Top 100 Quotes About What We Believe

#1. Knowing what we believe and why we believe it is not an option for the Christian, because as believers, OUR BELIEFS ARE THE VERY HEART OF WHO WE ARE.

Patty Houser

Quotes About What We Believe #1409572
#2. If we reject, as we must, the doctrine that the majority is always right, to submit moral issues to the vote is to gamble that what we believe to be right will come out of the ballot with more votes behind it than what we believe to be wrong; and that is a gamble we will often lose.

Peter Singer

Quotes About What We Believe #999046
#3. It is common to learn from experience what we already believe, then repeat the experience to prove what we believe we learned. The process was invented by religion and perfected by science.

Dee Hock

Quotes About What We Believe #999918
#4. The way we live ought to manifest the truth of what we believe. A messy life speaks of a messy and incoherent faith.

Elisabeth Elliot

Quotes About What We Believe #1001114
#5. My friend, this life we live is not what we have, it's what we believe in.

3 Doors Down

Quotes About What We Believe #1001594
#6. What we believe about God is the most important truth we believe, and it's the one truth that does the most to shape us. God is the Sun too bright for us to see. Jesus is the Prism who makes the colors beautiful and comprehensible.

Michael Spencer

Quotes About What We Believe #1006221
#7. One thing is certain: That is that the power of belief, the power of thought, will move reality in the direction of what we believe and conceive of it. If you really believe you can do something, you can. That is a fact.

Daisaku Ikeda

Quotes About What We Believe #1017014
#8. What we believe about ourselves determines how we live. If we believe and act on lies, we will end up in bondage,

Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Quotes About What We Believe #1019208
#9. If what we presently believe to be true is not producing a Kingdom result, we may need to reconsider what we believe to be true.

Blake L. Higginbotham

Quotes About What We Believe #1019823
#10. What we live is what we believe. Everything else is just so much religious talk.

Vance Havner

Quotes About What We Believe #1022255
#11. We don't see the truth because we are blind. What blinds us are all those false beliefs we have in our mind. We have the need to be right and to make others wrong. We trust what we believe, and our beliefs set us up for suffering.

Miguel Ruiz

Quotes About What We Believe #1027196
#12. Happiness, or contentment, comes from where we look and what we believe, not from what we have.

Lydia Brownback

Quotes About What We Believe #1033190
#13. When we lose love, we lose also our identification with the universe and with eternal values
an identification which alone makesit possible for us to lay our lives on the altar for what we believe.

Sarah-Patton Boyle

Quotes About What We Believe #1044294
#14. Therefore, when we arrive in a place and talk to new people about a new image, it is very hard for them to visualize it. That's where the drawings are very important, because at least we can show a projection of what we believe it will look like.


Quotes About What We Believe #1045982
#15. We have to say what we believe ... whether it's popular or not.

Howard Dean

Quotes About What We Believe #1048393
#16. We can't believe what we believe to be untrue, and we can't love what we believe to be unreal.

Peter Kreeft

Quotes About What We Believe #1055117
#17. An ever-growing, ever-constant relationship with God makes us certain of what we believe and enables us to run with endurance.

Katy Kauffman

Quotes About What We Believe #1063584
#18. Many of the seminal social issues of our time - poverty, lack of education, human trafficking, war and torture, domestic abuse - can track their way to our theology of, or beliefs about, women, which has its roots in what we believe about the nature, purposes, and character of God.

Sarah Bessey

Quotes About What We Believe #1065820
#19. Dying for something is easy because it is associated with glory. Living for something is the hard thing. Living for something extends beyond fashion, glory, or recognition. We live for what we believe.

Donald Miller

Quotes About What We Believe #1072170
#20. We are living on what we believe and the virtues upon which we stand.

Sunday Adelaja

Quotes About What We Believe #1076529
#21. What we remember, and how we order and interpret what we believe to be true, are what shapes who we are.

Stephen Elliott

Quotes About What We Believe #1079354
#22. If it is the case that our activities depend on how we ourselves see them, what we believe about them, then if we have crazy, fuzzy ideas about teaching, we will be likely to do crazy and fuzzy things in its name.

Paul Q. Hirst

Quotes About What We Believe #1086731
#23. 266. "Faith is to believe what we do not see; and the reward of the faith is to see what we believe.

Augustine Of Hippo

Quotes About What We Believe #1089017
#24. We wear on our faces the results of what we believe and how we behave, and such behavior is most evident in the eyes and on the faces of those who have lived many years.

Gordon B. Hinckley

Quotes About What We Believe #1089425
#25. Wars are often waged not because of what we believe, but because of the things we want others to believe.

