Top 8 Sifo Quotes

#1. Accompanying her were distinguished Jedi Masters Dooku and Sifo-Dyas, and a tall, powerfully built Jedi Knight named Qui-Gon Jinn,

James Luceno

Sifo Quotes #1166789
#2. My family were symphonic musicians and in the opera. Also, it was my era, the love of radio. We used to listen to the radio at night, close our eyes and see movies far more beautiful than you can photograph.

Francis Ford Coppola

Sifo Quotes #190156
#3. Basketball teams, after the perfunctory lay-up drill, fall into the crowded isolation and personal style of 10 city kids shooting at the same basket or playing one-on-one.

Ted Solotaroff

Sifo Quotes #468131
#4. A long descriptive name is better than a short enigmatic name. A long descriptive name is better than a long descriptive comment.

Robert C. Martin

Sifo Quotes #729626
#5. I love being onstage. I love the relationship with the audience. I love the letting go, the sense of discovery, the improvising.

Stephen Colbert

Sifo Quotes #1157881
#6. No amount of money can compensate losing your purpose

Sunday Adelaja

Sifo Quotes #1387073
#7. The real crime of Hosni Mubarak is that he ruled for 30 years and left behind an Egypt where the Muslim Brotherhood is the single strongest player.

Elliott Abrams

Sifo Quotes #1631152
#8. Love Is: being able to keep your fucking mouth shut.

Christopher Brookmyre

Sifo Quotes #1778027

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