Top 100 Quotes About We Are The Same
#1. In this century we have made remarkable material progress, but basically we are the same as we were thousands of years ago. Our spiritual needs are still very great.
Dalai Lama
#2. We can't compare stories. We can only know in our hearts that we are the same. That may be the best we can do.
Betty Buckley
#3. Oh! here we are the same as anywhere else, when you get to know us,' observed Mrs. Dean, somewhat puzzled at my speech.
Emily Bronte
#4. I think she has more gospel style than I do. I think I'm more, umm, you know mainstream I guess. I don't know if we split the vote. That could be possible but I don't think we are the same at all.
LaToya London
#5. It doesn't matter. You are what you are. I am what I am. We are the same-when you take the time to remember me.
Christopher Pike
#6. We may taste of every turn of chance - now rule as Kings, now serve as Slaves; now love, now hate; now prosper, and now perish. But still, through all, we are the same; for this is the marvel of Identity.
H. Rider Haggard
#7. We are the same as plants, as trees, as other people, as the rain that falls. We consist of that which is around us, we are the same as everything.
Gautama Buddha
#8. WOw, wow... so we are the same!?
Let's stop here as moment taken from your goldy life.
Deyth Banger
#9. Today, the Ravens answered: What is our identity? 'We are the same old team. We can play the same style of football.
Marshall Faulk
#10. When we suffer in silence, we think that we are alone, different, separate. When we share our stories of suffering, we find that we are the same.
Vironika Tugaleva
#11. World is a divine play. At the beginning and at the end, we are the same.
Amit Ray
#12. A song is that touched deep my heart, give orgasm to my senses.. and I feel like climbing up the hill and scream.. leaving behind all differences.. we are the same.. mad for each other ...
#13. We are the same, you and I. Whether samurai or night-hawk, the Suruga Dainagon or member of the Toudouza, it makes no difference. My sword is the proof ...
Takayuki Yamaguchi
#14. I am the only high-ranking U.S. official to ever meet with Kim Jong-il, and we are the same height and both wear high heels.
Madeleine Albright
#15. We are the same, you and I. We are images of light.
Miguel Ruiz
#16. Sometimes I feel like we are the same, but sometimes, like right now, I feel the separation between our personalities like I've just run into a wall.
Veronica Roth
#17. Separated from National Socialism by time and luck, we find it easy to dismiss Nazi ideas without contemplating how they functioned. Our forgetfulness convinces us that we are different from Nazis by shrouding the ways that we are the same. -
Timothy Snyder
#18. We want to discover who we are without the burden of sight. It's easy to believe we are the same inside because we look so similar. Sanna says only in the dark can we know the truth, but I'm not so sure. Darkness conceals.
Sara Grant
#19. What makes us?? (Think Little)
Is it our look??? Is it our emotions??? Is it our thoughts???
What makes us think that when we wake up, we are the same???
What makes us to think that when we teleport we will be the same?
Deyth Banger
#20. We are the same. There is no difference anywhere in the world. People are people. They laugh, cry, feel, and love, and music seems to be the commons denomination that brings us all together. Music cuts through all boundaries and goes right to the soul.
Willie Nelson
#21. I don't think we are the same, women and men. We're different. But I don't think we are less than men. There are more women than men in the world - ask any single woman! So, it is shocking that men are in more positions of power.
Salma Hayek
#22. I don't think success has changed us as people at all. We are the same lunatics that we were when this band first got going. We never see ourselves as being on a higher level than our fans.
Kirk Hammett
#23. I feel like you can look inside me and see all the places I am odd or unusual and fit your heart around them, for you are odd and unusual in just the same way. We are the same.
Cassandra Clare
#24. We think we are the victims of time. In reality, the way of the world isn't fixed anywhere. How could that be possible? We are our own journey. And therefore we are time as well. We are the same. Fugitive. Inscrutable. Ruthless.
Cormac McCarthy
#25. I am constantly preoccupied with how to remove distance so that we can all come closer together, so that we can all begin to sense we are the same, we are one.
David Hockney
#26. Perhaps we are the same person. Perhaps we have no limits; perhaps we flow into each other, stream through each other, boundlessly and magnificently. You bear terrible thoughts; it is almost painful to be near you. At the same time it is enticing. Do you know why?
Ingmar Bergman
#27. Mr Jack Caffery', he says slowly. 'This is the truth, but don't be afraid of it. Your life will be different from this day on, but you will survive. You will continue.'
