Top 100 Quotes About Stars And Love

#1. I loved your world, Noah. It was a magical place, where there were stars and love, and there was hope. Hope. I don't think you know how it is not to have that. I stole some of yours. It was beautiful, but there were too many secrets between us, and I always knew I'd have to give it back.

Debbie Howells

Quotes About Stars And Love #620697
#2. Ms. Scarlett always delivers hot, sexy alphas and this isn't any different. Holy smokes, is this ever HOT! Love her writing and the way she spins a story but adds the HOT factor. Her alphas are phenomenal! - JC

Scarlett Avery

Quotes About Stars And Love #1676
#3. Consider the stars. Among them are no passions, no wars. They know neither love nor hatred. Did man but emulate the stars, would not his soul become clear and radiant as they are? But man's spirit draws him like a moth to the ephemera of this world, and in their heat he is consumed entire.

Sarah Monette

Quotes About Stars And Love #8757
#4. We were going to call it "Star Trek: The Avengers", and for a while we were like, "People are going to love that title". No, we had a whole bunch of titles, we never had any official title until we came out with this, we had different conversations about other things.

Bryan Burk

Quotes About Stars And Love #13095
#5. I love the dynamic contrast between the spontaneous shots and the more formal, pro-rock-star photos.

Bruce Pavitt

Quotes About Stars And Love #14797
#6. All any girl really wants is just love and a man. But what man can put up with a rock-n-roll star?

Janis Joplin

Quotes About Stars And Love #14979
#7. Love, that is day and night - love, that is sun and moon and stars, Love, that is crimson, sumptuous, sick with perfume, no other words but words of love, no other thought but love.

Walt Whitman

Quotes About Stars And Love #17755
#8. When you fall in love with favourite movie stars, it's not because they're movie stars and unattainable, but because they show you sides of themselves that are extremely personal.

Sarah Gadon

Quotes About Stars And Love #19562
#9. Unapologetically smitten with thunderstorms ... the thought of rough sex beneath an acid washed moon and hydrated stars ...

Brandi L. Bates

Quotes About Stars And Love #19755
#10. There'll always be Christmas as long as a light
Glows in the window to guide folks at night,
As long as a star in the heavens above,
Keeps shining down ... there'll be Christmas and love.

Edna Jaques

Quotes About Stars And Love #22649
#11. Love is like light and there are two kinds, the bursting fireworks of the moment and the solid, fixed stars that sometimes become obscured in the heavens, but are always there, year after year, for a lifetime.

Ann Rinaldi

Quotes About Stars And Love #23781
#12. beneath the stars that drift; she sighed and said
"Every tale of a love
can only be a tale of ghosts that linger
in these spaces we
can never hold," - as the wind
gave echo

John Daniel Thieme

Quotes About Stars And Love #26767
#13. Love is not a spaceship you construct and then fly off together into the stars. Love is a soap bubble that bursts in the air. Love is the first winter snowflake that falls into you palm, a mirage that glows in the sun and fades in the shadows.

Chloe Thurlow

Quotes About Stars And Love #27379
#14. Love can move the Sun and the stars.

Dante Alighieri

Quotes About Stars And Love #28632
#15. We don't swim for the attention. We don't swim to be rock stars. There is something beautiful about being in an anonymous sport and being fairly anonymous. It enables you do something you love without any of the other effects.

Aaron Peirsol

Quotes About Stars And Love #30466
#16. I couldn't tear my eyes from the window, wanting to drink in as much of St. Louis as I could, knowing somewhere out there, one of those infinitesimally small lights was him. I wondered if he'd look up and see the planes crossing the sky like shooting stars, knowing one of those lights was me.

Leah Raeder

Quotes About Stars And Love #35895
#17. The fact that I was studying the perfect harmony of the stars and planets at the exact same time I was falling in love with you.

Nina Lane

Quotes About Stars And Love #46695
#18. Sometimes I sit alone under the stars and think of the galaxies inside my heart and truly wonder if anyone will ever want to make sense of all that I am

Christopher Poindexter

Quotes About Stars And Love #54987
Swans do fly
High above you
All the time
Prince of Sun
From his pavilion
Makes you shine
Come, come, come into my garden, lady love
Maybe I can hold your gold hand
Glide within my gold grove, lady love
Know the earth and you'll understand

Marc Bolan

Quotes About Stars And Love #56136
#20. Service to humanity is service to God. Let the love and light of the Kingdom radiate through you until all who look upon you shall be illumined by its reflection. Be as stars, brilliant and sparkling in the loftiness of their heavenly station.

