Top 62 Rep Quotes

#1. When really you've gone to drama school and rep and then you've come to London and gone to auditions and you've worked, solidly, for years. But that all gets forgotten.

Julia Ormond

Rep Quotes #1400273
#2. I got my Equity Card from Berkeley Rep when I was 22 years old. I was cast in David Saar's 'The Yellow Boat.'

Colman Domingo

Rep Quotes #996727
#3. I don't know if there's an actors' slow-pitch softball league I could join. My agency has a team, but they say it would be a conflict of interest for the people they rep to play because I could hit a pop-up and they'd have to drop it on purpose.

Miles Teller

Rep Quotes #1032661
#4. U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz accused Republicans of trying to make it a crime to be an illegal alien. Democrats see a conspiracy plot. First Republicans want to say that illegal aliens are illegal, next they're going to want to take away their voting rights.

Argus Hamilton

Rep Quotes #1038232
#5. I found it very helpful not to do the venture round. Instead, I started with very little money, a few thousand dollars, and I did every job myself. I was the first photographer. I was the first customer service rep. I was the first online marketing person.

Jon Oringer

Rep Quotes #1050999
#6. I read a lot of Socrates in the off-season. Don't print that, or it'll ruin my rep.

Travis Hafner

Rep Quotes #1057370
#7. When I left drama school, there were dozens of rep theatres you could apply to where you got a good training.

Brenda Blethyn

Rep Quotes #1067536
#8. I want to try get rid of this rep.

Thomas Dawson

Rep Quotes #1085643
#9. South Carolina State Rep. Mike Pitts wants to ban money.

Charles Foster Johnson

Rep Quotes #1095930
#10. The single biggest mistake that most beginners make is putting 100% of their effort into the positive (concentric) part of the rep, while paying no attention to the negative (eccentric) segment

Dorian Yates

Rep Quotes #1165384
#11. I had a critical father. I'm more like my father. He was a sales rep for pharmaceutical companies.

Martha Stewart

Rep Quotes #1265267
#12. Rep. James Clyburn, the state's only black congressman
controls 20 percent to 25 percent of the primary vote.

Jim Clyburn

Rep Quotes #1268751
#13. I studied writing at university, and I actually majored in screenwriting. Then I went to work as a bookseller and then as a sales rep and publicist and then various editorial jobs until I ended up with HarperCollins in Australia.

Garth Nix

Rep Quotes #1292258
#14. Faith, to me, is knowing in the solid core of your soul that the work is already done, even as the idea is being conceived in your mind. It is being as sure as you are about your dreams as you are about anything you know as a hard fact."

Rep. John Lewis, D-GA

T.D. Davis

Rep Quotes #1359800
#15. The ultimate compliment a customer can make to an organization about one of its marketing people is: "I'm not sure whether your sales rep works for me or for you."

Buck Rodgers

Rep Quotes #1381427
#16. I spend a lot of time out there. I've got a lot of family that lives in Inglewood and surrounding areas. So I'm right in the hood, every time I go there I go see my peoples. I rep real hard for the people that I see that are the counterparts of what I'm trying to do out here, out there.

Immortal Technique

Rep Quotes #1391935
#17. Every artist is a walking business. Your marketing tools are your headshots and your reel. That's what people see that's what your out there pushing trying to get a rep and that isn't easy.

Jay Ellis

Rep Quotes #980529
#18. I do a lot of exercises where I'm so tired that I'm not supposed to do the last rep. What that does is it teaches me that no matter how far I am, how hard I've fallen, I'm never out of the fight. I just take that with me every time I'm in the weight room.

Dwight Howard

Rep Quotes #1442813
#19. The desire of the potential customer to buy the product or service should supersede the sales rep's desire to sell it. Willingly walking away from a possible sale proves that the time line to take advantage of the discount is legitimate.

Lenny Gray

Rep Quotes #1508104
#20. I'm formally trained, I don't know what classically trained really means. I've worked with Sanford Meisner. And I've worked at Circle Rep with Marshall W. Mason and Lanford Wilson and some really good people. I was lucky. I had a lot of really good influences.

Brad Dourif

Rep Quotes #1521654
#21. My first professional job was appearing in a disastrous theatre production of Oh, What a Lovely War in Leicester Rep, shortly after leaving Cambridge.

Eric Idle

Rep Quotes #1572618
#22. Oxford has a slightly mythical rep, particularly for people who haven't been there.

