Top 100 Quotes On Stars Shining

#1. Stars shining bright above you
Night breezes seem to whisper "I love you"
Birds singing in the sycamore tree
Dream a little dream of me

Gus Kahn

Quotes On Stars Shining #16356
#2. The first time I ever experienced happiness was when I had been lying in bed one night, staring out my window at the stars shining harmoniously.

Jessica Sorensen

Quotes On Stars Shining #436617
#3. the Texas stars shining down like rattlesnake eyes showing in a deep, dark wood.

Joe R. Lansdale

Quotes On Stars Shining #512107
#4. There are so many stars shining in the sky, so many beautiful things winking at you, but when Venus comes out, all the others are waned, they are pushed to the background.

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Quotes On Stars Shining #640432
#5. The very old and the very young have something in common that makes it right that they should be left alone together. Dawn and sunset see stars shining in a blue sky; but morning and midday and afternoon do not, poor things.

Elizabeth Goudge

Quotes On Stars Shining #795935
#6. A glimpse of light reflected in his eyes. Stars shining there perhaps. Or the moon.

Jenny Downham

Quotes On Stars Shining #824863
#7. Are all your stars shining?

J.D. Salinger

Quotes On Stars Shining #985897
#8. There they stand, the innumerable stars, shining in order like a living hymn, written in light.

Nathaniel Parker Willis

Quotes On Stars Shining #1258155
#9. At the top the bridge with the stars shining above the harbor, I look to the north and wish again that there were two lives apportioned to every man and woman.

Pat Conroy

Quotes On Stars Shining #1259537
#10. My eyes locked on his and I seemed to get caught in his gaze. We didn't speak, I just looked at his handsome face and memorized every inch of it. The music playing in the background, the stars shining down on us, the solitude, all of it was perfect and almost magical.

Kirsty Moseley

Quotes On Stars Shining #8336
#11. See stars in the changing season and dance among them, shining.

Mary Anne Radmacher

Quotes On Stars Shining #876370
#12. The gleaming stars all about the shining moon
Hide their bright faces, when full-orbed and splendid
In the sky she floats, flooding the shadowed earth
with clear silver light.


Quotes On Stars Shining #1012402
#13. When we contemplate the whole globe as one great dewdrop, striped and dotted with continents and islands, flying through space with other stars all singing and shining together as one, the whole universe appears as an infinite storm of beauty.

John Muir

Quotes On Stars Shining #889681
#14. Kindle the taper like the steadfast star
Ablaze on evening's forehead o'er the earth,
And add each night a lustre till afar
An eightfold splendor shine above thy hearth.

Emma Lazarus

Quotes On Stars Shining #911943
#15. Know, oh prince, that between the years when the oceans drank Atlantis and the gleaming cities, and the years of the rise of the Sons of Aryas, there was an Age undreamed of, when shining kingdoms lay spread across the world like blue mantles beneath the stars.

Robert E. Howard

Quotes On Stars Shining #927031
#16. I was once in darkness, but now, I see a bright light on my path.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes On Stars Shining #931963
#17. His star will forever shine.

Bert Convy

Quotes On Stars Shining #943309
#18. You don't have to reach for the stars if you are already shining like one.

Matshona Dhliwayo

Quotes On Stars Shining #961333
#19. The sun of that chilishness goes on shining even when the larger bodies of hotter stars have risen to smelt you and cover you with their influence. The recenter stars may be more critical, more in the eye, but that earlier sun still remains a long time.

Saul Bellow

Quotes On Stars Shining #972950
#20. The stars are forth, the moon above the tops
Of the snow-shining mountains. - Beautiful!
I linger yet with Nature, for the night
Hath been to me a more familiar face
Than that of man; and in her starry shade
Of dim and solitary loveliness,
I learn'd the language of another world.

George Gordon Byron

Quotes On Stars Shining #989443
#21. If anyone's depressed for any reason, whether a relationship has fallen apart or they're having money problems, wearing feathered wings and a tutu takes you into a whole other world. A whole new woooooorld, a world of bright and shining stars!

Richard Simmons

Quotes On Stars Shining #992008
#22. You are unique, just by being you, in this constellation of shining stars, just continue being you, shine your light on others as you journey through this life.

Author D.L.O'ferrall

D.L. O' Ferrall

Quotes On Stars Shining #718897
#23. The stars are always shining...even when you can't see them.

James Michael Rice

Quotes On Stars Shining #866133
#24. I felt so lonesome I most wished I was dead. The stars were shining, and the leaves rustled in the woods ever so mournful; and I heard an owl, away off, who-whooing about somebody that was dead, and a whippowill and a dog crying about somebody that was going to die;

Mark Twain

Quotes On Stars Shining #853981
#25. O night in which the stars feign light, O night that alone is the size of the Universe, make me, body and soul, part of your body, so that - being mere darkness - I'll lose myself and become night as well, without any dreams as stars within me, nor a hoped-for sun shining with the future.

