Top 100 Reality's Quotes
#1. God, it's like reality's completely shifted on me. I used to think I was standing on such solid ground. If I wanted something badly enough, I just worked like hell for it. Now I can't decide what to do, which move to make. All the things I counted on aren't there for me anymore.
Tess Gerritsen
#3. The young girl who slept waking in some suspension so completely physical as to resemble the state before birth and as far removed from reality's other extreme as Ellen was from hers
William Faulkner
#4. Reality's all you've got. But here's the real secret, the real miracle: it's enough.
Brad Warner
#5. Time can move quickly when it loses its memory, or when there are no new memories to create. Reality's vulture flies down and picks at the bones of our dreams.
John Dolan
#6. They ate my humanity but no humanity in beginning humans Earth dust atoms
Clever microorganisms defy gods
But defy nothing
Phantom of truth
Beneath reality's facade
A.R. LaBaere
#7. For eventually one gets over reality's affront to one's innocence. One grows accustomed to the melancholy fact that we all sell ourselves at one time or another, that whoring is the dirty little secret of our success as human beings.
Paul Russell
#8. Hence, viper thoughts, that coil around my mind, Reality's dark dream!
I turn from you, and listen to the wind.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
#9. Reality's its own thing. And I'm not really into reality that much. I'm into this cinematic stylized reality that can comment on reality. It's like the most beautiful parts of reality and the saddest parts, but it's none of this middle ground.
Zack Snyder
#10. For reality's glow and glory, without poetry,
Fade, like the red operas of sunset
Delmore Schwartz
#11. In the end, oh I know,
never, in my haggard passion,
have I ever been such a cadaver as now
as I take again in hand my tables of the present
if reality's real, but after it's been
destroyed in the eternal and the moment by
the obsessive idea of a shining nothingness.
Pier Paolo Pasolini
#13. Illusion is Reality's coy lover who cheers him when he is grim. Illusion is cunning to his wisdom of ages, weet oblivion to his knowledge. A bounty to his lack. [Sabine]
Kresley Cole
#14. Being near him was like being in a cloud, making my vision blur and taking away some of reality's harshness with its mist.
Laurel Ulen Curtis
#15. When it comes to terror, reality's got nothing on the power of the imagination[.]
Fredrik Backman
#17. Reality's just the accumulation of ominous prophecies come to life. All you have to do is open a newspaper on any given day to weigh the good news versus the bad news, and you'll see what I mean.
Haruki Murakami
#18. The sphere of consciousness shrinks in action; no one who acts can lay claim to the universal, for to act is to cling to the properties of being at the expense of being itself, to a form of reality to reality's detriment.
Emil M. Cioran
#19. Art is a concept used for making your soul grow. It's God's way of showing you that you also have the power to create. It's reality's way of allowing you to dress the world.
Lionel Suggs
#20. Reality's such a pain sometimes, you know?
Randy Alcorn
#21. Leave behind the passive dreaming of a rose-tinted future. The energy of happiness exists in living today with roots sunk firmly in reality's soil.
Daisaku Ikeda
#22. Reality's kind of a medium, maybe greater than paper. We all want life to have the same texture that we read about in novels.
Why The Lucky Stiff
#23. Reality's not strange, not unexpected.Reality doesn't reside in the hallucination of events. Reality is uneventfulness, vacancy, flatness. Reality is that nothing happens.
Graham Swift
#24. Hope is not mere wishful thinking. It is the precursor of a new dawn that slowly, steadily and unerringly comes to the fore and eventually grows into reality's existence.
Sri Chinmoy
#25. For the first time in a year, I wanted to live
because I wanted to spend every freaking day watching her open her eyes to the world. Hell, I wanted to be the first thing she saw. Sometimes, reality's a bitch.
Rachel Van Dyken
#26. Arr, reality's a dirty place with no religion in it.
Stephen King
#27. A writer should always have some profession which brings him into close contact with the reality's of life.
Vicki Baum
#28. I believe our recognition of reality's complex dimensions is a consequence of our solitude.
