Top 100 Quotes About Relax Life

#1. Turn the page, your heroine is still there, breathe, relax, life is beautiful: you're in a book!

Gabrielle Dubois

Quotes About Relax Life #1171812
#2. Life is filled with tragedy, with long patches of struggle and with, I think, beautiful bursts of joy and accomplishment. Blessed with those moments, you just try to relax as much as possible and focus on the little things, like the joy of changing your baby's diaper.

David Dastmalchian

Quotes About Relax Life #1315171
#3. Our obsession with speed, with cramming more and more into every minute, means that we race through life instead of actually living it. Our health, diet and relationships suffer. We make mistakes at work. We struggle to relax, to enjoy the moment, even to get a decent night's sleep.

Carl Honore

Quotes About Relax Life #1345780
#4. Learning to let go should be learned before learning to get. Life should be touched, not strangled. You've got to relax, let it happen at times, and at others move forward with it.

Ray Bradbury

Quotes About Relax Life #1255328
#5. Everybody needs some time to rejuvenate, refresh, recharge and begin again. Seeing babies face is the best way to relax, refresh, rejuvenate and recharge.

Revathi Sankaran

Quotes About Relax Life #1208397
#6. When you no longer worry about the future, and no longer have regrets about the past, you exist purely in the moment. If you concentrate on that moment you instinctively know, that as long as you have life you have hope.
Enjoy the moment. Breathe easily. Relax.

Paul Wilson

Quotes About Relax Life #1191095
#7. Rest and repose are as much a part of life's journeys as seeing all we came to see.

Gina Greenlee

Quotes About Relax Life #1170443
#8. Don't do things or act out your posture and gestures to impress people, just be yourself and portray the confident 'you' with that high self-esteem. So relax because you are 'you'. Be sincere, be authentic. That will be impressive enough.

Archibald Marwizi

Quotes About Relax Life #1154451
#9. All you have to do is relax and feel your history, because it will never go away and there is no future without it.

Ray Davies

Quotes About Relax Life #1127990
#10. I figure this is my time - to relax, be with my family and have a normal life.

Candace Cameron Bure

Quotes About Relax Life #1115928
#11. If we cut speed and relax with what's going on in our life right now, kindness and patience will naturally come about.

Sakyong Mipham

Quotes About Relax Life #1096975
#12. Life itself is the best (and the only) timekeeper.

Rasheed Ogunlaru

Quotes About Relax Life #1075873
#13. Life is vital and we should relax a little and enjoy it as we only have one life as far as I'm aware.

Murray Mexted

Quotes About Relax Life #1055763
#14. To get rid of stress, be yourself and relax.

Debasish Mridha

Quotes About Relax Life #1041431
#15. Life is a bumpy ride. The trick is to relax, absorb the bumps - and learn to enjoy it.

Gary Hayden

Quotes About Relax Life #1028952
#16. In quiet moment, the Lord refreshes my soul.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Relax Life #1027616
#17. Take time to relax, renew and be revived.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Relax Life #1024245
#18. There's a lot of rage in my head. I like the friction that means there is nothing relaxing about writing a poem. I can't afford to relax in any area of life. You have to keep your senses awake to all the complacency that kicks in - particularly for the English.

Alice Oswald

Quotes About Relax Life #989863
#19. The clouds above us join and separate,
The breeze in the courtyard leaves and returns.
Life is like that, so why not relax?
Who can stop us from celebrating?

Lu Yu

Quotes About Relax Life #954696
#20. Be thankful for a breath of fresh air to be alive and well. Allow love and happiness to penetrate throughout your mind and soul. Take time to relax and live in the moment, the now, the present. Enjoy today.

Amaka Imani Nkosazana

Quotes About Relax Life #947825
#21. You will find rest on Sabbath day for your soul.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Relax Life #918193
#22. It's a good idea always to do something relaxing prior to making an important decision in your life.

Paulo Coelho

Quotes About Relax Life #881964
#23. Everything is unfolding perfectly. And as you relax and find ease in your attitude of trust, knowing that Well-Being is your birth-right, amazing things will happen. Things the likes of which you have not seen before.

Esther Hicks

Quotes About Relax Life #828473
#24. I feel it's important to be active. People who retire, sit by their swimming pool and golf course and plan to relax have a very empty life.

Betty Ford

Quotes About Relax Life #825566
#25. One of the best things in life is privilege to sit back, relax and look forward to a fresh way to perceive the world around you.

Chukwuka Amu

Quotes About Relax Life #823574
#26. Aren't you tired from all that smiling that you do at the camera? Relax and come with me to the mountains. There is more to life than the cameras!

