Top 100 Sayings About The Tongue

#1. Three things cannot be called back: the arrow when it speeds from the bow, the milk when the churn is upturned, the word when it leaps from the tongue.

Stephen R. Lawhead

Sayings About The Tongue #1355665
#2. The tongue of a fool is the key of his counsel, which, in a wise man, wisdom hath in keeping.


Sayings About The Tongue #900626
#3. At Oxford one was positively encouraged to take wine during tutorials. The tongue must be untied.

Christopher Hitchens

Sayings About The Tongue #913406
#4. There's a fraudulent root element of comedy in that we say things night after night as though they are rolling effortlessly from the brain and off the tongue, when in fact they are crafted over weeks and months and years.

Doug Stanhope

Sayings About The Tongue #915678
#5. Words were useless. At times, they might sound wonderful, but they let you down the moment you really needed them. You could never find the right words, never, and where would you look for them? The heart is as silent as a fish, however much the tongue tries to give it a voice.

Cornelia Funke

Sayings About The Tongue #919048
#6. The tongue is a powerful tool. And the words we say are never forgotten. Never.

Pat Williams

Sayings About The Tongue #933736
#7. True gladness doth not always speak; joy, bred and born but in the tongue, is weak.

Ben Jonson

Sayings About The Tongue #935408
#8. What is the good of being ready with the tongue? They who encounter men with smartnesses of speech for the most part procure themselves hatred. I know not whether he be truly virtuous, but why should he show readiness of the tongue?


Sayings About The Tongue #935553
#9. The Word of God conceived in the heart, formed by the tongue, and spoken out of the mouth is creative power.

Charles Capps

Sayings About The Tongue #936410
#10. Dandelion wine. The words were summer on the tongue. The wine was summer caught and stoppered ... sealed away for opening on a January day with snow falling fast and the sun unseen for weeks ...

Ray Bradbury

Sayings About The Tongue #936413
#11. You're young and dumb and quick at the tongue.

Kool Moe Dee

Sayings About The Tongue #937870
#12. Disappointment, when it involves neither shame nor loss, is as good as success; for it supplies as many images to the mind, and as many topics to the tongue.

Samuel Johnson

Sayings About The Tongue #938735
#13. Sorrow in the tongue will talk itself cured, if you give it a chance; but sorrow in the eyes has a wicked, wicked way now and then of leaking into the brain.

Eleanor Hallowell Abbott

Sayings About The Tongue #940323
#14. Time is zero, no human made Calender's, colour of which the eyes could fail to identify, the taste of which the tongue could derail, the aroma of which the breathing becomes invalid when we are lost in the Kingdom
of Lord, Supreme Power.

Vishal Chipkar

Sayings About The Tongue #940479
#15. To him those last few crumbs, sucked slowly onto the tongue from between the tines of the fork, always seemed like the sweetest part of the slice.

Stephen King

Sayings About The Tongue #941580
#16. The absolutist takes himself to speak to the ages, with the tongue of angels, but the relativist hears only one version among others, the subjectivity of the here and now.

Simon Blackburn

Sayings About The Tongue #953825
#17. The tongue must be heavy indeed, because so few people can hold it


Sayings About The Tongue #955104
#18. It hurts not the tongue to give fair words.

William Shakespeare

Sayings About The Tongue #960195
#19. Kind words do not cost much. They never blister the tongue or lips. They make other people good-natured. They also produce their own image on men's souls, and a beautiful image it is.

Blaise Pascal

Sayings About The Tongue #961287
#20. Fair words never hurt the tongue.

George Chapman

Sayings About The Tongue #962489
#21. Invoking the letters of God's Name without presence of mind is invocation of the tongue; invoking with presence of mind is invocation of the heart; and invoking with an absence of self-awareness because of absorption in the Invoked is the invocation of the Self - this is the hidden invocation!

Ibn Ata Allah

Sayings About The Tongue #964624
#22. All parts of the human body get tired eventually - except the tongue.

Konrad Adenauer

Sayings About The Tongue #973509
#23. Great joy, especially after a sudden change of circumstances, is apt to be silent, and dwells rather in the heart than on the tongue.

Henry Fielding

Sayings About The Tongue #976164
#24. Pride dwells in the thought; the tongue can have but a very little share in it.

Michel De Montaigne

Sayings About The Tongue #978247
#25. Those who love to talk will experience the consequences, for the tongue can kill or nourish life. PROVERBS 18:21

Ben Carson

Sayings About The Tongue #985657
#26. Of all the organs, ' said Nehemiah Trot, 'the tongue is the most remarkable. For we use it both to taste our sweet wine and bitter poison, thus also do we utter words both sweet and sour with the same tongue. Go to her! Talk to her!