Dean Koontz
#29. Those people who recognise that imagination is reality's master, we call sages, and those who act upon it, we call artists.
Tom Robbins
#31. You're a romantic," said Crabbe. "You expect too much. Reality's always dull, you know, but when we see that it's all there is, well-it miraculously ceases to be dull.
Anthony Burgess
#32. It's as if the universe has a sense of humor, since at a deep level it's impossible not to lead a spiritual life ...
the universe is living through you at this moment. with or without belief in god, the chain of events leading from silent awareness to physical reality remains intact.
Deepak Chopra
#33. We create our own reality. The blessing (or problem) with this is that when one creates one's own reality, one must live it! Are you living a blessing or is it a curse?
Gary R. Ryan
#34. The reality is that everybody makes mistakes. The issue isn't whether you will make them, it's what you will do about them. It's whether you will choose the path of humility and courage or the path of ego and pride.
Stephen Covey
#35. Well, when you're relaxed, your mind takes you to the whole reality. There's no such thing as time when you're really relaxed. That's why meditation works.
Shirley Maclaine
#36. Our daily deeds as ordinary South Africans must produce an actual South African reality that will reinforce humanity's belief in justice, strengthen its confidence in the nobility of the human soul, and sustain all our hopes for a glorious life for all.
Nelson Mandela
#37. You can't choose your childhood, it's just what happens to you. But after that you choose. And that's really what (makes you).
Kim Stanley Robinson
#38. I'm a cartoonist, it's what I am at heart, so cartoons take reality and deform it and make it grotesque, you make it funny, but you alter it. If it works, it's based on reality. That's what I try to do.
Terry Gilliam
#39. Liberation of mind is realising that we don't need to buy any story at all. It's realising that before our confused thought, there actually is Reality. We can see it. All we have to do it to fully engage in this moment as it has come to be.
Steve Hagen
#40. It's goodbye to reality when love sets in.
Saul Bellow
#41. No, Ben. What I'm asking is: Are you the vehicle, and Georgie rides around in you? That is why Ben's the driver, right?
Jonathan Harnisch
#42. Tom hunts alone. While shunned by all he sees, he grows aware that, in reality, life is lived alone. When with a hen, there's only an illusion of sharing; a pretence that life's trials are easier to endure. Even sleep is a barrier that can't be shared.
Peter Gray
#43. It's not a dream,
But the reality that makes our passion
As a lamp shadow - no - no lamp, the sun.
What the world's million lips are thirsting for
Must be substantial somewhere ...
#44. Alone
everything changes.
Some might call it distorted reality
but it's exactly the place I need to be.
Ellen Hopkins
#45. The habits of the American consumer are changing; that's a reality.
Linda Wells
#46. So frequently we mistakenly believe that our children need more things, when in reality their silent pleadings are simply for more of our time.
Thomas S. Monson
#47. Sometimes the reader will decide something else than the author's intent; this is certainly true of attempts to empirically decipher reality.
John M. Ford
#48. Linear's defeated form
The intangible reality rise.' ~ Wanderer
Stella Coulson
#49. Our thoughts create our reality-not instantly, necessarily, as in "Poof! There it is" - but eventually. Where we put our focus - our inner and outer vision - is the direction we tend to go. That's our desire, our intention ...
Peter McWilliams
#50. We also call upon the king to hand over power to the political parties and for the political parties to shoulder their responsibility and turn the people's demands for democracy and good governance into reality.
Joseph Adam Ereli
#51. Virtual-reality researchers have long struggled to eliminate effects that distort the brain's normal processing of visual information, and when these effects arise in equipment that augments or mediates the real world, they can be that much more disturbing.
Steve Mann
#52. War is only a passing phase in business life ... If you want my opinion there's nothing like a spot of patriotism for blinding people to reality.
J.G. Farrell
#53. How can you not love reading? It's wonderful. An excursion, an adventure ... an escape from reality.' She adored reading and had a hard time grasping anyone not loving it.
Robin Caroll
#54. When war is not just it is subsequently justified; so it becomes
many things. In reality, an unjust war is merely piracy.
