Top 37 Self Obsessed Girl Quotes

#1. I want to create a lifestyle niche for that cool girl who's really into fashion but not too obsessed with it.

Erin Wasson

Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #1515451
#2. Rejoice and be glad, you have life, the greatest gift.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #1007261
#3. I get obsessed by little nerdy things in my corner that no one else is interested in.


Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #1109249
#4. As a boy I was obsessed with Egypt and Egyptology. I'm convinced it's not that uncommon. A lot of 10 or 12 year old boys become obsessed with Egypt. It's a bit like young girls and horses ...

Bill Henson

Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #1110127
#5. Prejudice of any kind are an insult to intelligence

Miguel El Portugues

Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #1223325
#6. Young girls are obsessed with having a thigh gap. I blame the impossible body standards set by Spongebob.

Stephen Colbert

Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #1235136
#7. Don't call a girl a flirt, she's just trying to be nice. Don't call a girl obsessed when she's just in love.

Zayn Malik

Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #1308151
#8. Sometimes we think we are moving randomly. But random behavior is rare in humans. We are always spiraling around something, whether we see it or not, a secret center of gravity with the invisible power of a black hole.

Greg Iles

Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #1356343
#9. I was 11 years old and horse-obsessed. New York City was an unfortunate place for a girl like me to be growing up.

Jean Hanff Korelitz

Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #1392186
#10. Well I always wanted to be Dolly Parton when I was a little girl. I was obsessed with her.

Reese Witherspoon

Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #1501199
#11. I'm a hopeless fuck who is obsessed with a girl he still wants to hurt.

B.B. Reid

Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #951596
#12. Vampires don't live at all," she points out, "neither do we."
She has me there. "Fine, I'll go. But when Kurt leads his minions in a march around the cemetary with our heads on sticks, don't say I didn't warn you.

Cynthia Leitich Smith

Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #1534540
#13. A person who makes few mistakes makes little progress.

Bryant H. McGill

Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #1619099
#14. Swatting his arm was like swatting a brick wall; Elle had never noticed the toned biceps hiding under his pressed suits and crisp button-ups. Or maybe she had, but she'd just added it to the list of reasons Grant was a sleazy jerk: gym-obsessed, girl-obsessed, and money-obsessed.

Liz Meldon

Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #1619343
#15. I might've set out to write a particular song about a particular girl, but my experience will run out after four lines, so instead of getting obsessed with the girl, I write about the clothes I'm wearing.

Max Tundra

Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #1633987
#16. I would be depressed if I felt I could never eat the things that I love. I also don't want my girls to be obsessed about food.

Michelle Obama

Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #1634600
#17. I love french fries, I like a good burger, and I like pie. And that's okay. I would be depressed if I felt I could never eat the things that I love. I also don't want my girls to be obsessed about food. We don't have a "no junk food" rule - I just want them to think about their choices.

Michelle Obama

Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #1709135
#18. I'm not any kind of girl. I don't need man, but I don't hate romance. I think I'm kinda obsessed with romance, really, which is probably why I'm still single. -Mia

Audrey Carlan

Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #1722486
#19. I bet that guy was as obsessed with Sarah as I am with this other girl, and I bet he promised himself never to hurt her, just like I've been doin' - and look what he's done to her. He's left her a crumpled mess, lyin' on her bed all the time.

Markus Zusak

Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #1778840
#20. A lot of comedians, when they have a bad gig, will blame everything but themselves. They'll blame the crowd, or the room was wrong, it had a weird vibe, or the promoter promoted a weird atmosphere.

Allan Carr

Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #464084
#21. I'm quite obsessed with the idea of nailing the girl friendship. It's such an art, so delicate.

Alanis Morissette

Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #64572
#22. Don't call a girl obsessed when she's in love.

Zayn Malik

Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #175899
#23. Conquer the angry man by love.

Gautama Buddha

Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #199537
#24. With fashion, my mother was an icon, but she never lived it in the sense that she was never obsessed with fashion. When I was a young girl, my sister wasn't doing fashion, so I started fashion thinking, 'I'm going to do something that they haven't done yet.' That was my silly scheme at the time.

Lou Doillon

Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #297892
#25. I'm sort of obsessed with Harlem. Just its history. My father did the music for a play called 'The Huey P. Newton Story,' and they did a lot of work in Harlem. So as a little girl, I spent a lot of time in Harlem Library.

Tessa Thompson

Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #360140
#26. As every teenage girl, I was absolutely obsessed with The Beatles, and the first record I bought was 'Please Please Me.' I'd have been 13 at the time.


Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #386472
#27. In Ohio the seasons are theatrical.

Toni Morrison

Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #406528
#28. I am obsessed by people. Usually I try to get the girl out of the model instead of the model out of the girl.

Mario Testino

Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #446173
#29. It wasn't until the morning after my uneventful shift, when I wake up, dazed and tense and frustrated as hell, that I realize I'm getting obsessed with that girl, my partner, and this thing is running me ragged.

Charlotte Penn Clark

Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #38502
#30. A perfect character might be attended with the inconvenience of being envied and hated; and that a benevolent man should allow a few faults in himself, to keep his friends in countenance.

Benjamin Franklin

Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #609394
#31. She looked pretty lively for a girl obsessed with death.

Marlene Perez

Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #635059
#32. I have always disliked shrouding ... especially feelings and emotions. I discovered quite later in life that truth and transparency are expected but exploited and disliked.

Balroop Singh

Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #707211
#33. I will take what I can from Edward. And then I will let them fade into history, all the characters in this drama. Emma Matthews and the men who loved her, who became obsessed with her. They're not important to us now.

J.P. Delaney

Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #765414
#34. The scene was not without a mixture of awe, such as must always invest the spectacle of guilt and shame in a fellow creature, before society shall have grown corrupt enough to smile, instead of shuddering at it.

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #773884
#35. It seems that laughter needs an echo.

Henri Bergson

Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #797409
#36. Americans are really obsessed with their teeth being white and straight, aren't they? I saw this little girl the other day with one of those whole head braces. Elastic all the way around! How traumatizing for a child to have to wear one of those! You look like a monster.

Kate Moss

Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #849523
#37. Drinking and driving is safer than either drinking or driving - and no one has ever died drinking, driving and juggling.

Lee Mack

Self Obsessed Girl Quotes #905070

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