Neal Shusterman

Quotes About What We Believe #1092394
#26. We have to stand up for what we believe in, even when we might not be popular for it. Honesty starts with being ourselves, authentic and true to who we are and what we believe in, and that may not always be popular, but it will always let you follow your dreams and your heart.

Tabatha Coffey

Quotes About What We Believe #1110282
#27. There is no right or wrong, only what we believe is more right or more wrong

Evan Meekins

Quotes About What We Believe #1124594
#28. Partly, what we are may be what we believe we once were and lost.

Alberto Manguel

Quotes About What We Believe #1126652
#29. ...Our challenge as Christians is not to try to convert people around us to our way of belief but to love them, to be ourselves living incarnations of what we believe, to live what we believe and to love what we believe.

John Main

Quotes About What We Believe #1128223
#30. Comedy, if it's done well, can reflect the mood of a nation. It can be a mirror to who we are, what we believe in, what we are like.

Brad Stine

Quotes About What We Believe #1135901
#31. We're being attacked for what we do in the Islamic world, not for who we are or what we believe in or how we live.

Thomas E. Woods Jr.

Quotes About What We Believe #1137004
#32. What we make of people, and what we see in the mirror when we look at ourselves, depends on what we know of the world, what we believe to be possible, what memories we have, and whether our loyalties are to the past, the present or the future.

Theodore Zeldin

Quotes About What We Believe #1145556
#33. Christianity is not just about what we believe; it's also about how we behave.

John R.W. Stott

Quotes About What We Believe #1149136
#34. Our lives are the only meaningful expression of what we believe and in Whom we believe. And the only real wealth, for any of us, lies in our faith.

Gordon B. Hinckley

Quotes About What We Believe #1151516
#35. We say seeing is believing, but actually, we are much better at believing than at seeing. In fact, we are seeing what we believe all the time and occasionally seeing what we can't believe

Robert Anton Wilson

Quotes About What We Believe #1155606
#36. Our problems come not from what we believe, but from how we believe in what we do.

Craig Stone

Quotes About What We Believe #1157946
#37. We are, I know not how, double in ourselves, so that what we believe, we disbelieve, and cannot rid ourselves of what we condemn.

Michel De Montaigne

Quotes About What We Believe #1167665
#38. Faith is not a blind, irrational conviction. In order to believe, we must know what we believe, and the grounds on which our faith rests.

Charles Hodge

Quotes About What We Believe #1177132
#39. I think 'Charming Billy' ultimately is a novel about faith and what we believe in and, above all, what we choose to believe in.

Alice McDermott

Quotes About What We Believe #1178041
#40. Questioning what we believe and want is difficult at the best of times,

Daniel Kahneman

Quotes About What We Believe #1182147
#41. puzzling limitation of our mind: our excessive confidence in what we believe we know, and our apparent inability to acknowledge the full extent of our ignorance and the uncertainty of the world we live in. We

Daniel Kahneman

Quotes About What We Believe #1198609
#42. We see what we believe, not the other way around.


Quotes About What We Believe #1215654
#43. What we do stems directly from what we believe.

Millicent Fenwick

Quotes About What We Believe #1227997
#44. All we have is the story we tell. Everything we do, every decision we make, our strength, weakness, motivation, history, and character-what we believe-none of it is real; it's all part of the story we tell. But here's the thing: it's our goddamned story!

Jess Walter

Quotes About What We Believe #1240075
#45. We Americans pride ourselves on our freedom to speak, to say what we believe. But of what use is it to speak if only those who already agree with us listen? A first step toward the abolition of war is learning to listen with respect and sympathy.

Nel Noddings

Quotes About What We Believe #1240086
#46. 1. "It is what we believe about ourselves that determines how others see us"
2. (regarding friends) "cherish the good and pretend not to notice the harmless rest"
3. "oysters are a lot like women. It's how we survive the hurts in life that brings us strength and gives us our beauty

Beth Hoffman

Quotes About What We Believe #1249735
#47. Faith is to believe what we cannot see, and the reward of this faith is to see what we believe.

Augustine Of Hippo

Quotes About What We Believe #1265049
#48. Now faith is being sure of what we believe in and certain of what we do not see. (Heb. 11:1)


Quotes About What We Believe #1287238
#49. We will always have enough reasons to justify what we believe and what we do not believe.

M.F. Moonzajer

Quotes About What We Believe #1309005
#50. There is nothing that dictates behavior more than what we want others to think of us. When that happens, we become a reflection in our own mind of what we believe is reflected in the mind of another, neither of which has the slightest chance of being correct. Talk about dogs chasing tails.

Dee Hock

Quotes About What We Believe #1312332
#51. What we believe about God determines the quality of our marriage.

Dave Harvey

Quotes About What We Believe #1314954
#52. If we want to change what happens, we change what we believe and expect.

