I try to let silence and time work their magic. [p. 100]

Anne Lamott

Silence Work Quotes #1024525
#17. Her work was all she had or wanted. But there were times, like tonight, when she felt that sudden, peculiar emptiness, which was not emptiness, but silence, not despair, but immobility, as if nothing within her were destroyed, but everything stood still.

Ayn Rand

Silence Work Quotes #985163
#18. 265. "Let the oratory be what it is called, and let nothing else be done or stored there. When the work of God is finished, let all go out with the deepest silence and let reverence be shown to God."~

St. Benedict

Silence Work Quotes #982139
#19. I just realized that sleep sometimes is the only precious wage for the hard working man.

Akilnathan Logeswaran

Silence Work Quotes #951560
#20. Silence doesn't mean no activity; it means highly synchronized actions, much like the work of a well-tuned motor. More noise and vibration never assure better engine performance; indeed, quite the opposite.

Uday Mukerji

Silence Work Quotes #945606
#21. solemnly keep your deeds in silence; publicize your work

Ernest Agyemang Yeboah

Silence Work Quotes #906073
#22. Political correctness sometimes does great work when it helps equalize the playing field when it comes to language, but it does a great disservice when it tries to silence a person of color.

Margaret Cho

Silence Work Quotes #1718623
#23. Stories break silence and nourish those who work, feel, and dream.
From Costa Rica: A Traveler's Literary Companion

Carmen Naranjo

Silence Work Quotes #1875363
#24. The accomplished man lives in silence and dies in silence. Then their thoughts work in someone else. But the idea that they come back is nonsense.

Shri Ranjit Maharaj

Silence Work Quotes #1865538
#25. When we discover the secret of being inwardly at worship while outwardly at work, we find that the soul's silence brings us to God and God to us. Silence takes us beyond the limits of consciousness and into the heart and mind and will of God.

J. Brent Bill

Silence Work Quotes #1837351
#26. Silence, exile, cunning and so on ... it's my nature to keep quiet about most things. Even the ideas in my work.

Don DeLillo

Silence Work Quotes #1832109
#27. Both poet and painter want to reach the silence behind the language, the silence within the language. Both painter and poet want their work to shine not only in daylight but (by whatever illusionist magic) from within.

Howard Nemerov

Silence Work Quotes #1825633
#28. We do not say anything about future products. We work on them in secret, then we announce them.

Steve Jobs

Silence Work Quotes #1824742
#29. True humility involves opposites. The truly humble work in silence. Because they do not speak of their accomplishments, credit for them can never be taken away.


Silence Work Quotes #1790538
#30. Your voice is powerful. Your voice has meaning. If it didn't, people wouldn't work so hard to silence you.
Remember that.

Kameron Hurley

Silence Work Quotes #1789197
#31. Of every noble work the silent part is best; of all expression, that which cannot be expressed.

William Wetmore Story

Silence Work Quotes #1769037
#32. Silence hovers in the yards, leaving no pages with writing on them, that thing we'll later call the work.

Roberto Bolano

Silence Work Quotes #1751792
#33. Non-judgment quiets the internal dialogue, and this opens once again the doorway to creativity.

Deepak Chopra

Silence Work Quotes #899541
#34. I learned that a sense of privacy doesn't have to depend on walls and doors. At least not external ones. Two people could sit in a room and read or work separately without ever breaking the silence. It's an ability to put up walls in your mind, so no one can get through.

Lisa Kleypas

Silence Work Quotes #1716875
#35. Be silent and safe - silence never betrays you;
Be true to your word and your work and your friend;
Put least trust in him who is foremost to praise you,
Nor judge of a road till it draw to the end.
James Jeffery Roche

James McAllister

Silence Work Quotes #1711950
#36. If we have not silence, God is not heard in our music. If we have no rest God, does not bless our work.

Thomas Merton

Silence Work Quotes #1684941
#37. The area became known as the Zone of Silence because normal radios do not work within the 1,500 square mile area. Some sort of interference generated within the zone jams the signals.

David Hatcher Childress

Silence Work Quotes #1597191
#38. I work out of silence, because silence makes up for my actual lack of working space. Silence substitutes for actual space, for psychological distance, for a sense of privacy and intactness. In this sense silence is absolutely necessary.