Kevin Whately

Rep Quotes #1636832
#23. I don't have a PR rep. I live in Vermont.

Colin Trevorrow

Rep Quotes #1666804
#24. All of us need to self-promote. We cannot sit back and wait for our gallery or rep to do it all.

Jack White

Rep Quotes #1676739
#25. But with rap music - not just N.W.A. - but rap music in general, seeing these artists wearing these team logos all the time started bringing a synergy and energy about having to rep your city, your team, everywhere and all the time.

Ice Cube

Rep Quotes #1689312
#26. Barack Obama's mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, had quite an interesting life, shot through with coincidences. Stanley Ann was some mom
and by 'some mom,' it's meant that she was a globetrotting, oil-rep-marrying, CIA-front-employed, twelve-language-speaking, International Mom of Mystery.

Mondo Frazier

Rep Quotes #1707313
#27. I would never rep Versace. I can't stand her. I think she makes disgusting clothes. Calvin [Klein] is like, snore! Who wears Calvin Klein? I'm not dissing him. I think he's built an amazing, respectable business, but I would never want to work for Calvin Klein, ever.

Kelly Cutrone

Rep Quotes #1836388
#28. I was born in Orange County - in Santa Ana. My dad is from California. I was raised on the East Coast. My first two years were in California, but I claim East Coast. I'm sorry, I don't rep California.

Michael B. Jordan

Rep Quotes #1840441
#29. Every rep that you take off, somebody else gets another look. That's just how I am. It's not a matter of being paranoid, it's a matter of being confident and not taking anything for granted.

Derrick Brooks

Rep Quotes #1846191
#30. Don't show up late.
Don't try to slide out early.
Don't cheat your rep counts.
And definitely, don't hold back.
Leave it all in the gym!

Gunnar Peterson

Rep Quotes #1875378
#31. I could pose as a Yahoo rep claiming that there's been some sort of fault, and somebody else is getting your e-mail, and we're going to have to remove your account and reinstall it. So what we'll do is reset the current password that you have - and by the way, what is it?

Kevin Mitnick

Rep Quotes #1876953
#32. It's important that you do full movements for your triceps, because
locking out is when your triceps work their hardest. Flex and squeeze at
the contraction of each rep to hit all three triceps heads.

Kevin Levrone

Rep Quotes #584970
#33. Nurse: "You look like a pharmaceutical rep. you can leave samples in the closet."
Joe: "I'm actually a lawyer."
Nurse: "My condolences.

Jodi Picoult

Rep Quotes #38014
#34. I like the fact that I can rep New York, but my style does not - I'm not trapped in a New York thing. I can do art songs with other artists and it's seamless.

Talib Kweli

Rep Quotes #67290
#35. Mitt Romney has outdone himself in choosing Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate.

David Limbaugh

Rep Quotes #82485
#36. Every rep I did on chin-ups, on squats with 500 pounds, I never said, to myself, 'Oh, my God, another rep.' I said, 'Yes, another rep, because that will make my dream turn into a reality.'

Sylvester Stallone

Rep Quotes #83601
#37. Wow, Mrs. Collins is a freaking miracle worker. Dangerous Noah Hutchins on the straight and narrow. If you don't watch out she'll ruin your rep with the girls."
I lowered my voice. "Not that it matters. I only care what one girl thinks about me.

Katie McGarry

Rep Quotes #91214
#38. Rep. John Lewis, Georgia Democrat and a civil rights leader during the 1960s, was one of those calling on the president for a more robust federal response, such as President Dwight D. Eisenhower did against Jim Crow-defending Southern governors.


Rep Quotes #132801
#39. I couldn't deal with anything. I wasn't enjoying what I was doing because of the situation. My Paiste rep, a symbol company, referred me to this doctor in LA. I went there and had a consultation done. So, he examined exactly what the problem was and I went for the operation and it was a success.

Charlie Benante

Rep Quotes #160439
#40. My IQ? No. I can't read," she said proudly. "But I'm Rep One, the majority whip in the House. And I'm married to Senator One.

Bruce Sterling

Rep Quotes #207351
#41. In his dark suit, white shirt, and rep tie, he looked - and sounded - utterly professional. There was little chance he would make a mistake on direct or get tripped up on cross by a pettifogger, such as my own wily self.

