Top 100 Quotes About The 21st Century

#1. The Conservatives are so busy focusing on yesterday, they're not focused on tomorrow ... on how elections are won in the 21st century.

Douglas Alexander

Quotes About The 21st Century #1407870
#2. The initial spark that promoted me to start Not For Sale was human trafficking in the San Francisco Bay Area. This led me to take a journey around the world on how this could exist in the 21st century.

David Batstone

Quotes About The 21st Century #895358
#3. Feminism needs Zero Tolerance over baby angst. In the 21st century, it can't be about who we might make, and what they might do, anymore. It has to be about who we are, and what we're going to do.

Caitlin Moran

Quotes About The 21st Century #896931
#4. Before the 21st century, stories became popular because people talked about them in other publications or shared magazine and newspaper clippings with friends.

Annalee Newitz

Quotes About The 21st Century #900944
#5. Every single great idea that has marked the 21st century, the 20th century and the 19th century has required government vision and government incentive.

Joe Biden

Quotes About The 21st Century #905443
#6. My fellow Americans, we can only build our bridge to the 21st century if we build it together, and if we're willing to walk arm-in-arm across that bridge together.

William J. Clinton

Quotes About The 21st Century #909331
#7. First, we would reposition UPI by bringing it into the 21st century with new technology. And second would be to better utilize its assets, like the library and archives, which have terrific value.

Leon Charney

Quotes About The 21st Century #909432
#8. In a world of well-defined problems, directors are required to exercise influence over volatility, manage uncertainty, simplify complexity, and resolve ambiguity in the 21st-century digital environment.

Pearl Zhu

Quotes About The 21st Century #924534
#9. So you can go to college on Pell Grants - maybe I should not be telling anybody this because it's turning out to be the welfare of the 21st century.

Denny Rehberg

Quotes About The 21st Century #933223
#10. In 1996, President Clinton put together a detailed agenda called 'A Bridge to the 21st Century' that told voters why, in his words, 'rehire him' for another four years. That's the right way for an incumbent president to run for re-election.

Al From

Quotes About The 21st Century #933634
#11. I think that the 21st-century economy is an economy of people, not of factories. The intellectual aspect in the global economic development has grown immensely. That's why we plan to concentrate on creating additional opportunities for our people to realise their potential.

Vladimir Putin

Quotes About The 21st Century #935522
#12. The legacy of Mandela is to have brought the country together ... South Africa can be one of the success stories of the 21st century.

David Cameron

Quotes About The 21st Century #935640
#13. That's a chapter, the last chapter of the 20th, 20th, the 21st century that most of us would rather forget. The last chapter of the 20th century. This is the first chapter of the 21st century.

George W. Bush

Quotes About The 21st Century #943349
#14. In order to thrive in the 21st century, you have to be a savvy citizen of the digital economy or risk being left behind.

Leila Janah

Quotes About The 21st Century #957125
#15. For me, it's always very beautiful that you can do something today in the 21st century which is not an imitation but which has a connection to art which is 4,000 years old.

Wolfgang Laib

Quotes About The 21st Century #959465
#16. The Europe we are in the process of building is the Europe of the 21st century; it's not the Europe of the 20th century.

Jean-Pierre Raffarin

Quotes About The 21st Century #964885
#17. In the 21st century, culture is power.

Park Geun-hye

Quotes About The 21st Century #970301
#18. India is going to be the 21st century's Saudi Arabia in terms of human resources

Rahul Gandhi

Quotes About The 21st Century #973285
#19. We can't write a serious novel in the 21st century without acknowledging the inescapable self-awareness we're stuck with. The idea we're surrounded by falsehoods and lies. It's hard for the thinking person to believe in narratives. And yet we want some place to invest our belief.

Michael Helm

Quotes About The 21st Century #981888
#20. If I had to model clothes in a time period other than the 21st century, I think I'd like to model way back when they just wore skin loincloths. That would be best suited for me - better than corsets. I'm quite claustrophobic.