Fernando Pessoa

Quotes On Stars Shining #838761
#26. I am a shining star, and I surround myself with people who encourage my brightness.

Cheryl Richardson

Quotes On Stars Shining #836520
#27. Shining stars linked together through time. A constellation of murder.

Lauren Beukes

Quotes On Stars Shining #820399
#28. The living word of God is the light for my path.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes On Stars Shining #816409
#29. As mariners are guided into port by the shining of a star, so Christians are guided to heaven by Mary.

Thomas Aquinas

Quotes On Stars Shining #768132
#30. Those eyes! those large, those shining, those divine orbs! they became to me twin stars of Leda, and I to them devoutest of astrologers

Edgar Allan Poe

Quotes On Stars Shining #759686
#31. The light ought to shine for the darkness to fade.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes On Stars Shining #732915
#32. I wish that I am a star, shining for every TripleS in every corner of the earth.

Kim Kyu-jong

Quotes On Stars Shining #722456
#33. I can't live without the sun shining down on my face, and I can't dream without the stars kissing me goodnight.

S.L. Jennings

Quotes On Stars Shining #1332218
#34. I remember the first time I saw the stars. I thought they changed everything. I thought they changed me, like I'd become a different person just by seeing shining specks of light a million miles away. Now when I stare at them, I feel nothing. I don't believe in them anymore.

Beth Revis

Quotes On Stars Shining #1222618
#35. When the stars fall into darkness, I will quietly shine for you.

Mika Yamamori

Quotes On Stars Shining #1324910
#36. When I forget that the stars shine in air
When I forget that beauty is in stars
When I forget that love with beauty is
Will I forget thee: till then all things else.

Philip James Bailey

Quotes On Stars Shining #1305333
#37. Suddenly there was a great burst of light through the Darkness. The light spread out and where it touched the Darkness the Darkness disappeared. The light spread until the patch of Dark Thing had vanished, and there was only a gentle shining, and through the shining came the stars, clear and pure.

Madeleine L'Engle

Quotes On Stars Shining #1294427
#38. It is only light that can extinguish darkness.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes On Stars Shining #1293034
#39. Men of vision caught glimpses of truth and beauty shining aloft like stars: and in these glimpses was a new hope for the unification of mankind through enlightenment.

Robert Falconer

Quotes On Stars Shining #1292178
#40. May the star of Bethlehem shine in your path.

Samael Aun Weor

Quotes On Stars Shining #1284599
#41. Hang a shining star upon the highest bough.

Hugh Martin

Quotes On Stars Shining #1276931
#42. A star is extinguished, another will begin to shine - thus it is written in the Book of Nature

Guido Von List

Quotes On Stars Shining #1253704
#43. Stars do not tire of shining because we ignore them.

Matshona Dhliwayo

Quotes On Stars Shining #1245431
#44. Counting stars by candlelight all are dim but one is bright; the spiral light of Venus rising first and shining best, from the northwest corner of a brand-new crescent moon crickets and cicadas sing a rare and different tune.

Robert Hunter

Quotes On Stars Shining #1226264
#45. We must welcome the night. It's the only time that the stars shine.

Michel Quoist

Quotes On Stars Shining #1029569
#46. They [the stars] just kept shining, no matter what was going on. I think of the light here like that, like a splinter of a star that's fallen to earth: it just shines, no matter what is happening.

M.L. Stedman

Quotes On Stars Shining #1212201
#47. Alas for him who never sees The stars shine through his cypress-trees Who, hopeless, lays his dead away, Nor looks to see the breaking day Across the mournful marbles play!

John Greenleaf Whittier

Quotes On Stars Shining #1190791
#48. May the glorious light brighten your path.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes On Stars Shining #1179683
#49. The light and the stars guide my way.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes On Stars Shining #1172476
#50. Love is the instrument to unfold divine secrets ...
Love is the reign timeless, dimensionless ...
Lover is as distinct as the moon shining among stars on the sky.
Beloved is the sparkle in the heart of the Love.


Quotes On Stars Shining #1160274
#51. Don't you let nothing stop you from shining the way you supposed to! That be your job, every tick of the clock, just like them stars, until God himself tells you otherwise.

Mark Caldwell Jones

Quotes On Stars Shining #1143682
#52. Deep darkness precedes the dawn of brightness light.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes On Stars Shining #1133015
#53. Friends are like the stars that glow in the sky ... you don't always see them, but you know they're always there overhead, and even when it's cloudy, snowy or stormy, even when the power goes out and you're trapped in darkness, they'll always find a way to shine through to you.