'How do you know?'
'I know because you and I? We are the same person.
Mo Hayder
#28. The principle of the brotherhood of man is narcissistic ... for the grounds for that love have always been the assumption that we ought to realize that we are the same the whole world over.
Germaine Greer
#29. Every true love and friendship is a story of unexpected transformation. If we are the same person before and after we loved, that means we haven't loved enough.
Elif Shafak
#30. We are the same people as we were at three, six, ten or twenty years old. More noticeably so, perhaps, at six or seven, because we were not pretending so much then.
Agatha Christie
#31. The river was beautiful and wise. There were the two of them being happy in a new way. For here, there was no man, no woman, no master, no yellow, no black, no white. We, we who were, we are the same no longer.
David Paul Kirkpatrick
#32. The neighbors only think about how we are different. They don't see how we are the same.
Ana-Maurine Lara
#33. We must begin to make what I call 'conscious choices', and to really recognize that we are the same. It's from that place in my heart that I write my songs.
John Denver
#34. Poets and children," said Sylvan. "We are the same really. When you can't find a poet, find a child. Remember that.
Patricia MacLachlan
#35. It is not a field of a few acres of ground, but a cause, that we are defending, and whether we defeat the enemy in one battle, or by degrees, the consequences will be the same.
Thomas Paine
#36. It definitely seems like we are connecting with people, which is nice, because I've had a lot of music do the same for me. It's not like I don't I understand why we get the reactions we do.
Jon Crosby
#37. Now we are proud that the government has moved from the class of the exploiters to the class of the people who were being exploited. And in the great name of the same class, I raise this nation's flag which is a strong symbol of this transfer.
Nur Muhammad Taraki
#38. The nature of life on Earth and the search for life elsewhere are two sides of the same question - the search for who we are.
Carl Sagan
#39. We do not accept the Western way of thinking that there are two ways of life. At the same time, the police (here) are not chasing gays. In Africa, sexuality is something very private, even for heterosexuals. Heterosexuals are not parading! But gays want to behave like exhibitionists.
Yoweri Museveni
#40. We are all the same instincts
Good and Evil struggled between us. It was all a matter of control. And choice. Nothing more and nothing less.
Paulo Coelho
#41. We do believe the current Ukrainian authorities are illegitimate. They cannot be legitimate as they do not have a national mandate for running the country, which speaks for itself. At the same time, we do not refuse to deal with them. We stay in touch at the ministerial level.
Vladimir Putin
#42. Those men, they're built differently. They love differently, and they need different things. We're the same way. This is the life we know, and while some may not understand it . . . we do. Our love is stronger than most couples, and you and Liam are no different.
Corinne Michaels
#43. He had the hypocrisy to represent a mourner: and previous to following with Hareton, he lifted the unfortunate child on to the table and muttered, with peculiar gusto, 'Now, my bonny lad, you are mine! And we'll see if one tree won't grow as crooked as another, with the same wind to twist it!
Emily Bronte
#44. How do people stay in love, anyway? Is it a choice? Or is it like those plants we studied in biology that mutate into something new and totally different but are still part of the same plant family?
Libba Bray
#45. The souls of all are from one and the same source but a soul which is unveiled shines out. Love and light come continually from such souls. We need no proof of it for it is living all else is dead in comparison.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
#46. We are all brothers and we are all suffering the same fate. The same smoke floats over all our heads. Help one another. It is the only way to survive. (pg. 39)
Elie Wiesel
#47. Discipline is "the systematic management of your life to prepare and position you for your divine design." Discipline and stewardship are one and the same. Discipline brings order to life and is absolutely required if we're going to be good stewards of the call to leadership.
Kent Ingle
#48. We are all in Love in the same way that we are all in air. Don't forget to breathe.
David A. Beardsley
#49. All things are the same, familiar in enterprise, momentary in endurance, coarse in substance. All things now are as they were in the day of those whom we have buried.
Marcus Aurelius
#50. All humans are brothers. We came from the same supernova
Allan Sandage
#51. We are Christians by the same title as we are natives of Perigord or Germany.
Michel De Montaigne
#52. We are all emigrants from the same country - the land of childhood. What I want to do is write about the journey all of us have taken - or are in the process of taking - from that special place.
Patricia Calvert
#53. We are each a dozen people who were all the same child.