Lara Stone

Quotes About The 21st Century #982388
#21. The 21st century is the century of knowledge. Knowledge, science and education will have the power and strength to embrace the entire universe.

Narendra Modi

Quotes About The 21st Century #987798
#22. The most exciting breakthroughs of the 21st century will not occur because of technology but because of an expanding concept of what it means to be human.

John Naisbitt

Quotes About The 21st Century #992978
#23. The 20th century has been marked by cynicism, selfishness, greed, and the desire to please, all without changing the status quo. In the 21st century, we must resurrect solidarity and compassion.

Oscar Arias

Quotes About The 21st Century #996280
#24. We need to reaffirm that politics is not merely compatible with economic progress and development in the 21st century, but essential to it.

David Blunkett

Quotes About The 21st Century #1000495
#25. Water is the sleeping giant issue of the 21st century and we all need to wake up about it.

Robert Redford

Quotes About The 21st Century #1005355
#26. China has lunged into the 21st century, while India is still lurching toward it.

Steven Rattner

Quotes About The 21st Century #1009325
#27. I firmly believe that the mission of religion in the 21st century must be to contribute concretely to the peaceful coexistence of humankind.

Daisaku Ikeda

Quotes About The 21st Century #1015749
#28. Who could have guessed at the dawn of the 21st century, the seminal technology upon which 5000 years of modern science had resulted was the click?

Ken Goldstein

Quotes About The 21st Century #1021413
#29. He cut through the 21st Century Gallery, past the big plastic statues of Pluto and Mickey, animal headed gods of lost America

Philip Reeve

Quotes About The 21st Century #1025135
#30. The whole society has to recognize the importance of the value in embracing what science is going into the 21st Century. Otherwise, we might as well start packing and moving back into the cave right now, because that's where we'll end up.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Quotes About The 21st Century #1026341
#31. Overpopulation in the United States will become THE single greatest issue facing Americans in the 21st century. We either solve it proactively or nature will solve it brutally for us via water shortages, energy crisis, air pollution, gridlock, species extinction and worse.

Frosty Wooldridge

Quotes About The 21st Century #1039825
#32. You can't be a first-world economy in the 21st century if you haven't laid the groundwork to seize the opportunities.

Wayne Swan

Quotes About The 21st Century #1045142
#33. Meditation should be the foremost technology of the 21st century; the technology of reprogramming the non-spatial universal computer.

Kedar Joshi

Quotes About The 21st Century #1046394
#34. The young people today are the 21st century.

Martin Scorsese

Quotes About The 21st Century #1047877
#35. I always try to connect with what's happening in the world-reality, modernity, the 21st century, all that - and with Jil it started to feel very disconnected from the outside and how women were looking at fashion, experiencing fashion, interpreting fashion.

Raf Simons

Quotes About The 21st Century #1049526
#36. I believe it is important that we Japanese write a constitution for ourselves that would reflect the shape of the country we consider desirable in the 21st century.

Shinzo Abe

Quotes About The 21st Century #1050120
#37. I read Susanna Clarke's Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell, which I think will subsequently be recognized as one of the first great novels of the 21st century.

Lev Grossman

Quotes About The 21st Century #1057427
#38. We're becoming a planet of a thousand new major cities. The economy of the 21st century is a city-building economy. It's within our power to make it a carbon zero one, too; and to be blunt, civilization depends on our success.

Alex Steffen

Quotes About The 21st Century #1057562
#39. I shall work with Congress, civil society groups and local government executives who are convinced that charter changes are needed to enable the country to surmount the unprecedented challenges of the 21st century.

Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo

Quotes About The 21st Century #1065016
#40. In this century, the 21st century, the U.S. recognizes our prosperity and our security depends even more on the Asia-Pacific region.

Leon Panetta

Quotes About The 21st Century #1069028
#41. In sum, as we enter the 21st century, the Euro-Atlantic community - North America and Europe together - has to face some tough challenges when it comes to improving our capability.