Radka Donnell

Silence Work Quotes #1571242
#39. Lions don't have to roar. There is power in silence, confidence, and persistence. Those who work don't talk, and those who talk don't work. Handle your business. Measure your efforts by results. Focus your time, energy, and activity on mastering and executing a plan.

Les Brown

Silence Work Quotes #1520387
#40. Work hard in silence, let your success be your noise.

Frank Ocean

Silence Work Quotes #1416984
#41. Work hard in silence, let success be your noise.

Frank Ocean

Silence Work Quotes #1403041
#42. In prose fiction the freedom to work honestly exists, although you may have to fight for it. In those other areas of literature, I mean drama, there is only silence. That sort of aesthetic integrity does not exist in radio and television, and seldom on film.

James Kelman

Silence Work Quotes #1382616
#43. Lies roll off us. It's the truths we work hardest to silence.

Karen Marie Moning

Silence Work Quotes #236328
#44. I work in silence.

Sophia Amoruso

Silence Work Quotes #487319
#45. Thought will not work except in silence.

Thomas Carlyle

Silence Work Quotes #486798
#46. The work that stirs the greatest passion is also the work that creates around it the greatest silence, the strongest imperative to stand back and admire and let others admire, without interfering.

George Saunders

Silence Work Quotes #457625
#47. Things cannot always go your way. Learn to accept in silence the minor aggravations, cultivate the gift of taciturnity and consume your own smoke with an extra draught of hard work, so that those about you may not be annoyed with the dust and soot of your complaints.

William Osler

Silence Work Quotes #432806
#48. Writers are often alone when they work. Hours pass in silence as one long moment; light fades as day turns back to face the coming night.

Simon Van Booy

Silence Work Quotes #417226
#49. In the greatest art, one is always aware of things that cannot be said ... of the contradiction between expression and the presence of the inexpressible. Stylistic devices are also techniques of avoidance. The most potent elements of a work of art are, often, its silences.

Susan Sontag

Silence Work Quotes #374465
#50. Work hard in silence and let success be your noise!


Silence Work Quotes #370700
#51. Every writer's difficult journey is a movement from silence to speech. We must be intensely private and interior in order to find a voice and a vision - and we must bring our work to an outside world where the market, or public outrage, or even government censorship can destroy our voice.

Sara Paretsky

Silence Work Quotes #369677
#52. The writer's life: Hard days, lots of work, no money, too much silence. Nobody's fault. You chose it.

Bill Barich

Silence Work Quotes #341683
#53. This was where she discovered that intelligence, this wonderful gift, grows in silence, not in noise. It was here too that she learnt that a human mind, a truly human mind, is nurtured over time, with hard work and discipline.

Natalia Sanmartin Fenollera

Silence Work Quotes #279952
#54. From listening and silence can be learn a lot of, but these skills to be learn that's the hard and complicated work...

Deyth Banger

Silence Work Quotes #493171
#55. To put it crudely, 'The Act of Killing' would blast open the space for the more delicate film, 'The Look of Silence,' to do its work.

Joshua Oppenheimer

Silence Work Quotes #216865
#56. That after an hour's silence he can say, The one thing I cannot stand is dampness ... That's all, it took him an hour to work that out.

William Gaddis

Silence Work Quotes #213173
#57. While doing work if the mind continues to be active let it be so, but there must be at the same time a capacity for silence.

Sri Aurobindo

Silence Work Quotes #165910
#58. Patience; accomplish thy labor; accomplish thy work of affection! Sorrow and silence are strong, and patient endurance is godlike. Therefore accomplish thy labor of love, till the heart is made godlike, Purified, strengthened, perfected, and rendered more worthy of heaven!

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Silence Work Quotes #97497
#59. You've got to trust the ground you're standing on and the work you've done in telling your story. The goal should be to bring those thousands of people - viewers - together and make them one. When you feel that happening, it's usually in silence, not applause or laughter.

Kevin Spacey

Silence Work Quotes #92044
#60. A gentleman ... sleeps at his work. That's what work's for. Why do you think they have the SILENCE notices in the library? So as not to disturb me in my little nook behind the biography shelves.

Alan Ayckbourn

Silence Work Quotes #91424
#61. Why is it every other person you meet says they're an artist? A real artist doesn't need to gas on about it, he doesn't have time. He does his work and sweats it out in silence, and no one can help him at all.