Melody Beattie

Quotes About What We Believe #1319977
#53. That is what we believe in and what we are fighting for. The right to the joy of life. The right to our own life. The right to love.

Terry Goodkind

Quotes About What We Believe #1335237
#54. Our own individual life history is also shaped that way. In large part, when you factor out fate, what we are is because of what we believe about ourselves. Wherever we are in the world, we mostly live in the small space between our ears.

Elizabeth Berg

Quotes About What We Believe #1344464
#55. We learn, grow and become compassionate and generous as much through exile as homecoming, as much through loss as gain, as much through giving things away as in receiving what we believe to be our due.

David Whyte

Quotes About What We Believe #1370447
#56. We'll survive. Because that's what we do. We survive. We live. And we fight hard for what we believe in.

Shanora Williams

Quotes About What We Believe #1374497
#57. I did not believe in god, but I was beginning to believe in miracles, miracles and whatever is the opposite of miracles, terrible wonders. Yes, this life is a whirlwind, and what can guide us through it? Not our eyes, not our ears, not our brain. What difference does it make what we believe?

David Gordon

Quotes About What We Believe #1375651
#58. Our nature is to desperately want to believe and to take what we believe is the quickest path there even against our better judgment.

Amanda Palmer

Quotes About What We Believe #1383788
#59. Whatever I hold in my mind tends to manifest itself in my life. What we believe and assume creates most of our reality and our experience.

David Emerald Womeldorff

Quotes About What We Believe #1387046
#60. To design means forcing ourselves to unlearn what we believe we already know, patiently to take apart the mechanisms behind our reflexes and to acknowledge the mystery and stupefying complexity of everyday gestures like switching off a light of turning on a tap

Alain De Botton

Quotes About What We Believe #1391408
#61. With every sunrise, we get to choose ... who we are, what we believe, and how we will live the life the gods have given us. We can't always choose our circumstances. No. The Fates do that. But we can always choose who we will be and how we will be within them.

Nicole Y. Walters

Quotes About What We Believe #1398483
#62. When we find out Who He (Jesus) is, then we find out who we are and it forever settles what we believe.

Yvette R. Dempster

Quotes About What We Believe #1403618
#63. What we believe spirit visitors to be influences how they affect our lives. What we believe ourselves to be dictates how we react to them.

S. Kelley Harrell

Quotes About What We Believe #1643289
#64. Art is an expression of who we are, what we believe, and what we dream about.

Julianne Moore

Quotes About What We Believe #1859866
#65. As Christians it is not just for us to know what we believe, but why we believe it".

~R. Alan Woods [2012]

R. Alan Woods

Quotes About What We Believe #1851031
#66. When we are in groups, when we are surrounded by people who believe what we believe, trust emerges and our very survival and progress goes up.

Simon Sinek

Quotes About What We Believe #1847982
#67. We are always trying to convert people to a belief in our own explanation of the universe. We think that the more people there are who believe as we do, the more certain it will be that what we believe is the truth. But it doesn't work that way at all.

Paulo Coelho

Quotes About What We Believe #1845281
#68. The light of faith makes us see what we believe.

Thomas Aquinas

Quotes About What We Believe #1844381
#69. It takes practice to stand with others facing pain of death, and it helps if you don't have to do it all alone. We should practice on the small stuff so that we will be better able to stand together for what we believe and for what we love, who may someday need our support.

Megan McKenna

Quotes About What We Believe #1835433
#70. Happiness is the condition of who we are and how we think and what we believe and how we live.

Auliq Ice

Quotes About What We Believe #1819607
#71. For we are not saved by believing in our own salvation, nor by believing anything whatsoever about ourselves. We are saved by what we believe about the Son of God and His righteousness. The gospel believed saves; not the believing in our own faith.

Horatius Bonar

Quotes About What We Believe #1818315
#72. When you TRULY accept yourself, everyone else will do the same. Relationships "mirror" what we believe about ourselves.

Shannon Tanner

Quotes About What We Believe #1790558
#73. When we stand up for what we believe in - for what's right - there is always a chance that we risk the very things we fight for: our safety, our lives, our freedom. But if we stand down, the risk is definite.

Kelseyleigh Reber

Quotes About What We Believe #1773896
#74. I am a huge fan of proselytizing. I am a huge fan of speaking your mind. The only way we can share the universe ... is by talking very strongly about what we believe.

Penn Jillette

Quotes About What We Believe #1767372
#75. Our unity will always be a greater force with mixed ideals than if we demand that others change for us, to what we believe.

A.J. Darkholme

Quotes About What We Believe #1759002
#76. We should challenge the relativism that tells us there is no right or wrong, when every instinct of our mind knows it is not so, and is a mere excuse to allow us to indulge in what we believe we can get away with. A world without values quickly becomes a world without value.