Lord Robertson

Quotes About The 21st Century #1077299
#42. In the 21st century our tastes buds, our brain chemistry, our biochemistry, our hormones and our kitchens have been hijacked by the food industry.

Mark Hyman

Quotes About The 21st Century #1081883
#43. Without any doubt at all, teacher quality is the fundamental differentiator. Not just, incidentally, of education, but I would argue, probably the biggest single differentiator of success for the nations of the 21st Century.

David Puttnam

Quotes About The 21st Century #1083561
#44. The universities of the 21st century are going to be the smokestacks of the century.

Gordon Gee

Quotes About The 21st Century #1084435
#45. Thanks to Reagan, the insane now walk among us babbling about Starbucks and sodomite semen in this zombie apocalypse we call the 21st century.

St. Sukie De La Croix

Quotes About The 21st Century #1092821
#46. The 19th century belonged to England, the 20th century belonged to the U.S., and the 21st century belongs to China. Invest accordingly.

Warren Buffett

Quotes About The 21st Century #1104219
#47. The Internet is the stained glass picture of the 21st century.

Diana Butler Bass

Quotes About The 21st Century #1117673
#48. We are on the right track to the 21st century. We are on the right track, but our work is not finished. What should we do? First, let us consider how to proceed. I say the question is no longer, "Who's to blame?" but "What to do?"

William J. Clinton

Quotes About The 21st Century #1121477
#49. If the schooling system does not rapidly close the gap between what it does, and what it should do in response to the demands of the 21st century, it will simply become irrelevant.

David Hood

Quotes About The 21st Century #1121903
#50. . In the 19th century, Europe invaded and colonised Africa. In the 21st century, Africa invades and colonises Europe.

Matthew Reilly

Quotes About The 21st Century #1123227
#51. I was not only the first woman to become secretary of state, I was the first [U.S.] secretary of state of the 21st century. I was the first secretary of state to own a Web site, to visit Internet cafes, and to make Internet access a part of policy.

Madeleine Albright

Quotes About The 21st Century #1151234
#52. It's the 21st century. It's healthier for us, better for the environment and certainly kinder to be a vegetarian.

Ingrid Newkirk

Quotes About The 21st Century #1157506
#53. In the long march of history, at least two poles of attraction and antagonism have been the norm in world politics. Rarely has only one nation carried the burden of leadership. The unipolar world of the 21st century, dominated for the past two decades by the United States, is a historical anomaly.

Eskinder Nega

Quotes About The 21st Century #1170905
#54. She had little respect for politicians. Especially the 21st-century variety, who seemed more concerned with their own survival than making any kind of difference. In

Steve Berry

Quotes About The 21st Century #1171708
#55. I often think of it this way: The 21st century is going to be a war on the attention of humanity. Where civilization focuses its attention, I mean, that's what defines what the civilization cares about.

Jesse Schell

Quotes About The 21st Century #1173320
#56. Beginning in 1973 and then acts in '77, '78, 1980, 1994 and then into the 21st century in the international arena, governments have steadily gotten out of the transportation business.

Frederick W. Smith

Quotes About The 21st Century #1173428
#57. In the 21st century when few of us stay in the same job all our lives, I would like to think there was flexibility so teachers could become social workers, or foster carers become teachers.

Estelle Morris

Quotes About The 21st Century #1181493
#58. I am a woman of the 21st Century who is self-assured and speaks my mind.

Ednita Nazario

Quotes About The 21st Century #1183589
#59. The great moral question of the 21st century is this: if all knowing, all culture, all art, all useful information can be costlessly given to everyone at the same price that it is given to anyone; if everyone can have everything, anywhere, all the time, why is it ever moral to exclude anyone?

Eben Moglen

Quotes About The 21st Century #1205197
#60. At the dawn of the 21st century, a free people must now choose to shape the forces of the Information Age and the global society, to unleash the limitless potential of all our people, and yes, to form a more perfect union.