It consists of piracy, ego and, more than anything, money.
War is our century's prostitution.
T. S. Eliot
#55. Imagination is reality in one's mind waiting to come out at right time with enough efforts.
Prerak Trivedi
#56. Today is a reality, tomorrow's a promise, and yesterday's history!
Billy Blanks
#57. Real success in the kingdom of God is not about being strong and looking good and knowing all the right answers. It's about continually yielding oneself to Jesus and determining to take purposeful little steps of obedience, and the ragged reality that it's all about God and His grace at work in us.
Mary Beth Chapman
#58. I have toured around for 45 years and have experience of night halt at more than 400 districts. And that's why I know the reality of this earth.
Narendra Modi
#59. A man today has to live with the reality of today. He can no longer live with the reality of 100 years ago. The world's changing so fast. Unless you are prepared to adapt every day, then you have a problem, because the world's not stopping.
Mario Testino
#60. Collage has been one of the most relevant forms of art making. It's resonant because it is made of the stuff that we see every day. It's familiar. It reflects our reality.
Elliott Hundley
#61. I didn't want to find out the reality that if I wanted my dream, I had to lose weight. That's a crushing dream for anybody ... to change yourself to get your dream. Nobody should have to do that.
Serinda Swan
#62. Today's dialogue has succeeded in reinforcing the need for international partnerships and cooperation in tackling the reality of climate change.
Margaret Beckett
#63. Just because it's imaginary, doesn't mean it's not real.
T.L. Rese
#64. It is only a matter of time till the reality of the rest of the world comes home. And all the while we are called by Christ to go to them, love them, sacrifice for them, bring the gospel to them. The Great Commission is not child's play. It is costly. Very costly.
John Piper
#65. Always the rationalization is the same-"Once this situation is remedied, then I will be happy." But it never works that way in reality: The goal is achieved, but the person who reaches it is not the same person who dreamed it. The goal was static, but the person's identity was dynamic.
Phillip Moffitt
#66. in simple terms, what you perceive as real, is actually a neurological reconstruction or simulation of the actual real thing. It's not as simple as saying, we see as it is. Actually we do not ever see as it is.
Abhijit Naskar
#67. What we love is that Glenn Geller admits to being a superfan of Big Brother and obviously he seems to be a big fan of reality TV, which is fabulous. He's been really, really excited and has just been smiling through all of our meetings so it's always a lot of fun.
Allison Grodner
#68. It was inevitable at some point that I would bump into one of my father's plays. The reality of the situation is that I'm a jobbing actor, and any actor would give their eye-teeth to have one of those roles. It's a no-brainer! I'm pleased the stars have aligned around 'Arcadia.'
Ed Stoppard
#69. In reality, quitting Facebook is much more problematic than the company's executives suggest, if only because users cannot extract all the intangible social capital they have generated on the site and export it elsewhere.
Evgeny Morozov
#70. It is not always a question of the Emperor having no clothes on. Sometimes it is, 'Is that an Emperor at all?
Idries Shah
#71. I think Direct Cinema's trying to be insightful by looking at reality in a very close way while, in fact, much more is staged than we like to think. In cinema verite, it's about trying to make something invisible visible - the role of fantasy and imagination in everyday life.
Joshua Oppenheimer
#72. Growth in love comes from a place of absence, where the imagination is left to it's own devices and creates you to be much more then reality would ever allow.
Coco J. Ginger
#73. The sad reality is, it's not just the people I go to school with that are doing it. It's their parents too. Their noses are all turned up at me, like because of my diagnosis; I'm an alien to them. I'm not like their son or daughter so that means I'm not worthy of respect.
Melyssa Winchester
#74. Sexism goes so deep that at first it's hard to see; you think it's just reality.
Alix Kates Shulman
#75. Rationalizing is not a tool for penetration of reality but a post-factum attempt to harmonize one's own wishes with existing reality.