Robert Breault
#55. Today it feels as if rock'n'roll has sort of turned in on its self, kids are 'rockin' to the same groups their parents do/did. We've seen it recently with The Stone Roses reunion shows, quite unique but is it healthy. Wasn't the 60's about rebelling against the tastes of your parents?
Andrew Loog Oldham
#56. Didier once told me, in a rambling, midnight dissertation, that a dream is the place where a wish and a fear meet. When the wish and the fear are exactly the same, he said, we call the dream a nightmare.
Gregory David Roberts
#57. When we are face to face with truth, the point of view of Krishna, Buddha, Christ, or any other Prophet, is the same. When we look at life from the top of the mountain, there is no limitation; there is the same immensity.
Hazrat Inayat Khan
#58. Like the bees, we are - only looking for sweet honey in the flowers, we are -
sensitive and at the same time carefully;
but we never destroy them.
Kristian Goldmund Aumann
#59. If the other person would just do things my way, we could get along, one says, when the other person is probably thinking the same about us - that leads to conflict. Our deepest problems are within ourselves.
Billy Graham
#60. A crow may put on human shape or crow shape, but we remain crows," he replied firmly. "Hawks, too, are the same, whether they are born in human nests or hawk ones. The nestlings must always be protected. Since you have chosen to protect these, I and mine will protect you.
Tamora Pierce
#61. We might mean different things. How can you tell? Only by reading each of us carefully and seeing what each of us has to say - not by pretending that we are both saying the same thing. We're often saying very different things.
Bart D. Ehrman
#62. same thing as a patriot. A nationalist encourages us to be our worst, and then tells us that we are the best. A nationalist, "although endlessly brooding on power, victory, defeat, revenge," wrote Orwell, tends to be "uninterested in what happens in the real world." Nationalism
Timothy Snyder
#63. Understanding is often a prelude to forgiveness, but they are not the same, and we often forgive what we cannot understand (seeing nothing else to do) and understand what we cannot pardon.
Mary McCarthy
#64. Many people confuse a Dom personality with a Dom's position of authority. The two are not exactly the same or interchangeable. A true Dom dominates. Plain and simple. And by dominate, we mean does what it takes to get a job done. Even if that means submit.
Lucian Bane
#65. Every plan in which we participate has one constant, ourselves. Not that we are always the same, but that we are always part of the plan. All else comes and goes: friends, parents, possessions, conditions, situations, and associates, leaving only us, ourselves.
Wu Wei
#66. Since no two days are the same,we must be entering life's classroom when we wake up each morning
Kamil Ali
#67. A lot of people have said my movies are all the same. But I don't actually make an effort to have a style. I'm usually just thinking of what can we do to make it funnier or more interesting or just kind of refine it and it ends up like that.
Wes Anderson
#68. The story being told in 'Star Wars' is a classic one. Every few hundred years, the story is retold because we have a tendency to do the same things over and over again. Power corrupts, and when you're in charge, you start doing things that you think are right, but they're actually not.
George Lucas
#69. We are ignorant of the meaning of the dragon in the same way that we are ignorant of the meaning of the universe; but there is something in the dragon's image that fits man's imagination, and this accounts for the dragon's appearance in different places and periods.
Jorge Luis Borges
#70. Well, none of us, as far as I can see, are doing what we intended to do right now, but I think we'll make out just the same. It's a poor person and a poor nation that sits down and cries because life isn't precisely what they expected it to be.
Margaret Mitchell
#71. Skin color doesn't make you different,' Melody said. 'We're all the same on the inside.' 'The only people who ever say that,' Raymon replied, 'are white.
Jodi Picoult
#72. I think there are definitely things over the last year-and-a-half we would have done differently, ... I think we've at least learned as we go and hopefully we don't make the same mistake next time ... I think if I said anything different to you, I'd be removed from reality.
Paul DePodesta
#73. Basically, when I was filming John Tucker the guy that I was seeing for two years was cheating on me. Sophia, Ashanti, and Arielle really became the same girls they are in the movie, and we became best friends. They were there for me so much.
Brittany Snow
#74. You see, it started when my friends and I were all hanging out in my room one day. There are four of us that all hang out together, mostly because we are all into the same stuff.
Sam Grasdin
#75. Right now we're in an arms race with the microbes, because, effectively, we're operating on the same scale that they are. The viruses are both our enemy and our arms manufacturer.
Steven Johnson
#76. What would you like to do today?" he says. She gives him a funny look. "What are my options?" "Sky's the limit." She considers it for a moment. "Brunch?" "I say the sky's the limit and all you can come up with is brunch?" "I'm just not sure we live under the same sky.