William J. Clinton

Quotes About The 21st Century #1212653
#61. When you have schools that are operating in the 20th century, and we're trying to prepare our children for the 21st century, even those children know they are not educated in the right way.

Donna Edwards

Quotes About The 21st Century #1214601
#62. Tony Abbott might think coal's good for humanity, of course it was an important driver in the story of the Australian nation. But when we're talking about the 21st Century and those industries that are gonna take us forward, it won't be coal.

Richard Di Natale

Quotes About The 21st Century #1230575
#63. The legacy of [Martin Luther] King is the very thing that must be expanded if America is to be free and democratic in the 21st century. It's just as simple as that.

Cornel West

Quotes About The 21st Century #1240518
#64. This part of the 21st century is preoccupied with risk, and there's a lot that law can do to make lives longer and healthier.

Cass Sunstein

Quotes About The 21st Century #1243548
#65. I am now seventy, rather glad, really, that I won't live to see the horrors to come in the 21st century.

Anne Stevenson

Quotes About The 21st Century #1246663
#66. Arne Duncan is done more to bring our educational system, sometimes kicking and screaming, into the 21st century than anyone else.

Barack Obama

Quotes About The 21st Century #1252184
#67. You'd think that in this age, especially in the 21st century - especially with all the technology and all the discoveries that we've made - that we would figure out how to tackle abuse.

Tori Amos

Quotes About The 21st Century #1253371
#68. In 1981, I was a futurist - or at least I was a guy who put on a futurist hat occasionally - and I wrote about the 21st century.

William Gibson

Quotes About The 21st Century #1254113
#69. The question is what will Mitt Romney do as president if his policy is simply to be hands off and let the government be made so small it can be drowned in a bathtub. In the 21st century global economy, no state alone has the ability to compete against China.

Jennifer Granholm

Quotes About The 21st Century #1254863
#70. The Internet is the crime scene of the 21st Century.

Cyrus Vance Jr.

Quotes About The 21st Century #1264672
#71. The 20th century was the time when the world turned to use of fossil fuels and the 21st century will be the century of the renewables.

Lester R. Brown

Quotes About The 21st Century #1272692
#72. 'Indian policy' has now been brought down upon the American people, and the American people are the new Indians of the 21st Century.

Russell Means

Quotes About The 21st Century #1276039
#73. Many people in the world believe that in the 21st century, the Asia-Pacific - Asia in particular - will play a more important role in global economy and politics and that Asia will become an important engine for the world economy.

Li Keqiang

Quotes About The 21st Century #1280639
#74. The physics of the 21st century shall deal essentially with non-spatial matter and non-spatial mechanics.

Kedar Joshi

Quotes About The 21st Century #1284372
#75. I see Lord Buddha in the 21st Century across national borders, across faith systems, across political ideologies, playing the role of a bridge to promote understanding to counsel patience and to enlighten us with tolerance and empathy.

Narendra Modi

Quotes About The 21st Century #1284974
#76. There's a rising tide of environmental awareness and activism among consumers that's going to continue to swell in the 21st century. Smart companies will get ahead of that wave and ride it to success and prosperity. Those that don't are headed for a wipeout.

William Clay Ford Jr.

Quotes About The 21st Century #1292493
#77. I am a child of the 21st century.

John Shelby Spong

Quotes About The 21st Century #1292641
#78. It is my opinion that the 21st century will be the century of play, and the heteroglossic activity of artists in the 20th century has been the forecast.

Brian Sutton-Smith

Quotes About The 21st Century #1307234
#79. The most valuable commodity of the 21st century will be undivided attention.

Phil Cooke

Quotes About The 21st Century #1308866
#80. The most important question of the 21st century is not what or how much, it is 'How?' How do you propose to turn your good ideas into positive changes in other people's lives? You must be the 'how generation.'

William J. Clinton

Quotes About The 21st Century #1309737
#81. We are going to make sure that America is open to legal immigration because that is wealth and the talent and the entrepreneurial skills for the 21st Century.