Avijeet Das

Quotes About Relax Life #822103
#27. After losing you job, you have to sit, relax and discover yourself

Sunday Adelaja

Quotes About Relax Life #1679134
#28. To know Paris, Bruno began, pulling on his cigarette, you need to relax, have a glass of wine, and enjoy life.

Jennifer Coburn

Quotes About Relax Life #1858700
#29. With three work days a week, we would have more time to relax; for quality of life,

Carlos Slim

Quotes About Relax Life #1841095
#30. Relax. You will become an adult. You will figure out your career. You will find someone who loves you. You have a whole lifetime; time takes time. The only way to fail at life is to abstain.

Johanna De Silentio

Quotes About Relax Life #1829018
#31. Let out your heat!
Unleash your imagination
Let the burning fragrance of your unimpeachable imagination
sparkle through the morning's you.
At night, let the stoical sweat of your day ease your muscles
Relax your feet.
You will need them to walk again tomorrow

Priscilla Koranteng

Quotes About Relax Life #1826082
#32. In the moment of quietness, my strength re-energized

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Relax Life #1820712
#33. I'll be 65 in September and I work as much as I want to, take cruises with Kay, relax with my family, do everything in moderation, because I want to enjoy my life.

Frankie Avalon

Quotes About Relax Life #1799812
#34. Relax and be Revitalize!

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Relax Life #1794955
#35. Relax, Recreate and Refresh!

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Relax Life #1778614
#36. You are learning too much, remembering too much, trying to hard relax a little bit, give life a chance to flow its own way, unassisted by your mind and effort. Stop directing the river's flow!


Quotes About Relax Life #1749232
#37. Just true to form with life sometimes - what you're trying to do doesn't necessarily work out, but what ends up happening can be a lot better. I just relax and say whatever is going to happen - happens.

Tyler Hilton

Quotes About Relax Life #1743161
#38. My life is fair game for anybody. I spent an unhappy, penniless childhood in Brooklyn. I had to slug my way up in a town called Hollywood where people love to trample you to death. I don't relax because I don't know how. I don't want to know how. Life is too short to relax.

Susan Hayward

Quotes About Relax Life #1737126
#39. I hate downtime. I hate it so much. I like to relax like anybody else, but I hate not doing anything. In my life I'm either going full speed or I'm at a stop.

Chael Sonnen

Quotes About Relax Life #1730915
#40. I couldn't relax unless I was doing something at the same time

Heather Wardell

Quotes About Relax Life #813749
#41. Whatever is needed for you and your body will be taken care of, when you know this the lack will disappear from your life. When you realise ISHA permeates your everything you relax and are at ease - that is when things happen.

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Quotes About Relax Life #1666542
#42. It is important never to relax, however far you have come.

Paulo Coelho

Quotes About Relax Life #1647552
#43. You ought to pause and enjoy the peace in the moment.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Relax Life #1634001
#44. Relax and Recreate yourself!

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Relax Life #1631467
#45. But sometimes mindless entertainment was a release of its own. Most important, mindless entertainment didn't come with complications.

Larissa Ione

Quotes About Relax Life #1618312
#46. I like to be lazy. I do like to be busy and really active, but when that's done, you can be sure I will be a lazy boy. I like to take time and relax and enjoy life.

Olivier Theyskens

Quotes About Relax Life #1543409
#47. If you fall out of the boat put your feet up, lie back and relax. Your life jacket knows which way is up. Let the river hold you. You won't drown." -Zambezi River Guide.

Brenda Davies

Quotes About Relax Life #1494110
#48. Relax. Respond. That's what people do. You can't go through life questioning your situation at every turn.

Tom Stoppard

Quotes About Relax Life #1487531
#49. On your journey, you will find a wondrous station called life; relax and enjoy the hospitality and beauty.

Debasish Mridha

Quotes About Relax Life #1478715
#50. Whenever you feel exhausted, take time to relax, refresh and recharge.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Relax Life #1465055
#51. So relax into life, breathe deep and let go.
Attain what you need but don't sell your soul.
For it's a treasure far beyond the mere baubles of men
and once lost, much harder to earn back again.

(From the poem "Gratitude" by Mark Rickerby)

Mark Rickerby

Quotes About Relax Life #1363924
#52. You can't control everything. Sometimes you just need to relax and have faith that things will work out. Let go a little and just let life happen.