Neil Gaiman

Sayings About The Tongue #985820
#27. A slip of the foot you may soon recover, but a slip of the tongue you may never get over.

Benjamin Franklin

Sayings About The Tongue #1005237
#28. God, Most High, is the very one who Himself affirms His unity by the tongue of whatever of His creatures He wishes. If He Himself affirms His unity by my tongue, it is He and His affair. Otherwise, brother, I have nothing to do with affirming God's Unity.

Mansur Al-Hallaj

Sayings About The Tongue #1005790
#29. Snow's table manners are atrocious - it's like watching a wild dog eat. A wild dog you'd like to slip the tongue.

Rainbow Rowell

Sayings About The Tongue #1013710
#30. The evils of the body are murder, theft, and adultery; of the tongue, lying, slander, abuse and idle talk; of the mind, covetousness, hatred and error.

Gautama Buddha

Sayings About The Tongue #1017459
#31. Some men know that a light touch of the tongue, running from a woman's toes to her ears, lingering in the softest way possible in various places in between, given often enough and sincerely enough, would add immeasurably to world peace.

Marianne Williamson

Sayings About The Tongue #1019827
#32. When men and woman die, as poets sung, his heart's the last part moves, her last, the tongue.

Benjamin Franklin

Sayings About The Tongue #1022055
#33. Behold how much wood is kindled by how small a fire, and the tongue is fire.

Marilynne Robinson

Sayings About The Tongue #1029040
#34. Homer's whole language, the language in which he lived, the language that he breathed, because he never saw it, or certainly those who formed his tradition never saw it, in characters on the pages. It was all on the tongue and in the ear.

Robert Fitzgerald

Sayings About The Tongue #1050872
#35. When the mouth is closed it looks very voluptuous, beautiful. But when it opens its jaws the tongue inside the mouth is more like a spear ... also very suggestive ... which penetrates the head with greater velocity, snagging bits of brain. From Beauty to the Beast.

H.R. Giger

Sayings About The Tongue #1053225
#36. Your lips, beloved, are like a honeycomb: honey and milk are under the tongue. And the smell of your clothes is like the smell of my home.

John Berger

Sayings About The Tongue #1055276
#37. The truth is you never can leave home. You take it with you everywhere you go. It's under your skin. It moves the tongue or slows it, colors the thinking, impedes upon the logic.

Maya Angelou

Sayings About The Tongue #1058048
#38. Words, language and representation of meaning are an important aspect of reflective practice. Slips of the tongue, dream interpretations and the whole idea of a 'talking cure' rests on our capacity to reflect on what is (or is not) said.

Jacqui Stedmon

Sayings About The Tongue #1060224
#39. The tongue may be an unruly member
But silence poisons the soul.

Edgar Lee Masters

Sayings About The Tongue #1068936
#40. Always when you are about to say anything, first weigh it in your mind; for with many the tongue outruns the thought.


Sayings About The Tongue #1073741
#41. the Sindar they were named, the Grey-elves, the Elves of the Twilight, and King Greymantle was he, Elu Thingol in the tongue of that land. And Melian was his Queen, wiser than any child of Middle-earth;

J.R.R. Tolkien

Sayings About The Tongue #1081337
#42. The tongue is the worst part of a bad servant.


Sayings About The Tongue #1093329
#43. Therefore the tongue of mutual understanding is different indeed: to be one in heart is better than to be one in tongue. Without speech and without sign or scroll, hundreds of thousands of interpreters arise from the heart. The birds, all and each, their secrets of skill and knowledge and practice

Jalaluddin Rumi

Sayings About The Tongue #1101371
#44. Language is where the tongue fails itself over & over again.

Christopher Soto

Sayings About The Tongue #1106405
#45. The best way to tell somebody how to figure out how to relax the tongue is to just say, well, notice where it is when you aren't doing anything. That's the relaxed tongue. It's not about putting it somewhere. It's about letting it be where it wants to go.

Dolora Zajick

Sayings About The Tongue #1109650
#46. I think the first virtue is to restrain the tongue; he approaches nearest to gods who knows how to be silent, even though he is in the right.

Cato The Elder

Sayings About The Tongue #1111935
#47. The tongue is more easily controlled than the features of the face; and though the heart may be secret, the face is transparent.

Helen Hunt

Sayings About The Tongue #1121633
#48. By examining the tongue of the patient, physicians find out the diseases of the body, and philosophers the diseases of the mind.

Justin Martyr

Sayings About The Tongue #1122256
#49. The heart must glow before the tongue can gild.

William Rounseville Alger

Sayings About The Tongue #1125174
#50. Modesty is a state of the heart. It veils the tongue. It clothes us in good manners. It envelops us with the best of behaviour.