Jack Kemp

Quotes About The 21st Century #1320546
#82. As an artist in the 21st century, my two goals are to make the best work that I can, improve as much as I can, and to distribute that work as far as I can.

Brandon Stanton

Quotes About The 21st Century #1321387
#83. The great sin was adopting the 21st Century's Socialism, something that not even its founder, Ditrich knows exactly what it is, though he says it is under construction.

Rafael Correa

Quotes About The 21st Century #1324406
#84. The main environmental challenge of the 21st century is poverty. When you don't know where your next meal is coming from, it's hard to consider the environment 100 years down the line.

Bjorn Lomborg

Quotes About The 21st Century #1330038
#85. Climate change is the greatest threat to human rights in the 21st century.

Mary Robinson

Quotes About The 21st Century #1334322
#86. The 21st century is a really terrible time to be a control freak,

Jared Cohen

Quotes About The 21st Century #1342221
#87. In the 21st century, white America got a wake-up call after 9/11/01. White America and the western world came to realize that people of color had not gone away, faded into the woodwork or just 'disappeared' as the Great White West kept on its merry way of ignoring black concerns.

Jeremiah Wright

Quotes About The 21st Century #1352228
#88. Whether or not people go into space or serve the space industry, they will have the sensitivity to those fields necessary to stimulate unending innovation in the technological fields, and it's that innovation in the 21st century that will drive tomorrow's economies.

Neil DeGrasse Tyson

Quotes About The 21st Century #1361014
#89. I believe that the organisers of this conference have chosen a very timely subject for our discussion - because the 21st century will confront us with an entirely new set of challenges.

Lord Robertson

Quotes About The 21st Century #1366471
#90. I think immigration system that we have is terrible for the United States of America. We have a legal immigration system that does not work. It does not reflect the economic needs of this country in the 21st century. It needs to be modernized.

Marco Rubio

Quotes About The 21st Century #1375195
#91. By the last decades of the 21st century, church worship will still take the form of reading passages of traditional texts - the Bible, the Koran, the Rig Veda - but physicist-priests will preside over the ceremonies.

Frank Tipler

Quotes About The 21st Century #1388034
#92. Unlike anything heard before. This is jazz for the 21st century.

Scott Yanow

Quotes About The 21st Century #1396070
#93. I find that in the 21st century, there's not a lot of compassion for what other people are going through or the walk that they have to walk.

Tori Amos

Quotes About The 21st Century #1714307
#94. Cooperation will save the future. And America should lead it. Every time humanity has been in danger of extinguishing itself, our consciousness and our conscience have led us to come together. That's the big issue of the 21st century.

William J. Clinton

Quotes About The 21st Century #1701162
#95. We are engaging with so many art forms at once in the 21st century, but we're presented with them in a way that is so isolated.

Doug Aitken

Quotes About The 21st Century #1701429
#96. Now everyone leaking and tweeting and posting on everyone else is the acknowledged way to get ahead in the 21st century.

Tina Brown

Quotes About The 21st Century #1702365
#97. I believe that America has the opportunity to once again live by our values, live up to our values in the 21st century, but I think that America can only do that if Americans can succeed. And there are lots of reasons why Americans today are feeling left out and left behind.

Hillary Clinton

Quotes About The 21st Century #1705407
#98. As we move into the 21st century, it becomes ever clearer that the ultimate, most intimate territory for design is not electronics, or interiors, or furniture, or the Web. It's us-our own living, breathing, biological selves ... the personal makeover has become our most fundamental design task.

Rick Poynor

Quotes About The 21st Century #1706520
#99. The Internet in the 21st Century is as important to our future as highways were in the 20th Century. Like a highway, the Internet must remain free and open for all - not determined by the highest bidders.

Chuck Schumer

Quotes About The 21st Century #1738124
#100. As a former Apollo astronaut, I think it's safe to say that SpaceX and the other commercial developers embody the 21st century version of the Apollo frontier spirit.

Rusty Schweickart

Quotes About The 21st Century #1744003

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