Abdu'l- Baha

Quotes About Stars And Love #64394
#21. A sky
of stars
and he
was staring
at her.


Atticus Poetry

Quotes About Stars And Love #67036
#22. It began with your eyes cast down, and mine looking right at you,
I watched you rule out hundreds of questions and accept only mine. I poured my stories into your eager heart, and you sparked faith inside the stubbornness of mine. Our beginning was written in the stars - how could it not be?

Emalynne Wilder

Quotes About Stars And Love #68927
#23. I saw that in him she had found her sun and moon, her stars and her dreams.

Juliet Marillier

Quotes About Stars And Love #72115
#24. My dreams are tangled in images of stars and clouds and firelight - we go camping at night - it's my lucid dream of being with you ...

John Geddes

Quotes About Stars And Love #72718
#25. I want to towel off, leave my heart on this beach and
walk the sand into a lake
of stars, while never looking back.

A.P. Sweet

Quotes About Stars And Love #74281
#26. I'm getting paid to do what I got in trouble for in the 7th grade. I absolutely love what I do and thank my lucky stars for twenty-five years of full-time employment in this business.

Rob Paulsen

Quotes About Stars And Love #77119
#27. One night when we were lying under the stars together she pointed to this beaming bright star beside the moon and said wherever she was in the world, whether we were together or apart, that I should remember her with that star because it would always be there-that it was her with me.

Rebecah McManus

Quotes About Stars And Love #83892
#28. Movie stars are supposed to be healthy. They're kept happy and nutritionally together.

Courtney Love

Quotes About Stars And Love #85490
#29. You are damaged and broken and unhinged. But so are shooting stars and comets.

Nikita Gill

Quotes About Stars And Love #89322
#30. The way is open, comrades, free as Space
Alone is free. The only gold is love,
A coin that we have minted from the light
Of others who have cared for us on Earth
And who have deposited in us the power
That nerves our nerves to seize the burning stars.

Philip Jose Farmer

Quotes About Stars And Love #89840
#31. I've never seen beauty
so devastating
as in the lines
that trace our hope
and fall from the stars.

Jessica Kristie

Quotes About Stars And Love #91628
#32. He looked at her. "We're meant to be together ... "
"And this is exactly what I mean."
"Our love is written in the stars."
"And there you go again."
"I love you."
"You bore me.

Derek Landy

Quotes About Stars And Love #93476
#33. He had no love for sleeping inside and wanted his horse near him. There was something about lying under the stars that was conducive to thought, and he had some thinking to do.

Louis L'Amour

Quotes About Stars And Love #102650
#34. You be you and I'll be me, today and today and today, and let's trust the future to tomorrow. Let the stars keep track of us. let us ride our own orbits and trust that they will meet. May our reunion be not a finding but a sweet collision of destinies! Love and Love and Love Again, Stargirl.

Jerry Spinelli

Quotes About Stars And Love #104680
#35. But I believe in love, you know; love is a uniquely portable magic. I don't think it's in the stars, but I do believe that blood calls to blood and mind calls to mind and heart to heart.

Stephen King

Quotes About Stars And Love #104760
#36. I saw 'The Grand Budapest Hotel.' I liked it. I saw 'The Fault in Our Stars,' and I could see why young girls like it. But it dropped off like crazy in the second weekend. I liked 'Fed Up' - I love documentaries. I go to a lot of documentaries.

Rob Reiner

Quotes About Stars And Love #106099
#37. Light of my heart is my spirit through which I created my universe,
and I see the beauty of my sun, my moon and my dazzling stars.

Debasish Mridha

Quotes About Stars And Love #107786
#38. Stars of love burn bright
'till they're ready to die
the broken spend their lives
staring at the sky

Marina And The Diamonds

Quotes About Stars And Love #118378
#39. It was too sweet a moment to ruin by speaking mere words. Happiness was the bright blue moon, beaming amidst the bright stars of smiles that enveloped their countenances.

Sonali Dabade

Quotes About Stars And Love #121300
#40. Yes, I have dreams. I ofttimes dream of Love As radiant and brilliant as a star. As changeless, too, as that fixed light afar Which glorifies vast worlds of space above ...

Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Quotes About Stars And Love #123307
#41. Don't know when my life came to visualising intense pain and tragedy to putting it down on paper, to putting across a message of love in times of abject hate. Thank you everybody and the conspiracy of the stars for showing me this day. To many, many more books, inshallah, and to many more launches.

Simran Keshwani

Quotes About Stars And Love #123847
#42. Be content not with your lot in life but with being here in the flow of life. The glories of creation are in your very cells; you are made of the same mindstuff as the angels, the stars, and god himself.

Deepak Chopra

Quotes About Stars And Love #126364
#43. Love is a cliff,
A clear, cold curve of stone, mottled by stars,
Smirched by the morning, carved by the dark sea
Till stars and dawn and waves can slash no more,
Till the rock's heart is found and shaped again.

James Wright

Quotes About Stars And Love #128879
#44. It's only people who truly love that are like stars, and their light keeps shining on us after they are gone.

A.G. Roemmers

Quotes About Stars And Love #129732
#45. Naked you are blue like the night in Cuba,
you have vines and stars in your hair,

Pablo Neruda

Quotes About Stars And Love #129949
#46. I could never fall in love just for money. I like my co-stars, and they are a bunch of good-looking men. But I've dated an actor. My dream man has to be a lot more than just good looking and rich!

Sonam Kapoor

Quotes About Stars And Love #134037
#47. And this sensitivity will create new friendships for you - friendships with trees, with birds, with animals, with mountains, with rivers, with oceans, with stars. Life becomes richer as love grows.


Quotes About Stars And Love #137679
#48. Small said, "But what about when we are dead and gone, will you love me then, does love go on?"
... Large (replied) "Look at the stars, how they shine and glow, some of the stars died a long time ago. Still they shine in the evening skies, for you see ... love like starlight never dies ...

Debi Gliori

Quotes About Stars And Love #147276
#49. [I attach] little importance to physical size. I don't feel the least humble before the vastness of the heavens. The stars may be large, but they cannot think or love; and these are qualities which impress me far more than size does.

Frank P. Ramsey

Quotes About Stars And Love #150623
#50. As the light upon the leaves of trees, as the voice of clear waters, as the stars above the mists of the world, such was her glory and her loveliness; and in her face was a shining light.

J.R.R. Tolkien

Quotes About Stars And Love #165816
#51. Isn't it strange that all life can pretty much end, but the universe goes on as it is? No one else exists, but the moon keeps shining and the stars keep falling.

Isabella Olivia Ellis

Quotes About Stars And Love #166775
#52. I love you," he murmured into my hair. "You are my night and stars, the fate I would fix myself to in any life.

Roshani Chokshi

Quotes About Stars And Love #168625
#53. And when he dies, cut him out in little stars, and the face of heaven will be so fine that all the world will be in love with night and pay no heed to the garish sun.

William Shakespeare

Quotes About Stars And Love #171556
#54. Deandre gazed at her like she was the stars, and he was a mere astronomer, searching her face for the constellations, admiring the beauty that was there

Aishabella Sheikh

Quotes About Stars And Love #173660
#55. My life will never be extravagant; it will be simple, but I promise it will be filled with love, laughter, and stars released from jars, when I catch enough fireflies. ~Elijah Dirk "Epitaphs from the Afterlife

Autumn Rosen

Quotes About Stars And Love #175269
#56. The birds that wake the morning, and those that love the shade; The winds that sweep the mountain or lull the drowsy glade; The Sun that from his amber bower rejoiceth on his way, The Moon and Stars, their Master's name in silent pomp display.

Reginald Heber

Quotes About Stars And Love #176006
#57. As we approached each other, the noise and the students around us melted away and we were utterly alone, passing, smiling, holding each other's eyes, floors and walls gone, two people in a universe of space and stars.

Jerry Spinelli

Quotes About Stars And Love #177774
#58. My will and my desire were both revolved, as is a wheel in even motion driven, by Love, which moves the sun and other stars.

Dante Alighieri

Quotes About Stars And Love #194585
#59. I'm still shooting on low budgets, though none of my movies has lost money, and I rarely get sent anything that stars a guy or is a thriller or is seriously dramatic. And I would love the opportunity to do those things.