T.J. Bowes

Sayings About The Tongue #1131959
#51. It's funny, I'd rather be known as a writer who crafted a really nice piece about women's friendships over time. But that doesn't roll off the tongue like 'YouTube sensation.'

Kelly Corrigan

Sayings About The Tongue #1136874
#52. 8But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.


Sayings About The Tongue #1138538
#53. I used to be very afraid of graveyards and death and such things, but not anymore. There is just no sense of being afraid when you live so near the graves; it would be like the tongue fearing the teeth.

NoViolet Bulawayo

Sayings About The Tongue #1150254
#54. The eye can see what we have in common or focus on what keeps us apart. And the heart can feel what joins us with everything or replay its many cuts. And the tongue can praise the wind or warn against the storm, can praise the sea or dread the flood.

Mark Nepo

Sayings About The Tongue #1154040
#55. No one conceals something in his heart, but Allah causes it to be seen on his face or in a slip of the tongue.

Uthman Ibn Affan

Sayings About The Tongue #1158232
#56. If words come from the heart, they will enter the heart. If they come from the tongue, they will not pass beyond the ears.


Sayings About The Tongue #1159997
#57. Life and death are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit. Proverbs 18:21

Beth Moore

Sayings About The Tongue #1162003
#58. La lingua non ha ossa, ma rompe il dorsol... The tongue has no bones but can break a man's back!

Wally Lamb

Sayings About The Tongue #1164751
#59. He alone is a man who keeps his word:
Not that he has one thing in the heart, and another on the tongue.

Guru Gobind Singh

Sayings About The Tongue #1165165
#60. The mechanisation of the world could never proceed very far while taste, even the taste-buds of the tongue, remained uncorrupted, because in that case most of the products of the machine would be simply unwanted.

George Orwell

Sayings About The Tongue #1166076
#61. Two very beautiful naked girls are crouched facing each other. They touch each other sensually, they kiss each other's breasts lightly, with the tip of the tongue.

Umberto Eco

Sayings About The Tongue #1171094
#62. The ear and the eye are the mind's receivers; but the tongue is only busy in expending the treasures received. It, therefore, the revenues of the mind be uttered as fast or faster than they are received, it must needs be bare, and can never lay up for purchase.

Joseph Hall

Sayings About The Tongue #1173497
#63. Another glorious day, the air as delicious to the lungs as nectar to the tongue.

John Muir

Sayings About The Tongue #1175051
#64. The only way a ventriloquist speaks differently is that he forgoes using his or her lips, and learns to reproduce sounds using the tongue, upper palate, and teeth only. Those 'difficult' letters are B, F, M, P, V, W, and Y.

Jeff Dunham

Sayings About The Tongue #1181335
#65. How sad they are, the promises we never return to. They stay in our mouths, roughen the tongue, lead lives of their own.

Jane Hirshfield

Sayings About The Tongue #1186024
#66. Better to trip with the feet than with the tongue

Zeno Of Citium

Sayings About The Tongue #1186709
#67. I think about how much of a good story seems to happen elsewhere, off the canvas or screen or page, in Europe or a backwater New Brunswick town, in what is left unsaid. A word on the tip of the tongue, ungraspable. The teasing smush of a feather boa over naked breasts in a striptease.

Lisa Moore

Sayings About The Tongue #1190553
#68. A black person grows up in this country - and in many places - knowing that racism will be as familiar as salt to the tongue. Also, it can be as dangerous as too much salt. I think that you must struggle for betterment for yourself and for everyone.

Maya Angelou

Sayings About The Tongue #1197905
#69. A sword is sharp, but can conquer the body alone. The tongue is small, but can conquer hearts, minds and souls.

Matshona Dhliwayo

Sayings About The Tongue #1199451
#70. Either we must speak as we dress, or dress as we speak. Why do we profess one thing and display another? The tongue talks of chastity, but the whole body reveals impurity.

St. Jerome

Sayings About The Tongue #1207817
#71. As for me, the silence and the emptiness is so great, that I look and do not see, - Listen and do not hear - the tongue moves but does not speak ... I want you to pray for me - that I let Him have free hand.

Mother Teresa

Sayings About The Tongue #1211972
#72. O this itch of the ear, that breaks out at the tongue! Were not curiosity so over-busy, detraction would soon be starved to death.

Douglas William Jerrold

Sayings About The Tongue #1212318
#73. People do what they are told not to do. It happens time and time again. Here on the frozen tundra, it is known as the Tongue on the Frozen Pump Handle principle.

Garrison Keillor

Sayings About The Tongue #1212603
#74. The gospel is not a doctrine of the tongue, but of life. It cannot be grasped by reason and memory only, but it is fully understood when it possesses the whole soul and penetrates to the inner recesses of the heart.