Jonathan Tropper
#77. The instinct of worship is still so strong upon us that, having nearly worn out our capacity for treating kings and such kind of persons as sacred, we are ready to invest a majority of our own selves with the same kind of reverence.
Auberon Herbert
#78. You don't have to agree with me, but I think the heart of who we are stays pretty much the same," Hope said, "What changes is how those core traits manifest themselves over time.
Megan McCafferty
#79. It's funny to think that Anson and I were here, in this same place, together all that time ago, and now here we are again. It makes me feel good, makes me feel that perhaps everything doesn't just disappear, that some things are circling back, taking the long way, but circling back towards me.
Helen Humphreys
#80. What Cicero said of men-that they are like wines, age souring the bad, and bettering the good-we can say of misfortune, that it has the same effect upon them.
Jean Paul
#81. They say we fear only what we don't understand. And, indeed, it's very hard to understand why doormen and ushers are so important, so arrogant, and so majestically impolite. When I read serious articles I feel exactly the same vague fear.
Anton Chekhov
#82. This same system could condemn injustice, but instead it chooses to condemn something as simple and fundamental as the search for the second half. We are all born wanting this. Why does it matter what shape this second half takes, provided it is the thing both sides seek?
Martha Brockenbrough
#83. The secrets of nature are concealed; her agency is perpetual, but we do not always discover its effects; time reveals them from age to age; and although she is always the same in herself, she is not always equally well known.
Blaise Pascal
#84. We live in a culture that paces itself to the speed of machines. We are trying like good little robots to match our speed with theirs. Humans cannot move at the same rate as machines. When we attempt to, we lose contact with our own humanness.
Tian Dayton
#85. The international community and Israel have the same opinion regarding the Hamas government. We don't say we are going to boycott it forever. We say the Hamas government must abide by the obligations the Palestinian Authority has signed.
Moshe Katsav
#86. We are to extend forgiveness to others in the same way that God did to us: Unconditionally.
David Jeremiah
#87. We're living in a homogenized culture where everything is the same, and books are not a homogenized culture. They are extremely varied, and they're eccentric because they are the product of an individual mind. They are not, in any way, mediated.
Jeanette Winterson
#88. For each episode the five of us are all wearing clothes by the same designer. It's a different designer for each episode, but for each one we're all wearing their clothes.
Ted Allen
#89. Allow the light to fall across you. Shadow or sunlight. Allow it to define your shape. In its way. Another day it may be different. It surely will be. Are we ever the same? Is the light? And the way a form presses into the grass?
Jay Woodman
#90. We can't really waste our time; we have to see that we are all in the same boat and that different religious traditions point in the same direction, and now let's get moving together, doing something for peace.
David Steindl-Rast
#91. We think the whole world's going to change, and forget that human beings are still human beings; we have the same five senses, we still interact the same way, we still love and hate the same way, but marketers lose track of that. But then it comes down to earth.
Michael K. Powell
#92. In the end, though, we are all proclaiming the same thing. That life has meaning.
Dan Brown
#93. Mars is essentially in the same orbit ... somewhat the same distance from the Sun, which is very important. We have seen pictures where there are canals, we believe, and water.
Dan Quayle
#94. Pretending that the world's religions are the same does not make our world safer. Like all forms of ignorance, it makes our world more dangerous. What we need on this furiously religious planet is a realistic view of where religious rivals clash and where they can cooperate.
Stephen R. Prothero
#95. We try on different dresses, different selves, but our souls are always the same - ongoing, full of light.
Francesca Lia Block
#96. Every time we pretend to know something, we are doing the same: protecting our own reputation rather than promoting the collective good. None of us want to look stupid, or at least overmatched, by admitting we don't know an answer.
Steven D. Levitt
#97. We feel that animals have the same rights as retarded human nchild because they are equal mentally in terms of dependence on others.
Alex Pacheco
#98. What Fucks me... is that we both are the same... we all walk on the same path... but everything is about proper directions and understanding the data.
Deyth Banger
#99. We are all trying to get to the same island, whether you swim, fly, surf or skydiving. What matters is when the red light comes on.
Jerry Seinfeld to Michael Richards in Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee.
Jerry Seinfeld
#100. Some decide that happiness and glee are the same thing, they are not. When we choose happiness we accept the responsibility to lighten the load of someone else and to be a light on the path of another who may be walking in darkness.
Maya Angelou
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