Kody Keplinger

Quotes About Relax Life #155924
#53. Subjugation requires vigilance; if you relax your brutality even for a moment, the people you're oppressing will revolt at the first sign of weakness. That's why dictatorial regimes are always a slippery slope of cruelty doomed to end in failure.

Nenia Campbell

Quotes About Relax Life #378186
#54. Don't be in a hurry to achieve your dreams. Take a day to play with your kids and relax - your dreams will still be there tomorrow.

Lindsey Rietzsch

Quotes About Relax Life #377789
#55. He was always with her, an appendage to her life, and she never could decide how to feel about him. Sometimes, when a smile broke across his face like sun reflecting off a stream, or she saw him relax into sleep, she was filled with an unaccountable sort of ache. It terrified her.

Kiersten White

Quotes About Relax Life #376678
#56. It's like you're always living in your head. . . . Relax and appreciate your surroundings a little.

Brent Jones

Quotes About Relax Life #353447
#57. In life you are going to make mistakes, you're going to fall down, but it's the getting up that counts. Just like in baseball: you'll get a few hits, but most likely, you'll strike out more than you'll get on base. But don't quit. Find your focus, relax, take a deep breath and give it a good swing

Dave Pelzer

Quotes About Relax Life #333531
#58. All is well. You did not come here to fix a broken world. The world is not broken. You came here to live a wonderful life. And if you can learn to relax a little and let it all in, you will begin to see the universe present you with all that you have asked for.

Esther Hicks

Quotes About Relax Life #324662
#59. If we can learn to deal with our discomfort and just relax into it we'll have a better life.

Mellody Hobson

Quotes About Relax Life #226998
#60. Relax and give the play a chance to strut its stuff - relax, stop wondering what it's all 'about' - like many strange and familiar things, Life included, this Play isn't 'about,' it simply is. Don't try to enjoy it, let it try to enjoy you. Don't try to understand it, let it try to understand you.

E. E. Cummings

Quotes About Relax Life #213890
#61. Just relax and enjoy the magnificence of life.

Debasish Mridha

Quotes About Relax Life #209277
#62. O Lord grant us the grace for sacred rest

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Relax Life #207238
#63. You have to relax when you're shooting an arrow. You can't be tense. And that just helps, in your day-to-day life.

Stephen Amell

Quotes About Relax Life #182863
#64. You can't make a life without making mistakes. Relax and learn something

Rick Warren

Quotes About Relax Life #163243
#65. Be in relaxation a few moments. It can be any kind of situations - swimming in the river, relax with the river, or sunning on the beach, relax with the sun - anything. Life is full of opportunities.


Quotes About Relax Life #394763
#66. What's the rush? If you've given yourself permission to chase your dreams, than why is it so hard to give yourself permission to just be?

Nikki Rowe

Quotes About Relax Life #145186
#67. We have a choice. We can spend our whole life suffering because we can't relax with how things really are, or we can relax and embrace the open-endedness of the human situation, which is fresh, unfixated, unbiased.

Pema Chodron

Quotes About Relax Life #139305
#68. You really can't go through life wanting to be liked. It's the hardest lesson to learn. Once you say, "Fuck it, I don't care," once you've got that attitude, then it's easy to relax, to talk, laugh, cry, whatever.

Jimmy McDonough

Quotes About Relax Life #120883
#69. In the vast reaches of the dry, cold night, thousands of stars were constantly appearing, and their sparkling icicles, loosened at once, began to slip gradually toward the horizon.

Albert Camus

Quotes About Relax Life #107903
#70. You don't have to go through your life being a dumbnuts. Relax a little. You don't have to be responsible for the whole world. The earth was in orbit when we got here, and it will be here when we leave. - Erin

Sierra Cartwright

Quotes About Relax Life #103331
#71. Follow your heart, darling, and please, please - try not to overthink things. Relax and enjoy yourself. You are so young, sweetheart. You have so much of life to experience yet, just let it happen. You deserve the best of everything.

E.L. James

Quotes About Relax Life #75436
#72. Player: Relax. Respond. That's what people do. You can't go through life question your sitution at every turn.

Tom Stoppard

Quotes About Relax Life #67409
#73. Think Positively.
Network well.
Eat healthy.
Work Smart.
Stay Strong.
Build faith.
Worry less.
Read more.
Be happy.
Volunteer freely.
Relax often.
Love always.
Live eternally
and you will see doors open to your favor.

Ifeanyi Enoch Onuoha

Quotes About Relax Life #32687
#74. Every voyage is a new glorious experience.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Relax Life #14530
#75. Relax and renew your mind.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Relax Life #9772
#76. She would never again lie in bed on a Good Friday morning and relax in the blissful knowledge that there was nothing to do and nowhere to be, because for the rest of her life, there would always, always be something left undone. An unmade confession. An ugly secret.