Rebecca McNutt

Quotes On Stars Shining #1073216
#54. Men are monopolists of "stars, garters, buttons and other shining baubles"- unfit to be the guardians of another person's happiness.

Marianne Moore

Quotes On Stars Shining #1048336
#55. I kissed her. Her eyes were shining up at me like two blue stars. It was like being in church.

James M. Cain

Quotes On Stars Shining #1036630
#56. We should learn from flowers, earthly stars which spend their entire lives shining, shining and growing despite all the difficulties they encounter. They know how to listen and understand the whispers of time, for it is an eternal friend that teaches the importance of friendship and sparkling hope.

Nur Bedeir

Quotes On Stars Shining #135040
#57. You don't need to be a star to be a bright and shining one to that friend in need.

Brian Jett

Quotes On Stars Shining #302811
#58. You are your shining star. Arise and shine your star.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes On Stars Shining #290930
#59. The two evening stars were now shining side by side. The smaller one had moved over to the big one. They were very close now, almost touching, and then they went together and become one very large star.
I don't know if things like that are fair or not.

Richard Brautigan

Quotes On Stars Shining #259995
#60. They say it is possible to see stars from the bottom of a well when the sun is shining.

Robert Byron

Quotes On Stars Shining #232244
#61. When our star shines, someone else's fades away; when our dream is fulfilled, someone else's turns into a nightmare!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Quotes On Stars Shining #196009
#62. New constellations of truth are daily discovered in the firmament of knowledge, and new stars are daily shining forth in each constellation.

Horace Mann

Quotes On Stars Shining #195035
#63. Isn't it strange that all life can pretty much end, but the universe goes on as it is? No one else exists, but the moon keeps shining and the stars keep falling.

Isabella Olivia Ellis

Quotes On Stars Shining #166775
#64. As the light upon the leaves of trees, as the voice of clear waters, as the stars above the mists of the world, such was her glory and her loveliness; and in her face was a shining light.

J.R.R. Tolkien

Quotes On Stars Shining #165816
#65. Keep on shining, keep on smiling, don't lose faith, and don't lose heart. When you're crying, just keep trying to remind yourself, you're a shining star, yes you are.

LeAnn Rimes

Quotes On Stars Shining #162551
#66. The night was clear and frosty, all ebony of shadow and silver of snowy slope; big stars were shining over the silent fields; here and there the dark pointed firs stood up with snow powdering their branches and the wind whistling through them.

Lucy Maud Montgomery

Quotes On Stars Shining #158174
#67. It's never occurred to me that the stars are still up there shining even in the daytime when we can't see them.

Jandy Nelson

Quotes On Stars Shining #142726
#68. There is a night school where you shall meet great teachers: The sky! When the night falls, the shining stars in the school will teach you how small you are and how comical to own an ego!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Quotes On Stars Shining #317588
#69. Only when we connect to nature, engaged with nature, are we truly alive and vigorous. To really be alive, one must be under the sun, the moon, the shining stars and surrounded by the beautiful greenery and pure waters of the natural world.

Daisaku Ikeda

Quotes On Stars Shining #134973
#70. It's only people who truly love that are like stars, and their light keeps shining on us after they are gone.

A.G. Roemmers

Quotes On Stars Shining #129732
#71. The stars are reliable, unlike any other thing in this crazy world. Leaves fall off the trees. Snow melts. Rain washes away all the things we wrote on the pavement. But the stars are relentless in shining.

Hannah Brencher

Quotes On Stars Shining #120374
#72. If there are no stars on the sky, you must try to be happy with the shining streetlights!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Quotes On Stars Shining #115993
#73. Go, speed the stars of Thought On to their shining goals; - The sower scatters broad his seed, The wheat thou strew'st be souls.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Quotes On Stars Shining #91130
#74. Even in the darkness of the closed box she felt trapped inside, she could see light shining in through tiny holes on the lid.
They were like the stars beckoning her towards a place where all would be simple ... away from the shadows, away from the darkness.

Umair Naeem

Quotes On Stars Shining #84213
#75. It is at midnight, not midday, that stars shine the brightest.

Matshona Dhliwayo

Quotes On Stars Shining #77421
#76. Manfried imagined the stars to be jewels shining in the depths of a long-sealed crypt and, drifting off, he almost glimpsed himself prying open the lid of night and stuffing his pockets with the glittering gems.

Jesse Bullington

Quotes On Stars Shining #51899
#77. There'll always be Christmas as long as a light
Glows in the window to guide folks at night,
As long as a star in the heavens above,
Keeps shining down ... there'll be Christmas and love.