Nicole Holofcener

Quotes About Stars And Love #209034
#60. For he would be thinking of love
Till the stars had run away
And the shadows eaten the moon.


Quotes About Stars And Love #211030
#61. Weekends and weekdays, when you knew I was looking and when you didn't even guess I was alive. Even with shiny stars bothering your head it was beautiful.

Daniel Handler

Quotes About Stars And Love #211229
#62. It said I was equal parts earth and stars, equal parts animal and soul. I was hope. I was calamity. I was love. I was prejudice. I was my sister. I was his daughter. I was Juma. I was Jack, Jack, Jack, Jack.

Leylah Attar

Quotes About Stars And Love #216689
#63. Love is the essential energy of the universe. It is the force that puts the stars in the firmament, and it makes the blood run through the veins.

Tom Shadyac

Quotes About Stars And Love #219001
#64. It's time to make love, douse the glim; The fireflies twinkle and dim; The stars lean together Like birds of a feather, And the loin lies down with the limb.

Conrad Aiken

Quotes About Stars And Love #221722
#65. That which we look on with unselfish love
And true humility is surely ours,
Even as a lake looks at the stars above
And makes within itself a heaven of stars.

Mary Gardiner Brainard

Quotes About Stars And Love #222481
#66. Christmas in Bethlehem. The earliest dream: a cold, clear night made bright by a magnificent star, the smell of anger, marshals and clever men falling to their knees in love of the lovely baby, the avatar of faultless love ... !!!

Lucinda Franks

Quotes About Stars And Love #229872
#67. They looked and seemed like a perfect match in every way possible.
I wanted that. I wanted to find someone who belonged with me like the stars belonged with the sky. Someone I could get lost in, who would make me forget about reality for a while(...)

C.J. English

Quotes About Stars And Love #231089
#68. The day is crisp and clear, almost like every other morning he's taken the same walk in the snow, hiking to the forest and back.

M.C. Frank

Quotes About Stars And Love #240838
#69. Her capacity for love overshadows the stars, lightening crackles malevolently in the wake of her wrath and for all the tangled mess woman brings to man, in her glory, she is the divine Goddess.

Virginia Alison

Quotes About Stars And Love #243070
#70. She draws back, yet refuses to lose skin contact. Golden light flickers across his face. He is the night, the stars. His soul shines so brightly, she could pour it into a jar, and it'd be as bright as the sun.

Laura Kreitzer

Quotes About Stars And Love #249763
#71. In the darkest sky, stars hang on high; showing us the light of hope and telling us that dreams never die, don't see the darkness, wait for the morning sun.

Debasish Mridha

Quotes About Stars And Love #249991
#72. I like rust on a nail, fog on a mountain. Clouds hide stars, rooms have doors, eyes close, and the same words that began love end it with changed emphasis.

David Ignatow

Quotes About Stars And Love #250083
#73. It's the kind of kiss that inspires stars to climb into the sky and light up the world.

Tahereh Mafi

Quotes About Stars And Love #255440
#74. Everyone likes at least one Elvis song ... Me, I love them all. He was, is and will remain the ultimate rock star.

Robbie Williams

Quotes About Stars And Love #258974
#75. Love me like today is the last day we can see stars in the sky, let us sleep under them and throw ourselves into the oblivion and never again reach out for reality.

Akshay Vasu

Quotes About Stars And Love #268836
#76. As we turn our backs on the cold night air, I realize that it's moments like this where true freedom lies.

Invisible but palpable, below a sky full of stars, our freedom lies in between a boy who sees a girl, and the girl that feels him.

Truly, deeply, freely.

A.J. Compton

Quotes About Stars And Love #274909
#77. Hi, I'm at the Speedway at Eighty-sixth and Ditch, and I need an ambulance. The great love of my life has a malfunctioning G-tube.

John Green

Quotes About Stars And Love #275998
#78. Her hand rose to her lips and she stared up at the stars, feeling her heart grow, and grow, and grow.

Sarah J. Maas

Quotes About Stars And Love #277804
#79. The love of a man for a woman waxes and wanes like the moon, but the love of brother for brother is steadfast as the stars and endures like the word of the prophet.

P.C. Wren

Quotes About Stars And Love #277922
#80. Some people fall in love with their co-stars and feel things that they never thought they would feel for them because they are touching.