Liane Moriarty

Quotes About Relax Life #2511
#77. We have both a weak self and a strong self; the two are completely different. If we allow our weak side to dominate, we will be defeated. The thought ,"I am still young and have a lot of time, so I can relax and take life easy" is a function of our own weakness.

Daisaku Ikeda

Quotes About Relax Life #561804
#78. So I'll send my parents money, and maybe they can get a bigger place, too. They can even relax when they're older, the way they deserve to. Without having to worry about how they're going to survive. But for now, I'm the one who has to survive.

Susane Colasanti

Quotes About Relax Life #770281
#79. I am very lucky because when I come back home, I have a completely normal life. I can relax, playing golf, fishing - doing what I want. I know when I finish a tournament, I am going to relax at home.

Rafael Nadal

Quotes About Relax Life #762726
#80. We should all relax about life because you don't have a clue as to what's really going on.

Barry Sonnenfeld

Quotes About Relax Life #750555
#81. 'Cause if your love was all I had in this life, well that would be enough until the end of time. So rest your weary heart and relax your mind, 'Cause I'm gonna love you, girl, until the end of time.

Justin Timberlake

Quotes About Relax Life #747997
#82. Savour a slow-paced contented life.

Fennel Hudson

Quotes About Relax Life #745709
#83. Take the time to slow down, relax, meditate, and contemplate the wonders within. You will discover an inner calm and balance that previously eluded you.

Joanne Madeline Moore

Quotes About Relax Life #743486
#84. Don't think you can relax yourself to happiness. Happiness comes as a result of doing.

H. Jackson Brown Jr.

Quotes About Relax Life #720068
#85. 4427Our Mind need relax to reach goals.

Jan Jansen

Quotes About Relax Life #716362
#86. I think people should maybe just go out into the garden and watch a ladybug crawl across a flower and relax their mind. That's about all you need to know about life, I think.

Harland Williams

Quotes About Relax Life #683254
#87. What is life, except an ongoing instinct for survival? Nature uses that instinct to make us perform; otherwise we would all relax, and the species would disappear. Nature is a cruel green mother. The survival instinct is a goad, not a privilege.

Piers Anthony

Quotes About Relax Life #642342
#88. The key to having "more than enough time" is to relax. Time is change, therefore I have more time per clock-hour when i am flexible. Rigid control means less time because less change. I can lengthen my life by saying out of doctrines and ruts.

Hugh Prather

Quotes About Relax Life #594312
#89. Relax and renew your spirit!

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Relax Life #781050
#90. Maybe I'll be able to relax and enjoy my life without letting fear keep me from living it. Maybe one day I'll easily acknowledge the frank truth ... that I have no other choice but to breathe and move forward.

Jenny Lawson

Quotes About Relax Life #534323
#91. The passage is free for those who think you are not good enough for them: at your level, I think the best option is to sit back, relax and listen to a cool music, while watching them pack out of your life, and that's when you feel the intense release from the pit of hell.

Michael Bassey

Quotes About Relax Life #509657
#92. It's no secret that my family was very, very poor, and I don't want that for my life or my children's life certainly. But some might say I could relax a bit more and know that that's not going to happen to me. I'm not going to end up in a car.

Anne Heche

Quotes About Relax Life #502112
#93. Relax,Refreshed!

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Relax Life #484563
#94. When you connect with nature, you will create yourself.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Relax Life #476408
#95. Wouldn't life be easier for both parents and infants if parents would observe, relax and enjoy what their child is doing, rather than keep teaching what the child is not yet capable of?

Magda Gerber

Quotes About Relax Life #476163
#96. When we relax about imperfection, we no longer lose our life moments in the pursuit of being different and in the fear of what is wrong.

Tara Brach

Quotes About Relax Life #455046
#97. Every fresh morning brings freshness of sacred-being.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Quotes About Relax Life #450933
#98. 0:09
"If I have learned one thing in my life, it is this - just go with it. If you relax, it doesn't hurt as much," Madonna ( she said as childhood pictures of Rocco were shown in the background.)


Quotes About Relax Life #426072
#99. Life shoould be touched, not strangled. You've got to relax, let it happen at times, and at other move forward with it.

Ray Bradbury

Quotes About Relax Life #422379
#100. I relax into bliss. I am content and full of joy.

Amy Leigh Mercree

Quotes About Relax Life #395399

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