Paula McLain

Silence Work Quotes #86032
#62. Space and silence weigh equally upon the heart. A sudden love, a great work, a decisive act, a thought which transfigures, all these at certain moments bring the same unbearable anxiety, linked with an irresistible charm.

Albert Camus

Silence Work Quotes #83687
#63. Late season fruits.
The blood orange has its admirer, who suck it smugly. Cooks stalk it; they'd like to put it in some tartare sauce. However, some, like me, turn their noses up. In silence they mould bits of bread into balls, delighting in their work, then chuck them in God's face.

Claude Cahun

Silence Work Quotes #33899
#64. In silence more work can be done. The true experience of bliss is without words.

Mother Meera

Silence Work Quotes #668944
#65. My idea of fun is to sit looking at a blank wall in a cottage, making up stories in utter silence. The thought of going back to work in an office is horrendous.

Paula Hawkins

Silence Work Quotes #897486
#66. When you work for DC, it's sort of like working for the CIA. You have a vow of silence.

Jason Fuchs

Silence Work Quotes #895109
#67. I smashed my fist into his face. Lies roll off us. It's the truths we work hardest to silence. "Then you weren't looking hard enough! I'm the one with boobs!" "I know you're the one with boobs! They're in my fucking face every fucking time I turn around!

Karen Marie Moning

Silence Work Quotes #890898
#68. Real work is completed in silence and strikes a chord in the minds of only a very few.

Carl Jung

Silence Work Quotes #861049
#69. A fine work of art - music, dance, painting, story - has the power to silence the chatter in the mind and lift us to another place.

Robert McKee

Silence Work Quotes #856992
#70. Jack Benny was, without a doubt, the bravest comedian I have ever seen work. He wasn't afraid of silence. He would take as long as it took to tell the story.

Bob Newhart

Silence Work Quotes #838971
#71. Within a few years these "jokes" as we comedians call them, will have been entirely purged from my work in favour, exclusively, of grinding repetition, embarrassing silence and passive-aggressive monotony.

Stewart Lee

Silence Work Quotes #828339
#72. I love silence. I seek and create it at every opportunity. I need it to work.

Anne Lamott

Silence Work Quotes #795241
#73. The Sunday school trip: While us girls were alone, a nasty piece of work called Louise, aged about eleven, decided that it would be a 'fun' idea to hang someone over the cliff ... me!

Eskay Teel

Silence Work Quotes #722158
#74. But God answered with silence. He did that sometimes, and Father Ferguson always interpreted it to mean that he should think for himself. Admittedly, it didn't always work out well when the pastor thought for himself, but you couldn't just give up.

Jonas Jonasson

Silence Work Quotes #708379
#75. Laws of silence don't work ... . When something is festering in your memory or your imagination, laws of silence don't work, it's just like shutting a door and locking it on a house on fire in hope of forgetting that the house is burning. But not facing a fire doesn't put it out.

Tennessee Williams

Silence Work Quotes #13184
#76. These things will destroy the human race: politics without principle, progress without compassion, wealth without work, learning without silence, religion without fearlessness, and worship without awareness.

Anthony De Mello

Silence Work Quotes #645794
#77. Perhaps only silence and love do justice to a great work of art

Dominique De Menil

Silence Work Quotes #634667
#78. I start any work the same way. I start a rehearsal with silence.

Robert Wilson

Silence Work Quotes #628716
#79. Universal violence compels the language to be mute ... Silence is not only a metaphor of Hemingway's work; it is also the source of its formal excellence, its integrity.

Ihab Hassan

Silence Work Quotes #627415
#80. If I could I would always work in silence and obscurity, and let my efforts be known by their results.

Emily Bronte

Silence Work Quotes #567356
#81. Minority of people are destined for success while majority succeed because they are determined for success. Where upon, work hard in silence and let success make the noise .

Osunsakin Adewale

Silence Work Quotes #557252
#82. Lying is the work of people who are told their truths have no value.
The labour of survival is laden with myth and misunderstanding.
Silence is the work of people who can't comprehend that change is possible.

Amber Dawn

Silence Work Quotes #551325
#83. Then, after showing the pill and some graphics, those same people appeared again, looking happier.
The Reb and I watched in silence. After it ended, he asked, "Do you think those pills work?"
Not like that, I said.
"No," he agreed. "Not like that.

Mitch Albom

Silence Work Quotes #540475
#84. The most potent elements in a work of art are, often, its silences.

Susan Sontag

Silence Work Quotes #513425

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