Erich Fromm
#76. Celebrity culture, it's everywhere, isn't it? It's reality TV, Big Brother. I didn't become a footballer to be famous, I became a footballer to be successful. I didn't want to be famous. Now people want to be famous. Why? Why would you want people following you about all day?
Ryan Giggs
#77. People are always fighting reality until it's pushed down their throats.
Agnes Denes
#78. Reality TV, blogging and self-publishing are all evidence of a society's or culture's desire to be more public. And that's a sign of a healthy or energetic culture.
Maureen Corrigan
#79. The nation was founded and "dedicated," to use Lincoln's language in the "Gettysburg Address," to equality as a "self-evident truth." But this very principle of equality, as Lincoln also noted, was a "proposition." To make it a reality remained "the unfinished work" of Americans.
Ronald Takaki
#80. In the end, every man's life is but a tale told to him that's lived it, and to him alone.
Tim Willocks
#81. We think that boxes take everything that's bad and they lock all that nasty stuff out, when in reality they take everything that we are and they lock all of those great things in.
Craig D. Lounsbrough
#82. It's a dream of mine. I worked very, very hard for many years. But the reality is, it's slow coming ... I think we're still a generation away from that.
Steve Sampson
#83. There can be no argument about the Lone Star State's significant contributions to American history, and we must remember the actions and the sacrifices of those who made Texas independence a reality.
Michael McCaul
#84. We should eat less meat - all of us - and we should use less leather. I mean, that's reality.
Jochen Zeitz
#85. Reality is that which exists; the unreal does not exist; the unreal is merely that negation of existence which is the content of a human consciousness when it attempts to abandon reason. Truth is the recognition of reality; reason, man's only means of knowledge, is his only standard of truth.
Ayn Rand
#87. Here's the reality, for the next couple of years the Mac OS will experience increasing security threats and mark my words, the company will have to seek outside expertise in the form of a head of security communications in the next 12 months.
Stephen Toulouse
#88. I love zombie films like Danny Boyle's '28 Days Later' - I thought it was so brilliantly done and so grounded in reality. I was definitely thrust into the zombie world watching that film.
Teresa Palmer
#89. My mother isn't crazy. She simply has a harder time than most reconciling her reality with everyone else's reality.
Kim Harrison
#90. Reality, my strange and precious one. Reality is fabric. Fabric is
reality. And your reality here is far easier to live with than where I
was on the other side. So that's why I don't want to go back, and
why you wouldn't like it.
Esme Ellis
#91. In real life, the most important decision you ever make is, where does reality leave off and make-believe begin? If you make a mistake about that, you're dead. You know, you're out on the street corner. You think there's no bus coming. You step out, you're dead.
#92. We're trapped on this very thin slice of perception ... But even at that slice of reality that we call home, we're not seeing most of what's going on.
David Eagleman
#93. It's the reality: film is a director's medium, and, ultimately, they are the ones that are in charge, and you have to respect that because somebody has to be in charge. But, yeah, you do reach a point where you want to have your voice come out.
Dan Gilroy
#94. Don't despair for story's future or turn curmudgeonly over the rise of video games or reality TV. The way we experience story will evolve, but as storytelling animals, we will no more give it up than start walking on all fours.
Jonathan Gottschall
#95. Fantasy is often better than reality. It's much more inspiring not to go to places than to go.
Karl Lagerfeld
#96. I'm used to something where you have to create an entire world, and I do like that process. I like getting the audience to believe that outside of the frame of your television set, there's a whole real world that exists, that is different from your day-to-day reality.
Ronald D. Moore
#97. I'm pretty captivated by reality TV and I know that as an actor I probably shouldn't be saying that, but it's what I like to watch.
Nikki Cox
#98. I want to touch you." he confides.
"I've always dreamed of your touch, your hands on me," I say, daydreaming after his sensual kiss.
"Your dreams are about to become reality."
"Is it working?
S. Donahue
#99. I'm not a big reality show fan, because I just think it's too fake.
Billy Eichner
#100. When the preacher says it's for better or worse, you're so blinded by the possibility of better you fail to see the reality of worse.
Bette Lee Crosby
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