Catherine Deneuve

Quotes About Stars And Love #286295
#81. I watched him with wonder like the stars watch the moon, falling in love with every crescent, dark side, and dream.

Piper Payne

Quotes About Stars And Love #294799
#82. Sad, slow music in the small hours of the morning isn't just sad and slow music. It's a narration. And through the myriad of morning dew, we are the twinkling stars that fade with the rising sun.

Dave Matthes

Quotes About Stars And Love #296602
#83. But tonight, this is what I can give you. I can offer you the vault of heaven, the firmament of the stars in the sky, and me

Deirdre Riordan Hall

Quotes About Stars And Love #304725
#84. Once, she had taken love for granted. Never again. Love was the sun and the moon and the stars in a world that was otherwise cold and dark.

Kristin Hannah

Quotes About Stars And Love #311179
#85. And may my bronze name / touch always her thousand fingers / grow brighter with her weeping / until I am fixed like a galaxy / and memorized / in her secret and fragile skies.

Leonard Cohen

Quotes About Stars And Love #312676
#86. I knew who Leonard Nimoy was, and that he embodied what Star Trek meant to all the fans. But it wasn't until I started doing my research for this movie, and started going to fan sites, that I began to fall in love with these characters.

Zoe Saldana

Quotes About Stars And Love #319460
#87. All Thy works with joy surround Thee, God of glory, Lord of Love; Stars and angels sing around Thee, Center of unbroken praise. Field and forest, vale and mountain, Flowery meadow, flashing sea, Chanting bird and flowing fountain, Call us to rejoice in Thee.

Henry Van Dyke

Quotes About Stars And Love #322586
#88. I'm gonna love you
Till the heavens
Stop the rain.

I'm gonna
Love you
Till the stars
Fall from the sky
For you and I

Jim Morrison

Quotes About Stars And Love #322754
#89. As he read, I feel in love the way you fall asleep: slow, and then all at once.

John Green

Quotes About Stars And Love #327954
#90. Keith traced my face, traced my hands and traced my body as the crickets chirped a love song and I lost myself in his eyes that stroked my soul and punctured my heart, like a poison arrow in a shooting star

Aishabella Sheikh

Quotes About Stars And Love #348898
#91. Love is like a unique comet that appears rarely in the sky shines as bright as a thousand stars and flies through your galaxy creating light during an eclipse.

Leesa Abbott

Quotes About Stars And Love #360348
#92. I love thee, I love but thee,
With a love that shall not die
Till the sun grows cold,
And the stars are old

Bayard Taylor

Quotes About Stars And Love #373942
#93. I love all those stupid, cheesy chat-up lines like 'Did God take the stars out of the sky and put them into your eyes?' But I never get chatted up.


Quotes About Stars And Love #374218
#94. Ah, love is a voyage with water and a star, in drowning air and squalls of precipitate bran; love is a war of lights in the lightning flashes, two bodies blasted in a single burst of honey.

Pablo Neruda

Quotes About Stars And Love #382197
#95. Love rays us round as glory swathes a star, And, from the mystic touch of lips and palms, Streams rosy warmth!

Gerald Massey

Quotes About Stars And Love #389058
#96. For me ... it's the only life
That I've ever known
And love is only one ...
Fine star ... away
Even though the living
Is sometimes laced with lies ...
It's alright ...
The feeling remains
Even after the glitter fades

Stevie Nicks

Quotes About Stars And Love #400274
#97. For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;
And the stars never rise but i feel the bright eyes
Of the beautiful Annabel Lee.

Edgar Allan Poe

Quotes About Stars And Love #400611
#98. I don't know if it was a defining moment. I knew it as soon as I could comprehend the possibility of having a career. I knew very young I wanted to be a movie star. As much as I grew into love of the craft. As soon as I could speak I was auditioning and going to classes every day. It was my life.

Columbus Short

Quotes About Stars And Love #404598
#99. Once taken by her, you glowed
And you drank her poisons, content.
Because all the stars seemed to grow,
And fields had a different scent,
Autumn fields.

Anna Akhmatova

Quotes About Stars And Love #427043
#100. It really is great. Especially having people who we make fun every week come on and poke fun at themselves is really cool, I love that. No reality star has been mad at me yet for making fun of them. I'm sure that one day soon though, someone is going to take a swing at me.

Joel McHale

Quotes About Stars And Love #434596

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