Edna Jaques

Quotes On Stars Shining #22649
#78. Let the radiance of light be your guide.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes On Stars Shining #19394
#79. To shine and outshine the shining stars, to take your abilities to the greatest height, to sit on top of the world, you must fortify yourself with persistence, the determination and willingness to stay in the same direction over a long period of time whatever the cost might be.

Ogwo David Emenike

Quotes On Stars Shining #503843
#80. All the atoms we are made of are forged from hydrogen in stars that died and exploded before our solar system formed. So if you are romantic, you can say we are literally stardust. If you are less romantic, you can say we're the nuclear waste from fuel that makes stars shine.

Martin Rees

Quotes On Stars Shining #685336
#81. The spirit is often most free when the body is satiated with pleasure; indeed, sometimes the stars shine more brightly seen from the gutter than from the hilltop.

W. Somerset Maugham

Quotes On Stars Shining #661725
#82. To be angry at the gods is to scream at the stars. Even if they hear, they will not stop shining.

Andrea K. Host

Quotes On Stars Shining #603920
#83. Like the star that shines afar, Without haste and without rest, Let each one wheel with steady sway Round the task that rules the day, And do their best.

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe

Quotes On Stars Shining #601313
#84. I'll have my way, in my own time / I'll have my say, my star will shine.

Noel Gallagher

Quotes On Stars Shining #599544
#85. God made a wonderful mother, a mother who never grows old; He made her smile of the sunshine, and He molded her heart of pure gold; in her eyes He placed bright shining stars, in her cheeks, faith roses you see; god made a wonderful mother, and He gave that dear mother to me.

Pat O'Reilly

Quotes On Stars Shining #584972
#86. I'll just bleed so the stars can have something dark to shine in

Frank Stanford

Quotes On Stars Shining #553349
#87. And each year now
we know more, but we know no better
what we see in the sky is simply
the softened gloss of the past sifting
back to us, and likewise, every atom
down the body's shining length
was inside a star, and will be again.

Christopher Buckley

Quotes On Stars Shining #545573
#88. Night doesn't fall for my eyes
But my idea of the night is that it falls for my eyes.
Beyond my thinking and having any thoughts
The night falls concretely
And the shining of stars exists like it had weight.

Alberto Caeiro

Quotes On Stars Shining #523417
#89. It is a great privilege to be conscious in this universe. Those who understand, shine like stars.

Robert Anton Wilson

Quotes On Stars Shining #509282
#90. Words are freeborn, and not the vassals of the gruff tyrants of prose to do their bidding only. They have the same right to dance and sing as the dewdrops have to sparkle and the stars to shine.

Abraham Coles

Quotes On Stars Shining #709997
#91. The night folds her trembling hands over a weary world. Out of a pale blue rises the shining moon. My thoughts are flying to the stars like lonely swans.

Joseph Goebbels

Quotes On Stars Shining #465588
#92. Like stars across the sky, we were born to shine.

Andrea Bocelli

Quotes On Stars Shining #449758
#93. We're going to make that Lone Star shine again

Kinky Friedman

Quotes On Stars Shining #442671
#94. As an aside, Hop got gold stars because he had buttermilk available for pancakes. These stars started shining when he told me pancakes weren't worth making without buttermilk and, since this was the God's honest truth, I took it as happy indication that Hopper Kincaid and I might just be soul mates.

Kristen Ashley

Quotes On Stars Shining #434585
#95. You never wish on shooting stars. You wish on the ones that have the courage to shine where they are.

Andrea Gibson

Quotes On Stars Shining #429291
#96. Mamoru, each & every one of us have stars in our hearts, & you know that the star is shining when you feel that heat ... -Usagi/Sailor Moon

Naoko Takeuchi

Quotes On Stars Shining #414057
#97. Shake hands with Pain, give greeting unto Grief, Those angels in disguise, and thy glad soul From height to height, from star to shining star, Shall climb and claim blest immortality.

Thomas Jefferson

Quotes On Stars Shining #387297
#98. Is the sky cloudy? Can't you see the shining stars? Take a look at the eyes of a happy child, you will see all the bright stars over there!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Quotes On Stars Shining #360172
#99. I'm saying that I can't live without the sun shining down on my face, and I can't dream without the stars kissing me goodnight. I can't be without you

S.L. Jennings

Quotes On Stars Shining #354051
#100. The night was gone. The morning star was shining in the sky. I too had become a completely different person. The student of the Talmud, the child that I was, had been consumed in the flames. There remained only a shape that looked like me. A dark flame had entered into my soul and devoured it.

Elie Wiesel

Quotes On Stars Shining #340334

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