Top 30 Quotes About Wanting To Hear From Someone

#1. I'm a '90s kid, so I went into the entire album process wanting to incorporate little touches of that sound from hip-hop and R&B. Just enough to where you hear it subtly and then go, 'This kind of reminds me of that time.'

Tori Kelly

Quotes About Wanting To Hear From Someone #850419
#2. I hear she's been wanting to go for a ride on a motorcycle if any of you riders are interested.

Kimberly Lauren

Quotes About Wanting To Hear From Someone #1800083
#3. Then, I will be a real Italian girl, instead of a total American who still can't hear someone across the street to his friend Marco without wanting instinctively to yell back Polo!

Elizabeth Gilbert

Quotes About Wanting To Hear From Someone #1755656
#4. I be wanting to speak on stuff sometimes, but Spirit be like, "Leave that shit alone, hear?" And I be like, "Yes, ma'am.

Trelani Michelle

Quotes About Wanting To Hear From Someone #1705911
#5. You *are* my family,' he said.
The tears almost started up again. Those four little words meant so much to me - which was stupid, really. They were just words. But they were words I'd been wanting to hear, wanting to believe. *You are my family*.

Kody Keplinger

Quotes About Wanting To Hear From Someone #1679098
#6. I've been dead over seventy years and still when I hear a woman scream, I find myself standing, listening, wanting to help and unable to do anything except watch.

Christina Dodd

Quotes About Wanting To Hear From Someone #1592070
#7. She liked his unique smell, and it turned on all five of her senses, wanting to see him naked, touch him while naked, hear him as he moaned while he made love, taste his skin, and feel his naked body as she seduced him with the trailing of hungry fingers.

Keira D. Skye

Quotes About Wanting To Hear From Someone #1573417
#8. There is nothing more natural than to consider everything as starting from oneself, chosen as the center of the world; one finds oneself thus capable of condemning the world without even wanting to hear its deceitful chatter.

Guy Debord

Quotes About Wanting To Hear From Someone #1532292
#9. There's always a tension between wanting to write a really concise, instant gratification type song that gets under your skin the first time you hear it, and wanting to really stretch out. I think it's a healthy tension.

Andrew Bird

Quotes About Wanting To Hear From Someone #1529004
#10. When on a Sunday morning we hear the old bells ring out, we ask ourselves, "Is it possible! This is done on account of a Jew crucified two thousand years ago who said he was the Son of God. The proof of such an assertion is wanting".

Friedrich Nietzsche

Quotes About Wanting To Hear From Someone #1477004
#11. If the people around you are spiteful and callous and will not hear you, fall down before them and beg their forgiveness; for in truth you are to blame for their not wanting to hear you.

Fyodor Dostoevsky

Quotes About Wanting To Hear From Someone #1248274
#12. Although you hadn't asked why, it had less to do with you not noticing than with you not wanting to hear the answer.

Jodi Picoult

Quotes About Wanting To Hear From Someone #1188458
#13. I hear it" Antonio whispered. "I hear you wanting. That's your heart. That's life. That's being alive.

Nancy Holder

Quotes About Wanting To Hear From Someone #1157952
#14. My entire body is battling itself. My left brain is telling me this is somehow wrong, my right brain is wanting to hear her sing again, my stomach is nowhere to be found, and my heart is punching itself in the face with one arm and hugging itself with the

Colleen Hoover

Quotes About Wanting To Hear From Someone #1147783
#15. Shel: "I'm finding it really hard to fight wanting you, Josh."
Josh: "Well, that's nice to hear, because I stopped fighting a while ago.

Ella Frank

Quotes About Wanting To Hear From Someone #1135980
#16. And I mean to hear ye groan like that again. And to moan and sob, even though you dinna wish to, for ye canna help it. I mean to make you sigh as though your heart would break, and scream with the wanting, and at last to cry out in my arms, and I shall know that I've served ye well.

Diana Gabaldon

Quotes About Wanting To Hear From Someone #1280
#17. I've got a few reasons why I've got to maintain stability. I've got into wanting people to hear my music. I've got something I want people to hear because I know they'll like it. They've gotta like it! The songs I've been writing are the sort of things you have to like.

Sly Stone

Quotes About Wanting To Hear From Someone #805399
#18. Gail looked out at the water, wanting to hear it again, that soft foghorn sound, and she did, but it was inside her this time, the sound was down deep inside her, a long wordless cry for things that weren't never going to happen.

Joe Hill

Quotes About Wanting To Hear From Someone #802783
#19. Getting tired of sitting, staring at my computer screen, day after day, where everyone is two-dimensional, reduced to an avatar photo, status updates, or maybe some carefully curated vacation photos. There's something exhausting about that after a while. I found myself wanting to hear voices.

Brad Listi

Quotes About Wanting To Hear From Someone #761305
#20. I remember that sometimes secrets need to be taken to the grave. Besides, my mom has never been one for wanting to hear about the ugly things in the world.

Jessica Sorensen

Quotes About Wanting To Hear From Someone #756968
#21. I want you like this,crying out for me to release you but wanting it to go on for all eternity," he whispered against her skin. "Pleading with me to end this, begging me to never stop. It is there in your mind.I hear you, see your fantasies.I know each of them, and I will fulfill every one.

Christine Feehan

Quotes About Wanting To Hear From Someone #622047
#22. Empathetic people are superb at recognizing and meeting the needs of clients, customers, or subordinates. They seem approachable, wanting to hear what people have to say. They listen carefully, picking up on what people are truly concerned about, and respond on the mark.

Daniel Goleman

Quotes About Wanting To Hear From Someone #618597
#23. I nestled my face closer to his neck, wanting to smell his skin, lose myself in the scent and feel of him as we swayed slowly to the beat of music I couldn't hear because his voice was in my mind ... and it was the only sound I ever wanted to hear again.

S.L. Naeole

Quotes About Wanting To Hear From Someone #536289
#24. Honesty lies in understanding our close and necessary relationship with not wanting to hear the truth.

David Whyte

Quotes About Wanting To Hear From Someone #518411
#25. No one wants to hear about how awesome you were; people want to hear about the time you blew it. So I think the longer you do stand-up, the more comfortable you are. You stop wanting to hide your foibles and instead want to show who you are.

Aisha Tyler

Quotes About Wanting To Hear From Someone #455503
#26. they say people only hear what they want to hear,
but i don't know if that is always true, i've been wanting to hear your heart and it's as silent as the moon.


Quotes About Wanting To Hear From Someone #350420
#27. In high school, theater was all I ever wanted to do. I didn't see that I was going to set it aside for so many years and take a right turn into television. Of course, wanting to do theater is something you hear a lot from actors. I think I've been embarrassed to be in that big cliche.

Mare Winningham

Quotes About Wanting To Hear From Someone #245981
#28. Apologies; our cultural obsession with them isn't about actually being offended, or simply needing to hear, "I'm sorry." It's not really about right or wrong. It's about wanting to throw a rock in the dark and hear something break.

Jim Norton

Quotes About Wanting To Hear From Someone #165417
#29. For you can't hear Irish tunes without knowing you're Irish, and wanting to pound that fact into the floor.

Jennifer Armstrong

Quotes About Wanting To Hear From Someone #149983
#30. A lot of times you'll hear horror stories about actors being incredibly selfish and only wanting themselves to shine, but for me, it's not about just one person. It's about the whole team. That's the way I look at acting. That's the way I look at everything I do.

Mekhi Phifer

Quotes About Wanting To Hear From Someone #106702

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