Top 33 Quotes About Wright Brothers
#1. Picasso had nicknamed Georges Braque "Wilbur," thereby becoming "Orville" in their Wright Brothers-like ambition to get painting off the ground of conventional representation.
Peter Schjeldahl
#2. The Wright Brothers created the single greatest cultural force since the invention of writing. The airplane became the first World Wide Web, bringing people, languages, ideas, and values together.
Bill Gates
#3. We are ever on the threshold of new journeys and new discoveries. Can you imagine the excitement of the Wright brothers on the morning of that first flight? The anticipation of Jonas Salk as he analyzed the data that demonstrated a way to prevent polio?
Joseph B. Wirthlin
#4. They say that most airline seats on planes today are meant for 170-pound passengers. The last time the average American weighed 170 pounds, the Wright Brothers were flying the plane.
Jay Leno
#5. It's when things are going just right that you'd better be suspicious. There you are, fat as can be. The whole world is yours and you're the answer to the Wright brothers' prayers. You say to yourself, nothing can go wrong ... all my trespasses are forgiven. Best you not believe it.
Ernest K. Gann
#6. The Wright brothers flew right through the smoke screen of impossibility.
Charles Kettering
#7. There's a historical milestone in the fact that our Apollo 11 landing on the moon took place a mere 66 years after the Wright Brothers' first flight.
Buzz Aldrin
#8. If the Wright Brothers were alive today, Orville would have to lay off Wilbur.
Robert Crandall
#9. Successful technologies often begin as hobbies. Jacques Cousteau invented scuba diving because he enjoyed exploring caves. The Wright brothers invented flying as a relief from the monotony of their normal business of selling and repairing bicycles.
Freeman Dyson
#10. In 1903 the Wright brothers invented airplanes, because in 1902 they took a road trip across the country with their family.
Bill Engvall
#11. For more than fifty years, or long before the Wright brothers took up their part, would-be "conquerors of the air" and their strange or childish flying machines, as described in the press, had served as a continuous source of popular comic relief.
David McCullough
#12. But the fact that some geniuses were laughed at does not imply that all who are laughed at are geniuses. They laughed at Columbus, they laughed at Fulton, they laughed at the Wright brothers. But they also laughed at Bozo the Clown.
Carl Sagan
#13. When Lytle was born, the Wright Brothers had not yet achieved a working design. When he died, Voyager 2 was exiting the solar system. What does one do with the coexistence of those details in a lifetime's view? It weighed on him.
John Jeremiah Sullivan
#14. The Wright brothers' first flight was shorter than a Boeing 747's wing span. We've just begun with heart transplants.
C. Walton Lillehei
#15. There was a flight from Cleveland to New York City with just two people on board. There hasn't been two people on an airplane since the Wright brothers.
David Letterman
#16. If the F.A.A. was around when the Wright Brothers were testing their aircraft, they would never have been able to make their first flight at Kitty Hawk.
Larry Walters
#17. Fear would have told the Wright brothers not to fly. Fear would have told Rosa Parks to change seats. Fear would have told Steve Jobs that people hate touchscreens.
Jon Acuff
#18. On July 20, 1969, when Neil Armstrong, another American born and raised in western Ohio, stepped onto the moon, he carried with him, in tribute to the Wright brothers, a small swatch of the muslin from a wing of their 1903 Flyer.
David McCullough
#19. If the Wright brothers hadn't put their lives on the line, we would not be flying around the world these days. So we need pioneers.
Felix Baumgartner
#20. God is still on the throne, He knows where He's taking you and He's working out things around in your favour.
Jamie Larbi
#21. I want to stay with dancing, because that's what I want to do the rest of my life. I want to be in film and be acting and maybe even modeling a little bit.
Maddie Ziegler
#22. The movies I respond to are by guys like the Coen brothers and Edgar Wright, where it's hard to fit them into any one box.
Drew Goddard
#23. There are no secrets to running success,anyone who says there are is probably trying to sell you something.
Marty Liquori
#24. Reuben says in many cultures, the wedding ceremony and all of it's rituals are much the same as a funeral: a transition into another phase of life.
It is like dying and being reborn, if you believe in the afterlife. If you don't believe in an afterlife, then you are toast
Suzanne Finnamore
#25. Everything's bad until it's good. If this is what you really want, then you just have to hang in there until you get to the good times.
Mary Jane Clark
#26. There's a head inside the ball?" Surefire turned a shade paler along the edges of her face paint.
"It is good," Coatl responded. "Makes the ball lighter, bounce farther."
"You always want to get a head in the game," Raven added.
J.T. Bock
#27. I grew into adulthood with the idea that, past a certain point, people can't understand, can't cope, can't fathom teaching consequence to someone operating beyond the pale. That's
Dean Fearce
#28. Because the eye has seen, thoughts are structured upon images and not upon ideas.
David Consuegra
#29. Fear is very often a part of the spiritual path. When people sit down and meditate it's not at all uncommon for fear to arise at some point.
#30. Jeremiah Wright is one of the greatest prophetic preachers that black America has produced. What I find striking is that many white brothers and sisters miss the fact that there would be no black church if the white church wasn't political and racist in refusing to worship with us.
Michael Eric Dyson
#31. Basically, when you look at different types of cells, such as fibroblasts, which form connective tissue, or epithelial cells, from saliva, you see general correlations within a person. If telomeres are up for one cell type, they're up for others overall.
Elizabeth Blackburn
#32. This is the twilight of the banks. It would be a more cheerful spectacle if we could envision the dawn of the institutions that will replace them
Martin Mayer
#33. Ah well. You know what they say. Progress, not perfection. That's why it's called training. Shall we begin again?
Claire Thompson
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