Jonathan Sacks

Quotes About What We Believe #1748700
#77. Shame is all about fear. We're afraid that people won't like us if they know the truth about who we are, where we come from, what we believe, how much we're struggling, or, believe it or not, how wonderful we are when soaring

Brene Brown

Quotes About What We Believe #1744833
#78. We've got to stand up for what we believe in as a labour movement. And that means the party's membership needs to be even bigger so it becomes a genuinely mass organisation.

Jeremy Corbyn

Quotes About What We Believe #1737251
#79. We don't really know what we believe in or care about until what we believe in or care about is threatened, challenged, or measured.

Sheri Dew

Quotes About What We Believe #1736643
#80. Every thought we think and every word we speak is an affirmation of what we believe about life and it's the same with magnetism.

Louise Hay

Quotes About What We Believe #1729445
#81. What is it that makes us who we are and what we are? Is it only our blood, the color of our hair, our skin, and our eyes? Or is it believing in what we believe and living the way we live?

Aleksandra Layland

Quotes About What We Believe #1725535
#82. We can't act until we know who we are and what we believe.

Marian Deegan

Quotes About What We Believe #1722890
#83. The wussification of America is killing us by teaching us to censor ourselves from what we believe. That's why I want to see political correctness die in my lifetime, but first ... I want to watch it suffer.

Brad Stine

Quotes About What We Believe #1722318
#84. Everything is a tale, Martin. What we believe, what we know, what we remember, even what we dream. Everything is a story, a narrative, a sequence of events with characters communicating an emotional content. We only accept as true what can be narrated.

Carlos Ruiz Zafon

Quotes About What We Believe #1717481
#85. We live in a society where we basically live and strive on what people think about us. We're more visual people so what we see is basically what we believe which is not necessarily true.

Mike Tyson

Quotes About What We Believe #1714292
#86. What we believe in is what works.

William J. Clinton

Quotes About What We Believe #1711858
#87. In the end, how much distance lies between the truth and what we believe to be true? Between the things we feel at one time and the things we end up doing?

Vu Tran

Quotes About What We Believe #1702075
#88. So in accepting the leading of the sentiments, it is not what we believe concerning the immortality of the soul, or the like, but the universal impulse to believe, that is the material circumstance, and is the principal fact in this history of the globe.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Quotes About What We Believe #1697955
#89. We have to be continually reminded of what we believe.

C.S. Lewis

Quotes About What We Believe #1674912
#90. Only reason can convince us of those three fundamental truths without a recognition of which there can be no effective liberty: that what we believe is not necessarily true; that what we like is not necessarily good; and that all questions are open.

Clive Bell

Quotes About What We Believe #1673546
#91. Urbanisation is not a crisis but an opportunity, seeing it as a crisis is wrong. And not just villages, we want everyone to get opportunities wherever they are staying. Aatma gaav ki ho aur suvidha sheher ki ho, this is what we believe.

Narendra Modi

Quotes About What We Believe #1672213
#92. What Does It Matter What We Believe, as long as we treat others the way we want to be treated?

Jeffrey A. White

Quotes About What We Believe #1656298
#93. With the death of what Sydney Smith described as rational religon and the proponents of what remains sending out such confusing and uncertain messages, all civilised people have to be ethicists. We must work out our own salvation with diligence based on what we believe.

P.D. James

Quotes About What We Believe #1653930
#94. They marched. Not for themselves. They marched to remember the ones who didn't make it back. They marched because seeing so much loss can teach you about life. they marched because we're all fighting a war whether we know it or not ... a war for our minds and souls and what we believe in.

Joan Bauer

Quotes About What We Believe #1495617
#95. What we think or what we know or what we believe is in the end of little consequence. The only thing of consequence is what we do

John Ruskin

Quotes About What We Believe #1473200
#96. What we believe is constantly reinforced by people who believe the same thing.

Jon Ronson

Quotes About What We Believe #1475145
#97. What we believe about something often creates the outcome we experience.

Michael Hyatt

Quotes About What We Believe #1486186
#98. It's not what we believe that makes us happy but the act of believing. In anything.

Eric Weiner

Quotes About What We Believe #1504791
#99. The way our brain is wired, we only see what we believe is possible. We match patterns that already exist within ourselves through conditioning.

Candace Pert

Quotes About What We Believe #1508082
#100. Today, we are now deciding how do we treat those who are choosing to carry out a war against us, non-U.S. citizens who are choosing to take us to task for what we believe and who we are. In this conflict, we have to decide how we are going to try to find these terrorists.

Todd Tiahrt

Quotes About What We Believe #1468913

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