John Calvin

Sayings About The Tongue #1213256
#75. The eye tells what the tongue would hide.

Chief Joseph

Sayings About The Tongue #1220146
#76. Sin is bad in the eye, worse in the tongue, worse still in the heart, but worst of all in the life.

Thomas Brooks

Sayings About The Tongue #1228426
#77. Battle, n., A method of untying with the teeth a political knot that would not yield to the tongue.

Ambrose Bierce

Sayings About The Tongue #1228541
#78. Tip-of-the-tongue syndrome is when people almost remember something but need a computer, or someone else, to help them find it. The problem is, our brains have always been terrible at remembering details. They were like that way before the Internet came along.

Clive Thompson

Sayings About The Tongue #1257080
#79. The tongue is very powerful, so what you say really is, and I really believe that. So I just try to say good things, and then things like this happen.


Sayings About The Tongue #1264250
#80. Bigotry and intolerance, silenced by argument, endeavors to silence by persecution, in old days by fire and sword, in modern days by the tongue.

Charles Simmons

Sayings About The Tongue #1265209
#81. The thing framed says that nothing framed it; the tongue never made itself to speak, and yet talks against him that did; saying that which is made, is, and that which made it, is not. But this folly is infinite as hell, as much without light or bound as the chaos or the primitive nothing.

Jeremy Taylor

Sayings About The Tongue #1275215
#82. These three things God requires of all the Baptized: right faith in the heart, truth on the tongue, temperance in the body.

Gregory Of Nazianzus

Sayings About The Tongue #1276520
#83. It is through the tongue, the pen, and the press that truth is principally propagated.

Angelina Grimke

Sayings About The Tongue #1293646
#84. Know that a word suddenly shot from the tongue is like an arrow shot from the bow. Son, that arrow won't turn back on its way; you must damn the torrent at its source.


Sayings About The Tongue #1298343
#85. Words may be counterfeit, false coined, and current only from the tongue, without the mind; but passion is in the soul, and always speaks the heart.

Thomas Southerne

Sayings About The Tongue #1298355
#86. A good journal entry- like a good song, or sketch, or photograph- ought to break up the habitual and life away the film that forms over the eye, the finger, the tongue, the heart. A good journal entry ought to be a love letter to the world.

Anthony Doerr

Sayings About The Tongue #1301626
#87. And death are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.


Sayings About The Tongue #1303822
#88. A secret is safer in the heart than on the tongue.

Matshona Dhliwayo

Sayings About The Tongue #1308581
#89. Readiness of speech is often inability to hold the tongue.

Jean-Baptiste Rousseau

Sayings About The Tongue #1309694
#90. The tongue may hide the truth but the eyes - never!

Mikhail Bulgakov

Sayings About The Tongue #1319635
#91. He tried to scrub children's vomit from the webbing of the Tongue in a way that suggested deep reservoirs of genius.

Karen Russell

Sayings About The Tongue #1320870
#92. By my soul I swear, there is no power in the tongue of man to alter me.

William Shakespeare

Sayings About The Tongue #1322116
#93. Keep silence, be mute.
If you have not yet become the tongue of GOD,
be an ear!


Sayings About The Tongue #1326580
#94. Again and again parents describe ... the trancelike nature of their children's television watching. The child's facial expression is transformed. The jaw is relaxed and hangs open slightly; the tongue rests on the front teeth. The eyes have a glazed, vacuous look.

Marie Winn

Sayings About The Tongue #1329119
#95. The reflections of the heart belong to man, but the answer of the tongue is from the LORD. Proverbs 16:1

Beth Moore

Sayings About The Tongue #1329610
#96. The sacred pint alone can unbind the tongue...

James Joyce

Sayings About The Tongue #1345967
#97. The mind can perceive the impossible.
The heart can endure the impossible.
The soul can experience the impossible.
The hands can do the impossible.
The tongue can express the impossible.
The eyes can discern the impossible.
The ears can understand the impossible.

Matshona Dhliwayo

Sayings About The Tongue #1352958
#98. The tongue may be employed about, and made to serve all the purposes of vice, in tempting and deceiving, in perjury and injustice.

Joseph Butler

Sayings About The Tongue #1353620
#99. Mightier than the sword, the pen may be; but the tongue is mightiest of all.

Wayne Gerard Trotman

Sayings About The Tongue #1676351
#100. And the funny, impish magic of a wrap party is that everyone still has scraps of their characters hanging off them like Salome's veils, fluttering, fading, but not quite finished tangling the tongue and tripping the feet. You're not in Wonderland anymore, but you positively reek of rabbit.

Catherynne M Valente

Sayings About The Tongue #1671253

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