Paul Levine

Rep Quotes #283490
#42. I saw Waiting for Godot when I was 17 in rep with a then unknown actor called Peter O'Toole playing Vladimir. I remember leaving the theatre promising myself that one day I would have a go at this play and then pretty much forgot it for 50 years.

Patrick Stewart

Rep Quotes #328945
#43. Even if we were mated, I have my own name and I made my own rep. I don't think the term 'mate' should trump everything I've done. I've earned more than that." Jim

Ilona Andrews

Rep Quotes #363935
#44. Jocelyn Knight in Wessex County Court will be like seeing Katharine Hepburn in weekly rep.

Erin Kelly

Rep Quotes #369105
#45. I'm an athlete rep, so I'll be available if they need me for anything.

Shannon Miller

Rep Quotes #421363
#46. A lot of times your best sales rep, that A++ player, kills it on a regular basis ... but can never describe how they do it. They look at sales as an art, not a science.

Jim McDonough

Rep Quotes #492788
#47. Training was all I could think about. One Sunday when I found the stadium locked, I broke in and worked out in the freezing cold. Every painful set, every extra rep, was a step toward my goal of winning.

Arnold Schwarzenegger

Rep Quotes #565615
#48. An acting assistant stage manager in a theater in Canterbury, a rep theater. A small wage but just enough to get by on, and I made props and I walked on, and I changed scenery, and I realized that I just loved it.

Jeremy Irons

Rep Quotes #10826
#49. As far as my New York influence, one thing I'm proud of in my career is, I rep Brooklyn, New York all day. But people don't look at my music as New York music. People consider my music underground music.

Talib Kweli

Rep Quotes #637514
#50. I worked at Ikea as a customer service rep for two years and loved it.

Amber Riley

Rep Quotes #639604
#51. rep" squad - the all-star

Malcolm Gladwell

Rep Quotes #643998
#52. A lot of times when I'm in the gym, I might not have that energy but I realize what I'm doing it for and it gives me the strength to do one more extra rep, to do one more set or to push even harder, and to not let whatever obstacle is in front of me stop me from reaching my goal.

Dwight Howard

Rep Quotes #655167
#53. I worked in rep for six years, then I came to London and to the National Theatre. What's better than that?

Imelda Staunton

Rep Quotes #686410
#54. My first day as a manager was at Digital Equipment in Atlanta. I was a sales rep. I was promoted from among my peers, so one day I was a peer, and the next day I was their boss.

Carol Bartz

Rep Quotes #698982
#55. My usual route is, I do a play at South Coast Rep, then there's time between and I revise it, and then I take it to New York.

Richard Greenberg

Rep Quotes #725393
#56. Dear lord, the flash of his gleaming white teeth was like a hot button to my nether regions. Down vagina! Down, girl.
Bad Rep by A. Meredith Walters

A Meredith Walters

Rep Quotes #773561
#57. One of the things that I'd like to get back to that I did as a younger actor was to work on, you know, a rep season for a summer where you did two or three Shakespeares, and you'd do a couple of either new plays or classic plays, and you did a different one almost every night.

Thomas Gibson

Rep Quotes #846379
#58. Gee, Vernon, now you're scaring me. Not the union rep." She gave a deliberate shudder.
"You won't be so smart when you're hit with a lawsuit, and I start bleeding that rich husband you hooked."
"My God, Peabody, a lawsuit. I feel faint."
"Don't worry, Lieutenant, I'll catch you.

J.D. Robb

Rep Quotes #875757
#59. All Americans have benefited from the dedicated service of Representative Henry Waxman. In every battle and in every moment that mattered most, Rep. Waxman stood up for the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the wild places we cherish.

Frances Beinecke

Rep Quotes #917185
#60. You've got to block out all distractions when you train. Your focus has to be 100% into the rep. You've got to get into a zone. You know you're in the zone when guys in the gym look you in the eye and then quickly turn away 'cause they see the fire. You've got to be all business.

Mike Matarazzo

Rep Quotes #917950
#61. Nah, I don't really have to spit nothin' too complex,
I just rep for my hood, and it sound correct.


Rep Quotes #957144
#62. A state rep in Oklahoma gave a horrific speech where she felt the homosexual agenda was a greater threat to America than terrorism. People like this - there's not hate in their hearts. They believe what they believe because of the book that they prescribe to. You can't argue with these people.

Leslie Jordan

Rep Quotes #973678

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